Emјѕp Gwÿl T§ 5Ÿјg¡W¡Asј®Xґ±T Tm´N

Emјѕp Gwÿl T§ 5Ÿјg¡W¡Asј®Xґ±T Tm´N

em£½p gwŸl t§ 5Ÿ¼G¡w¡As£®x¥±t Arjuna said, Those who disregard scriptural teachings arjuna uvàca ye íàstra-vidhim utsêjya tm´n§ èätŸ¡´wnŸ7 { yet worship with faith -- yajante íraddhayànvitàâ n§6Ÿ8 ¡p»æŸ n£ jÈŸ jÈ¥»4 O Krishna, are they established teìàæ niìîhà tu kà kêìça xÄwsŸy© um¼ns7 {{[{{ in sattva, rajas, or tamas? sattvam àho rajas tamaâ è¢CkwŸp£wŸl ¡G¡wAŸ Cw¡n èäŸ The Blessed Lord said, Faith is three-fold írã-bhagavàn uvàca trividhà bhavati íraddhà o§¡ypŸ8 xŸ ¼wCŸwmŸ { for people, according to its nature: dehinàæ sà svabhàvajà xŸ¡ÄwjÈ¢ uŸmx¢ l¨w sattvika, rajasa, and sàttvikã ràjasã caiva nŸsx¢ l§¡n nŸ8 5¥4£ {{\{{ tamasa. Hear about them. tàmasã ceti tàæ íêçu xÄwŸp£ëqŸ xw½¼t tm´n§ xŸ¡ÄwjÈŸ o§wŸpÿ According to each person's nature Those who are sattvika worship the gods. sattvànurïpà sarvasya yajante sàttvikà devàn èäŸ Cw¡n CŸun { tâuâŸ8¡x uŸmxŸ7 { is faith, O Arjuna. Those who are rajasa worship spirits and demons. íraddhà bhavati bhàrata yakìa-rakìàæsi ràjasàâ èäŸst©zt8 q£T6© H§nŸpÿ C¤nk4Ÿ8ꟴt§ Mankind is made of faith. The dead and hordes of ghosts íraddhà-mayo 'yaæ puruìo pretàn bhïta-gaçàæí cànye t© t°ñä7 x hw x7 {{]{{ tm´n§ nŸsxŸ mpŸ7 {{^{{ According to his faith, thus is he. are worshiped by those who are tamasa. yo yac chraddhaâ sa eva saâ yajante tàmasà janàâ e5Ÿ¼G¡w¡yn8 =©u8 jÈ6½t´n7 5u¢u¼@8 Non-scriptural, terrible Torturing the body aíàstra-vihitaæ ghoraæ karìayantaâ íarãrasthaæ nμt´n§ t§ nq© mpŸ7 { C¤nKŸssl§nx7 { austerities they undergo -- those who made of elements, tapyante ye tapo janàâ bhïta-gràmam acetasaâ o¸CŸyYÿjÈŸux8t£MÈŸ7 sŸ8 l¨wŸ´n75u¢u¼@8 have hypocrisy, pride, and Me, dwelling in the body -- dambhàhaèkàra-saæyuktàâ màæ caivàntaâ íarãrasthaæ jÈŸsuŸkrvŸ¡´wnŸ7 {{_{{ nŸpÿ ¡wäÿtŸx£u¡pêtŸpÿ {{`{{ desire, craving and obstinacy. know those fools to have demonic traits. kàma-ràga-balànvitàâ tàn viddhy àsura-niícayàn PyŸu¼®w¡q xw½¼t Pt£7xÄwrvŸu©¯t For all people, their preferred food Promoting life, goodness, strength, health, àhàras tvapi sarvasya àyuâ-sattva-balàrogya- ¡G¡wA© Cw¡n ¡Ht7 { x£<H¢¡n¡wwA½pŸ7 { is of three kinds. happiness and satisfaction, trividho bhavati priyaâ sukha-prãti-vivardhanàâ tá¼nq¼n@Ÿ oŸp8 u¼tŸ7 ¡¼p¯AŸ7 ¡¼@uŸ ïDŸ So too is sacrifice, austerity and charity. savory, moist, substantial, pleasant -- yajéas tapas tathà dànaæ rasyàâ snigdhàâ sthirà hêdyà n§6Ÿ8 C§o¡ss8 5¥4£ {{a{{ PyŸuŸ7 xŸ¡ÄwjÈ¡HtŸ7 {{b{{ Listen to the difference among them. such foods are dear to those who are sattvika. teìàæbhedamimaæíêçu àhàràâ sàttvika-priyàâ jÈ2ÿw¸vvw4Ÿ®t£»4 tŸntŸs8 knux8 Bitter, sour, salty, extremely hot, Stale, tasteless, kaîvamla-lavaçàtyuìça- yàta-yàmaæ gata-rasaæ n¢Á4ëâ¡woŸ¡yp7 { q¤¡n qt£½¡6n8 l tnÿ { harsh, astringent, burning -- putrid, leftover, tãkìça-rïkìa-vidàhinaâ pïti paryuìitaæ ca yat PyŸuŸ uŸmx¼t§»2Ÿ g¡°>»2sÿ e¡q lŸs§¿t8 such foods are desired by those who are rajasa. unclean and impure -- àhàrà ràjasasyeìîà ucchiìîam api càmedhyaæ o£7<5©jÈŸstHoŸ7 {{c{{ C©mp8 nŸsx¡Htsÿ {{[d{{ (Those foods) cause pain, suffering and illness. such food is dear to those who are tamasa. duâkha-íokàmaya-pradàâ bhojanaæ tàmasa-priyam eBÈvŸjÈŸ¡Yÿâ¡Ct½á© e¡Cx´AŸt n£ BÈv8 Sacrifice by those not desiring the fruits, For the sake of the fruits aphalàkàèkìibhir yajéo abhisandhàya tu phalaæ ¡w¡Að»2© t f±tn§ { o¸CŸ@½s¡q l¨w tnÿ { offered according to scripture, or for showing off, vidhi-dêìîo ya ijyate dambhàrtham api caiva yat t»2ºts§w§¡n sp7 f±tn§ Cun觻æ "This is to be offered," whatever is offered, O Arjuna -- yaìîavyam eveti manaâ ijyate bharata-íreìîha xsŸAŸt x xŸ¡ÄwjÈ7 {{[[{{ n8 tá8 ¡w¡ä uŸmxsÿ {{[\{{ thinking thus, that (sacrifice) is sattvika. know that sacrifice to be rajasa. samàdhàya sa sàttvikaâ taæ yajéaæ viddhi ràjasam ¡w¡Ay¢psx¥»2ŸF8 o§w¡Imk£THŸá Not following the scriptures, without offering food, Worship of gods, twice-born, teachers and the wise, vidhi-hãnam asêìîànnaæ deva-dvija-guru-pràjéa- s´Gy¢pso¡â4sÿ { q¤mp8 5ªlsŸm½wsÿ { without mantras, without fees, purity, straightforwardness, mantra-hãnam adakìiçam pïjanaæ íaucam àrjavam è䟡wu¡yn8 tá8 J,lt½s¡y8xŸ l without faith -- such worship chastity and harmlessness -- íraddhà-virahitaæ yajéaæ brahmacaryam ahiæsà ca nŸsx8 q¡ulân§ {{[]{{ 5Ÿu¢u8 nq g°tn§ {{[^{{ they consider tamasa. this is called bodily austerity. tàmasaæ paricakìate íàrãraæ tapa ucyate ep£I§kjÈu8 wŸ­t8 sp7HxŸo7 xª¸t®w8 Speech that causes no distress, Calmness of mind, gentleness, anudvega-karaæ vàkyaæ manaâ-prasàdaâ saumyatvaæ x®t8 ¡Ht¡yn8 l tnÿ { sªpsŸ®s¡w¡pKy7 { truthful, pleasing and helpful, silence, self-control, satyaæ priya-hitaæ ca yat maunam àtma-vinigrahaâ ¼wŸ¿tŸtŸ·txp8 l¨w CŸwx85£¡ä¡u®t§nnÿ also study and recitation -- purity of heart -- this svàdhyàyàbhyasanaæ caiva bhàva-saæíuddhir ity etat wŸYÿst8 nq g°tn§ {{[_{{ nq© sŸpxs£°tn§ {{[`{{ this is called austerity of speech. is called mental austerity. vàè-mayaæ tapa ucyate tapo mànasam ucyate èätŸ qutŸ nμn8 x®jÈŸusŸpq¤mŸ@½8 Performed with absolute faith, For receiving honor, respect and reverence, íraddhayà parayà taptaæ satkàra-màna-pïjàrthaæ nq¼nnÿ ¡G¡wA8 pu¨7 { nq© o¸C§p l¨w tnÿ { the threefold (body, speech, mind) austerity hypocritical austerities tapas tat trividhaæ naraiâ tapo dambhena caiva yat eBÈvŸjÈŸ¡Yÿâ¡Ct£½MȨ7 ¡OÈtn§ n¡oy H©MÈ8 of those who are mature, not desiring the results -- done here are said to be aphalàkàèkìibhir yuktaiâ kriyate tad iha proktaæ xŸ¡ÄwjÈ8 q¡ulân§ {{[a{{ uŸmx8 lvsó£wsÿ {{[b{{ is called sattvika. rajasa, unsteady, impermanent. sàttvikaæ paricakìate ràjasaæ calam adhruvam s¤çKŸy§4Ÿ®sp© tnÿ oŸnºt¡s¡n t/Ÿp8 For one overcome by delusion, Thinking, "This is to be given," charity mïáha-gràheçàtmano yat dàtavyam iti yad dànaæ q¢3tŸ ¡OÈtn§ nq7 { o¢tn§zp£qjÈŸ¡u4§ { austerities performed with pain given to one who has not helped you, pãáayà kriyate tapaâ dãyate 'nupakàriçe qu¼t©®xŸopŸ@½8 wŸ o§5§ jÈŸv§ l qŸG§ l or for the sake of hurting another -- at the right place and time, to a deserving person -- parasyotsàdanàrthaæ và deíe kàle ca pàtre ca nEŸsxs£oŸïnsÿ {{[c{{ n/Ÿp8 xŸ¡ÄwjÈ8 ¼s¥nsÿ {{\d{{ that is considered tamasa. that charity is considered sattvika. tat tàmasam udàhêtam tad dànaæ sàttvikaæ smêtam tE£ H®t£qjÈŸuŸ@½8 eo§5jÈŸv§ t/Ÿpsÿ To get something in return Charity at the wrong place or time yat tu pratyupakàràrthaæ adeía-kàle yad dànam BÈvs£¡/¾t wŸ q£p7 { eqŸG§·tê o¢tn§ { or for the sake of the fruits, given to the undeserving, phalam uddiíya và punaâ apàtrebhyaí ca dãyate o¢tn§ l q¡u¡­v»28 ex®jÈ¥nswáŸn8 what is given reluctantly -- without respect, with scorn -- dãyate ca parikliìîaæ asat-kêtam avajéàtaæ n/Ÿp8 uŸmx8 ¼s¥nsÿ {{\[{{ nEŸsxs£oŸïnsÿ {{\\{{ that charity is considered rajasa. that is considered tamasa. tad dànaæ ràjasaæ smêtam tat tàmasam udàhêtam i8 n®x¡o¡n ¡po§½5© n¼sŸoÿ i8 f®t£oŸï®t "Om tat sat" - this instruction Therefore, uttering "om", oæ tat sad iti nirdeío tasmàd oæ ity udàhêtya J,4¡¼G¡wA7 ¼s¥n7 { táoŸpnq7¡OÈtŸ7 { about brahman is considered threefold. sacrifice, charity and austerity brahmaças tri-vidhaâ smêtaâ yajéa-dàna-tapaâ-kriyàâ JŸ,4Ÿ¼n§p w§oŸê Hwn½´n§ ¡wAŸp©MÈŸ7 By this instruction, the brahmanas, vedas, are undertaken according to the scriptures bràhmaçàs tena vedàí ca pravartante vidhànoktàâ táŸê ¡w¡ynŸ7 q£uŸ {{\]{{ xnn8 J,wŸ¡opŸsÿ {{\^{{ and sacrifices were ordained along ago. continually by those who teach brahman. yajéàí ca vihitàâ purà satataæ brahma-vàdinàm n¡o®tp¡Cx´AŸt xoÿCŸw§ xŸA£CŸw§ l Uttering "tat", without desiring the fruits, With the meaning of reality or goodness, tad ity anabhisandhàya sad-bhàve sàdhu-bhàve ca BÈv8 tánq7¡OÈtŸ7 { x¡o®t§nnÿ Ht£±tn§ { sacrifice, austerity, the word "sat" is used. phalaæ yajéa-tapaâ-kriyàâ sad ity etat prayujyate oŸp¡OÈtŸê ¡w¡wAŸ7 H5¼n§ jÈs½¡4 n@Ÿ and charity of various kinds And for a praiseworthy deed, dàna-kriyàí ca vividhàâ praíaste karmaçi tathà ¡OÈt´n§ s©âjÈŸ¡Yÿâ¡C7 {{\_{{ x°>¶o7 qŸ@½ t£±tn§ {{\`{{ are done by those seeking liberation. the word "sat" is used, O Arjuna. kriyante mokìa-kàèkìibhiâ sac-chabdaâ pàrtha yujyate t᧠nq¡x oŸp§ l eèätŸ y£n8 oE8 In sacrifice, austerity and charity, Anything sacrificed or given without faith yajée tapasi dàne ca aíraddhayà hutaæ dattaæ ¡¼@¡n7 x¡o¡n l©°tn§ { nq¼nμn8 jÈ¥n8 l tnÿ { steadfastness is called "sat". or austerity performed thus, sthitiâ sad iti cocyate tapas taptaæ kêtaæ ca yat jÈs½ l¨w no@¢½t8 ex¡o®t£°tn§ qŸ@½ Action for that sake is also is called "asat", O Arjuna. karma caiva tad-arthãyaæ asad ity ucyate pàrtha x¡o®t§wŸ¡CA¢tn§ {{\a{{ p l n®H§®t p© fy {{\b{{ called "sat". It is useless here and in the hereafter. sad ity evàbhidhãyate na ca tat pretya no iha.

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