Appendix A—Digest of Other White House Announcements The following list includes the President’s pub- of John Dramani Mahama as President of Gha- lic schedule and other items of general interest na in Accra, Ghana, on January 7: announced by the Office of the Press Secretary and not included elsewhere in this book. Daniel W. Yohannes (head of delegation); Gene A. Cretz; January 1 Johnnie Carson; and The White House announced that the Presi- Donald G. Teitelbaum. dent will travel to Honolulu, HI, in the eve- ning. The President announced the renomination In the evening, the President traveled to of Robert E. Bacharach to be a judge on the Honolulu, HI, arriving the following morning. U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. The President announced the renomination January 2 of Caitlin J. Halligan and Srikanth Srinivasan to In the morning, upon arrival at Joint Base be judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI, the President trav- District of Columbia Circuit. eled to Kailua, HI, where he had separate tele- The President announced the renomination phone conversations with Gov. Christopher J. of William J. Kayatta, Jr., to be a judge on the Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Andrew M. U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Cuomo of New York to discuss Congressional The President announced the renomination action on the Hurricane Sandy supplemental of Jill A. Pryor to be a judge on the U.S. Court request. of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. In the afternoon, the President signed H.R. The President announced the renomination 8, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. of Patty Shwartz to be a judge on the U.S. During the day, the President had an intelli- Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. gence briefing. He also signed H.R. 4310, the The President announced the renomination National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal of Richard G. Taranto to be a judge on the Year 2013. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The President announced the renomination January 3 of Elissa F. Cadish to be a judge on the U.S. In the morning, the President had a tele- District Court for the District of Nevada. phone conversation with House Majority The President announced the renomination Leader Eric I. Cantor and House Minority of Valerie E. Caproni and Analisa Torres to be Leader Nancy Pelosi to extend his welcome to judges on the U.S. District Court for the all Members of the 113th Congress. Southern District of New York. In the afternoon, the President had a tele- The President announced the renomination phone conversation with Speaker of the House of Sheri Polster Chappell to be a judge on the of Representatives John A. Boehner and U.S. District Court for the Middle District of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to con- Florida. gratulate them on being redesignated to lead The President announced the renomination their respective parties in the House. of Pamela Ki Mai Chen to be a judge on the During the day, the President had an intelli- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of gence briefing. New York. The President announced the designation of The President announced the renomination the following individuals as members of a Pres- of Brian J. Davis to be a judge on the U.S. Dis- idential delegation to attend the Inauguration trict Court for the Middle District of Florida. 719 Appendix A / Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 The President announced the renomination District Court for the Southern District of of Rachelle L. “Shelly” Deckert Dick to be a New York. judge on the U.S. District Court for the Mid- The President announced the renomination dle District of Louisiana. of William L. Thomas to be a judge on the U.S. The President announced the renomination District Court for the Southern District of of Jennifer A. Dorsey and Andrew P. Gordon Florida. to be judges on the U.S. District Court for the The President announced the renomination District of Nevada. of Derrick K. Watson to be a judge on the U.S. The President announced the renomination District Court for the District of Hawaii. of Katherine Polk Failla to be a judge on the The President announced the renomination U.S. District Court for the Southern District of of Mark A. Barnett and Claire R. Kelly to be New York. judges on the U.S. Court of International The President announced the renomination Trade. of Kenneth J. Gonzales to be a judge on the The President declared a major disaster in U.S. District Court for the District of New Ohio and ordered Federal aid to supplement Mexico. State and local recovery efforts in the area af- The President announced the renomination fected by severe storms and flooding due to of Ketanji Brown Jackson to be a judge on the the remnants of Hurricane Sandy on October U.S. District Court for the District of Colum- 29 and 30, 2012. bia. The President announced the renomination January 4 of Rosemary Márquez to be a judge on the During the day, the President had an intelli- U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona. gence briefing. The President announced the renomination The White House announced that the Presi- of Michael J. McShane to be a judge on the dent will return to Washington, DC, on Janu- U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. ary 5. The President announced the renomination of Raymond P. Moore to be a judge on the January 5 U.S. District Court for the District of Colora- During the day, the President had a tele- do. phone conversation with former Sen. Charles The President announced the renomination T. Hagel to discuss his nomination to be Secre- of Troy L. Nunley to be a judge on the U.S. tary of Defense. District Court for the Eastern District of Cali- In the evening, the President, Mrs. Obama, fornia. and their daughters Malia and Sasha returned The President announced the renomination to Washington, DC, arriving the following of Beverly Reid O’Connell to be a judge on the morning. U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. January 7 The President announced the renomination In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- of William H. Orrick III to be a judge on the ident had an intelligence briefing. U.S. District Court for the Northern District of The White House announced that the Presi- California. dent will welcome President Hamid Karzai of The President announced the renomination Afghanistan to the White House on January 11. of Nitza I. Quiñones Alejandro, Luis F. Restre- po, and Jeffrey L. Schmehl to be judges on the January 8 U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- Pennsylvania. ident had an intelligence briefing. The President announced the renomination In the afternoon, the President met with of Nelson S. Román to be a judge on the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. 720 Administration of Barack Obama, 2013 / Appendix A Later, in the Oval Office, he met with Secre- In the afternoon, in the Private Dining tary of Defense Leon E. Panetta. Room, the President and Vice President Biden During the day, in the Oval Office, the Pres- had lunch. Then, in the Oval Office, he and ident met with his senior advisers. Vice President Biden met with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Later, in the January 9 Oval Office, he participated in a credentialing In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- ceremony for newly appointed Ambassadors to ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- the U.S.: Ryszard Marian Schnepf of Poland, telligence briefing. Kenichiro Sasae of Japan, Palan Mulonda of In the afternoon, in the Private Dining Zambia, Altangerel Bulgaa of Mongolia, Kairat Room, the President and Vice President Biden Umarov of Kazakhstan, Fernando Antonio had lunch. Later, in the Family Theater, he Pfannl Caballero of Paraguay, Aunese Makoi hosted a screening of NBC’s “1600 Penn” pro- Simati of Tuvalu, Ahmed Sareer of Maldives, gram for castmembers and crew. and Eduardo Medina Mora Icaza of Mexico. During the day, in the Oval Office, the Pres- January 10 ident met with Minister of Interior Muham- In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- mad bin Nayif bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud of Sau- ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- di Arabia to discuss Saudi Arabia-U.S. rela- telligence briefing. tions, congratulate him on his appointment as In the afternoon, the President had a tele- Minister of Interior, and convey his greetings phone conversation with Head Coach Nicholas to King Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud. Also L. Saban of the University of Alabama football during the day, in the Cabinet Room, he and team to congratulate him and his team on win- Vice President Biden met to discuss proposals ning the BCS Championship. to reduce gun violence. During the day, in the Roosevelt Room, the President met with his senior advisers. January 15 The President declared a major disaster in In the morning, in the Oval Office, the Pres- Pennsylvania and ordered Federal aid to sup- ident and Vice President Joe Biden had an in- plement Commonwealth and local recovery ef- telligence briefing. forts in the area affected by Hurricane Sandy In the afternoon, in the Private Dining from October 26 through November 8, 2012. Room, the President and Vice President Biden January 11 had lunch.
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