ASMSU loses office space to Roller rink Exponent l\1la11aging Editor l\Iichelle Toliarslti Caught it1 Love T1ia11gle -With Hol(vwood Movie star Tim Roth and Communist leader Fidel Castro Cuban Arn1y on Alert ~:::mlllm'llfC'1~~....- 2-1602 Ahufu~ 24601 ij,,,. •:t.k 1J)onm~·J/ll • '' -l\hCBEltE TOK.\RSKJ;EXPO Er-1!\l\'1AC I 'C EDITOR, CO'l\ll"'ll T.D1 CO D\..,CFR '' This will change everything. (left) Expc Editors ga around th newly d1scovere1 Dictionary the Renrn Library. Although discovery occurred late to hel this year, publicat10 plans full implemen of the boc the Sprini 2004. (Ce Exponent Editor Ma Hibdon la asleep af1 spending minutes reading tt tome sho following discovery Exponent discovers dictionary for the first tim 8) r'\,T\STll l\IO :\11t110GR "Ill K-Z Besides. poncnt :\ews Editor ~1. l:\pom 111 /Ille rnati111111/ 11 nit r o t h e r ~Iiddlebrooks. ,he :::a1 A ;\ISP com­ the word;; are really poiz In an exciting revela­ mittees like unles,; you·re tr~·mg to tion thi;; week. the Expo11c11t film::; haYe mes:;age acros,,.;. editors made a ::,tartling dis­ been operat­ .. It·,_ ju,,t a bun cover~ that may greatly im­ ing for year;; stoopid worch an1• proYe the qualit) of the stu­ without a :\liddlebrook,, ,,,nd ... ,, dent new'-'paper as ,1 whole dictionan the point un!e,- \Oujus a dictionary. and they·n, ing- to wnte a stOr) or f .. You may not know done ju,;t ticle. but senCl' \\ l'n this... Exponent Editor fine ... poople read the Exponc i\Iarcu,; Hibdon said in a top ·-rm not ne\\ "·?" secret in ten ie\\. ~And we sure the Ex­ Regardle;;s of the don't want word gettinti out ponent needs conw. the E.\ponent ha,:: to otlwr new,.;papers likc> the a dictionar~· tionar~. at least for mw Bozema11 Dail) Chron1cle but with 26 let­ plan:-; to u:::e it. then' 1:- a book out there that ter::; in it ... .. We plan to ust contains the correct spelling said the Tokar,-ki ::-aid ...At the of every word in the English A S ~I S C lea;;t ao- a really hem·> p language. I think it ·s called Senator. ··r weight or ma~ be a wea an encyclopedia." arrival of the new dictionary Howe\'er. ::-he said she think if they got a d1ctionar~ To Hibdon. ho'' en Hibdon and crew could pos:;ibly revolutiornze doubts the dictionary will with 24 or even 20 letters in dictionary is only par1 stumbled upon the dictionary production in the Exponent ha\'e much affect on quality it\\ ould be sufficient. Besides much larger plan. A pl while perusing the library in offices located at l\Iontana in the :\Iexico City and you can buy those at below rule the world. Anoth1 search of loose change and State University-Bozeman Rejavik offices. cost from printing compa­ cent acquisition shoulc low morals for the annual Ex­ as well as the Cairo. Egypt The use of the dictio­ nies." the Expo11e11 t a tremer ponent end-of-the:-, ear-party. and Paris, France branches. nary has become a hot topic Yet Hibdon and crew re­ ad\'antage over other pi According to Managing Edi­ "This will change e\'ery­ for many ASl\ISU senators main optimistic in spite of a ··It's a book that I tor Michelle Tokarski, the thing!" Tokarski said. and ASl\1 U ad mini 'tration recent committee formed b~· word then lists a bun as a result of the Exponent AS:\ISU to re,·iew the possi­ other words with the operating without their con­ bility of creating a board to meaning," Hibdon said sent. monitor a panel who will ana­ call it '\Vardy Book:·· Current I) the Exponent lyze a task force in charge of The Word~· Book is attempting to get a bill limiting and reYiewing dictio­ saurus) will allow the . passed that will allow them nary use. 11c11 t staff to Yar~· their 1 to use the dictionnr,!' as a tool. "This book has the an­ words to amuse and a "We certainly don't swers to all questions ... l\ISU students and the l want mistakes in the Expo­ Hibdon said. "Especially if OF THE WORLD.accord nent," ASi\1SU Pres1dt>nt thnt quc>stion relntes to spell­ Tokan•ki. ,Jared Harris said "But I'm ing and definitions. IlO\H'\'er. ...\Ve will use it to sy not :;ure that ASJ\ISU is here we haYe started to use the atically eliminate all cor to gi\'e the Expont'n t the tooli:; dictionnry ns a way to "ork tion:· Tokarski ;;aid k the:\ need to suceet'd. The 111 tlw challenging realm of cially competition in R 1 wa~· discussion is headed I alphabetization. but we"!! intramurnl basketball think we'll givt• tlwm letters ha\'e to see ·· time for domination h A-J but tlll'y.ll make another The only person not con­ Look out world- all '~e Exponent editors stand amazed dunng their first encounter with a d1ct1onary. pl'oposal 1f tlwy want to ui:;e cerned \\ ith diet 1onnry is Ex- to do now is lt'arn to rt..'• Excrement Friday, April 30, 1999 3 ti-Silloke: MSU sets record for tnarijuana bust incident. "If the bubble ILK) rlll PIMP doesn't fit, they must eml!nl U11derco1·a acquit. There is no word What was sup­ from state or university d to be another fine sources that indicates of Montana State • whether or not District versity tennis, un­ Attorney Marsha Clark the lights and con­ would be handling the J led air atmosphere prosecution in the case. he tennis bubble, On the home ed out to be a Ies­ front, with only one e in efficient police week of school remain­ k by over-concerned ing before the start of bers of DARE the final summer of the gs Are Really Evil). century, students at In what was the Montana State showed 1ination of a six­ mixed emotions when sting by members they learned of the bust ARE, three mothers On the north :side inst drug u,;e ofcampu near Langford med to center court and .JohnstonE' halls, tlw "ng the champ10n­ c1tt tude expres,,ed V.d'> match of the Bob one of cautioned opt1 'la ·" c tenms tour mi,m t:>nt and turnPd the "We ju,,t wan• to ament into one of ret that pot off our cam biggest manJuana pus, c;tick with under s in Montana his- aged drmkmg and abuse of fire arms, that "We knew for should be enough to Plhll< ) /.~) ·1 \i ""' l\H~l'I<· 11\) ll'llllRl\I \R" TllA\/ -e years there was The tennis bubble, where hundreds of MSU students recreate and play tennis every year, was subject to a massrve search keep any college stu­ eed hidden under where authorities found marijuana growing beneath the hard court floor of the structure. In addition to the search of the dent in Montana t floor of that com- bubble, more than six arrests have been made in what is quickly becoming the largest marijuana bust in MSU history happy," said Joel Angus, ,"said an unidenti- a first year resident of a source with DARE. "We been locked during the Christ­ dents and one pack mule will substances off our campus:· Langford Hall. had to wait long enough mas holiday break. reportedly cut the flow of mari­ the official said. "Drugs are Across campus, near the ave the opportunity to At the time of the arrest juana on the Montana State evil, drugs are evil, drugs are high rises of North and South e the bust in public, to there was no indication that the campus by at least half, until evil. .. " Hedges and Roskie Hall, the 1 it out of context as much three workers were involved in a new crop of freshman move The Facility Services em­ opinion on the bust was not as ;pssible. We had to have the the drug trade, but a photo by onto campus next fall. ployees arrested in the sting positive. and place to show as an undercover Excrement pho­ The bust, which mani­ have contacted super lawyer "Yeah man ... ,'' one stu­ y people as possible what tographer, taken in 1993 proved fested 200 fully grown plants Johnny Cocharine to handle dent identified only as J told Dens when you sin .. These that at least some of the Facil­ hidden under the floor of the the charges that are expected this Excrement reporter. le are sinners, so their so ity Services people had been in­ tennis bubble, goes down as to be brought by the State of " ... man, that ... man that d ·Karma' can kiss my volved in a marijuana growing the biggest bust ever on the Montana against the workers just. .. it sucks, that's operation in the tennis bubble campus at Montana State and in the next days. all. .. sucks man." The stmg on the tennis since the bubble was con­ one university official, who re­ "Hell, we figured if he A preliminary hearing on le began in 1993, after structed in the late 80s. fused to be named, is pleased can get O.J. off, he should be the arrests is scheduled for Facility Services work­ The bust, that eventually with the results of the sting op­ good enough to get the job done next week Stay tuned to the ere arrested trying to get led to the arrest of six Facili­ eration.
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