Defender “I am set for the defense of the gospel” Vol. XLVI 2017 January April July October February May August November March June September Defender “I am set for the defense of the gospel” Vol. XLVI January 2017 Number 01 Web Site: http://www.bellviewcoc.com Email: [email protected] The Spirit and the Seed Jerry C. Brewer Whether physical or spiritual, tremulous motion made by the hen seed is the Word of God in which all life, and that which sustains it while either hatching her eggs or the Spirit implanted life. “It is the and brings it to fruition, springs fostering her young. It here prob- Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh from seed. The physical creation ably signifies the communicating profiteth nothing: the words that I in which all men live was begun of a vital or prolific principle to the speak unto you, they are spirit, and waters (Adam Clarke, Old Testa- by miracle and is propagated by they are life” (John 6:63). ment Commentary, Genesis, p. 17). the germ of life implanted in the The germ of life, or what Clark Jesus did not mean that the seed of all living things by the Holy terms, “the vital or prolific prin- Holy Spirit is the Word of God, Spirit. ciple,” was implanted directly and or that the Word of God is the In the beginning God created the miraculously in all living things by Holy Spirit. He used metaphorical heaven and the earth. And the earth the Holy Spirit. Having accom- language, indicating that spiritual was without form and void: and life is in the words that the Holy darkness was upon the face of the plished that work, the Holy Spirit ceased His production of life and Spirit revealed, and said, “the seed deep, And the Spirit of God moved is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). upon the face of the waters (Gen. the fruit thereof through direct The germ of spiritual inheres in 1:1-2). means, and its propagation contin- Elohim—the three Persons of ues through seed. “And God said, the Word, placed there by the same the Godhead—all functioned in let the earth bring forth grass, the Omnipotent hand that placed the creation. That is evident from herb yielding seed, and the fruit physical life in the physical seed of Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:3, and He- tree yielding fruit after his kind, all living things. Upon this basis, brews 1:1-2. The Holy Spirit’s work whose seed is in itself upon the we affirm that every action of the is defined in the Genesis account as earth: and it was so” (Gen. 1:11). Holy Spirit, exerted upon the alien bringing life from the primal ele- God’s spiritual creation—the sinner or the child of God, is be- ments of creation and placing the church; “one new man” (Eph. gun, carried on, and consummated germ of life in the seed of all living 2:15)—had the same kind of mi- only through the Word of God. things. When Moses wrote that, raculous beginning, but contin- In Matthew’s account of the “the Spirit of God moved upon the ues in the fashion as the physical parable of the sower, Jesus called face of the waters,” he did not mean creation—through seed. John’s the seed, “the word of the king- mere motion. Moved was given to language regarding Christ’s work dom” (Mat. 13:19). He used a him to indicate a specific action of redemption is analogous to that universally recognized natural which accomplished the generation of Moses (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1). The occurrence to illustrate how the of life. church was begun by miracle and Holy Spirit works in the spiritual Moved merachepheth, was brood- continues through seed, and that realm—through seed. However, in ing over; for the word expresses that Continued on Page 4 Notes tacted us. Spirit and the Word) you have the From The It serves no one any value if statement that was actually made we make a mistake and refuse to Editor in brother Brewer’s article that the correct such. If it is the case that Spirit is separate and apart from we cannot be trusted, then we no the Word. That is the first part of Michael longer are of any real value to the Hatcher cause of Truth and God. We try the definition of conjunction. If one Email address: [email protected] hard to always be accurate in what we state; however, there are times Policy when something will get through Correction that we miss (as in this situation). If In the November 2016 issue Statement someone points them out to us, we of Defender, we ran an article by All correspondence written to will gladly correct them. Defender, myself (Michael Hatch- brother Brewer titled, “Sanders, Nevertheless, in this situation, er), or to the elders at Bellview Deaver, and Bogard on the Holy while the person would not con- concerning anything in Defender Spirit.” On the first page of that tact us and then made a big deal is viewed as intended for publi- article, there was a quotation from about it to the one he did contact; cation unless previously agreed Deaver. There were two problems in reality, the omitted word does to otherwise. While it is not the with the quotation. First, the page not make a lot of difference to practice of Defender to publish our number was incorrect as we had the meaning. I realize they would correspondence, we reserve the it on page 1 and it was a quotation probably disagree with such, but if right to publish such without fur- from page 6 instead. Second, the you consider the two statements, ther permission being necessary quote inadvertently omitted a word there is no difference of substance should the need or desire arise. from the original. Brother Brewer to them. The article on page 1 of * * * * * * * * * * had “If the Spirit dwells in anyone, this issue written by brother Brewer He indwells personally in conjunc- Occasionally we receive re- titled, “The Spirit and the Seed” quests to reprint articles from De- tion with [emphasis added] His shows this to be the case. Also, fender. It is our desire to get sound word separate and apart from the brother Deaver must recognize that material into the hands of breth- word.” Never was inadvertently the last phrase is not all that im- ren. Thus, it is our policy to allow omitted from the quote. It should portant to a proper understanding reproduction of any articles that have read, “If the Spirit indwells of his position because there are should appear in this publication. anyone, he indwells personally in multiple times he omits the phrase. However, honesty should demand conjuction [sic] with his word— Also, when one considers con- that you give proper credit when never separate and apart from the junction it shows that all the state- reprinting an article. You should word.” ments are equally true. Conjunc- give the author credit for his work We are always happy to cor- tion is defined by the New Oxford and we would appreciate your rect a mistake like this when it is American Dictionary as, “the ac- including that you got the article pointed out to us. We would never tion or an instance of two or more from this paper. knowingly misrepresent anyone. It events or things occurring at the is interesting that the person who same point in time or space.” Con- efender is published monthly caught this did not contact us, but sider the use of this word as it is (except December) under the contacted someone else who then used by Deaver and those who fol- oversightD of the elders of the Bellview contacted us. They then proceeded low his lead. He is speaking of the Church of Christ, 4850 Saufley Field to make all sorts of false accusa- Road, Pensacola, FL 32526. (850) 455- Spirit and the Word. The Spirit is 7595. Subscription is free to addresses in tions against Defender and myself not the Word and vice versa. Thus, the United States. All contributions shall including the false charge that we we have two separate things (God be used for operational expenses. All intentionally made this mistake the Spirit and the Word of God) correspondence permissible for publica- and that we would not correct such occurring. Thus, by the nature of tion. Michael Hatcher, Editor according to the brother who con- having two separate things (the 2 Defender January 2017 2017 Spring Church of Christ CFTF Lectures The Seven Churches of Asia and Christian Fellowship February 24 – 26, 2017 Friday, February 24 6:30 PM CONGREGATIONAL SINGING John West 7:00 PM Does the N.T. Authorize One Church to Extend Fellowship to a Sister Church? Lee Moses 8:00 PM Does the N.T. Authorize One Church to Withdraw Fellowship from a Sister Church? Michael Hatcher Saturday, February 25 9:00 AM 2 John 9-11, et al., and the Seven Churches of Asia Danny Douglas 10:00 AM The Church in phesusE (Rev. 2:1-7) Geoff Litke 11:00 AM The Church in myrnaS (Rev. 2:8-11) Bruce Stulting Lunch Provided by Spring Congregation 1:30 PM The Church in ergamosP (Rev. 2:12-17) Lester Kamp 2:30 PM The Church in ardisS (Rev. 3:1-6) Jerry Brewer 3:30 PM The Church in hildelphiaP (Rev. 3:7-13) Lee Moses Sunday, February 26 9:30 AM The Church in Laodicea (Rev.
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