22192 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 3, 1974 1973, pursuant to section 439(k}, title IV of Small Business Act, the Small Business title 38 of the United States Code to require the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended Investment Act, and for other purposes; the etsablishment of comprehensive treat­ (20 U.S.C. 1087-2(k)); to the Committee on with amendment (Rept. No. 93-1178). Re­ ment and rehabilitative services and pro­ E~. u;!ation and Labor. ferred to the Committee of the Whole House grams for all veterans suffering from alcohol­ 2522. A letter from the Chairman, Federal on the State of the Union. ism, drug dependence, or alcohol or drug Power Commission, transmitting a copy of Mr. STAGGERS: Committee on Interstate abuse disabilities; to the Committee on Vet­ the publication entitled, "Natural Gas Act, and Foreign Commerce. S. 1728. An act to erans' Affairs. M~r.::h 1, 1974"; to the Committee on Inter­ increase benefits provided to American By Mr. OWENS: state and Foreign Commerce. civilian internees in Southeast Asia; with H.R. 15795. A bill to amend title 5, United 2523. A letter from the Commissioner, Im­ amendment (Rept. No. 93-1179). Referred to States Code, to regulate certain activities of IDigration and Naturalization Service, De­ the Committee of the Whole House on the Federal employees, and for other purposes; partment of Justice, transmitting a copy of State of the Union. to the Committee on House Administration. the order suspending deportation in the case By Mr. RIEGLE (for himself, Mr. COR­ of Benito Palafox-Gutierrez, pursuant to sec­ MAN, Mr. DANIELSON, Mr. DRINAN, tion 244(a) (2) of the Immigration and Na­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Mr. HAMILTON, Mr. HECHLER of West tionality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1254(c) Virginia, Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. MAL­ ( 1 ) ) ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public LARY, Mr. PREYER, Mr. ROSE, Mr. 2524. A letter from the Commissioner, Im­ bills and resolutions were introduced and TRAXLER, and Mr.VANDERVEEN): migration and Naturalization Service, De­ severally referred as follows: H.R. 15796. A bill to amend the Employ­ partment of Justice, transmitting copies of By Mr. BROYHILL of North Carolina: ment Act of 1946 with respect to price sta­ orders suspending deportation, together with H.R. 15789. A bill to regulate commerce by bility; to the Committee on Government Op­ a list of the persons involved, pursuant to establishing a nationwide system to restore erations. section 244(a) (1) of the Immigration and motor vehicle accident victims and by By Mr. ROE ~for himself, Mr. BAFALIS, Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1254 requiring no-fault motor vehicle insurance l\:1r. HAMMERSCHMIDT, Mr. MCSPAD­ (c) (1)); to the Committee on the Judiciary. as a condition precedent to using a motor DEN. Mr. MOLLOHAN' and Mr. RECEIVED FROM THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL vehicle on public roadways; to the Com­ STUCKEY}; 2525. A letter from the Comptroller Gen­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H.R. 15797. A bill to amend the Public eral of the United States, transmitting a re­ By Mr. CARNEY of Ohio (for himself, Health Service Act to provide assistance for port on the implementation and impact of Mr. TEAGUE, Mr. DORN, and Mr. programs for the diagnosis, prevention, and reductions in civilian employment during SATTERFIELD) : treatment of, and research in, Huntington's :fiscal year 1972; to the Committee on Gov­ H.R. 15790. A bill to amend section 802 of disease; to the Committee on Interstate and ernment Operations. title 38, United States Code, so as to increase Foreign Commerce. Veterans' Administration assistance to seri­ By Mr. SYMMS: ously disabled veterans in acquiring specially H.R. 15798. A bill to authorize and direct adapted housing; to the Committee on the Secretary of the Interior to study the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUB­ Veterans' Affairs. feasibility and suitability of establishing a LIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. DIGGS (for himself, Mr. Hells Canyon National Recreation Area in FRASER, Mr. FAUNTROY, and Mr. the States of Idaho and Oregon; to the Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of BROYHILL of Virginia) : Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. committees were delivered to the Clerk H.R. 15791. A bill to amend section 204(g) By Mr. WYLIE: for printing and reference to the proper of the District of Columbia Self-Govern­ H.R. 15799. A bill to provide for protec­ calendar, as follows : ment and Governmental Reorganization Act, tion of franchised dealers in petroleum prod­ Mr. PERKINS: Committee of conference. and for other purposes; to the Committee on ucts; to the Committee on Interstate and Conference report on S. 3203 (Rept. No. the District of Columbia. Foreign Commerce. 93-1175). Ordered to be printed. By Mr. ERLENBORN (for himself and By Mr. ROGERS: Mr. HOLIFIELD: Committee on Govern­ Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin): H. Con. Res. 558 Concurrent resolution ex­ ment Operations. H.R. 15233. A bill to estab­ H.R. 15792. A bill to amend the National pressing the sense of Congress that the Pres­ lish an Office of Federal Procurement Policy Labor Relations Act to extend its coverage ident exercise his authority to suspend as­ within the Office of Management and Budget; and protection to employees of nonprofit sistance to the Government of Turkey; to with amendment (Rept. No. 93-1176). Re­ hospitals, and for other purposes; to the the Committee on Foreign Afi'airs. ferred to the Committee of the Whole House Committee on Education and Labor. By Mr. FUQUA: on the State of the Union. By Mr. FRENZEL: H. Res. 1221. Resolution expressing the Mr. PATMAN: Committee on Banking and H.R. 15793. A bill to a.mend the Federal sense of the House regarding the reclassifi­ Currency. H.R. 9989. A bill to further the Election Campaign Act of 1971 to impose cation of servicemen listed a.s missing in ac­ national housing goal of encouraging home­ overall limitations on campaign expenditures tion in Southeast Asia to presumptive find­ ownership by regulating certain lending and political contributions; to provide that ing of death status; to the Committee on practices and closing and settlement pro­ expenditures made by a candidate may be Armed Services. cedures in federally related mortgage trans­ made only by the central campaign commit­ actions to the end that unnecessary costs and tee designated by him; to provide for a single difficulties of purchasing housing a.re mini­ reporting responsibility with respect to re­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS mized, and for other purposes; with amend­ ceipts and expenditures; to change the times ment (Rept. No. 93-1177). Referred to the for the filing of reports regarding campaign Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Committee of the Whole House on the State expenditures and political contributions; and Mr. GUDE introduced a bill (H.R. 1580<¥) of the Union. for other purposes; to the Committee on for the relief of Victor Henrique Carlos Gib­ Mr. PATMAN: Committee on Banking and House Administration. son, which was referred to the Committee on Currency. H.R. 15578. A bill to a.mend the H.R. 15794. A bill to amend chapter 17 of the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ''AMERICA" from Los Angeles who has a deep and In a country such as ours abiding sense of the greatness of Amer­ With its trees and its :flowers ica and what must be done to preserve And its days and its nights HON. BARRY M. GOLDWATER, JR. Full of freedoms and rights our democratic way of life. I was so im­ Can't we see what it means to be free? OF CALIFORNIA pressed with the maturity of his poem IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the message it conveys that I want There's no country on earth Like the land of our birth Tuesday, July 2, 1974 to share it with the Congress and the We're Americans and we're proud to be. Nation. Therefore, I include this very But if you had a dollar Mr. GOLDWATER. Mr. Speaker, as we moving and prophetic poem by Mr. pause celebrate the 198th anniversary How you'd scream and you'd holler to James Bruce Joseph Sievers: If someone tried to take it away. of America's independence, it seems ap­ "AMERICA" Listen to me stranger propriate to point out what is right about Your freedom's in danger our great country. When confronted If you think you feel badly Look a.round at our country today. You can be happy you are able to think with so many crises, it is often difficult When you are walking a.bout sadly The left is too left to sit back and re:fiect on the positive How fortunate you are able to walk And the right's too right aspects of America. Or when you dent your car And the middle can't make up its mind Just recently a poem entitled, "Amer­ Think how many have no car to dent It's not others we should fear ica," was brought to my attention by a Or your golf's not up to par Look into your mirror good friend. The poem is by a young man What a luxury it ls to golf A traitor in there you might find July 3, ·1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22193 He comes in many forms PRESS RELEASE from which can be expected only minimal Dwells offices and dorms AMERICAN FALLS, IDAHO, June 28.-Presi­ movement toward further arms -control, is And forgets that American is his name dent Robert Rebholtz of the Idaho Cattle little more than an extension of their ex­ 01· he elects-a man· Feeders Association r.elea.sed the results of a.
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