March 6, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS- 5571 · mittees of the House of Representatives to By Mr. RANGEL: Interstate and Foreign Commerce; to the ascertain and identify those areas in which H. Res. 279. Resolution creating a select Committee on House Administration. differences in treatment or application, on committee to conduct an investigation of the the basis of sex, exist in connection with the nationalization of the oil industry; to the administration and operation of those pro­ Committee on Rules. visions of law under their respective juris­ By Mr. RUPPE: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS dictions, aud for other purposes; to the H. Res. 280. Resolution to authorize the Committee on Rules. Committee on the Judiciary to conduct an Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. HARRINGTON: investigation and study of the decision of bills and resolutions were introduced and H. Res. 277. Resolution creating a Select the Supreme Court of the United States re­ severally referred as follows: Committee on Children to conduct an in­ lating to the practice of abortion; to the By Mr. EARLY: vestigation and study of social conditions Committee on Rules. H.R. 4478. A bill for the relief of Jorge adversely affecting the development of chil­ By Mr. ST GERMAIN: Claudio Raholin, Angelica Celina (Ota­ dren; to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 281. Resolution disapproving the mendi) Raholin, Gerardo Gabriel Raholin, By Mr. MORGAN (for himself, Mr. deferral of budget authority relating to com­ and Vilma Myriam Raholin; to the Commit­ BROYHILL, Ms. COLLINS Of lllinOiS, prehensive planning grants (deferral No. tee on the Judiciary. Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT, Mr. HANNA­ D 75-107) which is proposed by the President By Mr. EDWARDS of California: FORD, Mr. HAYS of Ohio, r.'Ir. HAYES of in his special message of November 26, 1974, Indiana, Mr. McEWEN, Mr. MANN, H.R. 4479. A bill to amend the act entitled transmitted under section 1013 of the Im­ Mr. 0BERSTAR, Mr. SARASIN, and Mr. "An Act to incorporate the American Uni­ SISK): poundment Control Act of 1974; to the Com­ versity", approved February 24, 1893; to the H. Res. 278. Resolution expressing the mittee on Appropriations. Committee on the District of Columbia. sense of the House of Representatives with By Mr. STAGGERS: By Mr. REUSS: respect to the missing in action in Southeast H. Res. 282. Resolution to provide funds for H .R. 4480. A bill for the relief of Gary Asia and the Paris Agreement; to the Com­ the expenses of the investigations and Daves and Marc Cayer; to the Committee on mittee on Foreign Affairs. studies to be conducted by the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FELIX R. McKNIGHT ON DEFICIT sistance programs that are part of the GNP, rural America by bringh'1.g together men, FINANCING observed: "Were the growth of domestic assistance women, and children of every faith with programs to _continue for the next two the power of prayer. decades at the same rate as in the past 2ll With your permission, Mr. Speaker I HON. JAMES M. COLLINS years, total government spending would grow will append a brief statement describing OF TEXAS to more than half our national output. We Pastor Pete's work in rural America so IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cannot permit this to occur." that all Americans can be made aware of But, it keeps occurring and when we get to the ministry ,of pra'Yer. Thursday, March 6, 1975 a national health program, expanding Social Security and a few other items being held The statement follows: Mr. COLLINS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in the wings, the courtship with bankruptcy Prayer Power, Inc. Is a truly Rural Ameri­ inflation remains the No. 1 concern of nears the ring-giving stage. can venture. It is the only directed prayer the American people. Inflation is caused Today, with the deficit at near $500 bil­ ministry in the United States with head­ by our congressional overspending. lion, and likely to pass $600 billion by mid- quarters in Rural America, that ministers Some optimists predict $52 billion, but a 1976, the "temporary" emergencies still exist exclusively to Rural America. fair outlook would be $85 billion from a and we rocket on to fiscal ruin. Its goals are to help save rural America, No economist, to be certain, but as a con­ build better business and strengthen the peacetime budget. cJ;turch. This will be done through united, Congress is spending this country into cerned citizen who thumbed back into his­ tory's New Deal, Fair Deal, New Frontier and drrected Christian Prayer. Three prayer times escalating inflation. A concise editorial Great Society programs designed to solve the have been set aside daily to correspond with on this deficit financing was written on myriad of social, business and individual Biblical times of prayer-9:00 A.M., 12:00 February 26, by Felix R. McKnight of the problems through federal financing, one gets noon and 9:45 P.M.-Ps 55;11, Daniel 6:10, Dallas Times Herald. Here are the high­ a bit gunshy. Acts 10. lights of the McKnight comments. It all leads to deficit financing and, as a This is part of God's prophetic ministry DEFICIT FINANCING San Diego colleague reminds, deficit seems in keeping with the Bible, the foundation of to have only two consequences. One drains the great freedom documents of our nation. Since the depression days of Franklin This prophecy was given to Pastor Pete, "The Delano Roosevelt there have been "emer­ capital away from the private sector of the economy which creates productive jobs with one chance to save Rural America is gency" federal deficits that have been ra­ its capital investments. through united Christian Prayer," thus saith tionalized in the same tireless rhetoric. The other is a thoughtless expansion of the the Lord. (see II Chronicles 7:14 for par­ I! we all hang in there with the good old allel) American genius we will contain and coun­ money s11pply which will subject the healthy part of our economy to further inroads of From its beginning on one station, KMHL, terbalance the rush to bankruptcy with inflation, the most serious threat it faces. Marshall, Mn., with a forty mile radius, boundless growth of the Gross National Prod­ June 6, 1971-this ministry is now covering uct-the dollar measurement in goods and It took 60 years, from 1789 to 1848, for the U.S. government to spend one billion dollars. eight states and parts of Canada with six­ services the national economy produces each Next year, under projections of the Ford teen one half hour broadcasts each week. year. Administration, it will take barely a day for ~.ts projection is a daily prayer call program, So say the soothing rationalizers, the latest Prayerways to Peace" three times daily to of which is outgoing Budget Director Roy L. the government to spend one billion dollars. And away we go on another "emergency" call Christians in Rural American states to Ash. In reassuringly holding our hands to prayer. This is ready for launching in the allay fears about what The Daily Oklahon::an that could cost a trillion in three years of the Ford Administration. Indeed, the flirtation spring of 1975. Daily prayers are prayed aptly terms "the creeping debacle," Mr. Ash seven days a week and on all broadcasts for reasons: with national bankruptcy is real. And Wash­ ington will be the scene of the wedding. our President and all in positions of lead~ "The upcoming $35 billion deficit for the ership in our nation. fiscal year ending next June 30 will equal No nation in world history has remained only about 2.4 percent of the $1.43 trillion strong two generations beyond the time it estimated GNP for 1975. And the $50 billion lost its strong Rural population. Rural deficit in prospect for the ensuing fiscal year PRAYER IN RURAL AMERICA America is the Nation's Heartland with the will amount only to about 3.2 of the esti­ lines of food, fibre and young men and mated $1.6 trillion GNP of 1976." wom~n transfusing our nation. Prayer Power, But, in Mr. Ash's shell game, he does not HON. RICHARD NOLAN Inc. 1s geared to keep Rural America strong :reveal that under that first shell at the OF MINNESOTA right, is a massive spending p:::-ogram by and make it stronger through daily, united federal, state and local governments that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES directed prayer. Anyone needing prayer can represents precisely one-third of the total Thursday, March 6, 1975 call anytime night or day for prayer. Gross National Product. This organization is not tied to any orga­ Further. President Ford, in recent brood­ Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, Pastor nized body but is native American. America ing over the growing enormity of federal as- Richard Peterson is serving the people of was built by "Uncommon, common men" 5572 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 6, 1975 and we believe it will be rebuilt the same which reflects the regard and respect of Countries relate to each other economically way-Prayer Power is people oriented­ all who are privileged to know him. through International trade. Prayer Power Is people. Praying people united Clue No. 4: Devaluation of the Dollar. in daily prayer. Our priority 1n this ministry President Nixon wanted to obtain a. more 1s people and no one is turned away re• favorable balance of our international trade gardless of circumstances--People have prl• so he, on two occasions, reduced the value ority in Prayer Power, Inc. DO WE NEED SHERLOCK HOLMES of the dollar.
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