
MEMORIES OF MADRAS .,.,-?' -~ 6) ~/// / r/l..-4"'../J/7-7 ~~/-UWV~ ;L7 n~ -~~ - --- ..;. ~ -t'~ .?~. .9--'4~ -1'9tl2. MEMORIES OF MADRAS BY SIR CHARLES LAWSON Late Fe//()w •/the University O/ /lfadras; Auth4r of" The Pn"t•ate Li/nif Warren Hastings," etc. With • Photogravure Portra.lts a.nd 29 other mustra.tlona. l.onbon SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., LI M 25, HIGH STREET, BLOO!IISBURY, W.C. 1905 PREFACE AccoRDING to Saint Beuve-as quoted by The Times,· on the qth ultimo-" there is little that is new in this world, except what has grown old, and very often we discover what has already been known and forgotten." The reflection applies to this book, which contains glimpses of men and things of former days in Madras, that were obtained by delving in the archives of the British Museum and the India Office. The papers appeared originally in the Madras Mail, and have now been recast and enlarged. They are illustrated by examples of the methods of photo-engraving invented by Sir Joseph Swan, F.R.S. C. L Lo~noN, May, rgos. CO:NTENTS CHAPTER I PAGES THE FOUNDERS OF FORT ST. GEORGE Gleaners among old records...,..Enterprise of the Dutch-Francis Day-Search for a port on the Coromandel Coast-Arrival at ~Iadraspatam-Obtains permission to erect a fort­ Andrew Cogan-Arrives at ::\Iasulipatam-Co-operates with Dav-Alarm of the Court of Directors-Day sent home to" offer explanations-Returns to :Madraspatam­ Cogan censured by the Directors-Proceeds to England­ Exonerated from blame-Subsequent career-Thomas Winter, of the Masulipatam Council-Sir Edward Winter. Governor of Fort St. George-"'inter-Foxcroft episode 1-16 CHAPTER II II DIAMOND" PITT Thomas Pitt of Blandford-Early career-Appointed Governor of Fort St. George-Purchase of the diamond-Correspon­ dence with son-Anxietv about the "Great Concern"­ Instructions and accusations-Recalled--Gulston Addison becomes Go,·ernor-,\'illiam Fraser succeeds-Lieutenant Seaton's allegations-Pitt's voyage to Europe-Declaration Rt Bergen-Arrival in England-Sale of the diamond­ Death and burial-Property and bequests-Descendants­ Earl of Chatham-Hayes Place-Pitt and Koh-i-noor diamonds: crowning distinction of latter 17-53 CHAPTER III GOVERXOR HARRISON Captain of the Relit-Appointed Governor of Fort St. George­ Receiws in<>tructions from the Directors-Assumes office­ His une\'entful reign-Returns home-Settles in London­ Becomes member of the Court of Directors-Appointed joint Postmaster-General-Inherits Balls Park-To\"\ns­ hend estates-Amwell and Haile,·bun·-Salc of heirlooms -Harrison's portrait-His daughter. 54-66 \ii viii CO)ITEXTS CH_.\PTER IV LORD .MACARTNEY PAGES His early career-Appointed Governor of Fort St. George-Is oftered a present by the Nabob-His refusal-Letters to his Wife and Banker-Afftdavit before the l\layor-Opinionof General Stuart-Arrests and deports him-Duel that fol­ lowed-Sir John Burgoyne-Insubordinate behaviour­ l\Iacartney's forbearance-Supersession of Bnrgoyne­ Early death-:\Iacartney's criticism of James Sadleir­ Duel that followed-l\Iacartney resigns-Proceeds to Cal­ cutta-Returns to London-\Villing to accept Governor­ Generalship-Directors' appreciation of his services-His subsequent career--Death, burial, monument 67-9~ CHAPTER V MACARTNEY AND COOTE . Macartney distrusted by Warren Hastings-Disputes with Sir Eyre Coote-Latter supported by Governor-General-Pro­ ceeds to Calcutta-Returns to :\Iadras-Illness and death -Body conveyed for burial in Hampshire-~Iemorials of him-Lady Coote's correspondence with Hastings-Her detention in l\Iadras-Solicitude for her husband's staff­ Difficulty about securing passage-Returns to England­ Colonel Owen's retention of Company's treasure-Refer- ences to Calcutta-Treasure at last surrendered . 9 5- I r z CHAPTER' VI CORNWALLIS AND OAKELEY Sir Archibald Campbell, Governor-Edward Holland-General l\Iedows transferred from Bombay-Expedition against Tippoo-Lord Cornwallis in command-Peace of Seringa­ patam-Sir Charles Oakeley succeeds General :Medows­ Services and character-Lady Oakeley-Public apprecia­ tion of Lord Cornwallis in ::\Iadras-His second term of office-Lamented death-Cenotaph erected in ::\Iadras- ::\Iemorials elsewhere . I I 3-132 CHAPTER VII WELLESLEY AND WELLINGTO!\' Colonel Arthur Wellesley-Proceeds to Calcutta-Pays visit to ~Iadras-Robert. Lord Hobart, Governor-Installation of Robert, Lord Clive-Lord ::\Iornington's visit to ::\Iadras­ :\lysore campaign-Parade in Fort St. George-Distribu- CO.VTENTS · ,ix PAGES tion of Sering-apatam prize money-Public address voted in ~Iadras to Governor-General-His farewell !ev.!e­ Colonel Wellesley appointed chief administrator ~Iysore- His Seringapatam letter-book . 133-160 CHAPTER VIII A NOTABLE QUARTETTE George Staunton-Graduates as medical man-Proceeds to Grenada-Farewell letter of Dr. Johnson-Associated with Lord :\Iacartney-Becomes Attorney-General-Taken prisoner to France-Release effected-Accompanies Lord :\facartney to :\Iadras as Private Secretary-Deputed to Calcutta-:\"egotiates peace with Tippoo-Embarks ior England-Is pensioned-Accompanies Lord Macartney to China-Returns home-Death-Burial in Westminster Abbey-Alexander Dalrymple-.\ writer in Madras­ Voyages in Far East-·Studies navigation and geography­ Leaves for England-Receh·es grant from Court of Direc­ tors-Returns to :.Iadras as 'Member of Council-Impli­ cated in revolt against Lord Pigot-Recalled, pensioned, appointed Hydrographer to East India Company, then to Admiralty--Dismissal and death-Josiah Webbe--First Chief Secretary to Government, :\Iadras-Rapid advance~ ment-Apprehension about Lord :\Iornington's policy­ Removal from :\Iadras to ~Iysore and Gwalior-Death­ ~'fonument in the Fort Church-Thomas Cockburn-Early career in :\[adras-Becomes :\!ember of Board of Revenue -Recognition of his sen·ices bv Court of Directors-Is pensioned-Returns to England_:_Yiews on e\·angelisation of India . I61-190 CHAPTER IX AS A.YGL0-1.\'DIA.\' CROSS!XG-STI'EEPER Cruise in the Trarspite-:\Iarine Society-Portraits of bene~ factors-Thomas Snodgrass-\Yriter at Fort St. George-l Resident at Ganjam-Dubious proceedings-~ew appoint­ ment-Is remo\·ed-Sen·ices dispensed with-Returns home - Refused pension by Court of Directors­ Assumes tole of mendicant-Commences practice as cross­ ing-sweeper-Horror of the Directors-Pension conceded -Settles down in London-One of founders of Oriental Club-Supporter of bene\"Qlent institutions-Dies a rich bachelor-Buried at Charlton-resting-place of notable persons X CO.VTESTS CH.\PTER X PAGES TWO MADRAS EDUCATIOSISTS Andrew Bell-Birth and relatives-:\latriculates and emigrates -Returns home-Receh·es degree of Doctor of :\Iedicine­ Embarks for Bengal-Lands and remains at Madras-Be­ comes a pluralist-:\ssociated with establishment :\Iale Orphan Asylum-Discovers ~Iadras system of education­ Returns home with a fortune-Resigns Indian service­ Propounds his theories-Endowment of l\Iadras College. St. Andrew's-:\Iuniticence to Scotch towns-Death: burial in Westminster Abbey-" :\Iadras system of educa­ tion" considered-James Cordiner-Services at :\!ale Asylum-His observations in :\ladras-accepts Chaplaincy in Ceylon--Re\isits l\[adras on journey home-Obtains a smetll preferment ::05-224 CHAPTER XI A COURT-MARTIAL Colonel John Wood-His war services-Health imraired­ .Madras authorities beg him to retain his command-.\llega· tions against him-Ordered to return to :\Iadras-Brought before Court-martial-Acquitted-Finding disapproved by Government-Court refuses to reconsider it-Censure passed upon Court-Colonel Wood dismissed the service­ Government's action disallowed bv Court of Directors­ Colonel \\"ood exonerated-Gov~rnment unaltered in opinion-Change of Governors-Acquiescence with decision of Directors 225-23'5 CH.\PTER XII THO ADVE.YTUROUS CAPTAINS Donald Campbell of Barbreck-To :\Iadras via :\Iargate-Crosses Europe-Ostend to \"enice-Reaches Aleppo-Proceeds to Euphrates and Tigris-Yisits Xineveh and Babylon­ Bussora to Bushire and Bombay-Sets out for Goa-Ship­ \Hecked on West Coast-:\Iade prisoner by Hyder's soldiers-Companion in misfortune-)Iarched to Hyder­ nagur-Death of companion-Obtains his release-Reaches :Madras and Bengal-Returns to :.\ladras and England­ -George Elers proceeds to :\[adras on military duty -Hospitable reception-On the march in Southern India-.\. d!!el and iatal result-Association with Colonel Wellesley-Proceeds to Calcutta-.\nother fatal duel- Returns to England 237-255 CO.VTENTS Xj CHAPTER XIII SOJIE VISITORS Alexander Hamilton-Seafaring experiences-Voyage to ~!ala­ bar, :Maldives, and :\Iadras-Observations of Fort St. George-Institutions, manners, customs, trade, limitations -:\Irs. Graham-Reaches Bombay-Thence to Ceylon, back to Bombay-Arrives at ::IIadras-Description of town-Visits various institutions--Has a peep at Ennore -Observations on ~Iadras societY--Goes to Calcutta-Re­ turns to l\Iadras-Visits the Se,·en Pagodas-Returns to England-Publishes account of her tra,·els-James \\'athen-Experiences in :\Iadras-Local observations- Hospitably entertained-Leaves with regret • 256-272 CHAPTER XIV THE ARBUTH.VOTS Arbuthnot of Peter head-Robert Arbuthnot, Colonial S(;cretary, Ceylon-George Arbuthnot, founder of ::lladras firm­ William Arbuthnot, Lord Provost of Edinburgh-Inter­ marriages with Goughs-Royal descent-Edward the First--A descendant of his two Queens-Arbuthnot of Arbuthnot--Dr. John Arbuthnot, F.R.S.-Right Hon. John Arbuthnot-Charles Arbuthnot, ::II.P.-~lrs. Charles. Arbuthnot-Bishop Arbuthnot-Sir Alexander Arbuthnot -General Sir Charles Arbuthnot-General Sir Thomas Arbuthnot-George Arbuthnot of the Treasury-" Inno- cent and True "-A ballad of the Scottish Border 273-289 APPE~DIX PAGE I. THE :'\A~IE OF .:'.IADR.-\S 291 II. FoRT Sr. GEORGE 1:-: I6i 3 293 Ill. FoRT Sr. GEORGE I~ li-t7 and li83 295 IV. HAYES PLACE 2¢ v. THE PITr A:\D KoH·I·:\OOR DIA:'<IO~Ds 300 VI. A fRE:-iCH Y!E\\' OF TIPPOO St'LTA:\ 301 ILLUSTRATIONS HER ~lAJESTY Qt:EE::'\ ALEXAXDRA Wearing the Koh-i-noor in her Coronation Crown, 1902. From a photograph by W. and D. Downey Fro11tispiece MR. THO~IAS PITT Governor of Fort St. George. I698-I i09. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller.
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