BUKOVEC_COVER.indd 1 onestar press vesna bukovec some stuff 21/04/10 19:39 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 1 Vesna Bukovec SOME STUFF Document1 22/05/03 14:38 Page 1 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 3 utrecht I spe nt thre e mo nths in Utrec ht, in the Netherlands, in a student exc hange programme. So me things I re me mb e r . 1 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 4 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 5 utrecht utrecht METRO BI KE I wanted to use the metro for They stole my bike. I the f irst time in my lif e . went to the city centre every evening to try to I went to a metro employee to buy a new one from buy a ticket. He told me to buy it some junkie, but there from the mac hine. I put three were no junkies with bic y- c oins, one guilder eac h, into the c le s. slot. I waited. The machine Onc e, a person bought a swallowed them and made b ike right in f ro nt o f my no se ; I w as a little to o late . so me no ise s as if it w e re print- ing. I looked into the lower rec eptac le, but nothing c ame Finally one evening a junkie c ame by. He was walking by a out. No ticket and no money. The mac hine ripped me off. bic yc le. The bike didn't seem to be in very good c ondition. He wanted 20 guilders for it. I said I wanted to try it first. I had to go to the another machine and buy another ticket. The junkie told me that I could try it if I paid half in advanc e . So I paid. I trie d the b ike and it w as no go o d. The junkie walked away and didn't return my money. Then two kids drove by on a big blac k bike. They wanted to sell it to me for 15 guilders. I told them that I would give them the bike I just bought and another 5 guilders. They looked at the bike and laughed. One kid tried it and found out it was no good, the brake just broke. I told them that they c ould repair it. They didn't want it. So I gave them 10 guldens and left them the broken bike as well. Finally I had got another bike. It was worse than the bike that was stolen from me in the first plac e. The brakes were very strange and it was quite an experienc e to ride it. 2 3 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 6 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 7 utrecht utrecht PI G FI SH My f rie nd se w e d a b ig pig My landlady had an from a pink c loth and aquarium. She used to stuf f e d it w ith so f t mate ri- have three fish in it. One al. I t was an artwork. She b ig and tw o small o ne s. wanted to show it at the Then one day the big fish school exhibition. She bite off the small one's strapped the pig on her tail. The small fish died. back and drove through After one week the other the city. small f ish die d to o ; it w as e ithe r to o sad f ro m the lo ss o f a People were turning their heads to see the pig. Some of f rie nd o r to o af raid o f the b ig f ish. them, espec ially the kids, were laughing. At the exhibition My landlady doesn't like the big fish. She wished it was dead. everybody liked the pig. The But she doesn't have the heart to flush it down the toilet. So sc ho o l e ve n c o nside re d b uying she is waiting for the fish to die. She hasn't c hanged the it . water in the aquarium for one year now. Otherwise she feeds the fish regularly. Onc e even the landlady's c at fell int o t he a q ua rium . The f ish is still alive . 4 5 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 8 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 9 utrecht utrecht CAT Once my landlady's cat caught a pigeon. The cat b ro ught it to its maste r as a pre se nt and as an ac t of gratitude. Whe n she saw the pige o n in the cat's mouth, my landlady sc reamed. The c at dropped it. The pigeon was still alive, but its leg and its wing were broken. My landlady c alled the animal emergenc y servic e. After one hour they came to take the pigeon and cure it. She had to pay 25 guilde rs. The c at was punished and it was not allowed to be inside the house during the night inside the house through the night. 6 7 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 10 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 11 utrecht utrecht FOLD I NG - SCREEN, 1999 The Folding-Sc reen represent my private plac e, a symbolic shelter in a foreign environment, with whic h I fenc ed in myse lf f ro m the surro undings. This work was made during the student exc hange pro- gramme in Utrec ht. It is made of a c ardboard folding-sc reen. Behind it are all my things in the studio, inc luding the leftover material whic h resulted from making the folding-sc reen. On the inside of the folding-sc reen are some photos taken in the c ity and in my apartment and are showing the garbage and all the me ss. In this work I combined two themes that at the moment seemed to me to b e mo st impo rtant: the sit- uation in the studio, where it w as impo ssib le to w o rk - there were four of us (e xc hange stude nts) in a relatively small plac e, w hic h had no do o rs, so anybody c ould look in at any moment. There were no materials and no tools available. 8 9 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 12 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:21 Page 13 utrecht utrecht FOLD I NG - FOLD I NG - SCREEN SCREEN The other thing was the fasc ination with garbage. The Netherlanders have a habit of leaving garbage o n the stre e t, in b ags o r just like that - for garbage- men and also for the passers-by (you just put out the things that you don't need anymore but are still use- ful on the street and someone will take it). 10 11 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 14 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 15 utrecht utrecht FOLD I NG - so me o ther SCREEN stuf f ... Be side s I happe ne d to So m e m o re o f t he Besides I happened to beautiful still lifes live w ith a roommate "a r r a n g e d " b y m y r o o m - w ho se plac e w as a to tal mate I had the chanc e me ss. to se e . And so my room turned o ut to b e a me ss to o . 12 13 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 16 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 17 utrecht utrecht like ... and t he c ats riding ... I enjoyed watc hing and playing with the two c ats a lot. The re sult is q uite a sub stantial amo ut o f mate rial o n c ats. ... o b se r v in g reading ... 13 ... p la y in g 14 15 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 18 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 19 utrecht 16 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 20 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 21 utrecht 18 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 22 VB_book_21_5.qxd 21.5.2003 13:22 Page 23 utrecht utrecht SUMMA RY, 1999 These are my three portraits in whic h I am wearing eac h time a different statement on my T-shirt: I AM DISAPPOINTED IT IS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED I AM AN ARTIST The se state me nts, to ge the r w ith my f ac ial e xpre ssio ns, are showing my feelings about the student exc hange. But the w ay I me diate the se state me nts b rings the ir se rio usne ss into q ue stio n. We aring T-shirts w ith state me nts is part o f the po pular c ulture and it partly reflec ts the owner's life philoshophy. But usually the se kinds o f state me nts have an iro nic and humo ro us c o nno tatio ns.
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