Message (Digitally Signed) From: McCus:ker, Elaine A HON 050 0USD C (USA) l/O=EASF/OU,,-EXCHANG[ ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP ( FYDI B OH F23SPOL T)/CNc:R:E Cl Pl ENTS/CN b (6 I Sent'. 9/26/2019 7'.00:30 PM To• Benjamin, Michael A S�S OSD DUSO C (USA) [/O=EAS!=/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FVDIBOHF23�PDL T)/CN=RECIPlfNTS/CN • • ] CC: ) CIV OSD OUSD C (USA) [/O=EASF/OU�EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FVDIBOHJ:23SPDLT)/CN=-RECIPIENTS/CN'=fGJl(;j !; McAnclrew, An,ne J SES OSO OU.SOC (US) [/O=EASF-/OU=EXCHANGI'. AQoMINISTRATIVE GROUP (F'(DIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN;:, • • ]; Dtlworthi Monique LSES OSD OLIS0 C (LJSA) [/0,,EASF/OU = EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIB0HF23SPDLT)/CN=HECIPIENTS/CN • • Subjec;t: RE: R�quest for in.formation Attachments! smime.p7s (b )(5) EM From: Benjamin, Michael A SES 05D OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:33 PM To: Mccusker, Elaine A HON 050 OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) Cc:. OSD t ( >; McAndrew, Anne J OSD OUSD C (b) (6) >; Dil.wortti, Monique LSES O5D OUSD C (USA) (US) CIV OU Sb USA) SES (b)(6) Subject: RE: Request for information Ma 1am, Please. see request below tram SASC legal counsel, From: Monahan, Bill (Armed Services) (b) (6) Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:29 PM To: CIV OSD OUSD C(USA) (b) (6) Benjamin, Michael A SES OSD OUSD C(USA) (b) (6) Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Req4est for inforrn�tion � and Michael: I'd like to request information on the following: ■ Or, what date was the Comptroller rnformed that the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) funds were being put on hold? Was this fundin,g suspended at the request of the Office of Management and Budget? ■ When did the Comptroller's office inform offices wltlilin the Department of th<! hold placed on USAI funds? was the suspension of these funds conveyed to offices in writing? If so, pl.ease provide the Committee any such directive and any Apportionment document relating to the suspension of the USAI funds. Thank you for your help in this matter. B ileg ih, f\. \I }-JvERSIGHT AO v 0MB, DoD Release 28 �eb 20 001 Bill Monahan Counsel Committee on Armed Services United States Senate AMERICAN pVERSIGHT AO v 0MB, DoD Release 28 Feb 20 002 Mess.age (Digitally Signed) Fmm: Mccusker, Elaine A HON 050 DUSO C (USA} l/O=EASF/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP ( FYDIBO HF23SPOL n/ CN=RE CIPI ENTS/CN b 6 I Sent· 9/26/2019 10:26:43 AM To: Benjamin, Michael A SES OSD DUSO C (USA) [/O=EASF/OU=EXCHAJ\JGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP ( FVDIBO HF23SPDl T)/CN=RE CIPI ENTS/Crtffifi3 Subject: CR Attachments; smime.p7s Nfike Hey. The version of the CR the house passed bas the USAI language on unob balance correct? EM AMERICAN pVERSIGHT AO v 0MB, DoD Release 28 J="eb 20 003 Message (Digitally Signed) From: McCus:ker, Elaine A HON OSO OUSO C (USA [/O=EASF/OU=EXCHANGE AOMINISliRATIV.£ GROUP (FYDIBOHF13SPOL T)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN (b) (6) ] Sent: 9/2'5/2019 7:34:47 PM To; Dilworth, Monique L SES OSO DUSO C (USA) [/0:e:EASF/OU"'E.XCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FVOIBO HF23SPOLT)/CN=RE CIPI ENTS/CN = ]; M cA11drew, AMe J SES OSD OU SO C (US) 1/0=EASF/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP ( FVDIB OH F23SPDL T)/CN=RE CIPI ENTS/,CN (b) (6) CC: (b) (6) Col USMC OSD OUSD C (USA) f/O=EASF/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/(N= ]; Col USAF OSD OUSD C (USA) 1/O=EASF/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN ); Benjamin, Michael A SES OSD OUSD C (USA) 1/O=EASF /OU=EXCHANGE .ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIB OH F23SPDL T)/CN=RE CIPIENTS/CN (b) (6) Subject: RE: For your approval-FW: Media query 20190929- question on Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (Ukraine SAi) Attachments: smlme.p7s Thanks. (b)(S) EM -----Original Message----- From: Dilworth, .Monique L SES 05D OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) I > sent: Wednesday, September 2S, To: Mccusker lai A o (b) (6) >; McAndrew, Anne J SES OSD OUSD cc: (b) (6) Col USAF 0 Subject: RE: For your a,pprova tJkraine Security Assistance Initiative (Ukraine SAI) - th Ulwalllllllllll -----original Message----- From: Mccusker, Elaine A HON OSD OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) > Wednesday, September 2S, 2019 12: 29 ES OSD OUSD C (US) M OU >; Col Monique L SE su Ject: FW: For your approva Media query 20190929- question on Ukraine Security ASsistance I.n-Hiative (Ukraine SAI) . Is. (b) ( 5) 7 what are (b)(S) ? Thanks. EM (b) (6) OUSD C (USA) AO v 0MB, OoD Release 28 Feb 20 004 subject: For your approval--AII: Media query 20190929- question on Ul<rai ne security .ASsistance Initi ati.ve (Ukraine SAI) Ms, Mccusker, ey a so p rov1 e a quest, on rom o 1 , co w a- ey are be7 ng as ,e • -o 1 co reporter wrote: ''We' re fo 11 owing up on our reporting on the Ukra'inE security Assistance r:nt'tiative, and had a qui,ck question. JioW much money o'f the original $250rn appropriated for UsAr is expected to be left over/unobligated by the end of the fiscal year next week? (b)(5) ma-----Original Message----- From; Benjamin, Michael SES 05D OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) sent: \',fednes . se 't.€"111;fer!S--, 2019 6: 33 To: Di CIV OSD Assistance InH:iative (Ukraine SAI) -----original Mes age----- From: Dilworth, Mo,nique L SES 050 OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) Sc! r 24, 2019 6:44 Pl'II C. US) • >; Mc;Andrew, Anne) SES OSD OUSD C Fis C (USA) >;rmm..llllllllllcoL A) on Ukraine S,ecurity Assistance Initiative (Ukraine SAI) mll!J We provided the following to Eric Raven on Frid.ay - "As of today, September 20, 2019, the DSCA has obligated approximately $73.4 million, or 29 percent of the $250M enacted for USAI. Absent the CR provision, we currently estimate about $30M could be at risk of expi ri hg oh September 30th." (b)(5) th -----o i inal Messaoe- --- From; • ,, CIV oso OUSD c (US) (b) (6) sent: ues ay, se em er 24, 2019 4:03 PM To: McAndrew, Anne :J SES OSD OUSD C us ; Dilworth, Monique L SES OSD OU U o D OUSD C (USA) (b) (6) COL subject: Media query 2 Assistance Initiative (Ukraine SAI) Anne and Monique (and all), ".!. ".!. - ,. • • ., •• -.- •• • .- , • 1 · .!. -· - , - - ••• I, - .-. (b)(5) (b)(S) They aJ.so R[OV.ided a question from Politico as a sample of what they are being asked. Politco reporter wrq t:R e·r allowing up on our reporting on the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, and had a qv, \R p;! !R[lh .money of the original .$250m appropriated for USAI is expected to be left ;llfrfilc lJTilaJ)fil !! end of the fi s ca 1 yea.r ne)<t we.ek? AO v 0MB, DoD Release 28 eb 20 005 I noticed the CR that passed the House last week allows the leftover USAI money from FY19 to be spent in FYZO. That was a big concern here oh the Hill and wanted to see how much money that provision would ul tirna1:el y affect:." what can I give PA, p1ease1 -----·Original Message----- From: Babb, He ther s CIV OSD PA (USA) (b) (6) Sent: Tuesda Se tember 24; 2019 2;23 .. CIV 0SD OUSD C US enta on A Li st DPO .ATL ' CDR lJSIII OSD F ) nee rnitiative Hello again, tG>M w I . l th f th uk . t (b)(5) Below is one media query from Politico to serve as an ex.ample, (b )( 5) rn addition to our regular PA team, I've also copied here the OSDCPA) PA.Os for DSCA and Europe Policy cu krai ne). Pleas"f! let nie know if you have any questions. Thank you. Vr, Heatl1er Heat er Babb DOD spokeswoman, Public Affairs Operations Office of the Assistant to the secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Pentag E-mail Phone Phone cell; DOD website: https://WMv.defunse.gov/ Twitter: https://twitter. com/DeptofDefense· Instagram: https ://www. i nstag ram. com/d,eptofde.fens.e Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeptofOefense Li nkedin; https :/ /www.1 i nkedi n. coni/company/un ited-states-department-of-defense From; Connor o'srie.n > Sent Tuesday , Sep te111 To: Gough, susah L (sue) cIV osD PA (USA) • • Subject: [Non-DoD Source] question on Ukra, ne A 11 active links contained in this email l"lere di sap 1 ed. Pl ease verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the mess.age prior to copying and pasting the address en a Web browser. H s i5 p CAN pVERSIGHT AO v 0MB, OoD Release 28 Feb 20 006 We're following up on our reporting on the Ukraine security Assis"tar,ce Initiative, and had a quick question. How much money o-fthe original $2SOm appropriated for USAI is expected to be left over /unob 11 gated hy the end of the fi s ca 7 year next week.? I noticed the CR that passed the House last week allows the leftover USAI money -from FY19 to be spent 'in FY2Q. That was a big concern here on the Hi 17 a1nd wanted to see how much money that provision would ultimately affect. Thanl<s, Connor Reporter I AMERICAN pVERSIGHT AO v 0MB, DoD Release 28 r=-e!J 20 007 Message (Digitally Signed) from: Mccusker, Elaine A HON C (USA) l/O=EASF/OU=EXCHANGf ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBO H F23SPOL T)/CN=RE CIPI ENTS/CN (b)(6) Sent· 9/20/2019 8:53:36 PM Toi Benjamin, Michael A SES osoOSD ousoOUSD C (lJSA) l/O=EASf-/OU=EXCHAflJGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FVOI BO H F23SPOlT)/CN=RE CIPI ENTS/C (b) (6) CC.: McAnc:lrew 1 Anne J SES OSD DUSO C (US) l/O=EASF/OU=EXCHANGE: ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (l=YDIB0HP.-2351ll.OCT)/CN=RECIPIENrS/CN= (b)(6) ]; Dilworth, Monique L SES DSD OUSD C (USA) 1/0=EASl</OlJ:o XCMANGE ADMfNISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF--2JSF>Di1',iCN=RECIPIENTSJ,CN (b) (6) Subject: RE: Ukr.:;jn (?r·af rQ.sponses for Erik Raven, SAC-O) Attachmertts: smime.p1s - One minor edi-t to the response below.
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