and hygiene. [Prereq: Lower Division GE Area B (4). Anthropology ANTH 316. Anthropology & Development Life Forms.] Traditional cultures and their economies. How LOWER DIVISION these societies have adjusted to world econ o my. ANTH 338. Biological Anthropology Lab (1). Analyze social costs/benefits of econom ic devel- This lab course focuses on developing laboratory ANTH 103. Biological Anthropology (3). In- opment. methods and analytical skills used in biological troduction to human evolution and adaptation anthropology, while introducing the basics of com- through scientific principles, evolutionary theory, ANTH 317 / WS 317. Women & Develop- parative human anatomy and physiology. genetic inheritance, nonhuman primates, fossil ment (4). Role of Third World women in domestic record, forensics, and evolutionary medicine. Not econ omies and wider political arenas. Focus on ANTH 339. Special Topics in Biological An- intended for most science/natural resource ma- paradigm of “development” and differing cultural thropology (1-4). Seminars on topics such jors. [Weekly: 2 hrs lect. 3 hrs lab. B-LD.] meanings of household and family. as: advanced bioanth methods, evolutionary theory, human osteology, functional/evolutionary ANTH 104. Cultural Anthropology (3). World’s (4). Problems and ANTH 318. Ethnography anatomy, primate evolution, ecology, conservation, diverse cultures. Richness of human life in dif- techniques of describing culture and representing nutrition, medical anthropology, epidemiology, ferent times and places. Multicultural nature of the “other.” Critical look at the process and politics epigenetics, zooarchaeology, taphonomy and to day’s world. [D-LD.] of descriptions anthropologists craft. [Pre req: bioarchaeology. [Prereq: Lower Division GE Area ANTH 104.] ANTH 105. Archaeology and World Prehistory B Life Forms. Rep.] (3). This course introduces students to the field of ANTH 328. Social Anthropology Lab (1-4). ANTH 340. Language & Culture (4). Scope and archaeology and traces the many paths of cultural Training in research techniques, including field in- variety of linguistic research. Emphasis on cross- evolution as reconstructed from the archaeologi- vestigations, appropriate for various topical areas cultural comparison and relation of languages cal record. [D-LD.] of social and cultural anthro pology. [Con current to culture. enroll ment required for certain courses. Rep.] ANTH 113. Anthropology Skills Development ANTH 341. Anthropological Linguistics (4). (2). ALADIN curriculum (Academic Language: As- ANTH 329. Special Topics in Social Anthropol- Introduces formal practice of anthropological lin- sessment and Development of Individual Needs) (4). [Check with department for topics and ogy guistics. Structure of human languages; language teaches academic skills to help in the transition prereqs. Rep.] variation and change; acquisition and meaning. from high school to the demands of a university. ANTH 330. Method & Theory in Biological Methodologies include phonetics, phonemics, [Coreq: ANTH 104.] Anthropol ogy (4). Introduces major research morphology, and syntax. [Prereq: ANTH 104 (C).] ANTH 235 / COMM 235 / CRGS 235 / PSCI areas within biological anthropology, including their ANTH 350. Method & Theory in Archaeology 235 / SOC 235. Act to End Sexualized Violence fundamental theories, scientific concepts, and (4). Roles of theory and scientific method in re- (1). Analyze how sexualized violence impacts com- methods of data collection and analysis. [Prereq: constructing past cultures, culture process, and munities and operates as social control; learn Lower Division GE Area B Life Forms.] change. [Prereq: ANTH 105 or IA.] to recognize victim-blaming, promote survivor- ANTH 331. Paleoanthropology (4). Evolution- centered responses, foreground enthusiastic ANTH 351. Archaeological Materials Analysis ary theory, the behavior, ecology, and morphology consent, and take action to transform our campus (4). This course will serve as a hands-on introduc- of human ancestors, and the emergence of our community. [CR/NC] tion to interpreting artifacts from sites. It will cover species. This course is framed by the major de- phases of analysis including: defining problem, bates and rivalries within the discipline. [Prereq: attributes, cataloging data, analyzing data, and UPPER DIVISION Lower Division GE Area B Life Forms.] interpreting results. ANTH 302. Anthropology of Religion (3). The- ANTH 332. Skeletal Biology and Forensics (4). o retical perspectives and modes of an al ysis of ANTH 352. Experimental Archaeology (4). This Intensive study of human osteology and skeletal religious belief systems and practices. Focus: course will introduce students to experimental biology, including techniques for creating biological preliterate and peasant religions, including ritual, archaeology, or the scientific manner in which profiles and estimating age, sex, stature, trauma, magic, and symbol systems. [DCG-n. D-UD.] archaeologists engage in controlled experiments and disease; application to legal investigations and in order to better understand life in the past. ANTH 305. Human Evolutionary Biology, Di- human rights.”. [Prereq: Lower Division GE Area versity, & Health (3). How the biology, behavior, B Life Forms.] ANTH 353. Archaeology of Warfare (4). This diet, strategies, and experiences of our ancestors course will explore the origins/causes/conse- ANTH 333. Primate Adaptation & Evolution are reflected in and affect us today; examination quences of warfare. We will gain an understand- (4). Nonhuman primate evolution and adaptation; of human biocultural diversity within the context ing of the range of variation in which warfare and what makes primates unique mammals; models of evolutionary history. [Rec: LD GE Area B: Life human societies have influenced one another. for big evolutionary questions; systematics; Forms. DCG-n, B-UD.] anatomy; behavioral ecology and strategies of ANTH 354. Cultural Resource Management ANTH 306 / ES 306. World Regions Cul tur al extant primates; biogeography; primate origins; (4). Vocationally-oriented introduction to applied Studies (3). Culture, values, and social inter action adaptive radiation; fossils. [Prereq: Lower Division archaeology. Ethical, legal, and technical aspects in cultures of a world region (North Amer ica, GE Area B Life Forms.] of conserving prehistoric and historic cultural Latin America, Oceania, Mid dle East, Asia). [Rep resources of the US. ANTH 334. Anthropology, Ecology & Conserva- for each dif fer ent region offered. DCG-n. D-UD.] tion (4). Interrelationships between humans and ANTH 357. Field Archaeology (1-6). Field experi- ANTH 310. Theory & History in Anthropology the environment, with an eye to conservation. ence in local area or in summer field school. (4). Examines the shifting paradigms driving an- Topics such as: ecology of human and nonhuman Content varies: surface survey, mapping, or thropological theories and ethnographic research primate habitats; biogeography, biodiversity; bi- excavation. May involve placement as volunteer from the foundations of the discipline to the otic interactions; globalization; population growth; with federal or state agency. [Rep.] climate change. [Prereq: Lower Division GE Area present. [Pre req: ANTH 104; ANTH 103(C) or ANTH 358. Archaeology Lab (1-3). Archaeology ANTH 105(C).] B: Life Forms.] lab activities. [Rep.] (4). ANTH 315 / WS 315. Sex, Gender & Global- ANTH 335. Topics in Evolutionary Medicine ANTH 359. Special Topics in Archaeology ization (4). Examine crossculturally the diversity Application of principles of evolution, inheritance, (1-4). Seminars in selected subfields (concen- of relations of sex and gender. Transformation of and adaptation to understanding human biology, trations or theory): environmental archae- gender relations through colonial rule, nationalist health, and disease in cross-cultural perspective. ology, geoarchaeology, archaeoastronomy, movements, and globalization of the economy. Varying emphases include: nutrition, reproduction, zooarchaeology, historical archaeology, ethno- [DCG-n.] growth and development, epidemiology, aging, history. [Check with faculty for content. Rep.] sustainability-focused; sustainability-related; activ activity; (C) may be concurrent; coreq corequisite(s); CR/NC mandatory credit/no credit; DA dept approval; disc discussion; 2018-2019 Humboldt State University Catalog ANTH 387 / COMM 387 / ECON 387 / GEOG ANTH 621. Anthropology & Globalization (1- ANTH 678. Applied Anthropology Pro Seminar 387 / HIST 387 / INTL 387 / PSCI 387. 3). Examines fractured nature of globalization (1). Ongoing seminar/colloquium for MA cohort. International Education Colloquium (1). Earn in diverse political economies, with focus on Focus on research in progress, developing argu- credit by attending International Education Week cultural transformation and resistance, chang- ments, and written and oral presentations in events and participating in an online discussion ing paradigms of ‘development’ and Indigenous a structured and supervised format. [Prereq: forum. Mandatory pre-event meeting. [CR/NC. critiques. (Local, regional, and global markets enrollment in applied anthropology MA Program. Rep once.] and institutions.) Rep 3 times.] ANTH 390. World Regions Cultural Seminar (4). ANTH 637. Applied Biological Anthropology ANTH 679. Applied Anthropology Region (1- Culture, values, and social interaction in cultures (1-3). In-depth study of modern approaches and 3). Holistic examination of applied
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