CONTENTS "KEMBLA" Vol. 18. JULY. 1954. No. 7. M.V. "DUNTROON"— 10.500 loo. COPPER, BRASS AND EOITORIAL: OTHER NON-FERROUS Britain's 1954 55 N.vy Estimates: Advancement end Some Problems 4 MEI.BOURNE Strategy of th. Future 5 STEAMSHIP WIRE CABLES & TUBES CO. I.TD. ARTICLES: Head Office: The N.vy League of Austr.li.—Give It Your Support 7 31 KING ST.. MELBOURNE METAL MANUFACTURES LTD. Strength of the British Fleet 9 BRANCHES OR AGENCIES N.S.W. AT ALL PORTS PORT KEMBLA. "Peroiide" Submarines Have High Speed, long Range II MANAGING AGENTS FOR SELLING AlSENTS HOBSONS BAY DOCK AND (*.itlr DiMrtfoilori in *ll Siatwl FEATURES: ENGINEERING CO. PTY. LTD. WIRE & CARL.IS Works: Williaimtown, Victoria 1VBUS S HP ASS WIRt News of the World's Navies 12 BRITISH INSULATED and KNOX SCHLAPP PTY. LTD. Maritime News of the World 19 CALLENDERS CABLES HODGE ENGINEERING CO. See Cadet New! 22 PTY. LTD. Collins Ho-". Melbourne ^ ^J™ Mclhournc Personal Paragraph* 26 Works: Suaeex St., Sydney. Krmbl.i Building, Sydney 44 Margaret St.. Sydney. Speaking of Ships 27 SHIP REPAIRERS. ETC. See-Oddities 28 Reviews 31 Published by The Navy League of Australia, I Spring Street, Sydney, N.S.W. it is a THE UNITED SHIP SERVICES Telephone BU 5458. pleasure PTY. LTD. Subscription Rate: 12 issues poet free in the British Empire, 18/- to smoke CAPSTAN Copies of "Hereld" photographs used may be obtained direct from Photo Seles. Sydney Morning Hereld, Hunter Street. Sydney. cigarettes For the Best Soft Drinks Always say . ALL CLASSES OF SHIP REPAIRS AND FITTINGS MARCHANT'S UNDERTAKEN PLEASE ! 88102 NORMANBY RD.. STH. MR BOURNE. VIC. Office ac Factory: 34 YORK ST., RICHMOND, VICTORIA ' , "Phone: JA 3131. Telephones: MX S2J1 (6 line.). Jut,, in* l THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA ZINC FEDERAL COUNCIL. Commander (S) /. D' Bales, V.R D , Without this essential metal there would be R.A.N.V.R. D.pmy Pr.a4.nt: Commander R A. Nettlefold, DSC NO GALVANIZED PRODUCTS and V.R D , R.A.N.R NO BRASS. R. Neil Walford, Esq Hon. Trauurtr: Lieut.Cdr. (S) J. H H Paterson. ZINC is also used extensively in lead-free PAINTS and in DIE CASTING and is a basic require- M.B.E , R.A.N.R. ment for many Industries. New South Wales Division Patron: His Excellency The Governor of New High-grade ZINC is produced in Australia, using zinc concentrate from Broken Hill, N.S.W., and South Wales. from Rosebery, Tasmania, and electric power generated by the Hydro-Bectric Commif tion of Commander (S)TifD. Bates. V.R.D., Tasmania. R.A.N.V.R. Sacra tary: R. I. Rae, Esq. Sole Australian producers Hon. Traasuran: F. E. Triec. Esq. Victorian Division ELECTROLYTIC ZINC COY. of AUSTRALASIA Ltd. Patron: His Excellency The Governor Head Office —360 COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE of Victoria. Commander R.'A.'"Nettlefold, D.S.C , Works — RISDON, TASMANIA V R.D., R.A.N.R. Sacratary: R. Neil Walford, Esq. M. A. Glover. Esq. South Australian Division Patron: FOR WORK- His Excellency The Governor of South Australia. Praaitlant: FOR FUN Lieutenant Cdr. C. C. Shinkfield. R.A.N.R. (retd.) The Hon. Sacratary: Lieut. Commander (S) L. T. Ewen*, R A N V.R BRITISH 1 SEAGULL Outboard Tasmanian Division Patron: \ Motor Vice Admiral Sir Guy Wyatt, K B E , C.B, R.N. (retd ). THE JJ-4 HP. MODEL THE MODEL 40 PLUS For (tardiness, reliability and endur- (illustrated) The Right Hon. Mr. C. H Hand. ance. the 40 lb. weight, 3J-4 H.P. Sends 12 footers scooting across the M.H.A. Seagull outboard is unbeatable. Op- water. Light, it weighs only 28 lb., HOB. S.im«RV: erating in still water or on the seas, there's nothing to match this Seagull Commander C. E. \V. W. Bavlv. this Seagull moves loads of 4 and 5 for compacted power and ruggedness. O.B.E.. V.R.D., RANVR Retd. tons. Available as a standard model Designed for continuous running at or with a clutch for complete man- full throttle, the model 40 plus still oe-vurability it tarns the large 10 in. operates smoothly at low revs. The AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET propeOor at 1,500 RJP.M. without long drive shaft gives 16 in. free- COUNCIL l or COMPLETF. REFINF.MENl any wastsd churning of water, yet board, no wasted power frothing the t^M ^.nr.ri • m of th. Nml Bo«rd: has power to spare. surface of the water. Director of Naval Reserves, Distributed by: faptain A S Rosenthal. DSO. RAN (Chairman). Commander F R James, R.A.N. KH»IH «tiv.« EL TTW N.vy LMCU.: DANGAR, GEDYE & MALLOCH LTD. ' ommander R A Nettlefold, DSC, 1014 YOUNG STREET. SYDNEY VR D. R AN VR.. L. G. Pearson. Esq, G.P.O. Box 509. Cables: Dangan. L. Porsytkc. Esq . Lieut. (S) F G. Evans, RANVR BRANCHES: MELBOURNE, NEWCASTLE. LISMORE, WAGGA. HAY. Manufacture IF CM. Kinn.or 4 Sons LW. R. Neil Walford. fKUm^-. lupm (AM.) UMM 2 TNI My. I»M 1 Aircraft carrier from which a new twin jet will be the standard naval attack aircraft for Naval interceptor fighter and other new types some years. will operate, will he fitted with angled decks In new weapons specially designed to attack and steam catapults. The "Centaur," now pre- submarines, the R.N. has the greatly improved paring for service, will he the first operational asdic gear containing an electronic "hrain," with aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy with an angled which every modern anti-submarine frigate is deck. H.M.S. "Eagle" and others will have angled equipped. The "brain", having located a sub- decks fitted in due course. The Radar equipment marine, sets about killing it by automatically op- fitted in the "Centaur" is considered to the finest erating a more deadly anti-submarine mortar than in any ship afloat. It is expected that the fleet has ever been known in war. The Service has earner "Ark Royal," and two light fleet carrier nick-named it the "Limbo." Prototypes of this of the "Hermes" class, the "Albion" and "Bul- equipment were fitted in the first post-war frigate wark," will be completed during 1954-55. "conversions," the "Rocket" and the "Relentless." In regard to submersibles, two experimental In the field of gunnery, a new 3 inch gun will submarines with a new system of underwater pro- be the main medium-range anti-aircraft weapon pulsion are Hearing completion and arc expected of the future. It is being fitted in H.M.S. "Cumber- to undergo trials this year. The system is one land," the trials cruiser, and its rate of fire will using High Test Peroxide in a closed cycle engine compare with heavy machine-guns. which generates power for much faster under- Modem radar sets now fitted in anti-submarine water speeds than have previously been attained. jhips of the Fleet arc such that they can detect These boats will also have the latest escape devices. submarine snort masts and periscopes at con- Other progress in submarine development in- siderable ranges. Communication systems of great- cludes the continued study of systems on nuclear er speed are being developed to keep pace with propulsion and the building of new and improved the demands brought about by the introduction midget submarines. The new "midgets" will he of new weapons. Anti-submarine aircraft will be completed this year. fitted with modern radar and will also carry buoys (known as sono-buoys) which are fitted Particular attention is also being given to anti- with gear to detcct and track submerged sub- submarine ships. A large number of destroyers marines and relay the information hack to the built during the last war have been and arc con- parent aircraft. Guided missile and A-bomb-carry- think it is generally realised that nearly one-third tinuing to be converted into fast anti-submarine ing research is also being developed. Vol. I«. JULY. 1954. No. 7. of our regular ratings - excluding National Scr- frigates to take their place in the new anti • sub- viccmen are under 21, and another one-third marine fleet. Many of these vessels are now in BRITAIN'S 1954-55 NAVY ESTIMATES: under 25. We have a great shortage of men with operational service and others will join the fleet " STRATEGY OF THE FUTURE. ADVANCEMENT AND SOME PROBLEMS eight years' service and upwards and their places during the present financial year. These ships will have to be filled by abnormally large numbers later be joined by new frigates now under con- Dealing with the Royal Navy's part in pro- When the First Lord of the British Admiralty with below seven years* service." To accentuate struction, three of which have been launched — viding a deterrent against major aggression, the presented the Royal Naval Estimates in London the problem, the seven-year men are now begin- the "H?rdy," the "Salisbury" and the "Dundas." First Lord said: "Our greatest and most power- on March 9, he not only emphasised the ad- ning to come to the end of their engagements The new design minesweepers are also coming ful ally is separated from us by the waters of the vancement made in research, strategy, and con- in large numbers, and if they do not re-engage into service in increasing numbers. Atlantic. Whatever the shape of a future war, struction, over the preceding year, hut also frankly control of the seas from America to the United the proper manning of Her Majesty's ships will Aircraft will play an increasingly important part revealed the more acute problems which the *Kingdom and the continent of Europe must he a present a very serious problem indeed.
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