G Elul@ EMA 11 1:30 Rg T4j( �AW3051-0) (

G Elul@ EMA 11 1:30 Rg T4j( �AW3051-0) (

• IEI _L c 1 0:30,Y10. ±7:30 Q^ HONG KONG 81 itOOMPINtrIM111,111MIgOffillAtIORMIZSMERNMOtit AUMMNIZAANIANCOMP °01MIOS OMMIMMSBISMIA±AMOIMP J seRimmauPto r lenOPAtitit rA±iMMMJ 13±1tFgWCIlif)M4P-4110 A-AnMtlilA0bUiNINM 44MWWX!-WAITATM11140 hIJ,TEEM1.0/! r 2VJ IMM -Mklawer W&ItitiNIT-WiMONOtE -F'- 1 2:00 TA- 1:30 T4-5:00 A±Jf.010H GJMR2-!i%R01 -411PMAMM g Elul@ EMA 11 1:30 rg t4J( AW3051-0) (. tfMg-NR±W tRIUMMR (iMALL17-qMiaht) TNaa3.1-TATfa9IM: MWIE -1.-sw g+5ngm_E- rmi6.TT4,-4gottw 47M-Afeq.3AttPW • #131,24 X114) .ADJNAlkeraki EARAERMT,I-PIHIR- g1V 1=1 T12:15 T2:00 •4-4:30 EICH I ±.7:30 E- 4111/141 Mt r *4ZREIJJ 305j h) ±A11:30Y146:30 tiE11±6- Mt.1 4A±/2Iiitka-AMMMt OFE#M.E20-UlgiRtlfg) VMHYR _E•10:30Y-F6:30 #41a • t: alT)o7An7AP ,m.T.m.mtzn -TRAAllifRIMVAM 4,WcittEV 1 1F 12:45 ..1:45 1 F4:00 T4-5:00 110:30742:30 1x14- 4:30 T46:15 ia-13 ZIt014- ;gill/AMU ** StittfT- H .g-W( tkaW15511,P) Ur. MIEINA±24-glaM0 E 1•10:40Rft±7:00 111 / / A5Z CAE: • 4 • 1 1 1:40k7a±7:00 • ZAtie- Ag1/11IMZ _311tA Falgi 4-10:307:30 .4M±EMARIE XEIE • 0:30V-F*5•00 14%=AntIlligk$A±MMATINffin MIMIIMM2Aft-WittW .#gma-N.K.w AtI±AMT.TitA4A4%-fft: Wg=-Wilt-V. /14r-41W,MM 1=1=11:00.17•30 14=10:3045:30 /rtS%-tw-Vgt-W VetR-SW Mtfakit-q-9-t.W 1`-F1 1:00.14=6 CEMW rEi stiEN-ile ± 1,11:30746:00 WAIAMOXpAltAA IA -11:30 --F4•5:30 Mtfff-PARIW 01/I#51S Er.(At5-i,Vg*W ± 11:00 112:00 T4-3:00 -F4:00 T45:00 T=1:6:00 • IHE ±11:30.fet17:30- ROI/. 1.4.11:30. 3:00 HEVff- flAiEti% ,127 gi-M111±0AiAiffiffuMMISMAT EMIEI Oottft0--WiRW ±4.11:30k1T43:00 EPA ±. 11:3001±7:30 B16Ewfig-nAHtW AVWff-int-LW 1.12:00Eft17:30 gt**ff- . E41I9 1A•12:00 14.3:00 RYA- A AM il.11,11 Printed on recycled paper W WMOIRDIVW9P5J-CENSTN4tdO° f Park Hours: 10:30am - 7: 30pm 1E14111 ti+10:30MICt7:30 Ensure your VIP receives a Star Guest Badge to make their trip to Hong Kong Disneyland even more 9.M .YAISFE0VINVE& rfflatfraili 1 INEEMnitiAiletEME221 FYIIMMEIPNV enjoyable. Go to. City Hall and tell our Cast Member who is being celebrated. Receive your badge s55mincommAttatm10 invi p ' worm*, MillASAAPAREIMEEN±MitilfM0 and watch the magic unfold as our Cast Members go all out to create a magical day. 11-2 PARADE AND FIREWORKS TIMES HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: LIVE! BillEd2rECNIIM riMOMMEJ "Disney on Parade" The entertainment phenomenon inspired by the Ts: ±Eylzmc 1..43±1EN$M q..0m,tw)) nEgut)Ji See parade route on Guidemap smash hit Disney Channel Original Movie comes firamitnni gAtIZIAM mt±xem --Immvamgattlio 3:30pm to life in High School Musical: LIVE, an immersive TT3,30 gm,poomymhini "Disney in the Stars" Fireworks show for the whole family at Hong Kong raVeJ OrEWM - This spectacular fireworks show transforms Disneyland. §iki.M2091-02_ht21.4-thk—i&INSESM 1F2(1 12:00 i 30 -FT-5:00 the sky above Sleeping Beauty Castle into - Sleeping Beauty Castle Forecourt 7.;4802?e, tECii-ISMB stunning evening spectacle! 12:00pm 1:30pm 5:00pm R1-7: 30 7:30pm GJ Pi/91 -._J)W DISNEYS MAGIC MUSIC DAYS SOILN±- - 11/.1,1AXII,M15 STAGE SHOWS GJ Talent Team _L+11: 30 "Festival of the Lion King" (30 minutes each) r1BIIMP4.1 ( INA±3053-1/) - Main Street U.S.A. Train Station Tfhll.M- 11191111)15(Pra Theater in the Wild — Adventureland Sat 11:30am -F.91,1NfiEME.15-:f!EllfMMr1 (Attraction no.7 on the Guidemap) (M118ffi_t7MI.M.M) Arrive early, shows do fill up. Doors close 10 SPECIAL HOURS Eln,ZAIMA&MPR grIMPPM 690P9 The following have different operating hours than the Park: Sfi^:•Ag0-1-53111141-t J - Met?? minutes prior to show times. VU1— 0004! ATTRACTIONS t-L=1-gfi9ME91q14 , Elit-Rtil.T- . Sun 12:15pm 2:00pm 4:30pm DXAEFEREPRI - 6:00pm "Festival of the Lion King" - Adventureland ELT.1105iVg E AB 0004! Mon-Sat Close Mon-Sat Close lPAR T2:00 Tcf4:30 RSA—Y. :30B-t_t7: 30 Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters - Tomorrowland 1 16:00 "The Golden Mickeys" (30 minutes each) 3KQ7tE - AEd MXI41 Sun Close AAA reT1741 L+11: 30Y- 30 Storybook Theater — Fantasyland Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:30pm r !1J 6$$0$ NO ±EAMINIM - JAX1I.1 (Attraction no.20 on the Guidemap) Mickeys House - Main Street, U.S.A. amitta- ost5, Arrive early, shows do fill up. Doors close 10 11:30am-6:30pm EMEIME1 _L=F10:30-ITT-6:30 (01E/EM±20M6V-AUE) ENIJE30 -1`T-5- 30 minutes prior to show times. Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad - Main Street, U.S.A. Etit:AMAIMPR gOVEL:73 tJtMXP9"2- - PilnithIPRE4fRiTECRIM - 12:45pm 1:45pm 4:00pm 5:00pm Sun -Thu 10:30am - 6:30pm 6:15pm Fri,Sat 10:30am-5:30pm r.:AIA-baiiMLt data:MN Stitch Encounter—Tomorrowland (15 minutes each) -Temporarily closes due to Parades TT-12:45 .-F1:45 t=F10:30Y-F2 : 30Y-FT-6 30 (Attraction no.24 on the Guidemap) Main Street Vehicles T--6:15 113119N524 - Mgil/J UM Please check for the show times in your 10:30am-2:30pm 8.4:30pm-6:30pm 9.2013- 13 fat?? ( t4x7ft15,311) t?..4ggtaLd MAE E E _L10 :40 tl.T.1-- 7 00 preferred language (Cantonese / Putonghua Animation Academy - Main Street, U.S.A. (0111M-( J-t24EtiagMu) ' -t11:40 L7:00 / English) at the attraction entrance. Show performs in Cantonese ME00-agAIIIVEXICit/SAgt/7-4 fT31M-ABT:gri±ki4r4 -XaViattti CHARACTER GREETING TIMES Sun-Tue,Fri 10:40am-7:00pm MIVEIYEI _L10:300%.t.7:30 Wed,Thu,Sat 11:40am-7:00pm Entire party must queue up together to meet griiefIENMEE ME , A and greet with characters Art of Animation - Main Street, U.S.A. glaf.a.114221KM-Mfft?? Sun-Thu 10:30am-7:30pm alLngrinliRIMPiLliffERMI8Pffle 71 See Guidemap for locations. fi-4>KAA2E- Mfit1T Characters appear occasionally at the Fri,Sat 10:30am-5:00pm gLerzatuA Rafts to Tartans Treehouse - Adventureland attfilltalE;?K-FRItPY-AgliiNg. WV. - 00157 following locations: _t -1: 11 , 00Y1t_L-7 : 30 Town Square - Main Street, U.S.A. Jungle River Cruise - Adventureland garitiN - A /JIMXM J 11030 f E5:30 /.11Rithiltttff - YOStW 10:30am .- 5:30pm Mickeys PhilharMagic - Fantasyland Fil5PIMIPM - ustw Fantasy Gardens - Fantasyland 11:00am 7:30pm WEE- OSt77 11:00am - 6:00pm Dumbo the Flying Elephant - Fantasyland ..t:F11 , 00 - T+6 : 00 83D.IPER - f7St5 Tomorrowland Cinderella Carousel - Fantasyland MlatlY IKTRVAR,T=JsaStMA 11:30am - 6:00pm Sleeping Beauty Castle - Fantasyland 1111:30-F6: 00 Adventureland Snow White Grotto - Fantasyland Raft?? 11:30am - 5:30pm Closes early in order to present Fireworks `XRUrt - LigEitW Sleeping Beauty Castle MEP-4th - OlgtlY 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm RESTAURANTS 11:00 112 : 00 T3:00 _L=F11:30n..t.7:30 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Starliner Diner - Tomorrowland TT4: 00 T5 : 00 TT-6t00 MARSH - klEtW Clopins Festival of Foods - Fantasyland TIMEY_E 308-t17: 30 DISNEYS FASTPASS SERVICE 11:30am-7:30pm StEt5ititlfile R.14AA _L11:30M-F3,00 n71 Disneys FASTPASS Service is available Royal Banquet Hall - Fantasyland UUCP. - 91g8t17 at the following attractions: Sun-Fri 11:30am-7:30pm ARield:JElii .. En,e)AMPOT ENE3 The ManyAdventures of Winnie the Pooh - Fantasyland Sat . 11:30am-3:00pm /.11MEN ZE - 22tW 04J1— E ..L11:30.-F3: 00 Space Mountain - Tomorrowland Comet Cafe -Tomorrowland MAI/XL1.1- 30 Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters - Tomorrowland Sun Close Eitit4ERE - ElAlElff?? ;IMAM - ft?? Mon-Fri 11:30am-3:00pm TT12:000L7:30- Sat 11:30am-7:30pm 13PPEtIT Riverview Cafe - Adventureland EME3 "F12:00-F3,00 12:00pm-7:30pm 0000 Tahitian Terrace - Adventureland Sun 12:00pm-3:00pm Mon-Sat Huse Park hours and information subject to change without notice. PfiM 0:11WiEziRielnElltEd5C,5EITAKI..

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