BIbLIOGRApHY NB: Early modern translations are listed under the translator’s name, except in cases of anonymous translations, which are listed under the name of the author. Modern translations are also listed under the name of the author. PRIMARY Ainsworth, Henry. 1609. A defence of the Holy Scriptures, worship, and ministerie, used in the Christian Churches separated from Antichrist.... Amsterdam: Giles Thorp. Anon. 1527?. A copy of the letters wherin the ... king Henry the eight, ... made answere vnto a certayne letter of M. Luther... [anon. tr.]. London: R. Pynson. ———. 1549?. The prayse and commendacion of suche as sought comenwelthes: and to the co[n]trary, the ende and discommendacion of such as sought priuate welthes. Gathered both out of the Scripture and Phylozophers. London: Anthony Scoloker. ———. c.1550. A Ruful complaynt of the publyke weale to Englande. London: Thomas Raynald. ———. 1588. A discourse vpon the present state of France [anon. tr.]. London: John Wolfe. ———. 1632. All the French Psalm tunes with English words ... used in the Reformed churches of France and Germany ... [anon. tr.]. London: Thomas Harper. ———. 1642. Articles of Impeachment exhibited in Parliament, against Spencer Earle of Northamp[ton], William Earle of Devonsh[ire], Henry Earle of Dover, Henry Earle of Monmouth, Robert Lord Rich, Charles Lord Howard Charlton, Charles L. Grey of Ruthen, Thomas Lord Coventry, Arthur Lord Chapell, &c. For severall high Crimes and Misdemeanours.... London: T. F for J. Y. © The Author(s) 2018 279 M.-A. Belle, B. M. Hosington (eds.), Thresholds of Translation, Early Modern Literature in History, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72772-1 280 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ashley, Robert, tr. [Anon.]. 1589. A Comparison of the English and Spanish Nation: Composed by a French Gentleman against those of the League.... London: J. Wolfe. ———, tr. [Malvezzi, Virgilio]. 1637. Il Davide perseguitato. David persecuted. Written in Italian by the Marques Virgilio Malvezzi: and done into English by Robert Ashley Gentleman. London: John Haviland for Thomas Knight. Atkinson, William, tr. [Anon.]. 1503?. A ful deuout and gostely treatyse of the Imitacyon and folowynge the blessed Lyfe of our moste mercyful Sauyour cryste.... [London: Richard Pynson]. Avanzi, F., tr. [González de Mendoza, Juan]. 1587. L’historia del gran regno della China, Composta ... da maestro G. González di Mendozza.... Venice: A. Muschio [i.e. London: John Wolfe]. Baker, Richard, tr. [Malvezzi, Virgilio]. 1642. Discourses upon Cornelius Tacitus. Written in Italian by the learned Marquesse Virgilio Malvezzi. Dedicated to the Serenissimo Ferdinand the second, Great Duke of Thuscany. And translated into English, by Sir Richard Baker, Knight. London: E[dward] G[riffin] for R. Whitaker and Tho[mas] Whitaker. Barclay, Alexander, tr. [Mantuanus, Baptista]. 1515?. Here begynnyth the lyfe of the gloryous martyr saynt George, patrone of the royalme of Englonde, traslate [sic] by alexander barclay... [London: Richard Pynson.] ———, tr. [Mancinus, Dominicus]. 1518?. Here begynneth a ryght frutefull trea- tyse, intituled the myrrour of good maners … translate into englysshe ... by Alexander Bercley.... [London: Richard Pynson.] ———, tr. [Sallust]. 1520?. Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre, which the romayns had agaynst Iurguth... translated into englysshe by syr Alexander Barclay prest.... [London: R. Pynson.] ———, tr. [Felice, Constanzo]. 1557. The Conspiracie of Catiline, … translated bi Thomas Paynell: with the historye of Jugurth, writen by the famous Romaine Salust, and translated into Englyshe by Alexander Barcklaye. [London: John Waley.] Barwick, W., tr. [d’Audiguier, Vital]. 1638. Love and valour: celebrated in the per- son of the Author, by the name of Adraste. Or, the divers affections of Minerva.... London: Thomas Harper for Thomas Slater. Beaufort, Margaret, tr. [Anon.]. 1506?. The mirroure of golde for the synfull soule. [London: Wynkyn de Worde.] Beaumont, Francis. 1640. Poems: by Francis Beaumont, Gent. Viz, The hermaphro- dite. The remedie of love. Elegies. Sonnets, with other poems. London: Richard Hodgkinson for W. W[ethred]. Bernardus, Sylvestris. 1977. The Commentary on the First Six Books of the Aeneid of Virgil Commonly Attributed to Bernardus Sylvestris, ed. J. Jones and E. Jones. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. BIBLIOGRAPHY 281 Billingsley, Henry, tr. [Euclid]. 1570. The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara. Faithfully (now first) translated into the Englishe toung, by H. Billingsley, citizen of London…. London: John Day. Bracciolini, Francesco. 1638. The tragedie of Alceste and Eliza. As found in Italian, in La Croce racquistata… [anon. tr.]. London: Thomas Harper for John Waterson. Brende, John, tr. [Quintus Curtius]. 1553. The Historie of Quintus Curcius, con- tayning the Actes of the greate Alexander translated out of Latine into Englishe by Iohn Brende. London: Richard Tottell. Brinsley, John. 1612. Ludus literarius: or, the grammar schoole.... London: [Humphrey Lownes] for Thomas Man. ———, tr. [Cicero]. 1616. The first Book of Tullies Offices translated Grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English Tongue.... London: H[umphrey] Lownes for Thomas Man. ———, tr. [Ovid]. 1618. Ouids Metamorphosis Translated Grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English tongue, so farre as Grammar and the verse will well beare.... London: Humphrey Lownes for Thomas Man. ———, tr. [Virgil]. 1620. Virgils Eclogues, vvith his booke De apibus, concerning the gouernment and ordering of bees, Translated Grammatically, and also according to the proprietie of our English tongue, so farre as grammar and the verse will well permit.... London: Richard Field for Thomas Man. Brouncker, William, tr. [Descartes, René]. 1653. Renatus Des-Cartes Excellent Compendium of Musick: with Necessary and Judicious Animadversions Thereupon. By a Person of Honour. London: Thomas Harper for Humphrey Moseley. Burnet, Gilbert, tr. [More, Thomas]. 1684. Utopia: Written in Latin by Sir Thomas More, Chancellor of England: Translated into English. London: printed for Richard Chiswell. Cancellar, James. 1556. The pathe of obedience, righte necessarye for all the King and Quenes maiesties louing Subiectes, to reade, learne, and vse their due obediences, to the hyghe powers, accordynge to thys godly treatise compiled by James Cancellar, one of the Quenes Maiesties moste honourable Chapell. [London: John Wayland.] Carew, Thomas. 1640. Poems. By Thomas Carew Esquire. One of the Gentlemen of the Privie-Chamber, and Sewer in Ordinary to His Majesty. London: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Thomas Walkey. Carey, Henry, Earl of Monmouth, tr. [Malvezzi, Virgilio]. 1637. Romulus and Tarquin. First written in Italian by the Marques Virgilio Malvezzi: and now taught English, by H[enry] C[arey], L[ord Monmouth]. London: J[ohn] H[aviland] for John Benson. ———, tr. [Biondi, Gianfrancesco]. 1641. An History of the Civill Warres of England, betweene the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke. … Written in Italian in three volumes, by Sir Francis Biondi, Knight, Gentleman of the Privie Chamber 282 BIBLIOGRAPHY to his Majesty of Great Britaine. Englished by the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Mounmouth, in two volumes. London: T. H and I. D. for John Benson. ———, tr. [Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo], 1648. An History of the late Warres and other State affaires of the best part of Christendom, Beginning with the King of Swethlands entrance into Germany, and continuing to the yeare 1640. Written in Italian by the Count Galliazzo Gualdo Priorato: and in English by the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Monmouth. London: W. Wilson. ———, tr. [Bentivoglio, Guido]. 1652. Historicall Relations of the United Provinces of Flanders, Written Originally in Italian by Cardinall Bentivoglio: And now Rendred into English by the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Monmouth. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley. ———, tr. [Bentivoglio, Guido]. 1654. The Compleat History of the Warrs of Flanders: written in Italian by the learned and famous Cardinall Bentivoglio: Englished by the Right Honorable Henry Earl of Monmouth: the vvhole vvork. Illustrated With many Figures of the chief Personages mentioned in this History. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley. Carey, Henry, Earl of Monmouth and William Brent, tr. [Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo]. 1676. The History of France. Written in Italian, by The Count Gualdo Priorato. Containing all the Memorable Actions in France, and Other Neighbouring Kingdoms. The Translation whereof being begun by The Right Honourable Henry, late Earl of Monmouth: was finished by William Brent, Esq. London: printed for William Place, Thomas Basset, Thomas Dring, and John Leigh. Cartwright, William. 1651. Comedies, tragi-comedies, with other poems, by Mr William Cartwright, late student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and proctor of the University. The ayres and songs set by Mr Henry Lawes, servant to His late Majesty in his publick and private musick. London: printed for Humphrey Moseley. Caryl, Joseph. 1647. An Exposition with practicall observations continued Upon the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Chapters of the Book of Job.... London: A. Miller for Henry Overton, Luke Fawne, John Rothwell, and Giles Calvert. Cawdry, Robert. 1609. A Table Alphabeticall, contayning and teaching the true writing and vnderstanding of hard vsuall English wordes, borrowed from the Hebrew, Greeke, Latine, or French &c … set foorth by R.C. and newly corrected, and much inlarged by T.
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