MOST BLESSED TRINITY SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD 450 Keller Ave., Waukegan, IL T: 847-623-2655 [email protected] www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org July 19, 2020 - 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time 5 de Julio 19,020 –16º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Immaculate Conception Inmaculada Concepción 508 Grand Ave Waukegan IL 60085 Holy Family Sagrada Familia 450 Keller Ave. Waukegan IL 60085 Queen of Peace Reina de Paz 910 14th St. North Chicago IL 60064 Pastor’s Lette Dear Parishioners: Beginning this week, we began celebrating Confessions, 1st Communions, and Confirmations with many of our parishioners. Hundreds of these people are under 19 years of age. All of them are capable of sharing a iiving faith with great love, embracing their mission in the world. Please pray for them. The Book of Wisdom in the 1st reading reminds us that our God has the responsibility of the care of all of us. This God is good and forgiving as suggested by the refrain in Psalm 86, because God is the master of might. Wisdom reminds us this weekend that it is our God who judges with clemency. Our generation is like every generation before us, there is a great harvest and we are called to work in the harvest. For this reason, I will share stories of young people of faith in our time period, during the coming weeks. Thank you, Fr. Tim O’Malley, Pastor Matteo Farina (1990-2009) from Brindisi, Italy, spent his short life surrounded by love of his family, friends, parish community and girlfriend. Like other people his age he played sports and cultivated hobbies, including music and playing musical instruments. He started a band called “No Name”. He was an excellent student and had a great passion for the study of chemistry, information technology, and wanted to study environmental engineering. Since he was a child, Matteo attended Holy Mass, read the Word of God, and prayed the Holy Rosary every day. He confessed weekly. His life was marked by two events, a dream and an illness. The Dream: When Matteo was 9 years old he had a dream of St. Pio of Pietrelcina who revealed to him the secret of happiness, and gave him the task of sharing this dream with everyone. According to Matteo, this is what St. Pio told him, “If you managed to understand that who is without sin is happy, then you have to teach this to others, so that we can all go happily together to the heavenly kingdom”. Matteo understood that this lesson was his life’s mission, and he said, “I hope to succeed in realizing my mission as ‘infiltrator’ among young people, telling them about God… I look around me and I want to enter in young people’s lives quietly like a virus, infecting them with and incurable illness: Love”. The Illness: Matteo first noticed the cancer symptoms when he was only 13 years old. He did not lose his love for life or his strong faith. When he was hospitalized for surgical operations, he always smiled and supported other patients. He wrote: “You would like to scream to the world that you would do eve- rything for your Savior, that you are ready to suffer for the salvation of souls, to die for Him. You will have the opportunity of showing Him your love”. As a champion of faith, Matteo used to say, “Faith is to grasp God, to spread His Word. It is to bend one’s head without raising it with a cavalier attitude. It is to quietly do good.” For Matteo happiness is the fruit of faith, and he used to say, “It is useless to be sad. We have to be happy and transmit happiness. The more happiness we give people; the more people are happy. The more they are happy, the more we are happy”. Although it might seem surprising that a young man of 19 years of age understood deeply the value of life, responsibility for the gift of faith, and the gift of family. He understood the importance of caring for things, saying: “My God, I have two hands, let one of them always clasp you closer in every trial. And let the other hand reach out to others throughout the world if this is your will… as I know you by others, so let others know You, through me. I want to be a mirror, the clearest possible, and if this is Your will, I want to reflect your light in the heart of every man and woman. Thanks for life. Thanks for faith. Thanks for love. I’m yours”. July 19 2020 www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org Most Blessed Trinity | 2 Carta del Parroco Queridos Feligreses, A partir de esta semana, comenzamos a celebrar Confesiones, 1as Comuniones y Confirmaciones con muchos de nuestros feligreses. Cientos de estas personas son menores de 19 años. Todos ellos son capaces de compartir una fe viva con gran amor, abrazando su misión en el mundo. Por favor, oren por ellos. El Libro de Sabiduría en la primera lectura nos recuerda que nuestro Dios tiene la responsabilidad del cuidado de todos nosotros. Este Dios es bueno y misericordioso, co- mo sugiere la estrofa en el Salmo 86, porque Dios es el maestro del poder. Sabiduría nos recuerda este fin de semana que es nuestro Dios quien juzga con clemencia. Nuestra generación es como cada generación que tenemos ante nosotros, hay una gran cosecha y estamos llamados a trabajar en la cosecha. Por esta razón compartiré historias de jóvenes de fe en nuestro período de tiempo. Gracias, Padre Tim O’Malley, Cura Matteo Farina (1990-2009) de Brindisi, Italia, pasó su corta vida rodea- do de amor por su familia, amigos, comunidad parroquial y novia. Al igual que otras personas de su edad jugó deportes y cultivó pasatiem- pos, incluyendo música y tocar instrumentos musicales. Comenzó una banda llamada "No Name". Era un excelente estudiante y tenía una gran pasión por el estudio de la química, la tecnología de la informa- ción, y quería estudiar ingeniería medioambiental. Desde que era un niño, Matteo asistió a la Santa Misa, leyó la Palabra de Dios y oró el Santo Rosario todos los días. Confesó semanalmente. Su vida estuvo marcada por dos acontecimientos, un sueño y una enfermedad. El Sueño: Cuando Matteo tenía 9 años tuvo un sueño de San Pío de Pietrelcina que le reveló el secreto de la felicidad, y le dio la tarea de compartir este sueño con todos. Según Matteo, esto es lo que San Pío le dijo: "Si lograste enten- der que quien está sin pecado es feliz, entonces tienes que enseñar esto a los demás, para que to- dos podamos ir felices juntos al reino celestial". Matteo entendió que esta lección era la misión de su vida, y dijo: "Espero tener éxito en la realización de mi misión como 'infiltrador' entre los jóvenes, hablándoles de Dios... Miro a mi alrededor y quiero entrar en la vida de los jóvenes en silencio como un viro, infectándolos con una enfermedad incurable: el Amor". La enfermedad: Matteo notó por primera vez los síntomas del cáncer cuando sólo tenía 13 años. No perdió su amor por la vida ni su fuerte fe. Cuando fue hospitalizado para operaciones quirúr- gicas, siempre sonreía y apoyaba a otros pacientes. Escribió: "Te gustaría gritar al mundo que ha- rías todo por tu Salvador, que estás listo para sufrir por la salvación de las almas, para morir por él. Tendrás la oportunidad de mostrarle tu amor". Como defensor de la fe, Matteo solía decir: "La fe es captar a Dios, difundir Su Palabra. Es doblar la cabeza sin levantarla con una actitud cabizbajo. Es hacer el bien en silencio." Por Matteo la felicidad es el fruto de la fe, y solía decir: "Es inútil estar triste. Tenemos que ser felices y transmitir felicidad. Cuantas demos más felici- dad a la gente; cuanta más gente sea feliz. Cuanto más son felices, más somos felices nosotros". Santísima Trinidad www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org 19 de julio 2020| 3 Children’s Art July 19, 2020 www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org Most Blessed Trinity | 4 Guias de Reapertura para los Feligreses Santísima Trinidad www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org 19 de julio 2020| 5 Guias de Reapertura para los Feligreses July 19, 2020 www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org Most Blessed Trinity | 6 Announcements Anuncios Consejo Pastoral Parroquial Parish Pastoral Council LLuviana Arizmendi, Lydia Crawford Pastoral & Administrative Staff Jorge Cervantes Pastor: Rev. Tim O’Malley Sara Garza Associate Pastors: Rev. Moisés Navarro, Vicky Iraula Rev. Rodrigo Peña & Rev. Juan Gavancho Jackie Johnson Deacons: Fredy Muñoz, Gary Munda & Marie Lindberg Pablo Albarrán Salvador y Mery Martínez Operations Director: Marvin Sabido Elizabeth Morales Logistics: Hugo Rodríguez Pat Tekampe Pastoral Care: Patricia Moran Kimberly Trigsted Religious Education: Marlon Pacheco, Ce- Parish Finance Council lia Muñoz, María García Consejo de Finanzas Parroquial Ministry Coordinator: D. Fredy Muñoz Colleen Maslowski MBTA Principal: Dr. Lynne Saccaro Deacon Gary Munda English Liturgical Music: Pat Bamford John K. Willard Santísima Trinidad www.mostblessedtrinityparish.org 19 de julio 2020| 7 Reflection & Readings Reflexion & Intenciones 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Grace and sin, belief and unbelief, good and evil all exist together. While we wrestle with these two dimensions of reality inwardly, La escena tiene lugar en un campo donde el propietario they are also witnessed in the actions and words of others. Many, siembra el grano, pero una noche llega el enemigo y all too often, beat themselves up because of their sin. We are also siembra la cizaña, término que en hebreo deriva de la all too quick to pass judgment on others whom we perceive to be misma raíz que el nombre "Satanás" y reclama el con- in error and walking down a wrong path.
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