SGS QUALIFOR Doc. Number: AD 36-A-08 (Associated Document) Doc. Version date: 17 Nov. 08 Page: 1 of 43 GESTIONE FOREST MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION REPORT RAPPORTO DI CERTIFICAZIONE DELLA GESTIONE FORESTALE SECTION A: PUBLIC SUMMARY / SOMMARIO PUBBLICO PROJECT NR.: 9634-IT PROGETTO NR. Client: Cliente Arespan Spa Web Page: Sito web www. Arespan.com Address: Indirizzo Piazza 1° Maggio, 1 14047 Mombercelli (AT) Country: Nazione Italy Certificate Type: Certificate Nr. SGS-FM/CoC-2790 Tipo di certificate Single. Forest Management/CoC (SLIMF) Certificato numero Date of expiry: Date of Issue 06 September 2006 Data di scadenza 06 September 2011 Data del rilascio Forest Zone: Temperate Area forestale Total Certified Area 54,63 ha Totale sup certificata Scope: Forest Management of poplar plantations in the provinces of Asti and Alessandria, region Scopo Piedmont of Italy for the production of hardwood timber. Gestione forestale di pioppeti nelle province di Asti ed Alessandria, Regione Piemonte, Italia, per la produzione di legname. Company Contact Vaschetto Danilo Person: Persona di riferimento Address: Piazza 1° Maggio, 1 14047 Mombercelli (AT) Indirizzo Tel: 0141/955055 Fax 0141/955066 Email: [email protected] Evaluation dates/Data delle verifiche Main Evaluation 21st August 2006 Verifica iniziale AD 36-A-08 Page 2 of 43 Surveillance 1 24th September 2007 Sorveglianza 1 Surveillance 2 22-23/10/2008 Sorveglianza 2 Surveillance 3 Sorveglianza 3 Surveillance 4 AD 36-A-08 Page 3 of 43 TABLE OF CONTENTS/ INDICE 1. scopo della certficazione / SCOPE OF CERTIFICATE.............................................................................5 2. profilo aziendale / COMPANY BACKGROUND ....................................................................................8 1.1 La proprietà / Ownership ..................................................................................................................................... 8 1.2 Obiettivi della gestione / Company Key Objectives ............................................................................................. 8 1.3 Storia dell’azienda / Company History................................................................................................................. 9 1.4 Organizzazione / Organisational Structure.......................................................................................................... 9 1.5 Proprietà e diritti d’uso / Ownership and Use Rights ........................................................................................... 9 1.6 Altri usi / Other Land Uses .................................................................................................................................. 9 1.7 Foreste non certificate / Non-certified Forests..................................................................................................... 9 2. Sistema di gestione forestale / FOREST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM........................................................9 2.1 Pianificazione del processo / Planning process .................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Utilizzazione e reimpianti / Harvest and regeneration ....................................................................................... 10 2.3 Controllo del processo/Monitoring processes.................................................................................................... 10 3. Conteso socie-economico e ambientale / SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT 10 3.1 Aspetti sociali /Social aspects ........................................................................................................................... 10 4. Cambiamenti gestionali e nelle attività di utilizzazione, selvicolturali e di monitoraggio / CHANGES IN MANAGEMENT, HARVESTING, SILVICULTURE AND MONITORING ..............................................11 5. Preparazione della verifica / PREPARATION FOR THE EVALUATION ................................................12 5.1 Schedule / Non è stata effettuata la pre- verifica No pre-evaluation.................................................................. 12 5.2 Il team di Verifica / Team................................................................................................................................... 12 5.3 Adattamento della check list / Checklist Preparation......................................................................................... 12 5.4 Consultazione delle parti interessate / Stakeholder notification ........................................................................ 13 6. LA VERIFICA / THE EVALUATION ...........................................................................................................13 6.1 Riunione di apertura / Opening meeting............................................................................................................ 13 6.2 Analisi dei documenti / Document review.......................................................................................................... 13 6.3 Metodologie di campionamento dei siti visitati / Sampling and Evaluation Approach........................................ 14 6.4 Verifica in campo / Field assessments .............................................................................................................. 14 6.5 Stakeholder interviews (Not required for SLIMF) .............................................................................................. 14 6.6 Riunione di chiusura / Summing up and closing meeting .................................................................................. 15 7. RISULATATI DELLA VERIFICA / EVALUATION RESULTS....................................................................15 7.1 Conclusioni emerse dalla Verifica in relazione al Programma Qualifor ............................................................. 16 / Findings related to the general QUALIFOR Programme............................................................................................. 16 PRINCIPLE 1: Rispetto delle norme/ Compliance with law and FSC Principles ................................................. 16 PRINCIPLE 2: Proprietà e diritti d’uso Tenure and use rights and responsibilities ............................................. 17 PRINCIPLE 3: Diritti delle popolazioni indigene / Indigenous peoples’ rights ..................................................... 18 PRINCIPLE 4: Relazioni con la comunità locale e diritti dei lavoratori / Community relations and workers rights19 PRINCIPLE 5: Benefici derivanti dale foreste / Benefits from the forest ............................................................. 20 PRINCIPLE 6: Impatti ambientali / Environmental impact................................................................................... 22 PRINCIPLE 7: Piano di gestione / Management plan......................................................................................... 24 AD 36-A-08 Page 4 of 43 PRINCIPLE 8: Monitoraggi e valutazione / Monitoring and evaluation ............................................................... 25 PRINCIPLE 9: Foreste ad alto valore ambientale / High Conservation Value Forests........................................ 27 PRINCIPLE 10: Piantagioni / Plantations.............................................................................................................. 28 8. Decisione relativa alla certificazione / CERTIFICATION DECISION .....................................................30 9. Mantenimento della certificazione / MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION..........................................30 10. Registro delle azioni correttive RECORD / OF CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUESTS (CARs) ............33 11. LIsta delle osservazioni/ RECORD OF OBSERVATIONS ......................................................................38 12. Commenti da stakeholders / RECORD OF STAKEHOLDER COMMENTS AND INTERVIEWS ..........42 13. Reclami / RECORD OF COMPLAINTS .....................................................................................................43 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS/(not part of the Public Summary) DOCUMENTI ASSOCIATI ( NON SONO PARTE DEL SOMMARIO PUBBLICO AD 20: Piano della visita Evaluation Itinerary AD 21: Modulo di presenza Attendance Record AD 26: Richieste di azione correttiva Corrective Action Requests AD 36-B: Verifica- osservazioni e informazioni Evaluation - Observations and Information on Logistics Team di verifica curricula Evaluation team CV’s Lista delle parti interessate contattate List of stakeholders contacted Reclami/Complaints and Disputes La procedure per la presentazione di reclaim o appelli sono disponibili nel sito www.sgs.com/forestry. Le stesse informazioni sono disponibili anche su richiesta; per i dettagli dell’interlocutore si vedano i riferimenti nella prima pagine. Procedures for submitting complaints, appeals and disputes, and the SGS processing of such are published on www.sgs.com/forestry. This information is also available on request – refer contact details on the first page. AD 36-A-08 Page 5 of 43 INTRODUZIONE/INTRODUCTION L’obiettivo è la valutazione della gestione di Arespan SPA in relazione ai requisiti del programma Qualifor accreditato dal Forest Stewardship Council The purpose of the evaluation was to evaluate the operations of Arespan SPA against the requirements of the QUALIFOR Programme, the SGS Group’s forest certification programme accredited by Forest Stewardship Council. 1. SCOPO DELLA CERTFICAZIONE / SCOPE OF CERTIFICATE Lo scopo è quello di analizzare una
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