Index Unless otherwise noted, all references are to sections (ª§º). Current to release 2017-4. 9-1-1, see: EMERGENCY 911 SERVICE APPEALS, see: REVIEWS AND AP- PEALS ABUSE OF DOMINANT POSITION, 724(b) BALLOTING interexchange services, 703(d) ACCESS, see also: international servcices, 703(g) INTERCONNECTION antennas, to, see: ANTENNA AND SITE SHARING BASIC SERVICE OBJECTIVE, see: buildings by carriers, access to, 715 DUTY TO SERVE directory databases, access to, 714 disputes, resolution of, 716 BASIC SERVICES , see also: DUTY TO mandated access, 710 SERVE private land by carriers, access to, see: Edmonton Telephones, provision by, 202 CARRIERS, powers of (fn 29) public land by carriers, access to, see: FTA, application to, 727 CARRIERS, powers of GATS, application to, 729(e) support structures, access to, 713 NAFTA, application to, 728(b) resale of, 717 ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLU- TION, see: DISPUTE RESOLUTION BELL CANADA, 201 ANTENNA AND TOWER SITE SHAR- BELL CANADA ACT, App A7 ING, 300(b)(iii), 710(c) duty to serve, 201, 305(b) legislative history, 201 mergers and acquisitions, CRTC ap- ADMINISTRATIVE MONETARY PE- proval, 314(a)(i) NALTIES (AMPs) violation of CASL, 512 violation of CRTC decisions and regula- BOARD OF RAILWAY COMMIS- tions, 512 SIONERS violation of Telecommunications Act, CRTC as successor of, 501 315(d), 512 status of decisions and orders of, 501 violation of UTR, 315(d) BOARD OF TRANSPORT COMMIS- AFFILIATE RULE, 717(c) SIONERS towers, to, see: ANTENNA AND SITE CRTC as successor of, 501 SHARING status of decisions and orders of, 501 ANTI-COMPETITIVE PRACTICES, see BROADCASTING also COMPETITION ACT Broadcasting Act, App A11 GATS Reference Paper, 729(d) broadcasting undertakings, application of Telecom Act to, 110(d) IND-1 (Telecommunications) (2017Ð4) INDEX CRTC, and, 501 resellers as, 110(a) Telecommunications Act, s. 28, and, SILECs as, 110 605(e) Telecommunications Act, application to, 110 BUNDLING, see: SERVICE BUNDLING Telesat as, 110 wireless service providers as, 110 BYPASS, see: ROUTING RESTRIC- TIONS CANADIAN NUMBERING ADMINIS- TRATOR, 520 CABINET, see: GOVERNOR IN COUN- CANADIAN NUMBERING ADMINIS- CIL TRATOR CONSORTIUM INC., 520 ªCABINET APPEALS,º see also: RE- CANADIAN OWNERSHIP AND CON- VIEWS AND APPEALS TROL, 301 Broadcasting Act, under, 301(b)(iii), 731 ªCABINET APPEALSº, 915±919, see also: Canada-US Free Trade Agreement, under, GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL; REVIEWS 724 AND APPEALS control in fact, 301(b) Cabinet decisions, 919(b), Figure 9-1 earth stations, 301(a) reasons for decision, 916 GATS, under, 729(e) scope of Cabinet authority, 917 grandfathering, 301(c), 319 procedure, 903, Figure 9-2 North American Free Trade Agreement, stay of CRTC decision pending petition, under, 728(b), 729(e) by Cabinet, 915 regulations, 301(d), App B10 by CRTC, 910 satellite services, 301(a), 729(e) threshold for Cabinet review, 919(a) submarine cables, 301(a) Telecommunications Act, under, 301 CABLE COMPANIES, 200 Teleglobe, 300(b)(ii), 729(e) Canadian Carriers, as, 110 Telesat, 300(b)(ii), 729(e) CANADA-US FREE TRADE AGREE- CANADIAN RADIO-TELEVISION AND MENT, 727, App D TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMIS- access to facilities, 727 SION (CRTC) basic services, 727 application of Access to Information Act bypass, 727 to, 514 computer services, 727 Board of Railway Commissioners, CRTC enhanced services, 727, 728(b) as successor of, 501 foreign ownership, 727 Board of Transport Commissioners, national treatment, 727 CRTC as successor of, 501 terminal equipment, 727 Canadian Radio and Television Commis- sion as successor of in relation to CANADIAN ANTI-SPAM LEGISLA- broadcasting, 501 TION (CASL), 316, App A10 Canadian Transport Commission, CRTC AMPS, 512(a) as successor of, 111(b), 501 commissioners CANADIAN CARRIERS appointment and duties, 502 cable service providers as, 110 Chairperson, appointment and duties of, definition of, 110 502 exemption from regulation, 110(c), 504(h) regional, 502 ILECs as, 110 Vice Chairperson, appointment and du- ISPs as, 110 ties of, 502 private carriers as, 110(b) Competition Bureau, interface with, 517 IND-2 INDEX constitution of, 501 costs, award of, see COSTS, award of by decisions and decision making CRTC appeals from decisions, see: ªCABINET CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure, APPEALSº; REVIEWS AND AP- 800, App B1 PEALS confidentiality, 817 contingent orders, 505 cross-examination, 812 decision making process, 506 discovery, 804 directions by Governor in Council, 109, evidence 508 examination ªout-of-courtº, 810 duty to decide, 507 proof of documents, 810 enforcement, 511 rules of, application of, 810 interim orders, 505 institution of proceedings, 801 internal reviews, see: REVIEWS AND interrogatories, 811 APPEALS interventions, 809 judicial review of decisions, see: RE- notice of proceedings, 802 VIEWS AND APPEALS oral hearings, 806 penalties for violation of, 322 paper proceedings, 806 publication of decisions in Canada Gaz- pre-hearing conferences, 808 ette, effect of, 513 procedural fairness, application of rules reasons for decision, 814 of, 800 jurisdiction and powers production of documents, 805 access to carrier directory databases, 714 references to Federal Court of Appeal, 816 change of control of carriers, see MER- regional hearings, 807 GERS AND ACQUISITIONS rules of procedure, 800 contempt, power to punish for, 511 self-crimination and application of Cana- content of messages, regulation of, 730 da Evidence Act, 813 declarations, 504(a) service of documents, 803 delegation of powers, 502 staff papers and documents, disclosure of, entry by carriers onto public lands, see: 818 CARRIERS, powers, entry onto public subpoenas, 818 lands witnesses, attendance of, 813 exemption power, 504(h) general powers, 504 CANADIAN RADIO AND TELEVISION mandatory and restraining orders, 504(b) COMMISSION mergers and acquisitions of carriers, see CRTC as successor of in relation to MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS broadcasting, 501 numbering, 520 quality of service, 614(c) CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMIS- rates, see: RATES AND RATE REG- SION ULATION, CRTC jurisdiction CRTC as successor of, 111(b), 501 interconnection, see: INTER- status of decisions and orders of, 501 CONNECTION, CRTC jurisdiction remedies, 510 CARRIERS structural separation of carriers, 720 AGT, 202 support structures, access to, 713 Alberta Government Telephones, 202 terminal attachment, 718(a) Aliant, 205 unsolicited telecommunications, 315 Allstream, 218A, 314(c),(d) organization of, 501 Amtelcom, 210 committees, 502 AT&T Canada Inc., 218A meetings, 502 Avalon Telephone Company, 201 (fn) offices, 502 Bell Aliant, 200, 201, 205 powers, see: jurisdiction and powers BC TEL, 202 proceedings, conduct of, 800-823 Bell Canada, 200, 201 IND-3 (Telecommunications) (2017Ð4) INDEX Bell Mobility, 200, 201, 213 ISPs, Bragg Communications, 200, 210 constitutional jurisdiction, 100 British Columbia Telephone Company, market shares, Figures 2-10, 2-11 202 regulation by CRTC, 110 Bruce Telecom, 207, 314(c) Kenora Municipal Telephone System, 205 cable-based, market share of, 200 Koodo, 216 Figure, 2-4 to 2-11 liability of carriers, 400±419 Call-Net Enterprises, 208 addressee, to, 404 Canadian Carriers, see: CANADIAN common carriers, as, 403 CARRIERS connecting carriers, to, 414 Cantel, 215 copyright infringement, 418 change of control of carriers, see: MER- damages, measure of, 405-407 GERS AND ACQUISITIONS directory omissions, for, 417 Chatr, 215 limitation of, 408-417 Cityfone, 215 statutory, 402 Clearnet, 216 third parties, to, 413 CLECs tort, in, 401 entry obligations, 706 contract, in, 400 local competition, 703(c), (e), 706(a) defamation, 416 registration requirement, 300, 706(a) licensing, 300 Cogeco, 200, 212 basic international telecommunications Distributel, 200, 220 services, 300(a) Dryden Municipal Telephone System, 205 CLECs, certification of, 706(a) duty to serve, see: DUTY TO SERVE commercial mobile radio services, ED TEL, 202 300(b)(iii)(B) Eastlink, 200, 210, 314(c) earth stations, 300(b) exemption from regulation, 110(c), 504(h) interexchange carriers (IXCs), registra- Fido, 215 tion of, 704(a) Freedom Mobile, 214 international service providers, 300(a) Globalive, 214 international services, 300(a) ownership and control of, 301, 300(b)(iii) international submarine cables, 300(c), Hydro One Telecom, 218 App B12 ILECs, 200, 201-205, Figure 2-1 pay telephone service providers, regis- large, 200±206 tration of, 707 market share, 200, Figures 2-4 to 2-11 Radiocommunications Act, under, operating territoties, 200 300(b)(i) regulation of rates of, see: RATES AND radio authorization, 300(b)(ii) RATE REGULATION radio licence, 300(b)(i) SILECs, see: SILECs resellers, registration of, 717(a) market shares, 200, 225 satellite services, 300(b)(iii)(c) operating territories, Figure 2±1 sharing groups, registration of, 717(a) regulation of rates of large ILECs, 614 spectrum licence, 300(b)(ii) incorporation of carriers, 300 terrestrial services, 300(b)(iii)(A) federal, 300 Manitoba Telecom Services, see MTS provincial, 300 (fn) Maritime Tel & Tel, 201 (fn), 205 Special Act, by, 300 Microcell, 300(b)(iii), 314(c) Bell Canada, 201 Mobilicity, 215, 300(b)(iii) British Columbia Telephone Company, Mobility Personam Canada, 300(b)(iii) 202 MTS, 200, 204, 314(c), (d) Teleglobe, 223 municipal carriers, 207 Telesat, 217 NBTel, 205 independents, see: SILECs New Brunswick Telephone Company, 201 Island Telecom, 201 (fn), 205 (fn), 205 Island Telephone Company, 201 (fn), 205 IND-4 INDEX Newfoundland Telephone Company, 201 WIND, 214, 300(b)(iii) (fn), 205 ownership
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