iopscience.org/cqg Classical and Quantum Gravity Highlights of 2010–2011 Read about selected research including: Cosmology Quantum gravity Numerical relativity …and read about thesis prizes sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity Highlights of 2010–2011 All of the articles featured in this brochure are free to read online until 31 December 2012 at iopscience.org/cqg. Front cover image: An artistic interpretation of the boundary of a 3-vertex foam obtained by merging three graphs Marcin Kisielowski, Jerzy Lewandowski and Jacek Puchta 2012 Class. Quantum Grav. 29 015009. Classical and Quantum Gravity ISSN 0264-9381 Classical and Quantum Gravity Gravity Quantum and Classical Classicaland Dear colleagues, Volume 28 Number 21 7 November 2011 TOPICAL REVIEW QuantumGravity 213001 Loop quantum cosmology: a status report Abhay Ashtekar and Parampreet Singh Throughout 2011, the quality of Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG) has PAPERS 215001 Finsler branes and quantum gravity phenomenology with Lorentz symmetry violations SergiuIVacaru 215002 Boundary state stability under spinfoam evolution for the quantum 4-simplex Ma¨ıte´ Dupuis and EteraRLivine Vol 28, No 21 213001–215023 21 No 28, Vol continued to rise. The journal’s focus issue programme has built considerable 215003 Puncture black hole initial data in the conformal thin-sandwich formalism ThomasWBaumgarte Volume 28 Number 21 7 November 2011 215004 Correspondence between the contracted BTZ solution of cosmological topological massive gravity and two-dimensional Galilean conformal algebra MRSetare andVKamali An international journal of gravitational physics, 215005 The vanishing volume of D =4superspace cosmology, geometry and field theory momentum, publishing an increasing volume of highly interesting work selected Guillaume Bossard,PSHowe,KSStelle and Pierre Vanhove 215006 An all-sky search algorithm for continuous gravitational wavesfrom spinning neutron stars in binary systems Topical review E Goetz andKRiles Loop quantum cosmology: a status report 215007 Quintessence interacting dark energy andascalar dark fluid from 5D vacuum Abhay Ashtekar and Parampreet Singh by the Editorial Board and other top researchers. The average number of LMReyes and Jose´ Edgar Madriz Aguilar 215008 Regular hyperbolicity, dominant energy condition and causality for Lagrangian theories of maps Willie Wai-Yeung Wong 215009 A spacetime not characterized by its invariants is of aligned type II Sigbjørn Hervik downloads per CQG article is greater than ever and CQG’s current impact factor is 215010 Cosmological perturbation analysis inascale invariant model of gravity Pankaj Jain, Purnendu Karmakar, Subhadip Mitra, Sukanta Panda and NaveenKSingh 215011 Matter bounce cosmology with the f(T ) gravity Yi-Fu Cai, Shih-Hung Chen, JamesBDent, Sourish Dutta and EmmanuelNSaridakis 215012 Bertotti–Robinson and Melvin spacetimes at an all-time high of 3.099. D Garfinkle andENGlass 215013 Schrodinger¨ –Newton ‘collapse’ of the wavefunction JRvan Meter 215014 The thermodynamic limit and black hole entropy in the area ensemble J Fernando BarberoGand EduardoJSVillasenor˜ 215015 Entanglement entropy for non-coplanar regions in quantum field theory DavidDBlanco and Horacio Casini 215016 Charge mitigation techniques using glow and corona discharges for advanced We were delighted to see the IOP Gravitational Physics Group’s Thesis gravitational wave detectors P Campsie,LCunningham,MHendry,JHough,SReid,SRowan andGDHammond 7 November 2011 November 7 (Continued on inside backcover) iopscience.org/cqg Prize, which is sponsored by CQG, awarded to Barry Wardell in 2011 for the Bibliographic codes CODEN: CQGRDG 28 (21) 213001–215023 (2011) ISSN: 0264-9381 development of groundbreaking computational techniques for obtaining highly CQG28-21cover-UK.indd 2-4 18/10/2011 13:41 accurate expressions for Green functions on curved spacetime. Dr Wardell IMPACT FACTOR completed his PhD at University College Dublin under the supervision of * Prof. Adrian C Ottewill. An interview with Dr Wardell can be found on p12. 3.099 CQG maintains a rigorous and fair peer review process that is second to none *As listed in ISI®’s 2010 Science Citation Index Journal citation reports in the field. The quality of the peer review continues to improve as the journal develops its advisory panel of senior referees, the list of whom can be found on p5. Regular paper submissions Never one to shy away from the limelight, the journal even made a brief cameo 900 appearance in CBS’s excellent multi-award-winning sitcom The Big Bang Theory 880 in early 2012 (see p22 for more details). 860 840 submissions 820 Editor-in-Chief 800 Clifford M Will 2008 2009 2010 2011 year Average full-text downloads per Paper acceptance by region in 2011 Articles published in 2011 by subject area article in year of publication 110 100 90 80 downloads 70 Africa 1% Asia 9% Black holes 17% Numerical relativity Central/ North Cosmology 22% (and other approximation 0 South America 8% America 23% methods) 4% 2011 Experimental 2008 2009 2010 Western year Australasia 2% studies of gravity 1% Quantum fields in a Eastern Europe 10% Europe 42% General relativity 28% curved spacetime 2% Quantum gravity 9% Middle East 5% Gravitational wave detectors 7% String theory and Higher-dimensional supergravity 7% gravity and other theories of gravity 3% Highlights of 2010–2011 3 Classical and Quantum Gravity Contents page Regular papers 6 •Cosmology 6 •Strings, branes, supergravity and gauge theory 7 •Bergmann Wheeler Thesis Prize 8 •Quantum gravity 10 •Numerical relativity 11 •IOP Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize 12 •Mathematical relativity 13 •Geometry and topology 14 •Black holes 14 •Experimental gravity 16 Top 20 most downloaded articles published in 2011 20 Top 20 most cited articles published in 2011 21 Reasons to publish with Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 Journal scope Published twice monthly (24 issues per year), Classical and Quantum Gravity publishes original research articles on the subjects of gravitational physics and the theory of spacetime. The readership comprises gravitational theorists and experimentalists in physics, mathematics and cosmology. Papers are published under the following areas: •Classical general relativity •Applications of relativity •Experimental gravitation •Cosmology and the early universe Colour-coded TM reflectivity of a waveguide Quantum gravity structure versus groove depth and waveguide • thickness O Burmeister, D Friedrich, •Supergravity, superstrings and supersymmetry K Danzmann and R Schnabel 2006 Class. •Mathematical physics relevant to gravitation Quantum Grav. 23 7297 The journal publishes the following types of articles: • Research papers. Reports of novel and interesting research work; not normally more than 8500 words (14 journal pages). • Fast Track Communications. Short, timely papers presenting important new developments. Fast Track Communications (FTCs) have a strict length limit of eight journal pages (5000 words). FTCs are given prime importance in the journal. Authors submitting an FTC should accompany their manuscript with a short statement outlining why they believe the work merits high-priority publication. •Special issue articles. Invited papers of high interest, which are included in special issues of the journal. •Topical reviews. Comprehensive review articles commissioned by the Editorial Board. •Brief reviews. Short review articles reviewing rapid, recent progress commissioned by the Editorial Board. • Comments. Brief articles that comment on a previously published Classical and Quantum Gravity article. The authors of the criticized paper may be invited to submit a Reply in response. Comments and Replies are not normally longer than 2500 words each. • Notes. Brief articles that make a short, interesting point, which would not normally merit publication as a full paper but still make a useful and novel addition to the literature. They may highlight an interesting point, clarify a common misunderstanding or confusion, or present a short new result. Unlike Comments, they do not relate to a specific published article. Notes are not normally longer than 2500 words. More information on each of these areas can be found at iopscience.org/cqg. 4 Highlights of 2010–2011 Classical and Quantum Gravity Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief C M Will Washington University, St Louis, USA Editorial Board L Andersson Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Golm, Germany S Mukohyama IPMU, University of Tokyo, Japan M-A Bizouard IN2P3-CNRS et Université de Paris-Sud, France N Ó Murchadha University College Cork, Ireland M Campanelli Rochester Institute of Technology, USA E Poisson University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada (Book Reviews Editor) A A Coley Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada L Rezzolla Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Golm, Germany A Corichi Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Morelia, Mexico V O Rivelles Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil S Dhurandhar Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, S F Ross Durham University, Durham, UK India C Rovelli Université de la Mediterranée–Aix-Marseille II, France D Garfinkle Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA J Samuel Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India J Isenberg University of Oregon, Eugene, USA M Sasaki Kyoto University, Japan K Kuroda University of Tokyo, Japan J M M Senovilla Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain D Langlois Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot, Paris, France C C Speake University
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