VOL. XIX No. 12 December, 1964 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IM GREAT BRITAIN a FAIRFAX MANSIONS. FINCHLEY RO. (corner Fairfax Rd.). Lenden. N.W.S 0//ice and Consulting Houn: Talaphont : MAIda Vale 9096/7 (Ganaral Ofkce and Wallart tor tha Agad). Monday to Thuriday 10a.m.—I p.m. J—ipjn. MAIda Vala 4449 (Employment Agancv. annually llcantad by tha L.CC.. and Social Services Dapt.) Friday 10 a.m.—I p.m. *•• G. howenthal with the role of " social action" in our religion; and this was most appropriate for introducing a kind of spiritual order into the recognisable realities of Jewish life A NEW DIASPORA and, with its many suggestions, for endow­ ing the latter with fresh impulse. The detailed report on activities by Dr. Central European Jews in South America Rodolfo Hirschfeld, Chairman of the " Centra ", and the papers on the theme For four days South American flags, only be solved satisfactorily with the of the conference (" The Future in South flanking the flag of the State of Israel and passage of time. America ") by Professor Heinrich Rattner those of the State and the City of Sao The question of belonging in this (Sao Paulo), Dr. Alfred Hirschberg (Sao Paulo, were displayed at the head of a con­ Diaspora, and the difficult problems of Paulo), Dr. Hardi Swarsensky (Buenos ference table in Sao Paulo. These external priorities arising therefrom (retention of Aires), Rabbi Dr. M. M. Rosenberg (Buenos signs were not merely a symbol of the the emigre group spirit or fusion into a Aires), Professor Dr. Fritz Pinkuss (Sao recent fifth conference of "Centra" (the South American Jewry, the spiritual heri­ Paulo) and Curt Wilk (Buenos Aires), with association of Jewish communities and tage of German Jewry, aliya, obligations their sociological, political and religious towards South American society, responsi­ cultural subject matter, formed the basis organisations in South America founded for several days' discussion, reflecting the and developed by Jews from Germany and bilities towards Israel), took up much space—despite a general recognition of the problems outlined above. Among the Central Europe, which was established in unity of Judaism—in the programme and other representatives of the South Ameri­ 1956). This row of banners, paraded there deliberations of the Conference. All this can rabbinate who frequently participated, in miniature, could equally well be viewed was taken particularly seriously in relation were Professor Dr. Heinrich Lemle (Rio de as an expression of the involved problems to the oft-repeated question (here, too) Janeiro), Egon J. Loewenstein (Santiago) awaiting discussion, namely the question about the retention, moulding and spiritual and Dr. Fritz Winter (Montevideo). of the spiritual standpoint of the groups demands of Jewish youth and their right The link between the " Centra " and the represented and their future in this to be granted responsibilities and positions " Council of Jews from Germany ", whose immense, though relatively sparsely popu­ of trust in communal organisations and President (Dr. Siegfried Moses, Jerusalem) lated continent. It must be appreciated institutions. and Honorary Secretary (Bruno Woyda, that of the total of, say, 700,000 Jews in London) had sent greetings to the Con­ the whole of South America, Jewish post- ference, was mentioned several times. In 1933 refugees from Nazi oppression com­ Emphasis on Education this connection the present writer, who prise some 10 per cent and are now orga­ Social work, finance, restitution and attended the Conference as a guest, nised into more than twenty communities. matters of internal organisation were reported on new research and publication Most of them are to be found in the ABC hardly discussed at this Conference, but projects of the Leo Baeck Institute which, countries (Argentine, Brazil and Chile) emphasis was laid on the maintenance and established by the Council almost ten years 3nd the strongest, both numerically and in expansion of the fledgling Latin American ago, arouses considerable interest also in activity, are in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rabbinical Seminary in Buenos Aires (22 South America. ^uenos Aires, Montevideo and Santiago. students already) and the attitude of the Of the remaining 630,000 Jews about South American Rabbinical Assembly, Sao Paulo Communal Centre 70,000 are Sephardim, the rest mainly con­ which was founded in 1956 and comprises sists of East European Ashkenazim who Jewish spiritual leaders, mostly members The Opening Meeting was held in the settled in South America at the turn of of the middle generation stemming from fine communal building of the largest the century or thereafter, and who in Central Europe. In addition, and especially Jewish community in South America estab­ many cases now represent the third genera­ in view of the progress made in the deli­ lished by Jews from Central Europe, the tion of the original settlers. berations of the Vatican Council, there was Congregacao Israelita Paulista (C.I.P.), some discussion on the pros and cons of which acted as host and in whose rooms .•working for an understanding vdth the the whole " Centra" Conference, orga­ Dispersed Communities Church ; a promising start had been made nised by Dr. Hans Feuereisen, took place. on this already in South America. In The speakers included the Israeli Cultural The problem elaborated during the general, it was worth noting the deep con­ Attache for South America, Dr. Shaul lengthy and serious discussions of the cern with cultural and religious matters, Levin (Rio), Rabbi Dr. Nathan Blum Centra " conference was not new: it will including Jewish adult education. "ITiis was (Buenos Aires) for the Rabbinical surely also be the focal point in the deli- most welcome to th^ European observer, Assembly, Dr. Rafael Markmann as Presi­ oerations of future conferences of this who was impressed by the fact that here, dent of the Organisation of Jewish Com­ nature, simply because the economic and far from the Jewish centres in Israel, U.S.A. munities in the State of Sao Paulo, Dr. cultural position of the Jews depends and Europe, a way back was being found Hans Reich (Santiago) for the delegates primarily on the economic stability or, to the real Jewish tasks. If, as is to be and a representative of the youth. This Perhaps, instability of the South American hoped, simple recognition of the difference was preceded by a festive Friday night f^ates and on the economic position of between reality and pipe-dreams helped to service attended by almost a thousand Jheir somewhat similarly placed environ- clarify problems in many minds, then this worshippers, at which Rabbi Pinkuss °iental society, and because there is as yet " Centra" Conference had meaning and preached. served its purpose. no closely-knit, highly organised and con­ The presidency of the " Centra", con­ sciously Jewish South American Jewry, By way of introduction, a broad histori­ sisting of Dr. Hirschfeld and Hans Lesch­ j'^r that it is still too young, too divergent cal, philosophical and literary address was nitzer (both from Montevideo), was in Its religious background and outlook and given by Dr. Fritz Bamberger (New York) re-elected and it was decided that the next, too widely dispersed geographically. This who, at the request of the " Centra ", had the sixth " Centra" Conference, should s quite apart from the language question been engaged on a lecture tour of various be held in Montevideo in 1966, on which yf erman. Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian) Jewish communities in South America. occasion the organisation would be able r^ich, as was clearly apparent to an His exposition dealt with " New Thinking to look back on the first decade of its ooserver, does exist and which can surely in Religious Jewry" and was concerned existence. f.m^^m^'^-'m^n.m^^^^^.^.,..^^.^..... .,..>^.,i^Si.i«,«^.T...«.«V.. gggj^l^^^gBWEgWKggg Page 2 AJR INFORMATION December, 1964 From the German Scene ADENAUER PLANS VISIT TO ISRAEL According to a statement of Dr. Adenauer's secretariat, the former Chancellor intends to NO EXTENSION OF STATUTE OF GERMANY AND ISRAEL pay a visit to Israel. When he was still in LIMITATIONS office, he had been invited by the then Prime In the Israeli Knesset a Communist charge The Federal German Government has Minister, Mr. Ben-Gurion. He will now make decided not to extend the Statute of Limita­ was rejected to the effect that West German his visit in a private capacity, and hopes that tions for murder to deal with still uncovered scientists were active in Israel in general and his journey will contribute to an improvement Nazi crimes. Under the 20-year statute new " in the nuclear sphere in particular" . Mr. of (jcrman-Israeli relations. prosecutions cannot be launched after May 8 Abba Eban stated there had been occasional SHADOWS OF THE PAST next in the former British and French zones visits to Israel by German scientists within the of Western Germany and after July 1 in the context of an interchange of scientific opinion, Treblinka Trial former American zone. but the Government policy on Germany Ten former S.S. guards accused of com­ In an official statement to the press the plicity in the murder of 700,000 Jews at Government spokesman said that an extension remained unchanged. There was absolutely no parallel between the visits of German Treblinka concentration camp face charges at would contravene Article 103 of the Federal a Diisseldorf trial second only to the Auschwitz Constitution which, according to the legal scientists to Israel and their presence in Egypt, trial in Frankfurt. principle of nulla poena sine lege, prohibits where they were helping to enhance President The main defendants are former S.S. lieuten­ retroactive legislation. It is inten(ied to issue a Nasser's military potential.
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