VISIBILIT RICH SCHOLA رﺗﺒﻪ UNIVERSITY SIZE Y FILES R رﺗﺒﻪ ﺟﻬﺎﻧﻲ اﻳﺮان 1 528 University of Tehran 1,004 1,658 1,243 109 2 668 Tehran University of Medical Sciences 1,146 2,532 1,149 124 3 673 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 1,175 2,307 531 246 4 1038 Sharif University of Technology Tehran (1) 2,433 1,669 1,484 1,078 5 1072 Isfahan University of Medical Sciences 2,151 3,020 2,542 555 6 1213 Amirkabir University of Technology 5,154 2,296 1,938 1,010 7 1220 Isfahan University of Technology 2,552 4,100 3,141 530 8 1254 Shiraz University of Medical Sciences 1,998 3,192 919 1,151 9 1281 Shiraz University 1,784 3,531 3,740 843 10 1292 Iran University of Science & Technology Tehran 1,876 3,415 1,885 1,062 11 1459 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences 3,091 4,185 1,240 1,237 12 1510 Urmia University 1,119 2,376 4,537 1,675 13 1520 Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 4,789 4,930 1,633 1,016 14 1551 Shahid Beheshti University Tehran 4,075 3,872 1,661 1,415 15 1635 University of Isfahan 3,452 4,540 3,939 1,301 16 1736 University of Tabriz 2,556 5,069 3,485 1,489 17 1754 University of Guilan 3,879 7,375 2,114 1,001 18 1890 Khaje‐Nassir‐Toosi University of Technology 7,593 4,997 2,618 1,530 19 1894 University of Kashan 2,797 3,982 4,997 1,744 20 1993 Tarbiat Modares University 3,961 4,269 2,962 1,804 21 2033 Payam Noor University 5,764 1,333 11,003 2,018 22 2080 Islamic Azad University Tehran Science & Research Bra 4,744 7,622 3,427 1,353 23 2111 University of Mazandaran Babolsar 3,411 7,024 6,058 1,450 24 2246 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 1,623 4,474 1,454 2,082 25 2411 Bu Ali Sina University Hamedan 5,652 5,876 5,931 1,754 26 2466 Zanjan University 4,067 6,136 4,284 1,833 27 2680 Shahid Chamran University Ahvaz (1) 4,305 8,621 3,406 1,722 28 2741 Yazd University 8,378 5,274 5,650 1,890 29 2823 Tarbiat Moallem University Tehran 7,793 7,422 9,170 1,659 30 2904 Razi University Kermanshah 11,484 5,198 6,281 1,887 31 2926 University of Sistan and Baluchestan 10,619 6,833 7,722 1,739 32 3293 Shahed University 6,219 8,102 6,170 1,871 33 3349 Alzahra University (Azzahra University) 5,744 6,514 7,358 2,001 34 3453 Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathem 6,899 3,381 3,712 3,938 35 3475 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman 9,459 6,702 7,093 1,939 36 3518 Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences 3,048 5,855 2,538 2,995 37 3621 Ardabil University of Medical Sciences 1,807 8,445 4,442 2,137 38 3910 International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and S 8,923 4,647 6,950 2,843 39 3910 Zanjan University of Medical Sciences 3,382 7,246 3,971 2,555 40 4068 Golestan University of Medical Sciences 3,794 8,194 3,840 2,369 41 4134 Lorestan University of Medical Sciences Khorramabad 2,879 3,853 5,555 6,228 42 4311 Shahrood University of Technology 8,433 6,846 10,130 2,189 43 4458 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences 5,035 8,134 5,435 2,469 44 4510 Semnan University 2,959 7,457 6,726 2,995 45 4575 Hamedan University of Medical Sciences 4,361 6,230 4,698 4,285 46 4579 University of Applied Science & Technology Tehran 4,036 4,362 2,413 7,596 47 4739 University of Mohaghegh Ardabili 8,705 10,316 10,130 1,907 48 4843 Kerman University of Medical Sciences 5,460 5,610 2,837 5,907 49 4863 Islamic Azad University Khorasgan Isfahan 8,904 7,681 4,488 2,771 50 5067 Islamic Azad University Hamedan 12,811 1,389 11,410 9,576 51 5104 Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University Tehran 5,988 8,070 7,839 2,773 52 5205 Shahid Sadoughi University 2,398 7,760 2,785 5,343 53 5315 Guilan University of Medical Sciences Rasht 6,412 5,056 5,585 6,573 54 5320 School of Economic Sciences 5,320 8,663 5,310 3,228 55 5344 Hadith Science College Tehran 3,397 3,227 10,187 9,576 56 5480 Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences 4,747 6,588 6,396 5,343 57 5552 Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences 5,007 10,709 6,916 2,334 58 5666 Islamic Azad University Arsanjan 15,584 1,397 12,812 9,576 59 5761 Birjand University of Medical Sciences 5,119 7,363 4,244 5,533 60 5829 Imam Sadiq University 7,410 4,455 6,559 8,237 61 5829 Islamic Azad University South Tehran 2,849 5,866 5,293 8,237 62 5975 Islamic Azad University (1) 3,638 4,919 6,323 9,576 63 5994 Payam Noor University Teheran 5,343 5,756 1,830 9,576 64 6004 Noshirvani Institute of Technology Babol 8,795 6,377 5,792 5,773 65 6025 Islamic Azad University Mashhad 4,407 6,288 4,749 7,596 66 6120 Imam Khomeini International University Qazvin 2,190 7,886 7,874 5,773 67 6291 Islamic Azad University Karaj 8,363 6,400 2,480 7,596 68 6323 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural 13,779 6,700 8,871 3,854 69 6528 Islamic Azad University Marvdasht 8,443 8,509 5,413 4,700 70 6534 Urmia University of Medical Sciences 7,259 7,504 7,015 5,533 71 6734 Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University 3,616 6,907 6,081 8,237 72 6820 University of Kurdistan Sanandaj 7,309 8,833 6,273 4,960 73 6858 Islamic Azad University Noorabad 18,017 824 18,742 9,576 74 7005 Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Sari 7,432 7,333 6,287 6,828 75 7075 Qom University of Medical Sciences 2,038 11,379 2,881 5,430 76 7157 Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences Bandar Abb 4,947 6,690 5,307 9,576 77 7184 Islamic Azad University Shahr Majlesi 6,481 10,814 9,427 3,282 78 7393 University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science 3,237 7,373 6,290 9,576 79 7579 Islamic Azad University Kermanshah 10,942 8,444 6,832 5,773 80 7608 Al Mustafa International University 3,934 7,765 5,474 9,576 81 7753 Jahrom University of Medical Sciences 12,035 7,487 9,531 6,053 82 7761 Shahrekord University 6,803 7,785 6,490 8,237 83 7805 University of Birjand 10,029 7,452 8,223 7,159 84 7828 Petroleum University of Technology Abadan 13,739 3,797 13,922 9,576 85 7899 Sahand University of Technology Tabriz 9,750 7,540 7,467 7,596 86 7908 Islamic Azad University Najafabad 11,353 8,402 8,408 5,907 87 7924 Shahrood Medical Science University 6,433 8,653 10,674 6,388 88 7929 Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences 6,000 9,058 6,960 7,159 89 8029 Kashan University of Medical Sciences 5,781 8,100 4,984 9,576 90 8193 Islamic Azad University Sabzevar 6,289 7,224 8,807 9,576 91 8238 Allameh Tabatabaee University 11,677 6,653 6,396 9,576 92 8260 Arak University 7,165 7,801 6,230 9,576 93 8260 Comprehensive University of Technology Tehran 15,812 4,425 11,727 9,576 94 8285 Semnan University of Medical Sciences 7,610 8,119 9,989 7,596 95 8438 Babol University of Medical Sciences 2,344 8,670 10,050 9,576 96 8487 Islamic Azad University Tabriz 3,557 6,993 14,431 9,576 97 8596 Ilam University of Medical Sciences 9,863 10,273 6,479 6,228 98 8602 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute 14,552 5,270 11,747 9,576 99 8779 Islamic Azad University Garmsar 10,412 10,212 8,612 5,907 100 8789 Imam Reza University Mashhad 10,664 6,685 11,380 9,576 101 8842 Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem (1) 9,592 8,189 6,726 9,576 102 8888 Institute of Higher Education Khavaran 16,070 11,903 8,855 2,917 103 8921 Islamic Azad University Shahrekord 4,487 12,703 11,727 4,227 104 8934 Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Sanandaj 6,727 7,612 12,253 9,576 105 8974 Tarbiat Moallem University Sabzevar 11,135 8,087 9,841 8,237 106 8991 Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (1) 3,788 9,054 10,736 9,576 107 9050 Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences 11,104 8,380 9,376 8,237 108 9101 Sari Agricultural Science and Natural Resources Univers 6,874 10,838 6,063 7,596 109 9147 Ilam University 8,542 9,039 6,696 9,576 110 9193 Parseh Higher Education Institute (1) 7,221 6,404 16,296 9,576 111 9226 Fasa Faculty of Medical Sciences 10,435 8,511 10,749 8,237 112 9308 Islamic Azad University Firuzabad 15,149 5,451 14,469 9,576 113 9318 Persian Gulf University Bushehr 3,551 6,178 18,742 9,576 114 9329 Institute of Higher Education Agriculture 4,782 10,556 5,869 9,576 115 9349 Arak University of Medical Sciences 7,440 8,603 10,800 9,576 116 9357 Golestan University 13,392 7,292 9,603 9,576 117 9473 Institute for Materials and Energy Sharif University of T 8,204 7,813 13,527 9,576 118 9571 Malek Ashtar University of Technology Shahinshahr 11,974 8,537 11,311 8,237 119 9611 Eqbal Lahoori Institute of Higher Education 10,937 9,238 9,943 8,237 120 9642 Hormozgan University Bandar Abbas 6,849 8,977 11,841 9,576 121 9648 Islamic Azad University Bandar Abbas 6,415 9,224 11,380 9,576 122 9666 Islamic Azad University Sari 10,725 10,736 12,643 5,773 123 9708 Mofid University Qom (Ghom) 11,826 9,026 7,183 9,576 124 9754 Islamic Azad University Zanjan 8,139 9,001 11,236 9,576 125 9788 Yasuj University of Medical Sciences 12,707 8,614 8,142 9,576 126 9803 Islamic Azad University Tehran Medical Sciences 12,392 8,784 7,874 9,576 127 9812 Islamic Azad University Sanandaj 7,674 14,400 5,758 4,370 128 9876 Tabriz Islamic Arts University 11,743 9,007 8,390 9,576 129 9902 Shomal University Amol 12,019 9,537 9,487 8,237 130 9945 Islamic Azad University Saveh 8,242 10,118 11,311 8,237 131 10001 Islamic Azad University Qazvin 9,545 10,247 6,484 9,576 132 10026 Valiasr University of Rafsanjan 5,081 9,882 12,589 9,576 133 10067 Bushehr University of Medical Sciences 10,676 9,690 8,054 9,576 134 10083 Islamic Azad University Tehran Central Branch 10,347 9,117 10,758 9,576 135 10083 Yasuj University 13,066 10,153 8,871 7,596 136 10113 Islamic Azad University Estahban 4,574 9,170 15,296 9,576 137 10154 University of Art Tehran 13,233 7,769 12,901 9,576 138 10183 Power and Water University of Technology Tehran 7,536 10,809 7,330 9,576 139 10219 Iranian Institute of Philosophy 14,458 10,092 10,787 6,828 140 10228 Islamic
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