, Serving the Better Interests of Commercial VOL. 1. NO. 43 NEW YORK, N. Y., FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1937 FIVE CENTS 5-Language News Programs WIRE ·SNIPING LOOMS lllakes GoO(1 Service in Italian, German, Polish and Chicago - Douglas Perkins. 13· year·old harmonica player. who Portuguese Being Made Available IN CHICAGO BAND JAM hummed his way with $6 to i Chicago from Cobb. Ky.. and Chicago-Reluctance of Hotel Drake asked a Palmer House clerk by Van Cronkhite Assoc~ates management and Mutual Broadcast­ I "Where's the radio station here?" I ing System officials to let NBC install has been signed by the Alka Programs of foreign language news a wire in the Gold Coast Room where I I Seltzer National Barn Dance for service in Italian, German, Polish and Paul Whiteman and his orchestra tomorrow. , fOUR NEW ACCOUNTS open tonight is expected to result in Portuguese are about to be offered an outbreak of band-spot and wire­ by Van Cronkhite Associates Inc., sniping between NBC, CBS and STARTING ON MUTUAL recently organized radio news service Mutual. Hotel Drake is one of headed by John Van Cronkhite, Mutual's strongest spots, but White­ CBS, NBC SWITCHING Lovely Lady Inc., Chicago (cos­ RADIO DAILY learns. The foreign man is under NBC management and metics), Procter & Gamble {OxydoD, language programs will be in addi­ for various bookings NBC has turned Ravin Co. of California (cosmetics) tion to the regular Van Cronkhite over its band contracts to Con­ CLtVELAND STATIONS and Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, are news service in English. solidated Radio Artists Inc., which four new clients which will shortly Besides giving summaries of the day's headline events, delivered direct handled the Drake booking. Report that CBS would drop its begin spring radio campaigns over Whiteman and NBC sought a one­ the Mutual network. by teletype printers, the foreign lan­ Cleveland affiliated station, WHK, at (Continued On Page 3) hour Sunday night concert sustain­ the expiration of its present contract Procter & Gamble this Monday will mg out of the Drake, but Edwin L. on Oct. 31, was confirmed yesterday start "Couple Next Door" a quarter­ Brasheers, manager of the Drake, by Herbert V. Akerberg, CBS vice­ hour script show, Mondays, Tuesdays Skelly Oil Placing and WGN-Mutual officials to date president in charge of station rela­ and Wednesdays, over WGN, WLW. Series in Mid-West (Conti"ued all Page 8) tions, and in its place CBS has signed Program keyed from WGN. Blackett­ WGAR as the Cleveland outlet, effec­ Sample-Hummert Inc., Chicago, placed Kansas City - Newton Cross, in Treaty Angle Hearing tive Nov. L (Continuei on Page 8) charge of the Skelly Oil Co. account WGAR at present is an NBC-Blue for Ferry-Hanley Advertising Co. On Duffy Copyright Act affiliate, and it is understood that 50 Mikers to Attend here, has scheduled a series of spot NBC is now negotiating with WHK. announcements for Skel Gas over Washington Bureau. RADIO DAILY (Colltinued all Page 3) Chi. Baseball Confab eight mid-west stations and has Washington- Senate Foreign Rela­ bought time over KMA, Shenandoah, tions Committee will hold a special Chicago- Some 50 ann 0 u n c e r s WMT, Cedar Rapids, and KRNT, Des meeting Monday at 10 o'clock for Reduce Gillette "Sing" handling baseball broadcasts, as well Moines, of the Iowa network for the purpose of discussing treaty Effective on April 25 as sponsors and important figures in the same product, using a quarter angles of Duffy copyright bill. Sena­ baseball administration, will be pres­ hour program of German band music, tor F. Ryan Duffy will preside. West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY ent for the first national conference twice weekly. Testimony is expected by attorneys Los Angeles-Gillette Safety Razor of its kind to be held April 11-12 at and executives of organizations and Co., on April 25, will reduce the CBS the Edgewater Beach Hotel. Knox "Sweetest Love Songs" trades interested. "Gillette Community Sing" program Reeves Ad. Agency of Minneapolis to a half-hour period, 10-10: 30 p.m., will supervise the meeting, which In New Time on NBC it was announced by Ruthrauff & will discuss technique, showmanship, 'Little Orphan Annie" Ryan yesterday. Agency is now etc., and attempt to coordinate more Sterling Products Inc. (Phillips Renewed Through 1937 seeking an earlier spot on CBS net­ than 8,000 baseball broadcasts for dental cream ) on April 27 shifts the work for eastern listeners with a re­ General Mills, Socony-Vacuum and "Sweetest Love Son gs" on the NBC­ Wander Co., Chicago (Ovaltine) peat for the coast. Goodrich Tires. Blue network to a 9:30-10 p.m. spot has renewed "Little Orphan Annie" on Tuesdays. Program will use the through 1937. Program is heard on same network with the exception of 28 NBC-Red network stations, Mon­ [(ate Smith Switching WCKY, which cannot clear the new days through Fridays, 5: 45-6 p.m., time period. Show is currently w ith repeat for western stations at heard Mondays, 8:30-9 p.m. Blackett­ 6: 45 p.m. Blackett-Sample-Hummert Sample-Hummert is the agency. Air Inc., Chicago, placed the account. Network and Sponsor Features Inc. produces the program. Kate Smith, now heading the A. & this summer, but it is understood that IlIlIs~rated P . "Band Wagon" program, one-hour A. & P. plans to continue the "Band 1'00 lllllcb Ullsi ll'·SS show on Thursday nights via CBS Wagon" with Jack Miller's band re­ Chicago--When baseball sea· Kansas City - While WHB's network, will switch network and maining. "Man at the Wheel" inlerviewers sponsor in the Fall, going to NBC son opens April 16 on WBBM. the were quizzing two local policemen under the sponsorship of Calumet The General Foods contract signed CBS outlet here will have to drop at a boulevard intersection on Baking Powder, a product of General by Ted Collins, producer of the at least three daily sponsors due "What causes auto accidents?" a Foods. "Band Wagon" and manager of Kate to complete sellout of commercial couple of obliging mortorists. more Calumet now has the Phillip Lord Smith, has a three-year run. Budget schedule. One. Goldberg Credit interested in Ihe street broadcast feature, "We, The People" on NBC- for show is understood to be $12,500 Clothing. will stay on air by buy. than in their driving. collided right Blue net as a Su nday half-hour weekly with $7,500 as Miss Smith's ing two-hour Friday night "Nutty by the mike. show. The Lord program which end. Club" broadcast. 11 p.m.· l a.m. Listeners heard the crash of fades May 16, will be taken over The new Calumet program will be fenders and bystanders yell. by another firm. an hour variety show with guest Sets record for lale night time sale. L.:;;;;====;;;;., ____..-; :;;;;.,. ___J I Miss Smith is expected to vacation I artists. y 2=============== =RAD 10 D AI L y==========F=n="d=a=,=A=p=ril=9=, =19=37 Marianni Signed by eRA; KXBY Moves May 1 King's Jesters Renewed Kansas City-KXBY, whose gener­ I - al manager, H. R. Makelim, has and H u g 0 Mananni· . an d orche s t r,a c u-r signed a three-year lease on the en- COminG GOinG rently at the Blackstone Hotel, Chi- tire 22nd floor of the Fidelity Bank Vol. I , No. 43 Fri., Apr. 9, 1937 Price 5 Cts. cago, has been signed by Consolidated Bldg. for conversion into modern Radio Artists Inc. under exclusive broadcasting quarters, will move CHARLES W. MYERS, owner of KOIN, and JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher management. from its present .locatio~ about May NAB president, arrived in New York from Another Chicago band, The King's ' 1. r;r ew place WIll provIde for three Washington yesterday morning on a business DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor Jesters, at the LaSalle Hotel since studIOS, co~t;ol room, news room, trip. MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager February, have been renewed for offices, .audItI0.n room. and lou~g~s. WALTER R. BROWN, NBC engineer, leaves TransmItter WIll remaIn where It It. tomorrow for San Francisco. Brown is one Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays ano th er f our w ee k s f rom M ay 1 . F' tNt' I T I .. S h I I of the engineers making the 14,000 mile trek and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, Band with NBC wire is under CRA Irs. a .1Ona e eVIslOn c 00 a so t~ cover the eclipse. N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, remaIns In the Keystone Bldg. Presirlent and Publisher; Donald M. Merser­ management. RALPH WONDERS left early this morning &iU, Treasurer and General Mana'ger; Chester for Chicago. :3. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. First Coronation Broadcast Special for May Day BREWSTER MORGAN, CBS director, left for First official Coronation program Baltimore this morning to meet MRS. MORGAN Terms (Post free) United States outside of Star Radio Programs Inc., at a retUrning from the coast. Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, comes over t he NBC-Blue network meeting of the program board yes­ year, 10. Subscriber should remit with order. today, 3-3: 30 via British Broadcasting ARTHUR BORAN leaves tomorrow for Phila­ Address all communications to RADIO terday, decided to produce a special delphia. DAIL Y, 1501 Broadway. Kew York, N. Y. in the form of a concert by His May Day program, to be released in Phone WIsconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338.
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