Strothmann Family Archive: An Inventory Sabine Schmidtke & Gaby Strothmann∗ version of July 9, 2021 Contents 1 Biographical Note 2 2 Scope and Contents 2 3 Preferred Citation 3 4 Literature 3 5 Biographical Material 3 5.1 Friedrich and Henny Strothmann . 3 5.2 Günther Strothmann . 3 5.3 Marga Strothmann . 4 5.4 Marga and Rudolf Strothmann . 4 5.5 Rita Strothmann (née Maretzky) . 4 5.6 Rudolf Strothmann . 4 5.7 Rudolf, Marga, Günther and Ruprecht Strothmann . 4 6 Diaries and Journals 5 6.1 Rudolf Strothmann . 5 7 Writings 5 7.1 Günther Strothmann . 5 7.2 Peter Strothmann . 5 7.3 Rudolf Strothmann . 5 8 Printed Material 5 9 Professional Files 6 ∗Licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 Unported Licence. Cite as: Sabine Schmidtke and Gaby Strothmann, The Strothmann Family Archive: An inventory https://albert.ias.edu/handle/20.500.12111/7956. Last modified on July 7, 2021. Copyright @ Sabine Schmidtke and Gaby Strothmann, 2021. All rights reserved. 1 10 Correspondence 6 10.1 Family Correspondence . 6 10.2 Professional Correspondence . 19 10.3 Fragmentary and unidentified Correspondence . 36 11 Photographic Material 37 Introduction 1 Biographical Note Rudolf Strothmann (1877-1960) was born on 4 September 1877 in Lengerich, in North Rhine-Westphalia, as the sixth child of the tenant farmer Johann Heinrich Strothmann (b. ca. 1831 and still alive in 1917) and Maria Elisabeth Strothmann (née Stapenhorst, b. 1843, d. 23 January 1884). On 7 October 1913, Rudolf married Margarete “Marga” (née Lorenz, b. 5 April 1891, d. 25 October 1975), and the couple had three sons, Günther (b. 24 August 1914, d. 17 June 1979), Ruprecht (b. 15 August 1916, d. 20 March 2007), and Peter (b. 23 May 1919, d. 22 October 1992). From 1 October 1907 until 1923, Strothmann filled the double position of a senior teacher (“Oberlehrer”, later high school teacher, “Studienrat”) and a deacon (“zweiter Geistlicher” or “Diakon”), at the boarding school of Schulpforta ([Königliche] Landesschule Pforta) in Saxony-Anhalt., From the winter term of 1923/24 until the summer term of 1927, Strothmann taught at Gießen University succeeding Paul E. Kahle (b. 1875, d. 1964). Since 1927 until his retirement in 1947 Strothmann held a chair in Semitic languages and literatures at Hamburg University. He also served as co-editor of Der Islam together with Carl Heinrich Becker (vols 17 [1928], 18 [1929], 19 [1931], 20 [1932]), later as single editor vols 21 [1933], 22 [1934–35], 23 [1936], 24 [1937], 25 [1938–39], 26 [1940–42], 27 [1944–46], 28 [1948]), and again as co-editor together with Bertold Spuler (vols 29 [1949–50], 30 [1952], 31 [1953–54], 32 [1957], 33 [1957–58], 34 [1959], 35 [1960]). 2 Scope and Contents The Strothmann Family Archive was discovered in 2011 by Gaby Strothmann in the attic of Inselstraße 29, Hamburg, where Rudolf and Marga Strothmann had lived since 1927. The material was kept in boxes, and a first chronological ar- rangment was made by Gaby Strothmann. In 2021 Sabine Schmidtke rearranged the material, and the present inventory reflects this most recent arrangment. Schmidtke also contributed a partial Nachlass of Günther Strothmann, which she had purchased in November 2020 through CeBook (Eicklingen) (SFA-B-11, SFA-B-12, SFA-B-13, SFA-B-14, SFA-B-15, as well as 2021.C-0077 among the photographic material). 2 3 Preferred Citation Identification of specific item; Date (if known); Strothmann Family Archive; shelfmark (e.g„ SFA-B-1, i.e., Box B and Folder 1 etc.]) 4 Literature Bertold Spuler, “Rudolf Strothmann (1877–1960)”, Der Islam 36 (1960), pp. 1–3; Rudi Paret, “Rudolf Strothmann (4.9.1877–15.5.1960)”, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 111 (1961), pp. 13–15; Sabine Schmidtke, “Rudolf Strothmann (1877–1960): Publications”, Shii Studies Review 3 (2019), pp. 284–303; Sabine Schmidtke, “Rudolf Strothmann (1877–1960): Publica- tions; Addenda”, Shii Studies Review 5 (2021), pp. 324–329; Sabine Schmidtke, The Beginnings of Shīʿī Studies in Germany: Rudolf Strothmann and His Cor- respondence with Carl Heinrich Becker, Ignaz Goldziher, and Eugenio Griffini, 1910 through 1923 [in preparation]; Rudolf Strothmann, Mein schönstes orien- talisches Semester: Von Sarajewo nach Ṣanʿāʾ, 18.9.1929–10.5.1930, ed. Sabine Schmidtke and Gaby Strothmann [in preparation]; Rudolf Strothmann, Briefe, ed. Sabine Schmidtke [in preparation]. Inventory 5 Biographical Material 5.1 Friedrich and Henny Strothmann “Wedding announcement card, Friedrich Strohmann with Henny Strothmann (née Kiehl)” (Blumenau, 20 September 1913) [SFA-B-16] 5.2 Günther Strothmann “Zeugnisheft Günther Strothmann”, Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums, Michaelis 1927 through Michaelis 1931 [SFA-B-11] “Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums. Schulgemeinde. Jugendverwalter” (un- dated list for all grades, Sexta through Oberprima) [SFA-B-06] Einsegnung (Konfirmation) Günther Strothmann, 10. März 1929, St. Johannis- Kirche zu Eppendorf (Hamburg) [SFA-B-13] Zeitungsausschnitt “Reifeprüfungen”, Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums, [Gün- ther] Strothmann (undated) [SFA-B-15] Portrait of Günther Strothmann (?), by Hans Hering [SFA-B-14] 3 5.3 Marga Strothmann “Höhere Mädchenschule zu Weissenfels. Zeugnis für Weihnachten bis Ostern 190 [sic] für Margarete Lorenz, Schülerin der I. Klasse” [SFA-B-07] ”Personalausweise Marga Strothmann, Nr. 8797644”, issued on 18 August 1955 by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, and Nr. D5585341” [SFA-B-22] 5.4 Marga and Rudolf Strothmann Business cards “Dr. R. Strothmann Oberlehrer u. Pastor, Pforta” and “Frau Marga Strothmann” (countersigned by Rudolf Strothmann) [SFA-B-17] Mourning cards (blank) [SFA-B-20] 5.5 Rita Strothmann (née Maretzky) ”Lady Gymnast Here From Germany” (Daily News, New York, NY), Monday, december 14, 1955, p. 4 [SFA-B-23] 5.6 Rudolf Strothmann “Reisepass Rudolf Strothmann, Nr. 3567933, issued on 5 August 1952 by Hansestadt Hamburg” [SFA-B-10] ”Personalausweis Rudolf Strothmann, Nr. A0444738”, issued on 26 June 1958 by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg” [SFA-B-21] Sonderdruck aus: Göttinger Gelehrte Anzeigen, 203. Jahrgang, Nr. 6, 1941, “Mitteilungen aus der Akademie. R. Strothmann (Hamburg) legt vor: Gnosis-Texte der Ismāʿīlīja . ” [SFA-B-04] Rudolf Müller & Co., Commandit-Gesellschaft, Rechnung für Herrn Oberlehrer Dr. Strothmann, Pforta (1 April 1916) [SFA-B-18] Rudolf Müller & Co., Commandit-Gesellschaft, Mitteilung für Herrn Ober- lehrer Dr. Strothmann, Pforta (8 March 1919) [SFA-B-19] Friedrich E. Hunsche, ”Lengericher Experte für schiitische Glaubensrichtung im Iran: Lebensbild des am 4. September 1877 in Wechte geborenen Professors Dr. Rudolf Strothmann”, Westfälische Nachrichten, Lokalteil Tecklenburger Landbote, 5 December 1979 [SFA-B-24] 5.7 Rudolf, Marga, Günther and Ruprecht Strothmann Notebook with expenses, 1913 through 1918, for Rudolf, Marga, Günther, and Ruprecht [SFA-B-08] 4 6 Diaries and Journals 6.1 Rudolf Strothmann “Reisetagebuch: Von Sarajewo nach Ṣanʿāʾ” (travel diary) [typewritten manuscript on the basis of Strothmann’s original diary, which is lost. Days 1 through 110, 160 through 163 are missing] [SFA-A-01] 7 Writings 7.1 Günther Strothmann “Ein Fall von Osteogenesis imperfecta”, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Medizin der Medizinischen Fakultät der Hansischen Universität Hamburg, vorgelegt von Günther Strothmann, Hamburg: A. Preilipper, 1938 [SFA-B-12] 7.2 Peter Strothmann “Das Strafrecht der vorislamischen und islamischen Araber”, Dissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg, vorgelegt von Peter Strothmann aus Schulpforta Kr. Naumburg/S., Hamburg 1950 (photocopy) [SFA-B-09] 7.3 Rudolf Strothmann “Das Orientbild in abendländischen Darstellungen der Weltgeschichte” (manuscript of a lecture presented as the occasion of the “VIII. Deutsche Orientalis- tentag zu Bonn” (1936) [SFA-A-02] Statement on Franz Babinger’s and Walther Hinz’s report, “Die Morgenland- forschung im neuen Deutschland—Stand und künftige Aufgaben” (1933) [SFA-A-03] “Politische Verhältnisse der vorderorientalischen Länder” (lecture manuscript) [SFA-A-04] 8 Printed Material Albert Wigand [rector of the Hamburg University between 1 October 1931 to 30 September 1932], “Grundsätzliches zur Universitätspolitik; eine Antwort” (26 March 1932) [SFA-B-01] Islamic Research Association Bombay (Founded the 1st February 1933), An- nual Report and Statement of account 1934, Bombay 1935 [SFA-B-02] 5 Islamic Research Association Bombay, Special General Meeting, Held on Mon- day, the 25th February 1935 (Reprinted from „The Ismaili“ dated Sunday, 3 March 1935) [containing Aga Khan’s Inspiring Address: Need of Critical Research] [SFA-B-03] 9 Professional Files Abschrift. Prof.Dr.Franz Babinger, Berlin, Dr. Walther Hinz, Berlin-Steglitz: Die Morgenlandforschung im neuen Deutschland. Stand und künftige Auf- gaben [SFA-B-05] 10 Correspondence 10.1 Family Correspondence Grete and Leni Fritze [SFA-E-FritzeGreteLeni] to Marga and Rudolf Strothmann (25 August 1914) Hans Fritze [SFA-E-FritzeHans] to Marga Strothmann [Feldpostkarte, 28 March 1915] to Marga Strothmann [Feldpostbrief, 6 July 1915] to Marga Strothmann [Hamburg, 17 May 1918] Hilde Fritze [SFA-E-FritzeHilde] to Marga Strothmann (16 September 1917) Otto Fritze [SFA-E-FritzeOtto] to Marga and Rudolf Strothmann (10 April 1915) to Marga and Rudolf Strothmann (21 May 1915) to Marga and Rudolf Strothmann (5 July 1915) to Günther Strothmann (28 August 1915) Hilde, Otto, and Dorothée Fritze [SFA-E-FritzeHildeOttoDorothee] to R. Strothmann [Berlin, 3 September
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