‘"A-' / ■ t ;j ; ; v - .'.fc - . ■»/ WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1968 iianrlfpBt^r ■ ■ ■ ; 1 ■ ■' ' ' N et Preaa Rub Tile W ca^sa, Chester, was treated at Man­ asked General Manager Richard Aiian Bank Planned RANGE 1 e< C . a. chester Memorial Hospital for htarChT to look into a new plan n . ISMS minor back injuries. Board Seeks New Method AM) Driver, 16, Held Police ssUd Prescott'e car, that would aasesa the eoet of tnfj^PBD NATIONS, N.Y. the trunk sewer on both an An Aslan development bank FUEL O IL 14,190 eastbound, swerved and spun In Keeney Sewer Problem aturlfwt^r lEu^mttg ■Ight. Leer hi SSe. In 2 - Car Crash around and then collided with acreage and a fronM oot basis. wHh |1 btmon capital is the GASOLINE nhar el Oie'iMUt tooeamw. HIsh afe< the westbound car operated by The inMieU ooet tar the larg- goal, of a U.N. :Special Fund raM «C OrmdaOoa Rollins. Prescott is scheduled Because a plan proposed last^levylng the cost of the sewers eat part of th« projeot would be m eetii« late tMs yebr BCAFB. ManeheUer— A City o f ViUaga Charm Robert Prescott, 16. of Mans­ to appear in Manchester Cir­ paikf by the developer, who the U,N. Boonomks Commission field has been charged with week for sewering the Keeney against developers only, dis­ cuit Court June 21. Trooper St. area has been judged to be cussed last week was definitely would receive the assessment for -Asia and the Far Beat, BANTLY OIL reckless driving after his car Alan Pease Investigated. BfANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1965 (ClMirtllod Adveritafaig on Page SS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS spun around on Rt.'44A near illegal, the town will look into unequitable. paiyments orver a given length would-be the fkamework of the COMI’ ANY IN( VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 202 (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) a new method of distributing Any cost distribution must be of time. bank’s acgenlaattoa Bolton Lake last night and col-, 87,000 E.\RN S10,e00 tided with a car going in the the cost of the proposed sewer made “on a fair and equitable The dUreotors asked MaKin ;;.!1 M.\»N Srm -KI NEW YORK—Although moi^e project. Researchers are keeping milk opposite direction. basis against all benefltlng to have the ptan prepared iia TKI.. llt'.M than 26 million U.S. women Town Counsel Irving Aronson property owners,” Atty. Aron­ detail ao that H could be oon- unrefiigeratod^’ for six months The other driver, Eiizabeth work, only 87,000 earn $10,000 told the board of directors last son said. sfdered at an early June meet­ without M sbiutng under a new Yale Ode Chinese Rollins of 172 Main St„ Man- or more a year. night that an assessment plan. So instead, the directors ing. procem.: Events NEW HA'VEN (AP)— The Yale senior class ode is going to be in Chinese thiff U.S. Reported Asking ''year, instead of the- tradl- ------------------ - . ■' ; ^ In State dittonal Latin or Greek. OPEN 6 DAYS — THURSDAY NIGHTS TILL ,9 P.M. Its author is Richard, G. Fabian of Dallas, TeX., who House Passes majored in Chinese studies. TRY THIS Fabian submitted his poem HOUSE when he heard there was a Bill Curbing dearth of entries. Broad Dominiean Rule The class ode is declaim­ MADRAS Lie Detectors ed by its author at class day ceremonies each year. WASHINGTON (AP) — HARTFORD (AP) — Fabian describes his of­ The chiefs of the two rival fering as a "natur’e poem” Dominican factions will weekend... Employers would be pro­ in two stanzas, utilizing PRICE ON both have to step aside if Miss Karen M. Sibrinsz, the HALE N EW SU M M ER hibited from using lie de­ seven-syllable verse. Misses' Junior the revolt-tom country is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Main Street—Manchester FASHION SEPARATES tectors on their employes He said that the class ode Michael Sibrinsz of 98 Hamlin under a bill passed b.v the is traditionally humorous, to get a government broad­ St, has been selected as liter­ but "there's no such thing ly acceptable to the people, FOR SIZE • BLOUSES COnON SHIFTS SWIM House today and sent- to as funny Chinese poetry.” ary editor of the student year­ V St’..* > -' the Senate. Johnson administration book of Bay Path Junior Col­ sources said today. lege, Longmeadow, Mass. She •BERMUDAS • Democrats tried unsuccessful­ SUITS ly to amend the measure to al­ Such a settlement would elim­ Is in the executive secretarial inate any key role for either program. • KNIT POLOS low the state police and local Clash Seen AUTHENTIC IMPORTED poMce departments — in thedr Brig. Gen. Antonio Imbert Bar­ rera, who head.s the junta gov­ Airman 3.C. James D. Caine, YOUR CHOICE capacity as employers—to con­ tinue to use the tests on men In Passage ernment, or Col. Francisco Cm* aon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. 8.90 mano Deno, the rebel leader. Caine of 94 Chambers St., Is HANDWOVEN INDIAN applying for police jobs. Regular to 10.99 Rep. Robert J. Testo, D- And with no political solution home on 30-day leave after yet in the deeply divided nation, completing courses in traffic Bridgeport, sponsor of the Of Vote B ill Choose your new amendment, said use of lie de­ the Inter-American Force — control at Keesler Air Force 2 3. now mo.stly U.S. troops — will suit from o u r tectors on job applicants should Base. Biloxi. Miss. At the figure - flattering WASHINGTON (AF) — Sen­ have to stay on the scene for a completion of his leave, he will be continued in the c€ise of po­ styles . all lice departments because of the ate passage oi the administra­ con-siderable period of time, it report to Ent Air Force Base, REGULAR 1.99 EACH from famous tion’s voting rights bill has set was stated. Colorado Springs, Colo., for ad­ "undque position that the law makers. Blous- enforcement has in our so­ up an eventual clash with the This view of the Dominican ditional study. The airman is a ons, sheaths, boy House over the banning of poll situation was given to newsmen 1964 graduate of Manchester e BLOUSES . Cotton ciety.” ^ legs and 2-plecers The amendment was defeated taxes in state and local elec­ in the wake of the return High School. and blends, large va­ tions. riety of styles, prints, sizes 32-38. 129-90 on a roll call vote. Wedne.sday of McGeorge BUndy, Minority Leader William T. That is the chief difference President Johnson’s adviser on SPORT COATS stripes, solids, plaida between the bill that sailed To Elect Mayor Sizes 32-38. Sliea. D-Meriden then said that national security affairs. John­ although they would prefer a through the Senate Wednesday son sent Bundy to Santo Domin­ SPECTACULAR bill exempting police depart­ by a 79-19 vote after five weeks go nearly two weeks ago in an NAUGATUCK (AP) — Nauga­ • COTTON SHIFTS .. LADIES’ NEW SUMMER of debate, and the one awaiting effort to get the Dominieans to tuck will elect a new mayor at ments the Democrats were gen­ Gay splashy prints, easy action In the House. agree on a middle road, interim a ■ special election Bept. 1. He SALE! HANDBAGS erally In favor of the proposition w a ^ and wear, choice The House Judiciary Commit­ regime. will fill the vacancy created by of several neckline Huge selection, straws, leathers of outlawing use of lie detectors the death of Democratic Mayor . , . white, black and colors. by employers. Accordingly, he tee overrode administration ob­ Secretary of State Dean RUsk Regular. 22.99 etylea SIm 10-18. jections and wrote in a flat ban Thomas F. Rowley early this 11.88 Regularly 4.99. • 4 sadd, they would vote for the scheduled a review of the Do­ on poll taxM, plus a declaration month. bill. minican crisis late today with e BERMUDAS . 100% that they have been used to dis­ The election date was set •Guaranteed to bleed •Washable • 100% Nylon The measure passed on a Brazilian Foreign Minister Vas­ Madras-type cotton fab­ voice vote. Only a handful of criminate against Negro voters. co Leitao da Cunha. Tuesday night and approved by ric. Little or no-lron. LADIES’ REVERSIBLE MADRAS Archbishop (yBrien Honored the Board of Majmr and Bur­ "no” votes wore heard. The Senate adopted a similar Rusk intends to join several lining • Popular most wanted Madras colors • Cen­ Neatly tailored. Siaee gesses. beachcomber h a t s HARTFORD (APl-The Mo«t<^ declaration but rejected the ban other Western Hemisphere for­ 10-18. the university, for use at Uconn by a 49-45 vote. Meanwhile, former Mayor Jo­ Regular 1.99. Rev. Henry J. O’Brien, arch­ Center to Open eign minl.sters Friday to take ter vent, 3-button styling • Sizes 36-44, regulars; ^ —jM^ferabiy in the hbraffy. D e ^ te the solid support of I stock of events so far and to seph C. Raytkwich has informed eKNlT POLOS...Sleeve bishop of Hartford, has a $6,000 HARTFOR D(AP)—State La­ the Republican Town Commit­ More than SOO of Oonne^cut’s the Senate joint leadership and push (or creation of a .standby 38-44 longs. or sleeveless, t u r 1 1 s, donatian for the Uidversity at religious, civic and business bor Commissioner Renato B. the administration for the Sen­ Appearing like a doll’s house, with the roof removed is this ihree-story apart­ Inter-American Force to deal tee he is willing to run again.
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