REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF TYNWALD COURT Douglas, Tuesday, June 16, 1970 Present: The Governor (Sir Peter April. The Local Government and Stallard, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., M.B.E.). In Douglas (Braddan and Onchan Drain- the Council: The Lord Bishop (the age) Act, 1970. Right Rev. George Eric Gordon, M.A.), the Attorney-General (Mr. D. D. Lay, T.D.). Sir Ralph Stevenson, G.C.M.G., Messrs. J. B. Bolton, J. H. Nicholls, BILL FOR SIGNATURE O.B.E., C. :C. McFee. J. C. C. Nivison, The Governor: There is one Bill for H. H. Radcliffe, T. F. Corkhill, with Mr. signature; the Onchan Village District W. B. Kennaugh, Clerk to the Council. (Birch Hill) Estate Bill, If hon. In the Keys: The Speaker (Mr. H. C. members will agree we will continue Kerruish, O.B.E.), Messrs. R. J. G. with our business during the signature. Anderson. 11. D. C. MacLeod, E. N. It was agreed. Crowe, R. E. S. Kerruish• P. Radcliffe, Miss J. C. C. Thornton-Duesbery, Messrs. P. A. Spittall. W. E. Quayle, J. R. Greer, T. C. Faragher, A. Sim- PAPERS LAID BEFORE cocks, G. T. Crellin, C. L. P. Vereker, THE COURT ,1, .E. Callister. T. A. Corkish, J. J. Bell, E. C. Irving, C. E. Burke, G. V. H. The Governor: Item 3. I call upon the Kneale, G. A. Devereau, R. MacDonald, Clerk to lay papers. P. .G. Hislop, Sir Henry Sugden, K.B.E., The Clerk: I lay before the Court:— C.B.. D.S.O., with Mr. T. E. Kermeen, Betting Act. 1970—Betting Act, 1970 Clerk to Tynwald. (Appointed Day) (No. 2) Order, 1970. Isle of Man Diseases of Animals (Prevention) Acts, 1948 to 1969—Cats and Dogs (Prohibition of Importation) APOLOGY FOR ABSENCE Order. 1970. Police (Isle of Man) Act, 1962-1sle The Governor: I have apologies for of Man Police Pay and Allowances absence from the learned Deemster, Determination, 1970. who has a bad cold. National Health Service Contribu- tions ('Isle of Man) Act, 1958—National Health Service Contributions Order, 1970. ANNOUNCEMENT OF Highway Act, 1927—Highway (Races ROYAL ASSENT and Entertainments) Act, 19621—Laxey The Governor: In accordance with Wheel (Re-opening Celebrations) Order, the terms of Section 2 of the Acts of 1970. Viking Festival Order, 1970. Tynwald (Emergency Promulgation) Annual Reports —Annual Report of Act of, 1016, I have to inform this hon. the Isle of Man Electricity Board for Court that the Royal Assent was given the year ended 31st March, 1969. to the following Acts on the 28th of Annual Report of the Public Analyst for Apology for Absence. —Announcement of Royal Assent, —Bill for Signature. — Papers Laid Before the Court. 1774 TYNWALD COURT, JUNE 10, 1970 the year ended 31st December, 1969. Majesty's Government by me in a Twelfth Summary Report of the Income letter dated the 23rd April, 1970, and Tax Commission. addressed to the Permanent Under Local Government Board's Approval Secretary of State for the Home to Petitions— Department. To the third, none as yet. Approval dated 15th May, 1970, to the The Speaker: May ask a supplemn- following Petitions— tary, sir ? (1) Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses The Governor: Yes. of the Borough of Douglas for approval The Speaker: Will Your Excellency of the sale to Messrs. Maningtons express to the appropriate transmitting Limited of a plot of land, part of the authority in the United Kingdom the Pulrose Estate, for the sum of £7511, need for the expedition of both Tyn- such land to be utilised as a car park wald representations and a delivery of for the Quarterbridge Hotel; an answer thereto ? (2)Port Erin Village Commissioners The Governor: 1 shall first of all for approval of the sale of 117 square consult the Select Committee which yards of land at Station Road, Port this hon. Court elected to deal with the Erin, for the sum of £60 to the Trustees Common Market, because I would not of Port Erin Methodist Church. like to queer their pitch in their dis- Approval dated 12th May, 1970, to cussions with the Chancellor of the the following Petition— Duchy of Lancaster. (3) Onchan Village Commissioners The Speaker; Your Excellency, may I for authority to borrow £5,000 for the ask a further question ? purpose of providing a house and The Governor: Yes. garage for the Warden of the Social The Speaker: Is Your Excellency Services' Elderly Persons Residential aware that the decisions of Tynwald Scheme at Second Avenue, Onchan. override the activities of Select Com- mittees, sir ? The Governor: I said I would consult that Committee 'before pledging myself ACTION TAKEN ON COMMON to a course of action. MARKET RESOLUTION` QUESTION BY THE SPEAKER The Speaker: Thank you. The Governor: Questions. Number 1, the hon. Mr. Speaker. The Speaker: Your Excellency, I beg RABIES BAN—QUESTION BY leave to ask: (I) On what date was the THE SPEAKER text of the resolution of this hon. Court The Governor: Question number 2. made on the 21st April, 1970, and The hon. Mr. Speaker. relating to the Common Market con- The Speaker: Your Excellency, I beg veyed to the Council of Ministers of the to ask the chairman of the Isle of Man European Community in terms of such Board of Agriculture and Fisheries: resolution ? (2) Through what channels Whereas the United Kingdom authori- was this declaration of Tynwald sub- ties have now completely relaxed the mitted ? (3) What reply has been ban on the movement of cats and dogs received from the Council of Ministers in England, Scotland and Wales imposed or from any department of the United as a result of the Camberley rabies Kingdom Government ? incident, will you consult with the The Governor: The answer to the first United Kingdom Ministry of Agricul- part is I have no information as yet. To ture. Fisheries and Food on the the second part, the text of the practical possibility of a similar relaxa- resolution was conveyed to Her tion 'with regard to the Isle of Man in Action Taken of Common Market Resolution—Question by the Speaker. - Rabies Ban—Question by the Speaker, TYNWALD COURT, JUNE 16, 1970 1775 respect of dogs and cats other than come forward and put forward its those coming from countries in which findings we do not think it would be the disease of rabies is endemic ? desirable nor in the best interests of The Governor: The chairman of the the Isle of Man to remove our Board of Agriculture. restriction. The Speaker: Your Excellency, may Mr. Crowe: Your Excellency, it seems I ask a supplementary ? to he perfectly true, sir, that even the The Governor: Yes. best of us can make mistakes. (Hear, hear•) Even in the first part of the The Speaker: Is it not a fact .that the question from the hon. Speaker, it is Newmarket instance to which you not quite correct, sir; no restrictions referred proved to be a damp squib ? have been removed in the United It was an unconfirmed suspicion that Kingdom. As far as the dogs in the there might be rabies in an alsatian; it Camberley area are concerned restric- was never confirmed that the incident tions have been lifted, but in the New- could prove there was no rabies and as market area restrictions are still im- it is quite likely that that ban will be posed. As far as the Isle of Man and lifted in the very near future. the lifting the restrictions we have been in principle remains the same. If and when negotiation with Eire. Northern Ireland United Kingdom and I am referring to and the Channel islands within the last England, Scotland and Wales at the few days. The full Board of Agricul- moment, that part of the United King- ture have also met and we are told by dom have a clear bill of health will you all these different persons connected then consult with the Ministry as to with the ban in Ireland, Eire and the the possibility of extending the Isle of Channel islands, that they have no Man into this clear area retaining of intention whatsoever of lifting their course all precautions in relation to the restrictions. We in the Isle of Man think entry of dogs and cats from countries in it would be very foolish if we did so which the disease is endemic ? at this present time. As far as this Mr. Crowe: Your Excellency, if the Petition, sir, that has been presented to outbreak concerned in the Newmarket you, we have given answers and I think area, if this (was a damp squib, the all members of Tynwald have had the restrictions are still in force and while answers to the different questions that these restrictions are still in force, have been put forward and the gentle- naturally it would be a very dangerous man who has been writing and asking thing for us to do anything about our for my removal from the chairmanship ban. A lot has been made of the of the Board of Agriculture. (Laughter.) different bans that have been imposed As far as he is concerned, sir, and his and especially the one that was imposed letter to Mr• Selwyn Lloyd, I have in by Jersey. Now they did impose a com- my possession a letter from Mr. plete ban on the movement of dogs or Selwyn Lloyd, to whom someone kindly cats into Jersey at the same time as did write on behalf of myself and we did. Within two days they removed the Board of Agriculture.
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