, .. .. ., I. c . ... .. ,. .. ... .. .-....~ .. ., ,\ .. .. .,.. > ,- .. .... .. .- The Golf Club-has CQIIX under fire lately by some members of mumil who feel that the Club is border- ing on'being a commerchd venture and therefore should not.be eligible for tax exemption or the CABLE nominalleasrefee. site of the golf course. Ao The Club overcame one ' cording to 1987 hurdle June 23 when coun- TELEVISION assessments, the property ' We are presently testing various stations on' cil voted to approve this is valued at $1,227,600, year's exemption, after channel 9. We intend to change from one to with, improvemeqts valued fax another with no particular schedule. meeting with executive at $346,400.' members of the Club. Under the terms of the Under the Municipal Act, At the same time we are conducting quality lease, the property is to be and coverage checks on the FM band. council may, by by-law, ex- used exclusively for the empt from taxatidn any purpose of the golf course land or improvements it If you are interested in receiving FM, phone and associated activities, 892-5 155. determines should qualify primarily for the residents for the,exemption. of the District of - Connections for FM will be made at the Squamish. Base$ * 811 1987 special rate of $15.00 plus tax. This offer is The District's lease agree assessments, the Club's open for the month of August. Phone us for ment with the Club is in ac- ymIy taxes would amount details. cordance with the to about $29,000, should it RELIANCE BISTR IBUTORS QFB.C. Municipal Act which, be required to pay. unchr provisions of Section The Club had a second 679, states that council scare July 28 when council may, by by-law, acquire, 810 met h-camera with outsf- ,tom promoters who were proposing to take over the management of the golf course on behalf of the municipality. Representatives of the Club said such sa*'move would undoubtedly lead to increased user fees, taking the sport out of reach of the average resident and mak- ing it mog of an 'elitist' Sport. (hm.iIvoted against the proposd by the promoters at that meeting. But according to Alder- man @orhehnde, at least two members of coun- Sale in effect Aug, 12-22 cil were in favor of the idea which, the promoters said, wonld mean increased RED BALLOON revenue to the municipali- @* At 'the Aug. 4 meeting, council voted to meet as a committee of the whole with representatives of the Club fo address the lease renewal, despite an at- tempt by Alderman Chuck the draft reV@tio& have been sent to them as well as the RCMP. "While the inherent nature of the this spopt makes absolute safety h- possible to achieve, positive steps must be taken to reduce the danger Adult Basic EducationlFoundations (High as much a8 possible," School Equivalency) classes start September Strachan said. 20. He said the Ministry will also be working closely Monday-Friday, a.m. 3:30 p.m. with thk river dthg in. 8:30 - dustry bo develop a corn- Study full-time or part-time Cutters would like to thank pphensive safety training Courses in: Math Physics. program for guide8 and trip her customers of .7years for their English Social Studies leaders. An advisory corn Chemistry Biology mitb from the industry will be appointed to de recommendations on Prerequisites: -17 years of age minimum safety stan- NO APPOINTMENT NIECESAW -1 year out of.school dards, including qualifica- -maturity tions and training of boatmen, equipment re- :or more information call 8924322 and ask quhments and stBp1c18LFds, and special aperating con- OrSusanHerity. + * ditions that will be sap- plicabb to certain riveis. Page 2 - "uesday August 11, P987-The Time8 .. ,ANNO had no< yet investigated a 36-page&ition to coun- Council further cautioned what the cost of such a ser- cil with, some 1,800 names vice would be tooperate, he of residents urging coucil . d He is availabie to eliscuss any of your . is proposing that his ser- to apply to the govemtnmt red estate questions, whether you are thinking Qf vice could be operated at a for assistance in buying or selling or looking for a long term cost lower than that pr* establishing a public bus investbent in this area. Give him a call today at posed under the B.C. ”I-m- service in Squamish. to tender to allow WRS SECURE REALTY LTD. to discuss your . sit “ParaTransit” pro- McCartney said in a lbtter real estate needs. Office 892-3571 or home 898- &ram, which several corn- to council $he envisioned a 5868. munity members and corn- transit ce consisting Cil m c33siderihg at thi8 of sa .iisee, which time. * would bg ~~oK&Mby ld c Council recently made ap “large” companies as “tax plication to B.C. Trahsit.to right offs (sic)”. undertake *a feasibility ‘‘It’s very good adlveks- ,-study to determine ing,” McCartney told coun- . whether Squamish is eligi-’ cil, In the meantime, ble for asdistaace‘in the in- “Tax wfite-offs are a: Squsmiah is atill aw&tGg stitution of a special ld wonderful idea.” bus service..for the elderly- $heltem, McCartney said, ’- and handicapped. could be built from lumber The proposed Para’I’ransit ‘donated free or cheaply by DR. SIBMUEX SIMPSON . seMce, if approved for the ldmills, wing stu- CHIROPRACTOR ,. Sguamish, . would be dent labor. ~ -’ I’ established. and ad- ‘‘Inaidentally,” McCart- YOUR BUSINESSRESOURCE ministered by B.C. Transit, ney said, “if a kid works on is pleased to annuunce the opening who will provide’ something he h not abut clinicDlocated in Lions &rayDB.C. CENTRE operating subsidy. The re to vandalize it, or so I Evening and weekend appointments are mainder of the cost of the found out in my available through either office location. service, about $8,008 QU~of exprience.” Meet wlth Me1 West on Tuesday ti’ total cost of $30,QOO, In response to a question / AUGUST 18th I would be borne by the user from Mayor Egpn Tobus &IONS BAY OFFICiT NQRTHVANCQUVER ,. at AUGUST jACK MOTOR INN. I I and the district. whether she had meyed 25 Tidewater Way 101 - 135 E. 15th St. Sqnamish Tek 892-3504 Lions Bay, B.C. North Vancouver, B.C. VON 2Eo V7L 2P7 921-3313 .986-4900 ’ ‘to discuss your business’s financial needs or DISTRICT OF SQUAMISM for information on the Bank’s Financial RECREATION-DEPT. Services, Management Counsel1i ng ,Seminars, Clinics and Government Assistance Programmes Recreation & Fitness‘lnstructorswho wish to Instruct programs this Fall, should apply now to the Recreation Qepartrnent. Final @dPNorth YINlCOMVeP: ‘66607703 arrangements for publishing the 1987 Fall for au appointment Program Brochure will be mad6 soon. Call -1 --- David 892i9371 or Carol 898-3604. ’ AT THE MUNICIPAL OUTDOOR POOL w- Bronze Crass Class to commence --, August 17th: Cost $49.00 (plus book). MSP, WCB, ICBC Accepted without refeml Pre-requisite is ~ronza Medallion plus 14 years old. ._ ......_I. .”... .,.“‘e. Page 4 - Tuesday August 11,1987-ne Times 1 , .-..- .- . t The B.C. Museum sf Min- delays, and there must be I “I don’t how -how it bg in Brbnnia Bmch.has way to better iqgulate the would be possible to cw delays to ‘‘came bas in- . ordinate them (the prw convenience.” . She said jects) without a larger the continued csnstmqtion . reiluced revenues have brwk,” he said. work on Highway 99. ‘ , forced the museum to go ta “YOU could quite. .COW A statistical report a “slow schedule” ceivably have a one-hom prepared for the museum whereby, instead of the wait.” says mugeum attendance usual half-hourlY But, Smith;, said, from July 1 to July 16 is melergr tours seven Highways a’re trying to down 44 percent compared day8 a week, there are a fix. minimize my delays. to ’the same period last ed .number,of tows MOP “we’re trying ow best year,, and overall atten- day ‘rand Tuesday. to * inconvenience people tis lit- dance frOIn Ophg day, D’epWment Of HighWiYS tle as possible, but it#svery May 16, to the date of the Regional Director, Dan difficult to build a road report, Jdy 17,,*\ is down Doyle, told a meeting Sf the where there is no 27.9 percent. Squdsh btary Club in’ route,?, 4 te “The.difference in’revenue June that work on the main vanc~uver~Howea between. the 1986 and 1987 ’ thcpeek now CaUS- 1 -S I. seasons tci date amounts to ing delays, Lone Tree John Reynolds,Sound said CAllFOkNIA more than $9,6QO,.accor- Creek, Strip Creek and he has for shdy on the possibility of doing dhg to the report, which Loggers Creek, would be ~g~wayconstructionwork states the “main con- coordinated to minimize at .night, and expects to GREEN BE tributing factor is the delays. highway construction.’’ But En&wr meet with Highways WhwaYs Minister Cw Michael Aug. Museum Executive Direc-. ing Assistant, Bill Smith, tor, Marilyn’ Mullan, said said co-ordinating work to discuss’ such dbp intermittent delays are would be difficult because natives. causing the greatest hard- of the distance between the But smith Said ~ght ship ‘ for the museum and projects and the nature of stmctiOn is not a PmCa other businesses. traffic movement, Smith and CIW~~S its Own Pro “We’re prepared for the said even .with the blems* I Cmneand-sW hour closure, 2~-rriinutedelays as they “It’s not the ddhg and it’s the 16 and 20-mhute are now,’by the time the blasting that’s the pro- shops.” Cars ‘havegone through in bIem, it’s scaling the rock. Mullan said the c!os&s two directions, “we’re Under artificial light it’s ‘‘build up sluggishness” in .lucky to ,get six or seven very hard to detect move the traffic flow, clogging minutes of working the.” ment.” the highway and adding ad- .- ditional time to the trip.
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