Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63535-6 - The Cambridge Companion to Verdi Edited by Scott L. Balthazar Index More information Index Abbado, Claudio 216, 229 Austro-German instrumental tradition 26, 140, Academie´ Royale de Musique (Opera)´ 22, 111, 141, 154, 175, 177 209, 210, 213 accompaniment Bach, Johann Sebastian 140 French, see grand opera, accompaniments Balbo, Cesare 39 Verdi 123–24 Balestra, Luigi 171 Alagna, Roberto 229 ballet Alfieri, Vittorio, Virginia 6 French, see grand opera, ballet Alighieri, Dante 30, 175, 179, 180 Italian danse a´erienne 163 American Institute for Verdi Studies 273–74 Verdi 121–23, 162–64; see also Verdi, analysis Giuseppe, works, operas, Les vˆepres associational relationships 142; see also siciliennes,Act II finale, ballets Verdi, Giuseppe, works, operas, Barbieri-Nini, Marianna 10 Rigoletto,key and characterization Barezzi, Antonio 3, 5 double cycles of keys 145–46 Barrot, Odilon 201 general considerations 139–43 Basevi, Abramo 49, 56, 269 historical authenticity and inauthenticity Bassi, Calisto, Il solitario di Eloisa 170 141–42 battle scenes 161 intertextual 151–52 Baudelaire, Charles 83 keysequences influenced by prominent Belgioioso, Count Lodovico 172 pitches 143–45 Bellaigue, Camille 270 long-range tonics 146–49; see also Verdi, Bellini, Vincenzo 25, 49, 157 Giuseppe, works, operas, Rigoletto, Il pirata 31 long-range tonics La sonnambula 74, 107 motivic coherence, see Verdi, Giuseppe, Berlioz, Hector 31 works, operas, Ernani, motivic Bermani, B. 269 coherence; Verdi, Giuseppe, works, Berna Agreement 24 operas, Otello, motivic coherence; Bianchi, Tomaso 171 Verdi, Giuseppe, works, operas, Bing, Rudolf 209 Rigoletto, motivic coherence Bizet, Georges, Les pˆecheurs de perles 211 pluralism of approaches 140, 151, Boito, Arrigo 9, 26, 28, 72, 83–87, 175, 180, 152–53 237–44, 259, 262 presentist 139–40 Mefistofele 26 purposefulness and randomness 141 Bondy, Luc 229 structural coherence of standard Borromeo, Count Renato 169, 180 forms 142 Brambilla, Teresa 10 subjectivity 140 Budden, Julian 230 tonal design 143–52; see also Verdi, Byron, Lord George 31 Giuseppe, works, operas, Otello, The two Foscari 158 tonal design vicarious recomposition 141 Cammarano, Salvatore 8, 39, 72, 73–76, 112, “angel in the house” archetype 40 258, 262–63 Angiolini, Carlo 171 Canti, Giovanni 170, 171 Anicet-Bourgeois, Auguste, and Caponi, Giacomo (Folchetto) 270 Francis Cornu, Nabuchodonosor Capponi, Giuseppe 178 111 Carara-Verdi family 263 antimasque 163 Carcano, Giulio 21 aria form, see set piece design, aria Casa di Riposo per Musicisti 13, 14 Ariosto, Ludovico 30, 72, 76 Casa Ricordi, see Ricordi publishing house Assembly of the Parma Provinces 12 Castil-Blaze 128 [329] Auber, Daniel-Franc¸ois-Esprit 25, 180 cavatina 51 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63535-6 - The Cambridge Companion to Verdi Edited by Scott L. Balthazar Index More information 330 Index Cavour, Count Camillo Benso 24 Faccio, Franco 26, 179 Cencetti, Giuseppe 265 Amleto 26 Cesarotti, Melchiorre 72 Fata Morgana 175 Chambord (chateau of Franc¸ois I) 207 Favagrossa, Count Pietro 171 Cherubini, Luigi 111 femme fragile archetype 237 choral music Ferdinand I (Emperor of Austria) 31 French, see grand opera, chorus Ferrarini, Giulio Cesare 174 Ottocento 177 Ferretti, Jacopo 172 patriotic 35–37 Filippi, Filippo 26 Verdi final scene 62; see also set piece design, final operatic: French style 118–21; general scene features 64–65; patriotic 32, 33–35, finale form, see set piece design, ensemble 38–39, 42–44, 71 Flauto,` Vincenzo 22, 261 sacred 177–80; see also Verdi, Giuseppe, form of set pieces, see set piece design works, choral Foscolo, Ugo 72 secular 180–81; see also Verdi, Giuseppe, La France musicale 173 works, choral Francis I, King of France 201, 207 Cinque Giornate 32, 35 Fraschini, Gaetano 9 Classicism 30, 31 French grand opera, see grand opera Conti, Domenico 186 Frezzolini, Erminia 9 Cormon, Eugene` fusion of comic, grotesque, and serious “L’ etudiant´ d’Alcala” 211 elements Philippe II, roi d’Espagne 211, 212 Shakespeare 111 Cornali, Pietro 42 Verdi 111, 112 Canto degli italiani 35–37 Cross of the Crown of Italy 25 Galletti-Gianoli, Isabella 174 Cruvelli, Sofie 10 Gazzetta musicale di Milano 26, 34, 35, 261, 269 D’Annunzio, Gabriele 86 Ghislanzoni, Antonio 9, 80, 81, 82, 83, 216, Dahlhaus, Carl 140 217, 220, 280 Dall’ Ongaro, Francesco, Stornelli Giraldoni, Leone 9 italiani 174 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 30 Dante, see Alighieri, Dante “Ach neige, Du Schmerzensreiche” 171 David, Felicien,´ Le d´esert 160 “Erste Verlust” 172 decadentismo 84, 237 “Meine Ruh’ ist hin” 171 Delfico, Melchiorre 174 Goggi, Emilia 145 Diana, Princess of Wales 13 Gounod, Charles, Faust 26 Diotti, Giuseppe, The Oath of Pontida 39 Gramsci, Antonio 29, 45 Donizetti, Gaetano 25, 49, 111 grand opera 81, 111, 209, 211, 225 Dom S´ebastien 111 accompaniments 123 La favorite 111 ballet 121 Linda di Chamounix 74, 107 ballet d’action 163 LuciadiLammermoor 263 chorus 118 Lucrezia Borgia 31 general conventions 112 Du Locle, Camille 8, 80, 81, 210, 211, 213, instrumentation 123 216, 217, 223, 229 melodic style 112 duet form, see set piece design, duet production 112 Dumas, Alexandre, fils, La dame aux Grossi, Tommaso 21 cam´elias 76 Guasco, Carlo 186, 187 Dumas, Alexandre, p`ere 73 Gyrowetz, Adalbert, Il finto Stanislao 19 Intrigue et amour 112 Duveyrier, Charles 8 Halevy,´ Fromental 25 Hampson, Thomas 229 Edel, Alfredo 28 Haydn, Joseph 177 ensemble form, see set piece design, Horowitz, Wanda Toscanini 13 ensemble Hugo, Victor 31, 72, 75, 79, 202–3, 204, 237 Escudier, Leon´ 26, 76, 173, 258 Hernani 111, 185 Escudier, Marie 173 Le roi s’amuse 112, 201–2, 205, 207, 261 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63535-6 - The Cambridge Companion to Verdi Edited by Scott L. Balthazar Index More information 331 Index instrumental music Lind, Jenny 9 Ottocento 175 Loewe, Sofia 9, 20, 189 Verdi 176–77; see also ballet, Verdi; overture; London, theatrical tradition 21 pantomime music; prelude, Verdi; London International Exhibition 180 scenic instrumental music; stage music; Lorenz, Alfred 139 Verdi, Giuseppe, works, instrumental Lucca, Francesco 23, 25, 26, 258, 260–61 instrumentation 123–28 Lumley, Benjamin 9, 22 introduzione 59; see also set piece design, introduzione Macpherson, James (Ossian) 31, 72, 161 Istituto di Studi Verdiani 273, 274 La Madonna de’ Prati, church of 4–5 Istituto Nazionale di Studi Verdiani 273, 274, Maffei, Andrea 8, 21, 72, 172, 173, 258, 262 277, 279, 280 Maggioni, Manfredo 173 L’Italia musicale 26, 173 Maini, Ormondo 178 Italian Wars of Independence 12, 15 Malibran, Maria 10 Mameli, Goffredo 180 Jacovacci, Vincenzo 9, 22 mannerism 86 July Revolution 201 Manzoni, Alessandro 9, 13, 27, 30, 169 Adelchi 174 Karntnerthor¨ Theater 6 Ipromessi sposi 73 MariaLouise, Archduchess of Austria 5 Lanari, Alessandro 7, 9, 22, 265 Mariette, Auguste 80, 81 Lauzieres,` Achille de 213, 216, 224 Marini, Ignazio 267 Lavigna, Vincenzo 6, 145, 169, 177 Mario, Giovanni 20 Leoncavallo, Ruggero 27 Marzi brothers 23 Leopardi, Giacomo 72 Mascagni, Pietro 27 Lessona, Michele 270 Cavalleria rusticana 104 Levine, James 229 Massini, Pietro 169, 180 libretto Mattila, Karita 229 derivation from literary sources 69–70 Maurel, Victor 10, 28, 262 as literature 69, 70 Mazzini, Giuseppe 32 Ottocento subjects 72 Filosofia della musica 30, 40, 42 verse Mazzucato, Alberto 132 French 83, 212: accentuation 128; musical Medici, Countess Sofia de’ 172 setting 128–38, 212–13 melody Italian: accentuation 128; general French conventions 70–72; meters and couplets 51, 98 associated moods or situations 71–72; forms 98 see also Verdi, Giuseppe, works, operas, serial 132 Falstaff , libretto, poetic meter and ternary 98, 99 characterization; meters for lyric verse Italian (versi lirici) 70; see also Verdi, Giuseppe, “lyric form” (“lyric prototype”) 92–102 works, operas, Aida, libretto, poetic open melody and closed melody 51 meters; Verdi, Giuseppe, works, operas, Mendelssohn, Felix, Scottish Symphony 161 Falstaff , libretto, poetic meters; Verdi, Mercadante, Saverio 195 Giuseppe, works, operas, Luisa Miller, Merelli, Bartolomeo 6, 7, 9, 19, 22, 23, 260–61 libretto, poetic meters; Verdi, Giuseppe, Mery,´ Joseph 8, 210, 211, 213, 217, 229 works, operas, La traviata, libretto, La bataille de Toulouse 39 poetic meters; recitative verse (versi Metastasio, Pietro 72 sciolti) 71; stanzaic structure 89–91; Metropolitan Opera (New York) 209, 229, 272 style of language, see Verdi, Giuseppe, Meyerbeer, Giacomo 25, 42, 123, 142–43, 212 works, operas, Aida, libretto, style of Le proph`ete 132, 212 language; Verdi, Giuseppe, works, Milan Conservatory 5, 6, 7 operas, Falstaff , libretto, style of Milanese Mercantile Tribunal 261 language; Verdi, Giuseppe, works, Ministry of Education, Italy 27 operas, Luisa Miller, libretto, Classical Minoia, Pietro 171–72 and Romantic language; Verdi, Mirate, Raffaele 206 Giuseppe, works, operas, La traviata, Mocenigo, Count Alvise Francesco 185, 186, 187 libretto, style of language Monteverdi Choir 280 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63535-6 - The Cambridge Companion to Verdi Edited by Scott L. Balthazar Index More information 332 Index Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 148, 199 Ricordi, Giulio 26, 28, 259, 262, 265, 270 Don Giovanni 204–5 Ricordi publishing house (Casa Ricordi) 24, 26, musica scenica 280; see also words and music, 27, 266, 269, 279, 280 parola scenica libroni 35 Muzio, Emanuele 179 Risorgimento 31, 32, 174 Ritorni, Carlo 49, 56, 59 naturalism 79 Romani, Felice 8, 72, 173 Nicolai, Otto, Il proscritto 19 Romanticism Noske, Fritz, “ritual” scenes 227 Italian 21, 30–31, 72, 84 and opera 30–31 Opera-Comique´ 22 northern European 31 Orchestre Revolutionnaire´ et Romantique 280 idealism 106 Ossian, see Macpherson, James Ronconi, Giorgio 6, 9, 19 overture (sinfonia) 154–56, 295, n.
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