ތާވަލު 1.5: ރަށްރަށުގެ އާބާދީ، އާބާދީ ބައިބޯމިން އަދި މާލެ އާއި އަތޮޅުގެ ވެރިކަންކުރާ ރަށާއި ހުރި ދުރުމިން Table 1.5 : POPULATION , LAND AREA, POPULATION DENSITY AND DISTANCE TO MALE' AND ATOLL CAPITALS, BY LOCALITY ޭޅުއިރިދ ްނުހީމ Population Density ިރުހ ިއާއެލާމ ްނިމުޑޮބ ެގުށަރްށަރ Population (census 2014) (population per hectar) Locality )ްނުރަޓީމ ޯލިކ( ްނިމުރުދ )ް ނުރަޓްކެހ( cnwt Land Area ( in Resident Resident Resident Resident Distance to hectares ) Population Maldivian Population Maldivian Male' ( in km) 1 Male' 195.6 153,904 129,381 786.9 661.5 0.0 elWm Villingili 31.7 7,988 7,382 252.0 232.9 2.8 iligniliv Hulhumale' 386.4 17,149 14,608 44.4 37.8 5.3 elWmuLuh North Thiladhunmathi (HA) (ah) iruburutua Itwmcnudwlit 2 Baarah 245.4 1,215 1,173 5.0 4.8 295.9 cSwrWb 3 Dhidhdhoo * 57.1 2,854 2,613 50.0 45.8 305.1 * Udcaid 4 Filladhoo 263.0 584 562 2.2 2.1 302.9 Udwlcaif 5 Hoarafushi 64.3 1,826 1,726 28.4 26.9 319.5 iSufwrOh 6 Ihavandhoo 60.3 2,575 2,461 42.7 40.8 315.8 eUdcnwvwhia 7 Kelaa 202.5 1,074 1,037 5.3 5.1 311.4 Wlek 8 Maarandhoo 42.6 671 647 15.7 15.2 303.6 UdcnwrWm 9 Mulhadhoo 118.1 230 220 1.9 1.9 320.6 UdwLum 10 Muraidhoo 47.2 467 443 9.9 9.4 298.7 Udiawrum 11 Thakandhoo 41.5 354 336 8.5 8.1 302.4 Udcnwkwt 12 Thurakunu 24.6 421 393 17.1 16.0 332.6 unukWrut 13 Uligamu 106.7 383 367 3.6 3.4 329.7 umwgilua 14 Utheemu 48.1 569 538 11.8 11.2 299.3 umItua 15 Vashafaru 32.9 449 423 13.7 12.9 305.5 urwfwSwv South Thiladhunmathi (HDh) (dh) irubunuked Itwmcnudwlit 16 Finey 113.5 409 388 3.6 3.4 290.4 Enif 17 Hanimaadhoo 299.2 1,951 1,616 6.5 5.4 289.9 UdWminwh 18 Hirimaradhoo 45.4 335 314 7.4 6.9 288.8 Udwrwmirih 19 Kulhudhuffushi * 234.9 8,440 8,186 35.9 34.9 276.6 * iSufcauduLuk 20 Kumundhoo 188.4 886 858 4.7 4.6 271.5 Udcnumuk 21 Kuribi 40.1 463 444 11.6 11.1 282.8 ibniruk 22 Makunudhoo 74.0 1,282 1,213 17.3 16.4 263.6 Udunukwm 23 Naivaadhoo 29.4 417 397 14.2 13.5 293.0 UdiawvWn 24 Nellaidhoo 31.5 859 827 27.3 26.2 289.4 Udiawlcaen 25 Neykurendhoo 168.2 743 706 4.4 4.2 269.6 UdcnerukEn 26 Nolhivaramu 202.5 1,892 1,830 9.3 9.0 280.7 umwrwviLon 27 Nolhivaranfaru 166.6 1,081 990 6.5 5.9 284.1 urwfcnwrwviLon 28 Vaikaradhoo 105.1 783 746 7.4 7.1 271.0 Udwrwkiiawv North Miladhunmadulu (Sh) (S) iruburutua uluDwmcnudwlim 29 Bilehffahi 62.4 484 465 7.8 7.4 247.8 ihwfcaelib 30 Feevah 87.0 660 613 7.6 7.0 244.1 cawvIf 31 Feydhoo 89.5 741 721 8.3 8.1 248.3 UdEf 32 Foakaidhoo 67.5 1,366 1,319 20.2 19.5 242.6 UdiawkOf 33 Funadhoo * 88.9 2,104 2,015 23.7 22.7 220.6 * Udwnuf 34 Goidhoo 97.4 515 496 5.3 5.1 258.9 Udiaog 35 Kaditheemu 86.9 1,094 1,057 12.6 12.2 260.2 umItiDnwk 36 Komandoo 10.4 1,111 1,054 107.2 101.7 215.2 UDcnwmok 37 Lhaimagu 44.7 597 562 13.4 12.6 222.9 ugwmiawL 38 Maaugoodhoo 29.3 802 774 27.4 26.4 208.5 UdUgnuaWm 39 Maroshi 29.2 439 425 15.0 14.5 231.5 iSorwm 40 Milandhoo 135.0 1,884 1,782 14.0 13.2 236.5 Udcnwlim 41 Narudhoo 42.9 491 471 11.5 11.0 234.5 Udurwn 42 Noomaraa 40.0 348 337 8.7 8.4 255.9 WrwmUn South Miladhunmadulu (N) (n) irubunuked uluDwmcnudwlim 43 Fodhdhoo 26.4 228 215 8.7 8.2 177.4 Udcaof 44 Hebadhoo 13.7 491 475 35.8 34.6 201.5 Udwbneh 45 Holhudhoo 20.1 1,638 1,508 81.5 75.0 177.9 UduLoh 46 Kedhikolhudhoo 204.6 1,326 1,285 6.5 6.3 197.6 UduLukidnek 47 Kudafari 27.7 453 414 16.4 15.0 190.0 irwfwDuk ޭޅުއިރިދ ްނުހީމ Population Density ިރުހ ިއާއެލާމ ްނިމުޑޮބ ެގުށަރްށަރ Population (census 2014) (population per hectar) Locality )ްނުރަޓީމ ޯލިކ( ްނިމުރުދ )ް ނުރަޓްކެހ( cnwt Land Area ( in Resident Resident Resident Resident Distance to hectares ) Population Maldivian Population Maldivian Male' ( in km) 48 Landhoo 86.3 665 652 7.7 7.6 189.6 Udcnwl 49 Lhohi 41.5 615 571 14.8 13.8 182.9 ihoL 50 Maafaru 123.3 715 697 5.8 5.7 184.3 urwfWm 51 Maalhendhoo 38.8 666 633 17.2 16.3 192.2 UdcneLWm 52 Magoodhoo 37.2 255 252 6.9 6.8 178.7 UdUgwm 53 Manadhoo * 106.5 1,397 1,295 13.1 12.2 177.0 * Udwnwm 54 Miladhoo 22.8 819 799 35.9 35.0 180.2 Udwlim 55 Velidhoo 43.8 1,961 1,687 44.8 38.6 168.2 Udilev ޭޅުއިރިދ ްނުހީމ Population Density ިރުހ ިއާއެލާމ ްނިމުޑޮބ ެގުށަރްށަރ Population (census 2014) (population per hectar) Locality )ްނުރަޓީމ ޯލިކ( ްނިމުރުދ )ް ނުރަޓްކެހ( cnwt Land Area ( in Resident Resident Resident Resident Distance to hectares ) Population Maldivian Population Maldivian Male' ( in km) North Maalhosmadulu (R) (r) iruburutua uluDwmcsoLWm 56 Agolhitheemu 39.0 403 373 10.3 9.6 188.4 umItiLognwa 57 Alifushi 58.2 1,804 1,571 31.0 27.0 208.5 iSufilwa 58 Fainu 58.8 318 304 5.4 5.2 152.7 uniawf 59 Hulhudhuffaaru 58.6 1,131 1,079 19.3 18.4 185.2 urWfcauduLuh 60 Iguraidhoo 44.6 1,209 1,123 27.1 25.2 154.1 Udiawrugnia 61 Innamaadhoo 34.2 577 504 16.9 14.8 161.4 UdWmwncnia 62 Kinolhas 53.3 464 432 8.7 8.1 151.5 cswLonik 63 Maakurathu 49.1 798 765 16.3 15.6 167.3 utwrukWm 64 Maduvvari 21.1 1,449 1,390 68.7 65.9 160.7 irwvcauDwm 65 Meedhoo 34.5 1,726 1,664 50.0 48.2 155.4 UdIm 66 Rasgetheemu 38.3 509 484 13.3 12.6 190.0 umItegcswr 67 Rasmaadhoo 26.5 516 494 19.5 18.7 162.9 UdWmcswr 68 Ungufaaru * 33.1 1,501 1,384 45.4 41.9 174.4 * urWfUgnua 69 Vaadhoo 37.1 398 375 10.7 10.1 195.5 UdWv 70 Dhuvaafaru 47.8 3,016 2,920 63.1 61.1 - South Maalhosmadulu (B) (b) irubunuked uluDwmcsoLWm 71 Dharavandhoo 66.0 857 739 13.0 11.2 117.2 Udcnwvwrwd 72 Dhonfanu 17.3 401 359 23.2 20.8 120.7 unwfcnod 73 Eydhafushi * 31.0 2,658 2,530 85.6 81.5 114.2 * iSufwdEa 74 Fehendhoo 25.5 107 99 4.2 3.9 99.1 Udcnehef 75 Fulhadhoo 29.0 187 174 6.4 6.0 101.7 UdwLuf 76 Goidhoo 162.7 543 501 3.3 3.1 96.2 Udiaog 77 Hithaadhoo 30.7 705 669 23.0 21.8 113.3 UdWtih 78 Kamadhoo 20.3 495 353 24.4 17.4 130.1 Udwmwk 79 Kendhoo 17.4 870 829 50.1 47.8 134.4 Udcnek 80 Kihaadhoo 30.5 360 345 11.8 11.3 123.4 UdWhik 81 Kudarikilu 18.3 428 410 23.4 22.4 134.5 ulikirwDuk 82 Maalhos 25.2 484 458 19.2 18.2 115.7 csoLWm 83 Thulhaadhoo 24.2 1,506 1,412 62.2 58.3 120.1 UdWLut Faadhippolhu (Lh) (L) uLopcaidWf 84 Hinnavaru 21.9 2,497 2,422 114.2 110.7 147.0 urwvwncnih 85 Kurendhoo 20.9 1,259 1,177 60.3 56.4 129.0 Udcneruk 86 Naifaru * 54.3 4,103 3,806 75.5 70.1 142.1 * urwfiawn 87 Olhuvelifushi 24.9 521 500 20.9 20.1 123.5 iSufilevuLoa Male' Atoll (K) (k) uLotwa elWm 88 Dhiffushi 22.4 1,053 966 47.0 43.1 37.2 iSufcaid 89 Gaafuru 16.7 1,066 1,010 63.9 60.6 62.6 urwfWg 90 Gulhi 10.5 912 831 86.5 78.8 20.5 iLug 91 Guraidhoo 22.7 1,738 1,569 76.6 69.2 30.7 Udiawrug 92 Himmafushi 42.6 1,725 1,328 40.5 31.2 16.5 iSufwmcnih 93 Huraa 26.2 1,300 1,014 49.6 38.7 20.3 Wruh 94 Kaashidhoo 276.2 1,865 1,715 6.8 6.2 87.1 UdiSWk 95 Maafushi 36.5 3,025 2,606 82.9 71.4 26.0 iSufWm 96 Thulusdhoo * 36.6 1,408 1,127 38.5 30.8 28.6 * Udcsulut North Ari Atoll (AA) (aa) iruburutuauLotwairwa 97 Bodufolhudhoo 11.0 608 584 55.5 53.3 81.6 UduLofuDob 98 Feridhoo 43.5 441 413 10.1 9.5 87.9 Udiref 99 Himandhoo 22.2 724 666 32.7 30.1 89.5 Udcnwmih 100 Maalhos 32.8 434 408 13.2 12.4 90.2 csoLWm 101 Mathiveri 20.8 662 623 31.9 30.0 84.5 irevitwm 102 Rasdhoo * 20.7 1,067 943 51.6 45.6 57.4 * Udcswr 103 Thoddoo 162.7 1,534 1,347 9.4 8.3 67.3 UDcaot 104 Ukulhas 22.0 1,005 921 45.6 41.8 71.4 cswLukua ޭޅުއިރިދ ްނުހީމ Population Density ިރުހ ިއާއެލާމ ްނިމުޑޮބ ެގުށަރްށަރ Population (census 2014) (population per hectar) Locality )ްނުރަޓީމ ޯލިކ( ްނިމުރުދ )ް ނުރަޓްކެހ( cnwt Land Area ( in Resident Resident Resident Resident Distance to hectares ) Population Maldivian Population Maldivian Male' ( in km) South Ari Atoll (ADh) )ދއ( ރި ބު ނު ކު ދެ ޅު ތޮ އަ ރި އަ 105 Hangnameedhoo 20.7 517 480 25.0 23.2 70.7 UdImWNcnwh 106 Omadhoo 22.9 883 840 38.5 36.6 73.6 Udwmoa 107 Kuburudhoo 6.0 462 437 77.0 72.8 78.1 Udurubnuk 108 Dhagethi 24.2 824 707 34.1 29.2 87.9 itegnwd 109 Dhidhdhoo 19.4 153 137 7.9 7.0 103.7 Udcaid 110 Dhigurah 52.0 610 522 11.7 10.0 96.5 cSwrugid ޭޅުއިރިދ ްނުހީމ Population Density ިރުހ ިއާއެލާމ ްނިމުޑޮބ ެގުށަރްށަރ Population (census 2014) (population per hectar) Locality )ްނުރަޓީމ ޯލިކ( ްނިމުރުދ )ް ނުރަޓްކެހ( cnwt Land Area ( in Resident Resident Resident Resident Distance to hectares ) Population Maldivian Population Maldivian Male' ( in km) 111 Fenfushi 22.4 837 726 37.3 32.4 110.8 iSufcnef 112 Maamigili 166.5 2,359 2,077 14.2 12.5 107.6 iligimWm 113 Mahibadhoo * 22.7 2,074 1,925 91.4 84.9 75.3 * Udwbihwm 114 Mandhoo 38.9 367 294 9.4 7.6 103.5 Udcnwm Felidhu Atoll (V) (v) uLotwa edilef 115 Felidhoo * 14.2 506 473 35.6 33.3 77.9 * Udilef 116 Fulidhoo 11.3 372 323 32.9 28.6 55.8 Udiluf 117 Keyodhoo 11.9 675 635 57.0 53.6 79.1 Udoyek 118 Rakeedhoo 6.2 106 101 17.2 16.4 95.5 UdIkwr 119 Thinadhoo 12.7 152 69 12.0 5.4 76.1 Udwnit Mulakatholhu (M) (m) uLotwkwlum 120 Dhiggaru 9.9 984 944 99.1 95.1 118.2 urwgcaid 121 Kolhufushi 61.1 735 702 12.0 11.5 155.1 iSufuLok 122 Maduvvari 8.4 369 350 44.1 41.9 118.9 irwvcauDwm 123 Mulah 68.4 1,275 1,194 18.6 17.5 136.5 cawlum 124 Muli * 37.4 860 775 23.0 20.7 139.4 * ilum 125 Naalaafushi 9.8 424 406 43.2 41.3 142.2 iSufWlWn 126 Raiymandhoo 28.1 112 111 4.0 4.0 121.4 Udcnwmctwr 127 Veyvah 41.6 263 223 6.3 5.4 135.7 cawvEv North Nilandhe Atoll (F) (f) iruburutua uLotwaedcnwlin 128 Biledhdhoo 30.9 914 868 29.6 28.1 130.9 Udcaelib 129 Dharaboodhoo 40.0 400 383 10.0 9.6 139.2 UdUbwrwd 130 Feeali 15.3 839 808 54.8 52.8 115.1 ilwaIf 131 Magoodhoo 21.3 549 512 25.8 24.0 135.9 UdUgwm 132 Nilandhoo * 56.2 1,663 1,548 29.6 27.5 141.9 * Udcnwlin South Nilandhe Atoll (Dh) (d) irubunuked uLotwaedcnwlin 133 Bandidhoo 24.2 793 714 32.7 29.5 149.1 UdiDnwb 134 Hulhudheli 20.1 719 681 35.8 33.9 163.5 ileduLuh 135 Kudahuvadhoo * 71.6 2,447 2,213 34.2 30.9 180.4 * UdwvuhwDuk 136 Maaeboodhoo 20.5 621 591 30.3 28.8 175.0 UdUbneaWm 137 Meedhoo 13.1 929 856 70.8 65.2 142.2 UdIm 138 Rinbudhoo 17.2 277
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