I The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY APRIL, 1946 The American Horticultural Society PRESENT ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS April,1945 OFFICERS P1'esident, Dr. David V. Lll:IIlSden, Silver Spring, Md. First Vice-President, Mr. Wilbur H. Youngman, Washington, D. C. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Woods Btiss, Washington, D. C. Secr<itary, Dr. V. T. Stoutemyer,' College Park, Md. Treasurer, Mr. J. Marion Shull, Chevy Olase, M~. DIRECTORS Terms Expiring 1946 Terms Expiring 1947 Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Fife, New York, N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry, Gladwyne, Pa. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox, Peekskill, N. Y. Mrs. Oement S. Houghton, Chestnut Hill, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Takoma Park, Md. Mass. Mr. Kenyon Reynolds, Pasadena, Calif. Dr. E. J. Kraus, Chicago, Ill. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. H. W. Hart, Pres., Mr. Arthur Hunt Osmum, Pres., American Begonia Society, American Rock Garden Society, 1314 Dorothy Drive, 57 Sandford Ave., Glendale, Calif. Plainfield, N. J. Dr. H. Harold Hume, Mr. John Benny, Jr., Pres., American Camellia Society, American Rhododendron Society, University of Florida, Brooks, Oregon Gainesville, Fla. Mr. Harry L. Erdman, Pres., Mr. Thomas J. Newbill, Pres., American Rose Society, American Delphinium Society, Hershey, Pennsylvania 234 S. Brainard Ave., La Grange, lllino;s Mr. Wm. T. Marshall, Pres. Emeritus, Dr. Frederick L. Fagley, Pres., Cactus & Succulent Society of America, American Fern Society, 327 North Ave., 61 287 Fourth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. New York 10, N. Y. Mrs. John H. Cunningham, Pres., Mr. Jesse E. Wills, Pres., Herb Society of America, American Iris Society, 53 Seaver St. National Bldg., Brookline, Mass. Nashville, Tenn. Mr. M. C. Lichtenwa!ter, Pres., Mr. George W. Peyton, Pres., Midwest Hortlcultural Society American Peony Society, 5'061 N. St. Louis Ave., Rapidan, Va. Chicago 25, Ill. SOCIETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1946 Akron Garden Center, Br-istow Garden Club, 226 South Main St., Mrs. R. L. Jones, Pres., Akron, Ohio Box 660, Bristow, Okla. Arlington County Garden Club, Mrs. Lewis H. Weld, Pres., California Garden Oubs, Inc., 6613 N. Washington Blvd., Mrs. J. A. Simmington, East Falls Church, Va. 870 Chida Vista Ave., American Fuchsia Society, Pasadena, Calif. Headquarters: Calif. Acad. of Sciences, California Horticultural Society, Golden Gate Park, Miss Cora R. Brandt, Secretary, San Francisco, Calif. 300 Montgomery St., American Rose Society, San Francisco, Calif. Dr. R. C. Allen, Seey., Box 687, Harrisburg, Pa. Canadian Lily Society, Bonne Terre Garden Club, ""- % Mr. Arthur Pfeiffer, Mrs. Robert Moran, Secy., 520 Duke St., Bonne Terre, Mo. Preston, Ontario Publication Offi oe. 02nd St. and Elm Ave., Baltimore, Md. Entered a. second·cla•• matter Janua 17 27. 1Q H2 at l.he Post Office al Baltimore. Md., un'der the Act of August 24, 1912. Chestnut Hill Garden Club, Georgetown Garden Club, Mrs. Bryan S. Perman, 'freas., Mrs. Carroll Greenough, Pres., 41 Lrafts H.d., 1408 31st St., N. W., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Washington, D. C. Chevy Chase (D. C.) Garden Llub, Greeley Garden Club, .\'1rs. Perley G. Nutting, Pres., Mrs. Asa T . Jones, Jr., 3~ 1() Uliver ::it., 1703-11th Ave., Chevy Chase, D. l... Greeley, Colo. Chevy Chase (.Md.) Garden Club, Home Garden Club of Denver, Mrs. Frederick VV. Connolly, Pres., Mrs. Willi'am P. Mellen, Pres , 4437 Reservoir Rd., 4864 Tennyson St., Washington, D. C. Denver, Colo. Chicago Horticultural Society, 135 So. La Salle St., Indian Head Garden Club, Chicago 3, III. Mrs. Frank A. Bolton, Pres .. Chico Horticultural Society, Pomonkey, Md. 11 44 W. 3rd St., 1. B. M. Country Club, Chico, Calif. R.R. No. 2, Johnson City, N. Y Community Garden Club of Bethesda. Kendall Garden Club, )'1rs. A. C. Ehlshlager, Pres., Miss Edith M. Edgerton, 3 AI·bemarle St., Rt. 3, Box 568, Washington 16, D. C. P ortland 6, Ore. Dallas Garden Club (Founders' Group) , Longmont Garden Club, Mrs. Sam B. Dickinson, Callahan House, Terry St.. 1218 N. Clinton, LongllJont, Colo. Dallas 8, Texas Elmira Garden Club, Men's Garden Club of Phoenix, Miss Mida D. Smith, Secy., Mr. Maurice J . Bradford, Pres .. 743 W. Clinton St., Elmira, N. Y. Rt. 1, Box 826, Fauquier & Loudon Garden Club, Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Warren Snider, Pres., Michigan H orticultural Society, Leesburg, Va. Mr. Earl Bailey, Exec. Sec'y, Federated G.c. of Cincinnati and Vicinity, 2631 Woodward Ave., Mrs. Charles Bosworth, Pres., Detroit, Mich. 2425 Ingleside Place, Midwest Horticultural Society, Cincinnati, Ohio 100 North Central Park Blvd .. Forest Hills Garden Club, Chicago 24. Illinois Mrs. Richard V. Mattingly, Pres., Northern Nut Growers Assn., 3701 Cumberland St., N. W ., Mr. Carl Weschcke, Pres., Washington, D. C. 96 S. Wabash St., Fort Belvoir Garden Club, St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. James N. O'Neil, Pres., Fort Belvoir, Va. N.R. Garden Club, Garden CeNter of Greater Cincinnati, Miss Essie K. Hurff, Hort. Com., Walnut and Central Parkway, Suffolk, Va. Cincinnati 10, Ohio Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, Mr. Victor Ries, East Boulevard at Euclid Ave., Ohio State Univer<lity, Cleveland 6, Ohio Columbus, Ohio. Garden Center Institute of Buffalo, Rock Garden Society of Ohio, 1500 Elmwood Ave., Mrs. Frank Garry, Librarian, Buffalo 7, N. Y. Montgomery Station Post Office, Garden Center, Montgomery, Ohio Youngstown Public Library. San Antonio Garden Center, Youngstown 3, Ohio Witte Museum, Garden Club of Alexandria, San Antonio, Texas Mrs. Richard P . Williams, Episcopal High School State Agricultural Society, Alexandria, Va. P . O. Box 2036, Garden Club of Fairfax, Sacramento, Cali f. Mrs. Craig Hunter, Treas., Takoma Horticultural Club, Vienna, Va. A. C. Barret, Pres., Garden Club of Gloucester, 4719 Brandywine St., N . W ., Mrs. N . S. Hopkins, Librarian, Washington. D. C. Nuttall, Vt. The Pittsburgh Garden Center, Garden Club of Virginia, Schenley Park, Mrs. Louis N. Dibrell, Pres., Pittsburgh, Pa. 124 Broad St., Danville, Va. The San Francisco Garden Club. Garden Club of Morristown, Room 133, Fairmont Hotel, Mrs. Warren Kinney, 8an Francisco 6, Calif. Chairman of H ort., The Valley Garden Center, Lee's Hill Farm 16 East Culver, Morristown, N. J . Phoenix, Ariz. (Colltillued 011 illside back cover) The National Horticultural Magazine Vol. 2S Copyright, 1946, b y THE A'rERJOA N HORTIOU LTURAL SOaI'ET'Y No. Z APRIL, 1946 CONTENTS PAGE Concerning Marigolds ________________________________________________________________________________________ 103 Verschaffelt's Nouvelle Iconographie des Camellias. GEORGE GRAVES __________ 149 Disease Resistant and Hardy Varieties of Vegetables. VICTOR R. BOSWELL 158 Hybrid Clivi as for Distinction and Beauty. KARL WALTER OPITZ ________________ 164 Rock Garden Notes: A qt£itegia pinetorU11!L. GEORGE B. FUR NIS S________ _________ ___ __ _________ ____ ____________ 168 Campa1~ ula lasiocarpa. SARAH V. COOMBS ______________________________________ _________ 169 The Mustard Family. ROBERT M . SE NIOR ______________________________________________ 169 Rhododendron Notes: Rhododendrons in the N ort·hwest. J. E . HADDEN ____________________________________ 171 Rhododendron 1'e tio£latum __ __________________ .. __ ________ _____________ ____ _____ _____________________ 171 Azalea, S ei -gets u _____________________________________ ___ ________ ~_____________________ __________________ 17? How Tall is a Kurume ?__________________ _______________________________ __ ____________________________ 172 Narcissus Notes: Notes from Alaoama. MRS. J. T. HACKNEY _________________ __ __ _____ _______ ___________ 174 Notes from Kansas, 1945. MRS . W . B. MILLS __________________________________________ 176 My Daffodils, Clinton, N. Y. MISS GLADYS POWELL .___________ ______ .___ __ _______ 171 Narcissus, Q uetta ____________________ __________ ___ ______________________________________________________ 178 Cactus and Succulents: Cleistocacti. the Firecracker Cactus. \lV . TAYLOR NIARSHALL ______________ 180 Easter Cactus. W. TAYLOR MARSHALL _________________________________ .. _____ ______________ 181 The Cacti of a Desert Section. ROBERT E. FLORES ___________________________________ 183 Death Valley Flora. W . TAYLOR MARSHALL ___________________________________________ 187 Pediocact~(, S Simpsoni. W. TAYLOR MARSHALL _______________________________________ 188 Epiphyllums, Phyllocacti, O rchid Cacti. W. TAYLOR MARSHALL ________ 190 A Book 0 r Two ________________________________________________ ._________________________ ___ __ ______________________ 193 The Gardener's Pocketbook: From the Midwest Horticultural Society : ELDRED GREEN Adiantum pedatum _______________________ .. _____________ ______ ______ ___ ___ __ _____________ _____ 19 S Calystegia ___________________________________________ __ ______ ___________ ___ __ __________ ._______________ 1') 5 Spirea Billi{/;rdii ___ _____ _______________________________ _____ .__ _______ ________ ______ 196 Prunus X Eileen. F. L. SKINNER _________ _____________________ ___ _____ __ _______ _______________ 196 E rythroniums. MRS. H . F . STE'vVART ________________ _________ ___ _______________________ _____ 197 Rutger's T Gmato. Nbs. H. F. STEWART _______ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ ______________ _____ ___ 197 My Daisy Border. MRS. CLYDE E. MARSI-L ________ _______________________ ___ ____________ 198 A Shrub or Two in Connecticut. ELLIOT S. FOOTE. _________________________________
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