RHINOCEROTIDS IN CHINA- SYSTEMATICS AND MATERI.AI, AN/H,YSIS HAOWEN TONG Tong, H., 2001. Rhinocerotids in China - Systematics and material analysis. [Les Rhinocerotidae de Chine: syst~- matique et r~partition]. Geobios 34 (5), 585-591. Villeurbanne, le 30.10.2001. Manuscrit d~pos~ le 10.03.2000; accept~ d~finitivement le 09.04.2001. i ABSTRACT - Under the family Rhinocerotidae, seventeen genera, sixty-two species (including four subspecies and two variants) were recognized or originally named in China. Chilotherium is the most diversified genus, which contains eighteen species and two variants. Rhinoceros sinensis, Coelodonta antiquitatis and Dicerorhinus mercki are the three most frequently appearing species in geologic records, but 61% of the species have only one single loca- lity and horizon. In material, Coelodonta antiquitatis is the best represented species. In geologic horizon, Miocene and Quaternary are the most productive rhino-bearing strata. In taxonomy, the Quaternary rhinos, especially Rhinoceros sinensis and Dicerorhinus mercki, are still in question. © 2001 Editions scientifiques et m~dicales Elsevier SAS KEYWORDS: RHINOCEROTIDAE, INVENTORY, GEOLOGICAL RANGE, CHINA. R]~SUMt~ - Dix-sept genres et soixante-deux esp~ces (y compris quatre sous-esp~ces et trois variants) appartenant fi la famille des Rhinocerotidae ont ~t~ signal,s en Chine; un bon nombre des esp~ces y ont leur gisement-type. Chilotheridium, avec 18 esp~ces et deux variants, est le genre le plus diversifi~. Rhinoceros sinensis, Coelodonta antiquitatis et Dicerorhinus mercki sont les taxons les plus fr~quemment rencontres alors que 61% des esp~ces signal6es ne le sont que d'un seul gisement et d'un seul niveau. Coelodonta antiquitatis est le rhinoceros le mieux representS. Du point de vue stratigraphique, ce sont les niveaux mioc~nes et quaternaires qui soRt les plus riches. Enfin, sur le plan taxonomique, les esp~ces quaternaires et particuli~rement Rhinoceros sinensis et Dicerorhinus mercki posent encore des probl~mes. © 2001 Editions scientifiques et m~dicales Elsevier SAS MOTS-CLES: RHINOCEROTIDAE, INVENTAIRE, EXTENSION STRATIGRAPHIQUE, CHINE. GENERA UNDER THE FAMILY Up to now seventeen genera under the family RHINOCEROTIDAE FOUND IN CHINA Rhinocerotidae were reported in China as listed above, eight of which were named originally in Subfamily DICERATHERIINAE Dollo, 1885 China (marked with *); six genera are known in Diceratherium MARSH, 1875 China only; four genera, Diceratherium, Brachypo- Subfamily ACERATHERINAE Dollo, 1885 therium, Diaceratherium and Gaindatherium are * Chilotherium RINGSTR(~M,1924 not very well represented, because of the poor * Plesiaceratherium YOUNG, 1937 materials and limited locations. As to the genus Subfamily TELEOCERATINAE HAY, 1920 Guixia, it's still open to question, because it is the Brachypotherium ROGER, 1904 earliest record of rhinocerotid in China, and its Diaceratherium DIETRICH,1931 relationship with other rhinocerotines are not yet Subfamily RHINOCEROTINAE Dollo, 1885 clear. The materials referred to the genus Ace- Gaindatherium COLBERT, 1934 ratherium were included within Acerorhinus, and * Guixia You, 1977 finally Acerorhinus was treated as a subgenus Rhinoceros LINNAEUS, 1758 under Chilotherium; now Chilotherium is the lar- Subfamily DICERORHININAE RingstrSm, 1924 gest genus which has two subgenera and twenty Coelodonta BRONN, 1831 species and variants (see Fig. 1), this is also one of Dicerorhinus GLOGER,1841 the most important genera both for paleontology Subfamily ELASMOTHERIINAE Gill, 1872 and stratigraphy, other important genera being Caementodon HEISSIG, 1972 Rhinoceros, Coelodonta, Dicerorhinus. Ninxiathe- Elasmotherium FISCHER, 1808 rium was originally put into Iranotheriinae, but * Huaqingtherium HUANG & YAN, 1983 Subsequent scholars referred it to Elasmotheriinae * Shennongtherium HUANG & YAN, 1983 (Gu~rin 1989; Heissig 1989). Sinotherium is a * Sinotherium RINGSTROM,1924 genus widely accepted, but some authors moved the * Tesselodon YAN, 1979 species from under this genus to Elasmotherium Subfamily IRANOTHERIINAE Kretzoi, 1942 without any comment, and didn't list the name of * Ninxiatherium CHEN, 1977 Sinotherium in the inventory of Elasmotheriines 586 FIGURE 1 - Numbers of species Diceratherium -- (including subspecies and variants) Chilotherium ........................................ named or recognized in each genus of rhinocerotids in China. Nombre Plesiaceratherium .... d'esp~ces (sous-esp~ces et variants Brachypotherium -- inclus) dgfinies ou reconnues en Diaeeratherium -- Chine daBs chaque genre de Rhino- cerotidae. Gaindatherium -- Guixia .... Rhinoceros .................. Coelodonta ........ Dicerorhinus ...................... Caementodon -- Elasmotherium .... Huaqingtherium .... Shennongtherium -- Sinotherium .... Tesselodon -- Ninxiatherium -- I 1 I I I 0 5 t0 15 20 Numberof species (Huang & Yah, 1983); actually, there exists a large 13. Chilotherium (Chilotherium) habereri var. laticeps temporal gap between Sinotherium and Elasmo- RINGSTROM, 1924 (L Mio.) therium. 14. Chilotherium (Chilotherium) planifrons RINGSTR(}M, 1924 (L Mio.) 15. Chilotherium (Chilotherium) wimani RINGSTROM, 1924 (L Mio.) SPECIES (INCLUDING SUBSPECIES) OF 16. ? Chilotherium brancoi (SCHLOSSER,1903) Teilhard et RHINOCEROTIDS FOUND IN CHINA al:, 1942 (L Mio-E Pli.) = Rhinoceros brancoi SCHLOSSER,1903 1. Diceratherium minus (RINGSTROM, 1924) Bi et ai., 17. Chilotherium fenhoensis TUNGet al., 1975 (L Mio.) 1977 (M-L Mio.) 18. Chilotherium tanggulaense ZHENG, 1980 (L Mio.) = Diceratherium palaeosinense var. minus RING- 19. Chilotherium xizangensis JI et al., 1980 (L Mio.) STROM, 1924 20. Chilotherium yunnanensis TANGet al., 1974 (L Pli.) 2. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) blanfordi LYDEKKER 21. Plesiaceratherium gracile YOUNG, 1937 (M Mio.) (1885) vat. hipparionum (KOKEN, 1885) 22. Plesiaceratherium shanwangensis WANG, 1965 (M = Aceratherium blanfordi var. hipparionum KOKEN, Mio.) 1885 (?) 23. Diaceratherium cf. aurelianense (NouEL, 1866) (M 3. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) ceratorhinus (SCHLOS- Mio.) SEn, 1903) (?) 24. Brachypotherium pugnator (MATSUMOT0, 1921) (E- M Mio.) = Aceratherium ceratorhinus SCHLOSSER,1903 25. Gaindatherium cf. browni COLBERT,1934 (E Pli.) 4. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) cornutum QIU & YAN, 26. Guixia youjiangensis You, 1977 (L Eoc.) 1982 (E Pli.) 27. Guixia simplex You, 1977 (L Eoc.) 5. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) hezhengensis (QIu & 28. Rhinoceros chaii LI, 1979 (unpublished) (invalid XIE, 1987) (L Mio.) name) = Acerorhinus hezhengensis QIU & XIE, 1987 29. o Rhinoceros oweni RINGSTROM, 1927 (Synonym of 6. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) huadeensis (QIu, 1979) Rhinoceros sinensis by OSBORN; Synonym of (L Mio.) Dicerorhinus mercki by Teilhard, 1942) (homeR = Aceratherium huadeensis QIU, 1979 nudum) 7. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) palaeosinense (RING- 30. o Rhinoceros plicidens KOKEN, 1885 (Synonym of STROM,1924) Teilhard et al., 1942, Kretzoi, 1942 (L Rhinoceros sinensis) (nomen nudum) • I Mio.) 31. o Rhinoceros pygmaeus RINGSTROM, 1927 (materials = Diceratherium palaeosinense RINGSTROM,1924 referred to Chilotherium ) (homeR nudum ) 8. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) tianzhuense ZHENG, 32. o Rhinoceros simplicidens KOKEN, 1885 (Synonym of 1982 (L Mio.) Rhinoceros sinensis) (nomen nudum) 9. Chilotherium (Acerorhinus) tsaidamense (BOHLIN, 33. Rhinoceros sinensis OWEN, 1870 (E-L Ple.) 1937) Teilhard et al., 1942, Kretzoi, 1942 (L Mio.) 34. Rhinoceros sivalensis FALCONER • CAUTLEY, 1868 = Diceratherium tsaidamense BOHLIN, 1937 (M Ple.) 10. Chilotherium (Chilotherium) anderssoni RINGSTROM 35. Rhinoceros sondaicus DESMAREST, 1822 (Hol.) 1924 (L Mio.) 36. Rhinoceros unicornis LINNAEUS, 1758 (EPle.) 11. Chilotherium (Chilotherium) gracile RINGSTROM, 37. Coelodonta antiquitatis (BLUMENBACH, 1799,1807) 1924 (L Mio.) (M-L Ple.) 12. Chilotherium (Chilotherium) habereri (ScHLOSSER, = Rhinoceros tichorhinus CUVIER,1812 1903) Teilhard et al., 1942 (L Mio-E Pli.) = Rhinoceros manchuricus ISHIJIMA,1939, Teilhard = Rhinoceros haberri SCHLOSSER, 1903 et al., 1942 587 TABLE 1- Categories of species Category Frequency of Species Ordinal hum of species as in theft according to the frequency of occlllTence number occurrence. Catggorisation des category I >60 2 33, 37 esp~ces en fonction de la frdquen- category II 40~60 0 ce de leur ddcouverte. category HI 20~39 1 47 category IV 5~19 0 category V 2~4 18 1, 2, 7, 9, t0, 12, 15, 16, 2t, 22, 24, 35, 40, 41, 48, 49, 50 category VI '"l 33 3, 4, 5, 6,"8, 13, 14 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 34, 36, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 FIGURE 2 - Percentage of diffe- • ~ "~~/~' 4% 0% rent categories of species accor- 61% /, i~ ~ 6g/o ding to the frequency of occur- Ill category I >60 rence, the pattern shows the category II 40~60 majority (61%) of the species category III 20~39 were reported only by once. lcategory IV 5~19 Pourcentage des diffdrentes catd- D category V 2~4 gories d'esp~ces en fonction de la frdquence de leur ddcouverte: 61 ~ category VI 1 % n'ont dtd trouvdes qu'une seule fois. -d-~tegory l~aterials 'fo~d f~3reach [Total numbers Species numbered as in previous group in each iategory text Category I Species represented by 37, 38 complete skeletons Category II Species with complete 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 33, 47 skull and some limb bones TABLE 2 - Category of species Category HI Species with complete or | i-3 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 19, 35, 39, 44, according to fossil materials. almost, complete ,skull 46, 48, 50, 52, 56, 62 Catdgorisation des esp~ces
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