Gordon Churchill Fonds MG32-B9 Finding Aid No MSS0867 Vols

Gordon Churchill Fonds MG32-B9 Finding Aid No MSS0867 Vols

Gordon Churchill fonds MG32-B9 Finding aid no MSS0867 vols. 1 - 109 R3314 Instrument de recherche no MSS0867 Ancien no réf. Media arch. File Title Vol. Dates Support Former arch. ref. Dossier Titre no Gordon Churchill fonds Political Correspndence series Private Member (1951-1957) subseries Textual MG32-B9 1 1 Advertising 1953-1954 Textual MG32-B9 1 2 Advertising 1956-1957 Textual MG32-B9 1 3 Arms shipment 1955-1956 Textual MG32-B9 1 4 Atlantic Union 1951-1954 Textual MG32-B9 1 5 Atlantic Union - speech 28 April 1952 Textual MG32-B9 1 6 Atlantic Union - dinner meeting 1952 Textual MG32-B9 1 7 Bain, Major Ted 1951 Textual MG32-B9 1 8 Bastin, Frank 1951, 1957 Textual MG32-B9 1 9 Bell, R. A. 1952 Textual MG32-B9 1 10 Borden, R. L. - memoirs n.d. Textual MG32-B9 1 11 Brown, J.W. 1952 Textual MG32-B9 1 12 Budget 1952-1953 Textual MG32-B9 1 13 Budget amendment 1954 Textual MG32-B9 1 14 Budget 1954-1955 Textual MG32-B9 1 15 Budget 1957 Textual MG32-B9 1 16 Cabinet Ministers and Directors' trip 1955 Textual MG32-B9 1 17 Cairns, A. 1951 Textual MG32-B9 1 18 Camp, Dalton 1957 Textual MG32-B9 1 19 Canadian and Foreign Affairs 1953 Textual MG32-B9 1 20 Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association 1955-1956 Textual MG32-B9 1 21 Chown, Gordon 1951-1952, 1956 Textual MG32-B9 1 22 Churchill, G. - personal 1954 Textual MG32-B9 1 23--24 Churchill, G. - personal 1954-1957 Textual MG32-B9 1 25 Churchill, G. - speeches 1952-1957 Textual MG32-B9 1 26 Civil service - superannuation 1955 Textual MG32-B9 2 1 Civil defence 1951-1956 Page 1 of 79 Gordon Churchill fonds MG32-B9 Finding aid no MSS0867 vols. 1 - 109 R3314 Instrument de recherche no MSS0867 Ancien no réf. Media arch. File Title Vol. Dates Support Former arch. ref. Dossier Titre no Textual MG32-B9 2 2 Civil liberties 1947-1954 Textual MG32-B9 2 3 Clippings 1954 Textual MG32-B9 2 4 Colombo plan 1955-1957 Textual MG32-B9 2 5 Combines 1949-1954 Textual MG32-B9 2 6--7 Combines - legislation 1951 Textual MG32-B9 2 8 Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, Ottawa 1952 Textual MG32-B9 2 9 Conservative Party - addresses 1954-1955 Textual MG32-B9 2 10 Conservative Party banquet, Winnipeg 15 October 1955 Textual MG32-B9 2 11 Conservative Party - Black Friday 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 12 Conservative Party - cash book 1953, monthly expenses 1948-1949 Textual MG32-B9 2 13 Conservative Party - Caucus committees 1953 Textual MG32-B9 2 14 Conservative Party - committees 1953-1957 Textual MG32-B9 2 15 Conservative Party - constituencies 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 16 Conservative Party - Convention campaign strategy 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 17 Conservative Party - Convention clippings and press releases 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 18 Conservative Party - Convention notes and receipts 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 19 Conservative Party - Convention Diefenbaker 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 20 Conservative Party - delegates 1956 Textual MG32-B9 2 21 Conservative Party - delegates by provinces 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 1--2 Conservative Party - delegates, Alberta 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 3 Conservative Party - delegates, British Columbia 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 4 Conservative Party - delegates, British Columbia 1956-1957 Textual MG32-B9 3 5--6 Conservative Party - delegates, Manitoba 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 7--8 Conservative Party - delegates, New Brunswick 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 9 Conservative Party - delegates, Newfoundland 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 10--11 Conservative Party - delegates, Nova Scotia 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 12 Conservative Party - delegates, Ontario 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 13--14 Conservative Party - delegates, Prince Edward Island 1956 Page 2 of 79 Gordon Churchill fonds MG32-B9 Finding aid no MSS0867 vols. 1 - 109 R3314 Instrument de recherche no MSS0867 Ancien no réf. Media arch. File Title Vol. Dates Support Former arch. ref. Dossier Titre no Textual MG32-B9 3 15 Conservative Party - delegates, Quebec 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 16 Conservative Party - delegates, Quebec 1957 Textual MG32-B9 3 17--18 Conservative Party - delegates, Saskatchewan 1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 19 Conservative Party - Diefenbaker 1953, 1957 Textual MG32-B9 3 20 Conservative Party - Drew - birthday party [1953] Textual MG32-B9 3 21 Conservative Party - Manitoba P.C. Constitution 1954-1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 22 Conservative Party - Meighen, Arthur - birthday party 1954 Textual MG32-B9 3 23 Conservative Party - Organization 1954-1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 24 Conservative Party - Organization 1957 Textual MG32-B9 3 25 Conservative Party - Party newsletter 1952-1956 Textual MG32-B9 3 26 Conservative Party - Party principles 1935-1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 1 Conservative Party - Party principles 1954-1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 2 Conservative Party - Party principles 1943-1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 3 Conservative Party - publicity 1956 Textual MG32-B9 4 4 Conservative Party - publicity 1957 Textual MG32-B9 4 5 Conservative Party - research - Canada's state in GATT 1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 6 Conservative Party - research 1946-1956 Textual MG32-B9 4 7 Conservative Party - research - Federal constituencies in Ontario 1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 8 Conservative Party - research - Federal election results 1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 9 Conservative Party - research - Federal election results 1957 Conservative Party - Winnipeg South Centre Women's Textual MG32-B9 4 10 1953 Conservative Association Textual MG32-B9 4 11 Conservative Party - Young Progressive Conservatives 1957 Textual MG32-B9 4 12 Coronation 1953 Textual MG32-B9 4 13 Council of Europe 1956-1957 Textual MG32-B9 4 14 Cowan, Jim 1951-1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 15 Criminal Code 1952-1954 Textual MG32-B9 4 16 Defence - Air Force 1953 Page 3 of 79 Gordon Churchill fonds MG32-B9 Finding aid no MSS0867 vols. 1 - 109 R3314 Instrument de recherche no MSS0867 Ancien no réf. Media arch. File Title Vol. Dates Support Former arch. ref. Dossier Titre no Textual MG32-B9 4 17 Defence - ammunition 1953 Textual MG32-B9 4 18 Defence - Army 1952-1956 Textual MG32-B9 4 19 Defence - Armed Forces 1950-1954 Textual MG32-B9 4 20 Defence - conscription 1953-1954 Textual MG32-B9 4 21 Defence - general 1951-1955 Textual MG32-B9 4 22 Defence - general 1953-1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 1 Defence - general 1955-1956 Textual MG32-B9 5 2 Defence - expenditure 1952 Textual MG32-B9 5 3 Defence - Korea 1951-1952 Textual MG32-B9 5 4 Defence - Defence Production 1955-1956 Textual MG32-B9 5 5 Defence - Defence Production 1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 6 Defence - Defence Production 1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 7 Defence - Regiment of Canadian Guards 1953-1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 8 Defence - Rifle 1954 Textual MG32-B9 5 9 Defence - Royal Canadian Armoured Corps 1951-1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 10 Defence - speeches 1951 Textual MG32-B9 5 11 Defence - speeches 1953 Textual MG32-B9 5 12 Defence - speeches 1954 Textual MG32-B9 5 13 Dewar, Austin 1953 Textual MG32-B9 5 14 Diefenbaker, John G. 1957 Textual MG32-B9 5 15 Dominion-Provincial Conferences 1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 16 Dominion-Royal debate 1951-1954 Textual MG32-B9 5 17 Drew, George 1951-1952 Textual MG32-B9 5 18 Dunlop, W. J. 1951 Textual MG32-B9 5 19 Education 1951-1956 Textual MG32-B9 5 20 Education 1952-1956 Textual MG32-B9 5 21 Election Act 1949-1953 Textual MG32-B9 5 22 Election Act 1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 23 Election analysis 1867-1953 Page 4 of 79 Gordon Churchill fonds MG32-B9 Finding aid no MSS0867 vols. 1 - 109 R3314 Instrument de recherche no MSS0867 Ancien no réf. Media arch. File Title Vol. Dates Support Former arch. ref. Dossier Titre no Textual MG32-B9 5 24 Election - by-election 1941-1955 Textual MG32-B9 5 25 Election - campaign receipts 1948-1953 Textual MG32-B9 5 26 Election material 1951-1954 Textual MG32-B9 6 1 Election material 1952 Textual MG32-B9 6 2 Election material 1955 Textual MG32-B9 6 3 Election results 1949 Textual MG32-B9 6 4 Election - general 1951-1954 Textual MG32-B9 6 5 Election - results, comments 1953 Textual MG32-B9 6 6 Election results 1953 Textual MG32-B9 6 7 Election - Alberta 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 8 Election - British Columbia 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 9 Election - Manitoba 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 10 Election - New Brunswick 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 11 Election - Newfoundland 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 12 Election - Nova Scotia 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 13 Election - Ontario 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 14 Election - Quebec 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 15 Election - Saskatchewan 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 16 Election - requests for assistance 1952-1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 17 Election - Progressive Conservative National Headquarters 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 18 Election - the Leader's Office 1957 Textual MG32-B9 6 19 Election - Haig and Haig 1956-1957 6 20 Textual MG32-B9 Election - itinerary 1957 7 1 Textual MG32-B9 7 2 Election - finance 1957 Textual MG32-B9 7 3 Election - organization 1953-1957 Textual MG32-B9 7 4 Election - organization 1957 Textual MG32-B9 7 5 Election - press comment (American) 1957 Textual MG32-B9 7 6 External Affairs 1952-1956 Page 5 of 79 Gordon Churchill fonds MG32-B9 Finding aid no MSS0867 vols. 1 - 109 R3314 Instrument de recherche no MSS0867 Ancien no réf. Media arch. File Title Vol. Dates Support Former arch. ref. Dossier Titre no Textual MG32-B9 7 7 External Affairs 1955-1956 Textual MG32-B9 7 8 External Affairs 1956-1957 Textual MG32-B9 7 9 Fairclough, Ellen 1952-1954 Textual MG32-B9 7 10 Finance and taxation 1955-1957 Textual MG32-B9 7 11 Flin Flon 1953-1954 Textual MG32-B9 7 12 Flin Flon 1955 Textual MG32-B9 8 1 Form letters - special events n.d.

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