
Back to netsuke.org This file will be updated quarterly to include the latest published issue. Each letter A-Z has a double asterisk and most nouns and artists’ names have a single asterisk to quickly maneuver throughout the index. Please report errors/omissions to Linda Meredith [email protected] INDEX INTERNATIONAL NETSUKE SOCIETY JOURNAL Vol. 21 to Vol. 34 (2001–2015) Updated to include Vol 34/4 (Winter 2015) A** wearing tengu mask, wood, ivory, by Sansho, Aarseth, Bjarte, pictured 24/3:58 32/1:19,19 Abel, David “Almost True,” fiction, 23/3:50 Rokurokubi, ivory, gold, ebony, 34/2:56 Adachigahara snail and kappa, ivory, gold, 34/2:56 legend, 25/2:46 Abel, Irene, pictured, 29/3:60 ivory manju, signed Kogyokusai, 25/2:46 Abe no Seimei Adameck, Ted, 23/4:4, 27/4:8 and Abe no Seimei’s daughter, ivory, 29/1:56,56 and daughter Sandra, pictured 24/3:59 startled by 9-tail fox, ivory manju, by Moritoshi, book review of The Art & Life of Michael Birch, 33/4:42,42 33/2:54 (see also Tamano no Mae) Adornment in Clay: Ceramic Netsuke from the acorn*, wood, by Sachiko, 24/3:38,38 Richard R. Silverman Collection, reviewed, 30/3:55 acrobat* Ainu* balancing on drum, wood, by Gyokumin, 25/3:41,41 Ainu or Mongolian?, conical hat, with dog, wood, 33/2:48,48 (see also Tokaido road porter) carrying fish, wood, by Hideyuki, 25/4:55,55 actor* Akira* in Usofuki mask; large shishi mask on back, ivory, by Gyokusai, 28/1:43,43 celestial globe, 26/4:52,52 impersonating Kiyohime, ivory, uns. 22/1:48,48 solar system, epoxy, 26/4:53,53 Kabuki squirrel inside apple, lacquered boxwood, 29/4:7 Ichikawa Danjuro, inro by Shosai, 31/2:39,39 amagatsu*. See doll seated, ivory, by Anraku (sig. shown), Amaterasu-o-Mikami (the Sun Goddess), 28/1:34 32/2:19,19 anabori* (cavern carving), described, 27/3:59 as a street ruffian, ivory, by Ryo, 29/3:22,22 Arhat with fly whisk, wood, ivory, by Ryukei, male playing female role, 29/4:37,37 28/1:41,41 mask aside, holding bowl, ivory, by Seishi, Ariwara no Narihira 34/3:14,14 story of, 27/1:28 Noh actor wearing fox mask, wood, by Toen, gazing at full moon, ivory kagamibuta by 28/2:27/27 Rakumin, 27/1:28,28 standing, looking right, ivory, 31/3:41,41 1 Back to netsuke.org maple leaves floating, Ryusa manju, ivory, uns., angel*. See Buddhist angel 27/1:29,29 Anraku* with fox mask, riding horse into exile, ivory career, work of, 30/3:16; 32/2:17 kagamibuta, uns., 27/1:28,28 career, styles, artists using this name, 32/2:15 Ajioka, Dr. Chiaki, pictured 26/4: influenced by Mitsuhiro, 30/3:18 Akabane, Katsuhide, pictured 26/1:9, and actor as Benkei, ivory, 30/3:19,20 Hidemi, 27/2:45 ama holding large awabi, ivory, 25/1:19,19 “Research on Ashinaga and Tenaga,” 26/2:20 boar and snake, ivory, 30/3:16,17 Akemi* bird capturing fish, ivory, 32/2:26,26 fallen leaf, wood, 21/4:61,61; correction, boy on ox, on base, ivory, 30/3:16,16 22/1:69 carp in bowl, ivory, 27/2:54 Akihide* carp struggling in current, ivory, 27/4:45,45 Morito with head of Kesa, wood, 31/4:3 courier in boat, ivory (sig. shown), 32/2:23,23 Portuguese juggler, wood, ivory, 31/4:3 Daruma Ryujin’s attendant struggling with dragon, wood, 29/2:57,57 asleep, alms bowl as pillow, ivory, 30/3:19,19 Akifuku, inro, men painting, 24/1:34,34 standing, stretching, ivory (sig. shown), Akira 32/2:20,20 lacquer box, with poem and shooting star, Daruma roly-poly/doll 24/3:40,40 back view showing signed and dated solar system, 26/4:53,53 signature, 30/3:18,19 Akiyama, Dengen, pictured; 24/1:8 encircled by giant hossu, ivory, 29/4:45,45; ama*. See fisher girl, coral diver 30/3:cover; 19,19 Amaterasu*, 31/4:12 squat, with hossu, ivory, 30/3:17,17 “Amazing Devices in Movable Netsuke: Why and yawning, ivory, 30/3:18,18 How: Beyond Toys,” by I Kimura, et al, 34/4:20 dice man, trick netsuke, ivory, 30/1:5; 32/2:22,22 amma*. See blind man (amma) dragon in conch, ivory, 30/3:18,17 “Anabori (cavern) and Interior Carving,” by Dr. I. Fukusuke, ivory, 29/1:60,60 Kimura, 27/1:23 horse, front legs on bucket, ivory, 29/4:49,49 Anchin and Kiyohime* Jurojin and deer, ivory, signed Shunkosai w/seal described, 23/4:17 Anraku, 32/2:cover Kiyohime Festival, 28/1:19 Kabuki actor, seated, ivory (sig. shown), story of, 23/4; 28/1:14 32/2:19,19 Tomotada, 33/4:34,35 karako dragon engulfing temple bell, wood, by holding snout of baku, ivory, 28/3:43,43 Tametaka, 23/4:17 riding water buffalo, on base, ivory (sig. inro by Gyokuzan, 29/4:39,39 shown), 32/2:22,22 Kiyohime, rising above bell, ivory, uns., 23/4:17, Kawakami Takeru fighting, ivory (sig. shown), 17 32/2:22,22 Kiyohime looming over bell, wood, by man polishing bell, ivory, 29/1:56,56 Tametaka, 33/4:48,48 poet Hitomaru, ivory, 22/4:59 mask of Kiyohime on overturned bell, ivory, by Kintaro fighting boar, ivory (sig. shown), Kaigyokusai, 27/1:43,43 32/2:21,21 Kiyohime trapping Anchin inside bell, wood and Kyumonryu Shishin fighting enemy, ivory, wood, ivory, by Minko, 28/1:20,20; 31/3:42,42 24/4:18,18; 30/3:20,21 temple bell, refuge of doomed Kiyohime, wood, Ono no Komachi on log, next to belongings, 33/4:34,35 ivory, 28/3:obc (see also Kiyohime) Ono no Tofu, 3ivory, 0/1:27,30 Anderson, Mandy, pictured, 28/3:7; 30/3:6 2 Back to netsuke.org ox and man, on base, wood (sig. shown), or Chinese, tall ivory, 24/3:16,16 32/2:26,25 with bow and arrow, wood, 21/3:27,27 quail, millet in beak, ivory, 21/3:51,51 with bow and arrow, ivory, 33/2:50,50 rat catcher with sparrow escaping, ivory (sig. Tartar shown), 32/2:23,23 arms folded under sleeves, stagantler, sennin, dancing with fan, ivory (sig. shown), 28/4:23,23 32/2:19,19 huntsman, ivory, 23/2:55,55 shishi (sig. shown) loading bow, wood, 31/2:40,40 on egg, tengu no tamago parody, ivory, uns., ivory, 24/1:37,37 32/2:18,18 yabusame (archery exhibition) on incense burner, ivory, 32/2:18,18 archers exhibition at matsuri, 28/1:36 on pedestal, ivory, 32/2:18,16 archer on horse, arrow in hand, ivory, stirrup, ivory, 30/3:19,20 28/1:36,36 Tadanori subduing the oil thief, ivory, archive compiled by Weber, 21/2:2 32/2:21,20 arhat*. See Chingi tennin (sig. shown) Ariomaru* in flowing robes, ivory, 32/2:25,24 story, 24/1:16; 21/3:38 playing instrument, ivory, 32/2:25,24 fighting an octopus with uchiwa, ivory, 32/2:25,24 wood, by Ichimin, 21/3:38 tongue-cut sparrow with old woman, ivory (sig. wood, by Itsumin, 21/3:38,38 shown), 32/2:22,23 wood, by Jugyoku, 24/1:16; 27/3:61,61 tsuba, ivory, 32/2:16 (see also Shunkan) woman (sig. shown) “The Armchair Collector,” column by R. and karako, ivory, 32/2:25,25 Hieronymus. Subtitles: etched on box, shunga, ivory, 32/2:25,24 Searching for Jurojin, 25/3:53 Anrakusai* In Search of Minko’s Elephant Netsuke, 26/1:43 boar asleep on foliage, ivory, 33/4:40,40 Wondering about Raiden (Raijin), 26/3:59 Anrakusai Kogyoku The Big Win, 27/1:46 karako with large ball, ivory, 29/1:59,59 Kirin: Ace High in the Netsuke Deck, 27/3:64 ape* Ashinaga & Tenaga, the Dynamic Duo, 28/2:39 and young, ivory, by Mitsuhide, 32/3:49,49 Kibidaijin, 28/3:40 three wise, standing on shoulders, ivory, by Kan’u and the Dutchman, 29/1:32 Sansho, with kao, 33/3:53 Genjoraku or Ryujin?, 29/4:26 Arababa* A Biiru or Two Between Friends, 31/3:48 frightened by bakemono, ivory, by Gyokuzan, 32/4:34,34 Ya no Ne, 32/3:37 with scissors, ivory manju, by Masayuki, Takaashigani Sennin: One of a Kind, 34/1:38 25/1:14,14 Kitsune-Ken (Headman-Hunter-Fox), 34/3:28 Aranthoon, Rob, pictured, 25/4:59 armor, suit of, on storage box, netsuke, 26/1:34,34 archer* arrows*, types of, 34/2:9,9 accoutrements of, and karimata style arrowhead, art name (go) red and gold inro, uns., 34/2:13 interpretation of, 24/1:46 and attendant, samurai, uns. inro, 29/2:21,22,23 Asahina no Saburo* holding arrow, bow, ivory, 33/4:15 scene from life of, wood, by Kameyama, ivory, by Okakoto, 30/2:52,52 28/2:37,37;38 (see also arrows) and Soga no Goro, ivory, attrib. to Otoman, Mongolian 33/2:48,48 ivory, 23/3:40,40; 24/1:39,39; 24/2:ifc neck-wrestling with an oni, 22/4:33 3 Back to netsuke.org Asahiro catching butterflies, ivory manju, Tenaga’s foot on Ashinaga’s fat belly, ivory, 28/2:52,52 27/1:35,35 Asakusa school Tenaga lighting Ashinaga’s pipe, ivory, by about, 27/3:61 Kaigyoku, 28/2:39,39 Ashinaga* tying shoe lace, ivory, uns., 28/2:40,40 standing, bent elbows forming himotoshi, tying shoe lace, robes with dragon design, ivory stagantler, uns., possibly by Kokusai, 34/2:55,55 by Satake, 32/1:37,37 Ashinaga and Tenaga* (see also Tenaga) about, 27/3:62 Ashkenazie, Sydney, pictured 21/4:9 defined, origin, meaning, lessons learned, Asian Tales, by Ted Adameck (reviewed), 31/1:56 26/2:20 “Ask Burado-san,” 24/3:60; 24/4:41 drawings in Hokusai’s Manga, 26/2:21 Ataru, pictured 24/3:59 example of cooperation, 28/2:39 Atchley, Susan exchanging fish for peach, symbolism, 26/2:24 bio, 24/2:50; pictured 21/2:10; and father map alluding to long legs/long arms, 30/1:34,34 Raymond, 24/2:37 history, 30/1:34 Atchley, Virginia, 21/4:50; 23/3:11; 24/2:43 Ashinaga applying moxa to Tenaga’s legs, both bio, 24/2:54 are seated, wood, 23/2:51,51; 30/1:36,36 pictured 24/1:8, 24/2:38, 25/2:44, 25/4:59, catching fish 26/1:56; and Raymond, 21/2:10; 22/1:8 wood, uns., 25/3:38,38; 26/2:20,20,23 book review, 22/3:50; 24/1:51 wood, by Setsusen, 22/1:51 death, 33/1:57 fish tripped under Tenaga’s foot, ivory, profile by Michael Strone, 236/1:56 30/1:36,36 Atoyama* ivory, uns., 26/2:24,24; 28/2:39,39 Kan’u, holding beard, halberd, wood, 28/3:46,46 catching octopus auction house himotoshi added later, wood, by Toyotsune, buying precautions, 25/4:13 25/4:48,48 estimates, 24/2:45 inro, wood, red lacquer,
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