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To THE MEMORY OF LITTI,E RAMA CONTENTS Page I Preface vii II Abbreviations 1X III Bibliography xiii IV Introduction xxix V Text Book VI: Kunthusvamicaritra I Aranathacaritra II Anandapuru~apu:(19an1rnbalicaritra 37 Subhiimacakravarticaritra 41 Dattanandanaprahladacaritra 49 Mallinathacaritra 52 Munisuvratanathacaritra 72 Mahapadmacakricaritra 89 Book VII: Jaina Ramaya:(la 107 Naminathacaritra 353 Ha~el}.acakricaritra 362 J ayacakricaritra 365 VI Appendix I: Additional Notes 369 VII Appendix II: New and Rare Words 372 VIII Text Corrections 379 IX Index of Names and Subjects 385 X Index of Sanskrit and Prakrit Words 406 PREFACE Volume IV of the translation of the T~a,,tisalaka­ puru~acaritra, as well as Volume III, was completed in India under a grant from the American Philosophical Society. The press copy of the translation of the text was delivered to the publisher in May, I948. I received the last of the galley proof of the text in September, I95L As for the earlier volumes, I had the advice and assistance of Santamiirti Muni Sn J ayantavijayaji, disciple of the late Acarya Vijaya Dharma Suri, through Book VI. His death in December, I948, was a great loss to Indological scholarship, as well as to the Jain community. His devotion to pure scholarship was unusual and of great benefit to all students with whom he came in contact. He was especially generous with his time to foreign students. I am under obligation to H. M. Shah, B.A., of Ahmedabad, for his help as interpreter-correspondent for many years. I am indebted to Sn Muni Pw:,.yavijayaji, disciple of Caturvijayaji, for information and assistance throughout my stay in Baroda, especially on Book VII. He is a learned scholar, most liberal with his time and knowledge. As always, I received every assistance from the staff of the Oriental Institute, especially from the Jain Pandit, I,. B. Gandhi, from whose thorough knowledge of Jain texts I have always profited; from Pandit K. S. Ramasvami Shastri Siromani for· information on Brahmanical points ; from J. S. Pade, M.A., Librarian, and Mr. M. A. Joshi, Technical Assistant. The Director, Dr. B. Bhattacharyya, gave me every facility until his retirement during the publication of this volume. Prof. P. E. Dumont of Johns Hopkins University was kind enough to discnss some Brahmanical questions. In addition to the Poona and Bhavnagar MSS that I used for the preceding volumes, I had loans from the Jiiana viii PREFACE Mandir in Baroda and one from the collection in Cham, an excellent MS, a copy, they said, of a very old one. I am deeply appreciative of the liberality of the Jain libraries in lending their MSS, which so far exceeds that of the libraries in this country. Where words are spelled sometimes with a long and sometimes with a short vowel, e.g. Malli and Malli, I have followed the text. The Sanskrit words that have been retained in the translation are included in the English Index with an explanation for the reader who does not know Sanskrit. These entries are illustrative, not exhaustive. Complete references will be found in the Sanskrit Index. OSCEOLA, Mo. HELEN M. JOHNSON. February II, I953. ABBREVIATIONS ABayA = Abhaudlungeu der Bayerischen Akadeinie der Wisseuschaften, Phil. Klasse. Abhi. = Abhidhauaciutamai;ii, Bhav. ed. Acar. = Acara.tigasiitra. AKM = Abhandlungen ftir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. AuSS = Ananda Sanskrit Series. Anuyog. = Anuyogadvara. Apte = Sanskrit-English Dictionary. AS= Agamodayasainiti Series. Aup. = Aupapatikasutra. A~dhi = B;hannigha1;1tu. Ava.= Avasyakasiitra, Malayagiri's corn. Avaciin;li. = A va§yakacfln;i.i. AvaH = Avasyakasutra, Haribhadra's corn. AvaHH = Haribhadriyavasyakav;ttitippa,;iaka. B.= Barnett's ed. of Antagaq.adasao and A,;iuttarovavaiya- dasao. Balfour = Cyclopaedia of India. Bate = Bate's Hindi Dictionary. Bhag. = Bhagavatisiitra. B;hat. = B;hatsangrahan!. Chand. = Chandonusasana. Clements = Introduction to the Study of Indian Music. Crooke = Religion and Folklore of Northern India. DesiH = Desinamamala. DH = Dasavaikalikasiitra, Haribhadra's corn. DLF = Devchand Lalbhai Jain Pustakoddhar Fund. Dutt = Materia Medica. Fox-Strangways = Music of Hindostan. G.= Der J ainismus. GOS = Gaekwad's Oriental Series. Guj.= Gujarati. Gn,;ia. = Gn,;iasthanakramaroha, X ABBREVIATIONS H = Hindi. Haim. = Haima5abd3.nu5asana. Hindu Holidays = Hindu Holidays and Ceremonials. H. I.= Elements of Hindu Iconography. H. of J. = The Heart of Jainism. HOS = Harvard Oriental Series. H.P.= Fallon's Hindustani Proverbs. IHQ = Indian Historical Quarterly. IS = Indische Spriiche. Jamb.= Jambiidvipapraji'iapti. JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society. JBBRAS = Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. J. G.= The Jaina Gazette. J.·G. D.= Jaina Gem Dictionary. Jiv.= Jivii.jivabhigama. Ji'iii.tii..= Ji'iii.tii.dharmakathii.. K. = Die Kosmographie der Inder. Kirfel = do. Kan.= The Study of Jainism. Kavya.= KavyanuSasana by Hemacandra. Kavyii.. V.= Kavyanusii.sana by Vagbhat1;a. KG = Karma Granthas. Km = Kavyamimarl:t.sa. KS = Kalpasiitra. KSK = Kalpasutra, with Kira,;.ii.vali corn. LAI = Life in Ancient India as depicted in the Jain Canons. Lp. = Lokaprakii.sa. M = Marii.j:hi. Martin = The Gods of India. M. C.= Marathi-English Dictionary. MDJG = Manikchand Digambara Jaina Granthamii.la. Meyer = Hindu Tales. M\V = Monier-Williams, Sanskrit-English Dictionary. 0. of J.= Outlines of Jainism. ABBREVIATIONS xi Oppert = On the Weapons, Army Organisation and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus. Pafica. = Paficapratikram.at;1asiitra. Paficaprati. = do. Paficii. = Paficasakagrantha. PE= Ardha-Miigadhi Ko~a. Penzer = Ocean of Story, trans. of Kathasaritsagara. PH = Piiiasaddamahal;l\lavo. P JP. = First Principles of Jain Philosophy. Pk.= Prakrit. Popley = Music of India. Pra. = Prajiiapanii. Pras. = PrasnavyiikarBl).a. Pravac. = Pravacanasaroddhara. Raja.= Rajapra:Sniyasiitra. Riijendra. = Abhidhanariijendra. Roxb.= Flora Indica. Sabda. = Sabdasiigara. Sam.= Samavayaftgasiitra. SBE = Sacred Books of the East. SBJ = Sacred Books of the Jainas (Arrah). Sth. = Sthiiniiilgasiitra. T.= Tattvlirthiidhigamasiitra, Jacobi's ed. Tapiivali = Taporatnamahodadhi. Tri.= Tri~~saliikiipu~acaritra. Uttar. = Uttariidhyayana. Uttar. B.= Uttariidhyayana with Bhiivavijaya's com. Uttar. K.= Uttaradhyayana with Kamalasathyama's corn. Uv. = Uvasagadasao, Hoernle's ed. Vi~. = Vise~iivasyakabh~a. Vogel = Indian Serpent Lore. Watt = ·The Commercial Products of India. Watt Diet.= Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Wilkins= Hindn Mythology. YJG = Yashovijaya Jaina Granthamiilii, Benares. y og. = y ogasiistra. xii ABBREVIATIONS ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenliindischen Gesellschaft. I = Vol. I, Tru;ru;tisalakapuru:;acaritra. Vol. LI, GOS. II = Vol. II, Vol. LXXVII, GOS. III = Vol. III, . Vol. CVIII, GOS. BIBLIOGRAPHY GENl!RAI, Abhidhana.rajendra. A Prii.krit-Sanskrit lexicon of Jain texts. By Vijaya Rii.jendra Suri. Ratlam 1913-25. Alberuni's India. An English Edition with Notes and Indices, E. C. Sachau. 2 vols. London 1910. Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and · Western Rajpoot States of India, J. Tod. 2 vols. London 1829-32. Antiquities of India, L. D. Barnett. London. 1913. Ardha-Mii.gadhi Ko~a. In five languages. S. S. Jain Conference. Bombay 1923-30. Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik, G. Thibaut. Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Alter­ tums-kunde. III Band, 9 Heft. Strassburg 1899. Ausgewiihlte Erziihlungen aus Hemacandras Parishishta­ parvan. German translation by J. Hertel. Leipzig 1908. Ausgewiihlte Erzahlungen in Mal.Mrii.shtrl. Grammatik, Text, Worterbuch. H. Jacobi. Leipzig 1886. Beast and Man in India, J. L. Kipling. McMillan and Co. 1904. Brhannigb~tu or A~adhikosa. A Sanskrit, vernacular and English botanical glossary. Poona 1924. The Book of Good Counsels, Arnold. From the Sanskrit of the 'Hitopadesa.' London 1893. Brahmanism and Hinduism, Monier-Williams. Fourth edition. New York 189r. Chips of Jade, Guiterman. New York 1920. A Collection of Telegu Proverbs, translated, illustrated, and explained, together with some Sanscrit Proverbs, Carr. Madras : London 1868. The Commercial Products of India, G. Watt. London 1908. xiv BIBLIOGRAPHY Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Balfour. 3 vols. Third edition. London 1885. A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India, G. Watt. Government of India Press. Calcntta 1896. A Dictionary of the Hindee Language, J. D. Bate. Allahabad I918. A Dictionary of Hindu Architecture, P. K. Acharya. Oxford Press. 1927 ( ?). A Dictionary of Plant Names, Gerth van Wijk. The Hague I91I. Eastern Monachism, Hardy. London 1850. Eine jainistische Bearbeitung der Sagara-Sage. Disserta­ tion by Richard Fick. Kiel 1888. Elements of Hindu Iconography, T. A. Gopinath. Madras
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