SAUNE COUNff BOARD (E COMMISSIONENS' M'NUIES fuesddv. June 73, 2Ot7 Public Forum 7 cntl To Ordel Commissioner Monte Shadwick called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Jamie Allen, salihe County Clerk, called the roll of attendance with all commissioners pres€nt for the following agenda. 2 Public Forum Judy Larson, Salina, discussed the increase in tarmac on Magnolia Road between 9th Street and Centennial Road. she stated it could do damage to surrounding plants and needs addressed. 3 Approval ol Public Forum Commissioner Rodger Sparks moved to approve the agenda forthe public torum as presenled. Seconded bY Commissioner Robert Vidricks€n. Motion passed 5-0. 4 Apprctml oJ County Commission Mlnutes for lune 5, 2077 Commissioner James I Weese moved to accept the Couhty Commission minutes of June 6, 2017 as presented. Seconded bv commissioner Rodger Sparks. Motion passed 5-0. 5 Prcdamotion tor Elder abuse Awateness Month Courtney Train, oVACK, presented a proclamation for Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Inthe state of Kansas there are an estimated 55,375 cases ofelder abuse each year, and 26% ofthe reported elder abuse cases in the west regions of Kansaswere within the 10 counties the Domestic Violence Association ofCent.al Kansas serves. The establishment of Elder Abuse Awareness Month willbenefit older people, theirfamilies, health services and communities regardless of socioecooomic status, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. Saline County must work toward ending elder abuse by assisting victims in accessingthe information and supportive services they need, creating better and more resources for older adults in need, institlting effective intervention and prevention policies, and ehgaging in discussion with tamily members and peers to promote awareness and prevention of the quiet epidemic of elder abuse. Courtney Train requested the Saline County Board of County Commissioners to proclaim lune 2017 as Elder Abuse Awareness Month in the County of saline and urges all citizens to work together to help protect elder adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitalion because it is imperative that we refuse to tolerate rhe indignitv of Elder Abuse. There will a film showing of Age of.,ustice tollowed by a discussion on Jrne 20 at 1:30 PM at the Senior Center and she will al5o be doing a stafftrainihg at Eaglecrest- Commissioner Rodger Sparks moved to declareJun€ 2017 as Elder Abuse Awareness Month for saline county. Seconded by commissioner Michael J white. Motion passed 5-0. SAUNE CUINTY EOARD OF COiI/i,MISS//ONERS MiNUTES CONTINUED fuesdoy. tune 73. 2077 6 RFA iue17 Eleclion Equipment lamie Allen, Saline County Clerk, discussed RFA S146-17 €le.tion Equipment. The request is for authorization for replacement of the current voting system. All voting equipment is to be cornpliant with Federal and State requirements as promulgated by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and the laws ofthe State of Kansas. The Saline County Clerk is requesting to purchase the Election Systems and Software Voting System. The System includes: 38 model DS200; 43 4GB Flash Drives; 138 Expressvote Ballot Marking Device Terminal; 138 Soft Sided Cases; and Electionwar€ Software - PYO standard. This also includes Equipment Operations Training five day softu/are training, lnstallation/Acceptance Testing, one year hardware and softwar€ warranty, customer discount, state pricing and trade in allowance. The total cost to be paid out ot the County Clerk's Clp fund is 5514,000.00. Total Annual Post War.anty license and Maintenance and Support F€es will be 552,435.00. Staff recommends purchasing the new votihg system as requested. The current voting system in use is 11 years old, but has an estimated 10 year life expectahcy. The proposed voting system will provided a physical record of each vote cast; enhance audio capabilities, transparency and openness to public; upgrade reporting capabilities; enhance overall voter experience and promote voter contidence through increased efficiency, transparency, and accountability for ele.tions, reconciliations and reporting of results_ Commissioner Monte Shadwick asked about polling locations. Commissioner Robert Vidricksen stated that he was unsure of his decision at this time so he would probably vote nay. Commissioner lvlichael J White moved to approve the purchase otvoting equipment as listed in RFA #146-17 to be taken from the 2017 CIP fund in the amount of S514,000.00 and authorize the County Administrator to plug in S52,435.00 for maintenance and support in the 2018 budget. Seconded by Commissioner Rodger Sparks. Motion passed 4-1 with Commissioners Monte Shadwick, MichaelJ White, RodEer Sparks, and James I Weese votang aye and Commissioner Robert Vidrick5en voting nay. 7 RFA #14:t-17 Pott Pod Unt'J jamie Allen, Saline County Clerk, r€viewed RFA#143-17 to purchase 65 Poll Pad unirslrom Knowink Election Solltiont. Each unit includes: iPad Wifi 329b, Char8er, Stand, Stylus, lst year Software License, MDM Enrollment, and Basic Poll Pad Manager, KS VR {Elvis) Integration, Start Micronics Bluetooth Receipt Printer, Poll Pad Transporl Case, Set Up and Delivery. Total cost for the Poll Pad Units is 562,010. Staff recommends purchasin€ the Knowink Poll Pad Units using CIP funds. The poll pads will expedite the process ofvoter check in and posting ofvoter credit after the election and is user friendly for pollworkers and voters. The Knowink Poll Pad Units will diminish human error and will assist greatly in running an accurate and efficient election. The Poll Pads will also save on paper and printing costs. This voting solution has the capabilitv to connect both the election oflice and the polling location including sending messages/questions back and forth, standaadizing the check in process, and rec€iving voter statistics instantly. Commissioner Rodger Spa.ls moved to approve the purchase of65 Poll Pad Units from Knowink Election Solutions in the amount of SG2,O1O to be taken from the 2017 CIP fund and 58,125.00 for maintenance and support. Seconded by Commissioner MichaelJ White. Motion Dassed 5{. 8 Adjounment Commissioner RodSer Sparks moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:29 AM. Seconded by Commissioner James L W€ese. Motion passed 5-O. Meetlng - Coll To Order Commissioner Monte Shadwick called the h€eting to order at 9:32 AM with all Commissioners present for the following agenda. SAUNE COUN|Y BOARD OF COlyfrrltSStONEnS' MTNUIES Cff{flNUED fuetdov, tutp 73. 2077 3 RFA i147-17 water control Sy5tems for the tuline County loil Major Erent Melander from the Saline County Sheriff's Office discussed RFA #147-17 Water Control Systems for the saline County Jail. on April4, 2016, the saline county commission approved a clP request for a water control system to be installed in the jail. The amount approved was S100,0m. Requirements for this purchase include electronic replacement valves for inmate toilets, lavatoaies and showersthat would.ontrolthe number ottim€s each device was used in a given period; the replacement valves that could be relrofitted to the existing plumbing furniture and fixtures; the amount of water per use could be regulated; requir€d that these valves be accessible via a Windows based computer program and controllable by Corrections Staff; on_ site training by the manufacturer prior to the start ofthe project, during the project and after the completion ot the project as well as being available for any installation issue during this process. Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve this request for the purchase of valves, equipment and service from l_ Con Systerns, Inc.; in the amount of 591,808.98. The bid frorn l-Con Systems is below the approved 2017 CIP funding for this project. This is estimated to saveS,M,333.0o peryearon waterand sewa8e cost. There will be an additional savings cost for fuel used to heat the water. Commissioner Robert Vidricksen moved to approve RFA f147-17 Water Control Systems for the Saline County Jail to l-con Systems Inc. for S91,8o8 98- S€conded by Commissioner Michael J White. Motion passed 5_0. 4 Phom'pcist Contrcd Jason liller, Health Department Directot disaussed the change in rate request. The request is to change from 560 per visit to 575 per visit. lt was the consensus ofthe Commission to have the Commission Chahman Monte shadwick, sign the contract. 5 Regionol Publk Heolth Emetgency Prcpotedness Grdnt Jason Tiller, Health Department Director, requested spending authorityforthe Regional Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant in the amount ot 55,a73.37. commissioner MichaelJ White moved to approve spending authority for the grant money. Seconded by Commissioner Rodger Sparks Motion passed 5_0. 6 County Adminlstrato/,s U$ote Rita Deister, County Administrator, reminded th€ Commission about the CityofSalina meeting at 4 PM and stated Commissioner Robert Vidricksen would be attending the social. She also discussed the CommunitY Corrections building the lease is up and the county is looking at other options, Rita Deister stated the Extension office expects to be moving out of the city county building by late fall. commissioner Robert Vidricksen stated that the county should get the square footage and gel ideas for the space. 1 Purple Wove Audion Request Rita Deister, County Administrator, discussed the request to sell Road & Eridge equipment on Purple Wave. Commissioner Michael J White moved to declare the items of no value and sell on Purple Wave Auctions. Seconded by commissioner Rodger sparks- Motion passed 5-0. 8 Meeting tt - Adloumment Commissioner Michael J White moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 AM. S€conded bV Commi$ioner James L Weese, Motion Dassed 5-0, 9 Meeting,tl - Colt fo Order Commissioner Monte Shadwick called the rneeting to order at 10:05 AM with all Commissioners present for the following agenda. 1864 SAUNE COUN|Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MINUIES CONNNUED fuesdov. June 73- 2077 10 2078 Budget Review Rita Deister, County Administrator, presented the 2018 budget for review.
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