( Guantanamo Bay Vol. 55 No. 12 Friday, March 27, 1998 4Seabees commemorate 56 years Guantanamo Bay - Saturday night's missing in action. 20 years and where they're going in the next cen- Seabee Ball was held at the Windjammer Com- Guest speaker, Director of Shore Activities tury. He also spoke briefly about the reserve munity Center to commemorate the 56th year of Readiness, Atlantic Fleet, Rear Adm. (sel) Seabee units and about his new position at the U.S. Navy CINCLANTFLT. Seabees, the 131s't In keeping with tra- year of the Civil En- dition, the ceremonial gineer Corps and the cutting of the birthday 156th year of Naval " cake by the oldest and Facilities Engineering youngest Seabees in at- Command. tendance was per- The event's coor- formed by dinator, Ensign CUCM(SCW) Lynne Cameron Smith, of Havens, the oldest Public Works Depart- Seabee in attendance, ment transportation, and CECN Kristopher described the celebra- Hernandez, the young- tion as "perfect" and est. said, "It was a success. Public Works Of- The ceremony went ficer Cmdr. Rick well, we gave away Wagner sang the na- some great door prizes tional anthem and "God and we had people ' Bless America." Then, dancing there right up everyone joined in and until the end." Public Works Officer Cmdr. Rick Wagner sings 'God Bless America" during Saturday's Seabee sang the "Seabee After dinner, the Ball celebrating 56 years of U. S. Navy Seabees, 131 years of the Civil Engineer Corps and 156th Song." ceremony portion of year of the Naval FacilitiesEngineering Command. Following the cer- the evening began emony, Jim Veazey with the presentation of the colors and an honor Michael Johnson spoke about the future of the served as disc jockey and many stayed to dance guard to pay tribute to prisoners of war and those Seabees, including where they've been in the last until the end of the celebration. GTMO's Operation Uplift receives $1,000 grant Guantanamo Bay - Guantanamo Bay's Single Sailor Program, Op- grant allows us to have more events, trophies and provide T-shirts at a eration Uplift, was recently awarded a $1,000 grant from the Bureau of lower cost," she said. Navy Personnel for fiscal year 1998. The money was awarded through the The paintball tournament is scheduled for April 25 and registration is Single Sailor Operating Grant Program which awards money to excep- due by April 22. The grant money will allow Operation Uplift to subsidize tional programs each year. Last year, GTMO received $500 from the pro- team costs and charge only $3 instead of $10. They will also provide 100 gram. rounds of free paintballs and have a barbecue after ward. Operation Uplift was selected for the grant this year based on creative The money will also go toward a powder puff football game scheduled programming ideas included in an events package submitted. The theme for April 23 at Cooper Field. This event is a flag football game for females for the package was "What would you do with the money if it was awarded where the men act as cheerleaders. to your program?" Their plan for the money incorporated three events; a The two-day volleyball tournament is scheduled for Armed Forces paintball tournament, powder puff football game and a two-day volleyball Day weekend. All male games will be played May 16 and female games tournament. will be played May 17. The grant money will go toward a disc jockey, T- "We felt the money would be best used by subsidizing entry fees for shirts and prizes. events," said Anna Bowers, Operation Uplift manager. "Normally we have For more information on these events, call the Operation Uplift office to cut back on activities because of the downsizing and budget cuts but the at 2010. GTMO Recycle this GAZETTE BUPERS' move to Millington, Tenn., this fall is good reason to check your records now BUPERS,Washington D.C.- Selection board operations will shift should be sent to the following address: Bureau ofNaval Personnel, PERS when the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) moves to Millington, 322, 2 Navy Annex, Washington D. C. 20370-3130. Fitness reports or Tenn., this summer. The last board in Washington D.C., will be held in evals submitted to detailers are not considered valid for purposed of entry July. The first board in Millington will be held in September. into the system. They must be submitted to PERS 322 for validation and While BUPERS will continue to serve Sailors during the move, Sail- entry into the automated system prior to being entered on the microfiche. ors anticipating board eligibility this summer should get involved now in Unsigned advanced copies will not be provided to the boards. verifying the accuracy of their own records to ensure they remain com- Missing photos should be sent to: Bureau of Naval Personnel, PERS petitive before selection boards. 313, 2 Navy Annex, Washington D.C. 20370-3130 Missing or current evaluations, official portrait or awards should be Missing transcripts should be sent to : Bureau of Naval Personnel, submitted promptly to receive proper consideration by a selection board. PERS-103IDl, 2 Navy Annex, Washington D.C. 23070-1031. About 30 days prior to a selection board, BUPERS (PER-322) runs a con- New awards or medals are submitted to the Board of Decorations and tinuity check for missing evals and sends a message to the respective com- Medals by the awarding authority. If awards are missing from the micro- mand requesting copies of missing reports. fiche, members should submit a copy, with the member's social security Service members can ease the process by ensuring their records are number typed or written in the upper right-hand corner, to the Board of current and cover all of one's service time with no continuity gaps. If Decorations and Medals. When the board enters the medal into the auto- there is a gapped period that can be explained by a memo, the member mated system, the Personnel Summary Report (PSR) is updated. The award should submit one to cover the period so that selection boards aren't look- is then sent to PERS-313 for recording on the microfiche. ing for a report that does not exist. Awards should be submitted at least two months in advance of a selec- By requesting microfiche now, members can ensure that all evals, pic- tion board to ensure proper processing: Board of Decorations and Medals. tures, education or awards are on the microfiche. Requests, which must be N09B33, 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington D.C. 23050-2000. in writing, may be faxed to (703) 614-8882, or mailed to: Bureau of Naval Members who receive an award within one month of a selection board's Personnel, PERS-313C1, 2 Navy Annex, Washington D.C. 20370-3130. convening date should also send a copy to the board president in accor- Questions concerning microfiches should be addressed to PER-313D at dance with the Military Personnel Manual. If an award shows on thePSR DSN 224-3654 or (703) 614-3654. but not on the microfiche, members should send a copy directly to PERS Copies of missing evals, signed by the member and reporting senior, 313Cet. Base to advance clocks one hour Record-breaking rainfall causes watering ban for Daylight Savings Time April 5 Guantanamo Bay - Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay - The U. S. Naval Base will advance all clocks one hour April 5 in order to received a record breaking 2.76 inches of rain shift to Daylight Savings Time (DST). The time officially changes at 2 a.m. but most base residents Monday. This was the most rain to fall in a have to remember to set their clocks ahead the night before. 24-hour period here since 1958 when the base Although the base was considering a proposal to stay on standard time, the consensus was to received 2.43 inches of rainfall. make the normal time shift with the U. S. East Coast. As a result, Commander Naval Base, Capt. "We took an informal poll of the NAVSTA departments and tenant commands, and found that Larry Larson has implemented a watering ban the overwhelming majority were in favor of mak- on all landscape watering until Tuesday. ing the shift to Daylight Savings Time," said base "There is no reason to water landscaping after so much rainfall," said Larson. commander, Capt. Larry Larson. The reasons Admin. department to most often cited were to maintain the same work- Limited hand watering of ornamental flow- close early for ing hours as our counterparts in Norfolk, Va. ers and plants is permitted on Saturday as commad fun tionWashington D.C. and Jacksonville, Fla. as well needed. commands the increased evening leisure time. Other water usage will continue as usual. Guantanamo Bay -The Admin. office, Shifting to DST will have an impact on cer- Larson added that the ban will allow the Public Affairs office, Career Counselor's of- tam base functions such as the movie start time base to get a better idea of how much water is fice, Staff Judge Advocate's office, Equal at the Downtown Lyceum. Revised times will actually used for landscape watering. Opportunity office, Chief Master at Arms and be published along with the weekly movie sched- "If we can control one of the variables, we CO/XO office will close at 10:30 a.m. today ule. can learn more about where the water is go- for a command function. Sorry for any in- Personnel who exercise early in the morning ing," he said.
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