
NAT. NAT. Hl ST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 54 (1): 13 9- 153 , 2006 SMALL CARNIVORES AND OTHER MAMMALS IN A SMALL PROTECTED AREA OF 50 KM 2 IN THONG PHA PHUM FOREST ,WESTERN THAILAND Nopphadol Prayon g' and Sompoad Srikosamat ll1 ・-tI ABSTRACT 百le s組制s of small camivores and other m anJm als in a small reserve (50 km 2 ) called “PIT Forest Reserves" in westem 百lailand w 鎚 S伽 died in parallel with human activities in 血e area. area. At least 17 wild m anJm al species were present in 也is 戸。 tec 飽d 紅 ea (PA) including 10 C 紅叫vore sμcies.τ 'h ecar 凶vo 陀 community in 血is 包 ea is dominated by viverrid s戸cies. 百le Lar ge In dian Civet (Viverra zibetha) w 錨出e most abundant ,followed by Small lndian Civet (Viverricula (Viverricula malaccensis) and Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). Along fo 問 st edges ,percent visitations of the Large In dian Civet indicate that it is the dominant species. species. Abundance of Large In dian Civets w ぉ negatively and significantly correlated with dis 剛 ce to 恥 forest edge (r = -0品 2,P= 0.043). τ'h ere is a variety of human activity 泊曲is small PA. Frequencies of signs of Non- Timber Forest Forest pr 叫 ucts 例1下Ps) collecting and of domestic animals were significantly negatively correlated correlated with distance 加 m villages (r =ー 0.831 ,p = 0.006 and r = -0 .685 ,p = 0.042 , respectively). respectively). In con 甘舗t, the relation of distance 針。 m villages and hunting was not signific 釦 t. Domestic Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) were found in 血is forest ,especially in areas less 白an 1 km 針。 m 出 .e forest edge. 百時間sults of 血is s仙dy will be useful in motivating local participation in conservation. Cooperation Cooperation arnong local agencies and local people for conservation is now needed to s飽d co-conservation co-conservation management in 白is small protected area. 百le experience will be useful for improving improving wildlife conservation of 血e Westem 唄long Pha Ph um Ec osystem on the larger scale. scale. Key words: Small protected area , small camivores ,human activities ,wildlife conservation , 司副land. 問 τRODUCTION Most studies about camivores are aimed at increasing knowledge about the ecology of the the carnivore communities in tropical forests (EMMONS , 1987; RAY & SUNQUIST , 2001; MUK 田町田町 AL. , 2004). Some studies show important roles of camivores 泊 controlling prey populations ,decreasing competition wi 由加出e prey community ,and reducing seed predation (Gu 噌 RREZ ,ET AL ,1997 ,百悶ORGH ET AL. , 2001). However , there is little information about camivoie communities in disturbed forests and most studies come from temperate ecosystems (CROOKS , 2002; GEHR 町 G & SWIHART , 2003). IDep 紅 tment of Biology ,Faculty of Science ,M 油 idol Universi 旬, Rarna 6 Road ,Banl 詐ok 1倒 00 ,百 lail 釦 d Received Received 29 September 21 ∞ 5; accepted 15 June 2006. 139 139 140 140 NOPPI -IADO L PR A YONG AND SOMPOAD SR IKOSA ルIATA RA In In Thailand ,th 巴re are many factor s threat e ning wildlife ,巴 specially carnivores . There is almost no knowledge about carnivor 巴s m r 巴lation with human activities in the for 巴st. Most studie s on carnivores have been conducted in undi sturb ed for est within n ational parks and wildlife sanctuaries (RAB 町 O Wl TZ & WALKER , 1991 ; CONFORT I, 1996 ; GRASSMAN , 1999; 1999; GRASSMAN ET A L., 2005). Sma ll prot ected ar 巴as such as nat ional forest r巴S巴rves and other other disturbed forests ne 紅 hum an communities have bee n under va lued ,al though small carnivores carnivores can b巴 found in such pl aces. Information a bout such areas will incr ease our know1 巴dg 巴 about wi1dlife and may al so b巴 usefu l as a pilot s tudy for local particip a tion in co nservation ,espe cially in situati ons outside p arks and wi1dlif e sanctuari 巴s whel 巴 conservation must depend more on community action than on infl 巴xibl e law s (SRIKOSAMATARA & BROCKELMAN ,20 02) . In In this study , the status of sm all carn jvore s and other mammal s wa s studied in the PTT Fo rest Reserves of Western Thai1and for bett 巴r und ers tandin g of th 巴 char ac teristic s of th e carnivore carnivore community in disturbed for 巴st. At th e same tim e,s ig ns of human activities were a1 so analyzed for assessing human di stur bance and it s effect on th e wild1ife community. STU D Y AREA A forest 1巴S巴rve fo r cons 巴rvation was propo se d by the Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) in 1999 , in collaboration with the Royal Forest Department (at that time) , through ヰ - PTI Fore stR 巴serv e EコTP P Na ti onal Park s [J] WPAC 田町 Dam Figur e 1. Lo ca tion of PTI Forest Reserves (PTIF) in th e We st ern Prot 巴cted Area Co mp l巴X _ SMA LL CARN IVORES AN D OTHE R MAMMA LS IN T H ONG PH A PH UM 141 2 0 2 4 Kilometers ・・・・・・・・・・ z一一一 一一一一一、 Stream w キE N Tr ack station line s 亡コ P甘 F .. .. Vi llages Fi gur e 2. PTTF and Villa g巴s around th e fores l. Th ere 白 e 9 lin 巴 surv eys in th es tudy (A -I) ,7 in PTTF and 2 in in TPPNP 142 142 NOPPHADOL I'RA YONG 釧 D SOMPOAD S RlK ωAMAT. 組 A 血e Regional Forest Au 血ority. 百世 swasap 紅 t of the post -environmen ta1泊 lpact assessment (EIA) responsibility of P1T after construction of 也e Yadana natural gas pipel 泊e 合om Myanm 低 Officially ,it is now a forest reserve under the National Forest Reserve Act of 1964. 1964. It is a small prot 即 ted area about 50 km 2 located 加side the boundary of Western 百lO ng Pha Phum Forest (W τ'P P) , which is ap 制 of the Western Forest Complex (F ig. 1). A tempor. 釘 y boundary has been demarcated by P1T to designate it as a protected 釘 ea. P1T has an interest in conserving the forest and wildlife , and in developing the well-being of of local villagers around the forest (Pe 位oleum Au 血ority of 百回land ,2002). P1T Forest Reserves (P1TF) are located at 出e boundary of WTPP Fores t.百世 s PA is is sep 釘 'ated by a dirt road and some crop fields into two p副 s: about 30 km 2 of lower P1TF and 20 km 2 of upper PT1下 (Fig. 2). Th e elevation range 加出is protected area is 160 ー945 m asl ,出 .e upperp 釘 t being the steepes t. About 50% of the upper part h部 a slope more 血an 30 degr 田 s. 百le P1TF covers 曲ree watersheds: Huai Kh ayeng , Huai Pr acham Mai ,加d Huai B 佃 Rai. 百le forest is mainly Mixed Deciduous Forest with some 釘 'eas of Dry Dipterocarp and Tropical Dry Forest , most rather disturbed. 官le PTI 下 is close to six villages 泊 Tambon Huai Kayeng (Fig. 2). MA'τERIALS AND METHODS Observation Observation of Small Carnivores and Other Mammals During During March 20 04- January 2005 ,wildlife surveys were conducted in 9 study sites , 7 sites 泊P1TF and 2 sites 泊τ'P PNP (A-I ,Fig. 2). 百le study focused on small carnivores , but but other mammals were also observed and noted. 百le methods used were relatively s泊lple ,and potentially useful by local agencies p制 icipat 泊g with local people in wildlife conservation conservation managemen t. Track Track stations were the main method for assessing abundance and diversity of small carnivores. carnivores. In白 is s旬dy , one 2・km line 釘ansect was set up in each of 9 study sites dis 凶 buted in P1TF and some 紅 e錨 of TPPNP (F ig. 2). Track stations 1m 2 加釘'ea and 100 100 m ap 訂 t were made along the transects. 百le surface of each station was made smooth 組 d soft by sieving the soil. Banana and fおshly caught fish av ai1 able in 血e area were bait 吋 on the stations. 百 le stations were checked the following 2 mornings and 出.en tracks in in the soil surface were IlX ed. Species were identified 企om tracks using The Mammal Tracks Tracks 01 Thailand (0 阻 EN WORLD FOUNDA' 百 ON ,1997) , and Carnivores 01 Mainland South South East Asia (KANCHANASAKHA. Er AL. , 1998). Camera 回 ps (Passive CamTrakker , CamTrack South ,In c. ,U.S. A.) were a1 so set up at various stations to determine species that that visited , using 360 station ・凶 ghts (40 station-nights/site) ,280 泊P1TF and80 泊τ'P PNP. Relative Relative abundance was calculated from 回 p success/ 回 p- 凶ght x 100. Trap success was derived 合om the number of 住'ack stations that 創由 nals visi 飽d. Intensive Intensive surveys of wildlife were also carried out wi 血泊P1T Forest Reserves. Signs Signs of wildlife on human 佐'ai1 s and wildlife trails within study 釘 e邸 were observed. Th e presence of carnivore and other mammal signs such as scats ,scrapes and tracks etc. W 部 recorded. Although 由is method is rough , the results can provide a general picture of of the diversity and status of mammals 泊出is P A. Six camera traps were also set up within within P1TF. However ,出 is method was not suitable in 白is study due to high human SMALL CARNIVORES AND OTHER MAMMALS 別 THONG PHA PHUM 143 disturbance.
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