[CANCER RESEARCH 39, 3102-3106, August 1979] 0008-5472/79/0039-0000$02.O0 Some Properties of Uridine-Cytidine Kinase from a Human Malignant Lymphoma1 Nahed K. Ahmed2and Arnold D. Welch Division of Biochemical and Clinical Pharmacology, St. Jude Children ‘sResearchHospital, Memphis, Tennessee38101 ABSTRACT partially purified from rat liver (4, 17), muninetumor cells (5, 6, 13), calf thymus (12), human neoplastic lymphoid cells (3), Unidine-cytidine kinase has been partially purified from a Ehrlich ascites tumor (21), Novikoff ascites rat tumor (17), and malignant human lymphoma, and some of its properties have also from Tetrahymena pyriformis (18). Urd-Cyd kinase cata been described. The apparent Michaelis constants for unidine lyzes the following reaction: and adenosine 5'-triphosphate are 7 x 1O@and 4 x i O@M, .. .. (Urd-Cyd)-kinase respectively. Maximal enzyme activity is observed between pH Urldine or cytldlne + NTP 6.5 and 8.5, and temperatures of incubation are observed uridine5'-monophosphateorcytidine5'-monophosphate+ NDP between 37 and 42°.The enzyme requires Mg2@for full enzy matic activity and exists in two isozymic forms, as indicated by where NTP is nucleoside tniphosphate, and NDP is nucleoside isoelectric focusing and column chromatography on Sepharose diphosphate. Previous partial purifications and the proper 6B. The roles of these two isozymes, i.e., the adult (I) and the ties of the enzyme have been reviewed (1, 2). The enzyme embryonic (II) forms, are not yet clear; conceivably, however, appears to require the nibofuranosyl moiety because 2'-deoxy they may have relevance to the problem of the development of nibonucleosides and certain arabinofuranosyl- and xylofura resistance to chemotherapeutic analogs that require unidine nosyl-containing nucleosides tested have not been phospho @ cytidine kinase for their ‘activation.― rylated (i 3, 18, 21). Urd-Cyd kinase has a requirement for Potent inhibitors (pyrazofunin and N-phosphonacetyl-L-as Mg2@that was only partially fulfilled by Mn2―(13, 16) and Fe2@ partic acid) of the biosynthesis de novo of unidine 5'-mono (i 3, 18). Various pH optima, mostly between 6.5 and 8.5, have phosphate have not inhibited significantly the growth of other been reported for different preparations of the enzyme (2, 13, than a relatively few experimental tumors. Most neoplastic cells 17, 21). The apparent Km'5of the enzyme have been described; also can derive their essential supplies of unidine 5'-mono these approximate 1O@ M for the nucleoside substrate and phosphate by one on another route, especially through the i03 to i0@4 M for ATP (10, 18, i9, 21). Also, patterns salvage of unidineand cytidine, as catalyzed by uridine-cytidine obtained with Urd-Cyd kinase purified 250-fold from a murine kinase. No effective inhibitor of this key enzyme in the salvage mast cell neoplasm, P815, showed a Kmof 1.5 x 1O'@M for pathway has been reported. Among a variety of compounds uridine and 4.5 x 1O@ M for cytidine (14). Although the (20 substances) so far examined by us for their possible ability molecular weight of the enzyme has been reported to be quite to interfere with the phosphorylation of [5-3H]unidine by aden high, namely, in the region of 150,000 to 200,000 as judged osine 5'-triphosphate, as catalyzed by unidine-cytidine kinase, by gel filtration (13, 18), those kinases obtained from rat liver none is a powerful inhibitor of this enzyme, although leads for (1 1) and from Ehrlich ascites cells (10), respectively, were future development have been obtained. In the meantime, described as existing in 2 isozymic species: one of molecular information concerning the uridine-cytidine kinase activity of a weight of about 120,000, and the other with a molecular weight variety of munine and human neoplasms (particularly of cob of about 30,000. rectal origin), as well as in normal tissues, is being expanded; The reaction that this enzyme catalyzes is part of the ana these findings may contribute to the design and prospective bolic pathway by which preformed unidine and cytidine can be syntheses of potential chemotherapeutic agents, functioning salvaged for nucleic acid biosynthesis. Because our primary as inhibitors of the salvage of uridine and cytidine. interest is in delineating the roles of salvage, and in discovering effective inhibitors of these processes, especially that step INTRODUCTION catalyzed by Urd-Cyd kinase, the present investigation was undertaken. The principal objective of the investigation has Urd-Cyd3-kinase (ATP:unidine 5'-phosphotransferase, EC been to provide more information concerning the properties of 2.7.1 .48) catalyzes the phosphorylation, particularly by ATP, a partially purified Urd-Cyd kinase isolated from a human of unidine, cytidine, and some nucleoside analogs (6-azauni malignant lymphoma and its activity relative to different unidine dine, 5-fluorounidine, 5-fluorocytidine, 5-azacytidine, 3-dea and cytidine derivatives (potential inhibitors), which could affect zauridine, etc.). This enzyme has been previously isolated and the activity of this enzyme and its role in the salvage pathway. I This investigation was supported by the Whitehall Foundation, Grant MATERIALSAND METHODS CA21677 from the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities. [5-3H]Uridine, DE81 discs, and ATP were purchased from 2 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, P. 0. Box 318, Memphis, Tenn. 38101. Monavek Biochemicals (City of Industry, Calif.), Whatman, Inc. 3The abbreviations used are: Urd-Cyd kinase, uridine-cytidine kinase; DE81, (Clifton, N. J.) and Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Mo.), re DEAE-cellulese paper; BME, fl-mercapteethanol; PALA, N-phosphenacetyl-L-as partic acid. spectively. RiaSolve II was obtained from Research Products Received January 24, 1979; accepted May 8, 1979. International Corp. (Elk Grove Village, Ill.); all other reagents 3102 CANCERRESEARCHVOL. 39 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 26, 2021. © 1979 American Association for Cancer Research. Properties of a Human Lymphoma Uridine Kinase and solvents were of the purest grade available. an LKB 8101 ebectrofocusing column (1 10-mI capacity) with 1% carrier ampholyte (pH range, 3 to 10) and a stabilizing sucrose-gradient containing 0.5 mM dithiothreitol. Dialyzed METHODS ammonium sulfate fractions were introduced into the middle of Enzyme Preparation. A human malignant lymphoma was the sucrose gradient of the column. Electrofocusing lasted obtained at autopsy (within 6 hr of death), and the neoplastic about 24 hr at 4°,with an initial power of 5.0 watts. After tissue was separated, insofar as possible, from fibrous and electrofocusing was completed, the column contents were necrotic materials. The neoplastic mass was then divided into collected in 1-ml fractions at a flow rate of 60 ml/hr; pH small portions, wrapped, and frozen for subsequent prepara measurements and assays of Urd-Cyd kinase activities were tions of the enzyme; all steps concerning the preparation and performed immediately. uses of the enzyme were performed at 0—4°. Determination of pH Profile. The pH profile of the kinase The tissues were homogenized in ice-cold Tris-HCI buffer was determined in the indicated buffers at concentrations (200 mM) (pH 7.5), containing 10 mM BME. The supernatant giving conductivity readings of 4700 to 5200 m@2;otherwise, fraction of the homogenate, obtained after a preliminary cen assays were identical to those described under . Materials and trifugation at 15,000 x g, was then subjected to high-speed Methods.― centrifugation (100,000 x g) for 90 mm at 4°.Thesupernatant Chromatography with Sepharose 6B. The dialyzed 30 to fluid was treated with solid ammonium sulfate to yield a level of 50% ammonium sulfate fraction, equivalent to 10.6 mg of saturation of 30%; the supernatant material obtained after protein, was applied to a 2.3- x 27-cm Sepharose 6B column. centnfugation was retained for retreatment with solid ammo The Sepharose column was equilibrated, and 1-ml fractions nium sulfate to yield a level of 50% saturation. The recovered were eluted with 200 mt@iTris—HCIbuffer(pH7.5), 20 [email protected], precipitate was dialyzed against 2 changes (each of i OOx and 20% glycerol; 8O-@tlaliquots of the eluted fraction were volume at 4°)of the homogenizing buffer; this fraction served assayed for Urd-Cyd kinase activity. as a source of the enzyme activity used in all the experiments described in this study. RESULTS Protein Determinations. Protein determinationswere per formed by the method of Lowry et a!. (15). The enzymatic formation of uridine nucbeotides, as functions Uridine Kinase Assay. Uridine kinase activitywas assayed of enzyme concentration and time, was studied. A linear reba by a recently modified procedure4 utilizing DE81 discs. The tionship was obtained up to 200 j@gofenzyme protein; nucleo following mixture ordinarily was used in a final volume of 0.2 tide formation also was linear with respect to time for periods ml: Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.5 to 7.7), 200 mM; BME, 10.0 mM; of up to 10 mm. Accordingly, most of the assays were carried MgCl2, 7.5 mM;ATP, 3.9 mM;[5-3H)uridine(0.1 MCi),0.5 mM; out with 100 to 150 ,sgof enzyme protein during an incubation and 100 to 200 ,@gofthe dialyzed ammonium sulfate fraction. timeof 5 mm. Incubation was carried out in tubes for 5 to 10 mm (37—40°), Dependence on Substrate Concentration. The Lineweaver and the reaction was stopped by immersion of the tubes in Burk plots in Charts 1 and 2 demonstrate the dependence of water at 100°for 3 mm; denatured protein was removed by the reaction rate on the concentrations of uridine and ATP. centrifugation. The content of [5-3Hjuridine 5'-phosphate (as Slight inhibition was observed at a concentration of ATP of well as any higher phosphate esters of the radioactive uridine) about 18 x Km.The apparent Km'5for ATP and uridine were 4 was measured by spotting the supernatant fluid on DE8i discs.
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