WIIKWE DONG DAZHI-OJIBWE The Keweenaw Bay Ojibwe Binaakwe Giizis - Falling Leaves Moon - October 2013 Issue 111 KBOCC’S STUDENT GOVERNMENT JOINS Tribal Council Members: PARADE OF NATIONS CELELBRATION Warren C. Swartz, Jr., President Elizabeth D. Mayo, Vice-President Susan J. LaFernier, Secretary Toni Minton, Asst. Secretary Jennifer Misegan, Treasurer Robert D. (RD) Curtis, Jr. Frederick Dakota Jean Jokinen Michael F. LaFernier, Sr. Carole LaPointe Elizabeth (Chiz) Matthews Don Messer, Jr. SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: September 7, 2013 Tribal Council Meeting Tribal Housing Authority Re- ceives Award Health Reform For American Michigan Technological University held their 24th Annual Parade of Nations on Sat- Indians and Alaska Natives urday, September 14, 2013, with the Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College’s Chelsey LaFernier Memorial Student Government joining the celebration. The Parade of Nations celebration Walk Announced hosted a number of different activities, one was the parade which began in Hancock, Loonsfoot Honored, Retire- MI, proceeded over the lift bridge, continued through downtown Houghton, and con- ment cluded at Dee Stadium. Dee Stadium housed a multicultural festival which featured food and music from Ojibwa Senior News more than 50 countries with Anishinaabe of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Deepest Sympathy amongst them. The Parade of Nations and multicultural celebration is a celebration of cultural diversity. The KBOCC’s Student Government’s float (shown above) placed third in this year’s display of different cultures. Photo compliments of Denise Moschetto-Meroni. SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 TRIBAL COUNCIL MEETING The Tribal Council held their regularly scheduled Saturday Tribal Council meeting on September 7, 2013, at the Ojibwa Casino Confer- ence Room, in Baraga, Michigan. President Warren C. Swartz, Jr. ATTENTION KBIC MEMBERS RESIDING presided over the meeting with Elizabeth D. Mayo, Susan J. LaFernier, Toni Minton, Jennifer Misegan, Robert (RD) Curtis, Jr., ON THE RESERVATION Fred Dakota, Jean Jokinen, Michael F. LaFernier, Sr., Carole L. La- A Secretarial Election is scheduled for Pointe, Elizabeth “Chiz” Matthews, and Don Messer, Jr. present. October 22, 2013. President Warren C. Swartz, Jr. shared numerous Thank You and The election will be conducted in accordance with the For Your Information items addressed to Council. President Warren regulations set forth in Title 25, Code of Federal Regu- C. Swartz, Jr. gave the lations, Part 81 (25 CFR § 81) and Pub. L. 100-420, as President’s Report (page amended by Pub. L. 101-301. two), Secretary Susan J. Adult members of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Com- LaFernier gave the Secre- munity who are 18 years or older on October 22, 2013, tary’s Report (page three), who physically reside on the reservation, and who Treasurer Jennifer Misegan registers to vote, may vote in the election. There will gave the Treasurer’s Report be one polling place at the Ojibwa Senior Citizens (page five), and Larry Deno- Center in Baraga from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. mie III gave the CEO’s Re- The Registered Voters List will be posted October 2, port (page four). Council in all Tribal offices and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, passed the Department Michigan Agency. Head Reports for July 2013. The ballots will be counted on October 22, after 7 Mike Bianco, L’Anse Fire p.m. Immediately after the ballots are counted the elec- President Warren C. Swartz, Jr. (left) accepting the Chief, was accompanied by tion results will be posted in all Tribal offices and at the firefighter’s plaque of appreciation from L’Anse Fire Bureau of Indian Affairs, Michigan Agency. Chief Mike Bianco (right). a number of L’Anse and (1) Bezhig Council Meeting continued: 3rd Reading for the September 19, 2013 CEO for those terminations but to meeting. clear the information regarding the Baraga Department Firefighters as he The Chelsey LaFernier Memorial termination from their files as to the presented the Tribal Council with a Walk is scheduled on October 5, 2013, reason why were terminated, sup- plaque of the firefighters’ appreciation which is the date of the regularly sched- ported by Susan J. LaFernier, eight for the KBIC’s support during the recent uled Council meeting to be held at the supported (S. LaFernier, Misegan, U.P. Firefighters Tournament held in Marquette property. Motion by Eliza- Curtis, Dakota, M. LaFernier, La- L’Anse and Baraga last month. beth D. Mayo to hold the regular Oc- Pointe, Matthews, Messer), one op- Curby Robillard addressed the Coun- tober 5, 2013 Tribal Council meeting posed (Jokinen), two abstained cil per their request. Curby Robillard, a in Baraga and move the regular Tribal (Mayo, Minton), motion carried. descendant, explained that he has had Council meeting held in Marquette to Treasurer Jennifer Misegan brought permission from his uncle to reside on November 9, 2013, supported by Jen- forward the donations for September his uncle’s allotted land within the reser- nifer Misegan, eleven supported, 0 2013. Motion by Toni Minton to ap- vation boundaries for many years. opposed, 0 abstained, motion car- prove the September 2013 donations Neighbors have raised health and well- ried. in the amount of $500.00 for Joseph being concerns to Council related to Mr. Jean Jokinen stated that the audit Spruce’s request for the Law En- Robillard residing next to them and al- team had a meeting with the auditors in forcement Torch Run with proceeds leged a number of incidents over a regards to the OHA Forensic Audit yes- to benefit Special Olympics, sup- twenty-year period. Mr. Robillard ac- terday (09/06/2013) where it was asked ported by Elizabeth D. Mayo, ten sup- knowledged previously that he had cut if Council was going to continue or not. ported (Mayo, S. LaFernier, Minton, some trees and indicated that he has Motion by Jean Jokinen to put an end Misegan, Curtis, Dakota, M. not cut any trees since that time; and to the audit based on yesterday’s LaFernier, LaPointe, Matthews, that he in fact has made arrangements meeting and consider it as complete, Messer), one opposed (Jokinen), 0 with the BIA to make restitution for the supported by Robert (RD) Curtis, Jr., abstained, motion carried. cutting of the trees. Mr. Robillard apolo- two supported (Curtis, Jokinen), nine Council moved into closed session gized for incidents the neighbors believe opposed (Mayo, S. LaFernier, Minton, with the following motions made upon have occurred, and indicated that he Misegan, Dakota, M. LaFernier, La- return to open session prior to adjourn- does not want to make the neighbors Pointe, Matthews, Messer), 0 ab- ing. Motion by Elizabeth D. Mayo to mad at him. Motion by Susan stained, motion defeated. Motion by approve the interim wage for the I.T. LaFernier to cancel Resolution Carole LaPointe to wait for the writ- Site Manager at the Health Center, KB1937-2013 (because the uncle ten report to review from yesterday’s supported by Jennifer Misegan, nine could not fulfill the requirement) and meeting and then make a decision to supported (Mayo, S. LaFernier, to continue to meet with Curby Robil- either stop the audit or move on, sup- Minton, Misegan, Dakota, M. lard to discuss his options and stipu- ported by Don Messer, Jr., nine sup- LaFernier, LaPointe, Matthews, lations, supported by Elizabeth D. ported (LaPointe, Messer, Mayo, S. Messer), two opposed (Curtis, Joki- Mayo, five supported (Mayo, S. LaFernier, Minton, Curtis, Dakota, nen), 0 abstained, motion carried. LaFernier, Misegan, Dakota, M. Jokinen, Matthews), two opposed Motion by Jennifer Misegan to waive LaFernier), one opposed (Messer), (Misegan, M. LaFernier), 0 abstained, the ten day waiting period to grieve five abstained (Minton, Curtis, Joki- motion carried. the termination of the I.T. Site Direc- nen, LaPointe, Matthews), motion Jennifer Misegan stated grievance tor and to post, eight supported carried. hearings were held at Thursday’s meet- (Mayo, S. LaFernier, Minton, Misegan, Susan J. LaFernier requested Coun- ing where resolutions should be made in Dakota, M. LaFernier, LaPointe, cil schedule the 3rd Reading for the Pro- closed session, but no resolutions were Messer), three opposed (Curtis, Joki- posed Ordinance 2013-03 to Amend formally made regarding the grievances. nen, Matthews), 0 abstained, motion (clarify) Tobacco Ordinance 2008-02. Motion by Jennifer Misegan to sup- carried. Council consensus was to schedule this port the decision of the Assistant ~ submitted by Lauri Denomie, Newsletter Editor PRESIDENT’S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2013 The following is a list of activities that oc- munity and the citizens of Michigan. critical of EPA. It's a fact that many curred in the office of the President during I attended the celebration of the recogni- former ELPC and NRDC employees the month of August 2013: tion of the Community College. I was who were involved in supporting the Obama campaign are now working The schedule for the secretarial election honored to give the welcoming address. for EPA. has been set. There was a minor A number of people attended and were change to the schedule to allow claims/ recognized for their efforts to achieve EPA has been delegating most of its challenges to the voter’s list. It changed accreditation. Our representative Scott federal authorities to the three states from October 10th to the 11th. The pur- Diandi was in attendance, and he was (Michigan, Minnesota, and Wiscon- pose of the election is to conduct a Sec- also impressed with the facility. sin) in attendance at the meetings. retarial Election on a proposed amend- I attended a meeting in Chicago to dis- My assessment of how these states ment to Article VIII §1 of the Keweenaw cuss the shortcomings of the EPA’s trust are discharging trust responsibilities Bay Indian Community's Tribal Constitu- responsibility to Tribes.
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