1536 25 December 1965 Book Reviews JOURNAL for ever of the opportunity to study selective general application as part of the subject corned by teachers and students alike. The processes which are likely to be similar to matter of human population genetics. We are rewriting of the first chapter has greatly those which affected our own ancestors at thus enabled to form a picture of the two improved the book, as has the inclusion of one of the most important stages of their and interacting processes: the elaboration of new references to recent work on the development, our physical revolution. proteins at the molecular level, and their structure, and blood supply of bone. It is The papers on cell genetics probe deeply spread through or elimination from the appreciated that the author has endeavoured into the biochemistry of cells undergoing population by natural selection. to preserve the essential character of the book reproduction, and are individually excellent, as set out by Frazer. Nevertheless the time but they stand somewhat apart from the rest A. E. MOURANT. has come when some of the more sketchy of the symposium. Perhaps for that reason illustrations-for example, Figs. 28, 32, 106, it was good that the collection should have 149, 155, and 171-could with profit be included them and so helped towards replaced by more realistic ones. This sug- integrating this fundamental work with the gestion should not be taken as a carping main streams of research in human genetics Frazer's Anatomy criticism but is intended to enhance the value and biology. Frazer's Anatomy of the Human Skeleton. of this fine book. The N.A.P. (Nomina The papers on human proteins, though also 6th edition. Edited by A. S. Breathnach, Anatomica Paris) terminology has been M.D., M.Sc. (Pp. 253 +viii ; illustrated. of fundamental importance in genetics, and 65s.) London: Churchill. 1965. adopted in this edition. The book is essential giving a good conspectus of this part of the for postgraduate students, and can whole- field of endeavour, follow more closely the The appearance of the sixth edition of this heartedly be recommended. lines of thought of the whole symposium, for well-established and popular book which has the inherited protein variants are already in entered upon its fifty-first year will be wel- W. J. HAMILTON. Received Studies on Psychosis. Descriptive, Psycho- On the Nature and Treatment of Diabetes. Books Analytic, and Psychological Aspects. By Thomas Edited by B. S. Leibel and G. A. Wrenshall. Freeman, John L. Cameron, and Andrew (Pp. 804 + xix; Review is not precluded by notice here of books illustrated. £9.) Amsterdam, received. McGhie. (Pp. 245. 35s.) London: Tavistock. New York, London, Milan, Tokyo, and Buenos recently 1965. Aires: Excerpta Medica Foundation. 1965. Neuroses and Character Types. By Helene Allergology Dictionary. Edited by Knud Wilken- Bacterial and Mycotic Infections of Man. 4th Deutsch. Edited by John D. Sutherland and Jensen. (Pp. 119+xii. 30s.) Oxford, London, edition. Edited by Ren6 J. Dubos, Ph.D., and M. Masud R. Khan. (Pp. 388+xii. 42s.) Edinburgh, New York, Paris, and Frankfurt: James G. Hirsch, M.D. (Pp. 1,025 + xiii; London: Hogarth. 1965. Pergamon. 1965. illustrated. £5 5s.) Philadelphia and Mon- treal: J. B. Lippincott. 1965. Manual of the Gibson Spiral Maze. By H. B. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Gibson, B.Sc., Dip.Psych., Ph.D. (Manual, 3rd edition. Edited by Louis S. Goodman, Cancer Chemotherapy. By L. F. Larionov. pp. 12. 4s. Test Card 4d.) London: Univer- M.A., M.D., and Alfred Gilman, Ph.D. (Pp. (Pp. 544+xx; illustrated. £7.) Oxford, London, sity of London Press. 1965. 1,785 +xviii. £9.) London, New York, and Edinburgh, New York, Paris, and Frankfurt: Toronto: Collier-Macmillan. 1965. Pergamon. 1965. Der Arzt auf dem Lande und Seine Helfer. Edited by Herbert Knabe. (Pp. 390 + xi; Proceedings of Second International -Congress Symposium Internazionale sulla Patologia del illustrated. £4 2s. lid.) Berlin: Volk und on Ergonomics, Dortmund, 1964. Published as Sesso Nell'eta Infantile. Perugia, 1964. Edited Gesundheit. 1965. supplement to Ergonomics. (Pp. 574. £7 15s.) by G. Roberto Burgio and Francesca Severi. London: Taylor & Francis. 1965. (Pp. 684 + xii; illustrated. No price given.) Oral Medicine. Diagnosis and Treatment. 5th Turin: Edizioni Minerva Medica. 1965. edition. By Lester W. Burket, A.B., D.D.S., Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. M.D., Sc.D. (Pp. 644 + xviii; illustrated. No. 40. Edited by Anthony F. DePalma. Methodological Approaches to the Study of £5 5s.) Philadelphia and Montreal: J. B. (Pp. 211 + viii; illustrated. 60s.) London: Leukemias. Symposium, Philadelphia, 1965. Lippincott. 1965. Pitman. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. 1965. Edited by Vittorio Defendi. (Pp. 225; illus- trated. $7.50.) Philadelphia: Wistar. 1965. Determinants of Infant Behaviour III. Pro- Medical Disorders in Obstetric Practice. 2nd ceedings of the 3rd Tavistock Study Group on edition. By Cyril G. Barnes, M.D.(Lond.), Gastroenterologische Isotopendiagnostik. By Dr. Mother-Infant Interaction, London, 1963. F.R.C.P. (Pp. 434 + ix; illustrated. 50s.) Oskar Andrysek, C.Sc., and Dr. Hans Berndt. Edited by B. M. Foss. (Pp. 264 + xiii; illus- Oxford: Blackwell. 1965. (Pp. 241-; illustrated. 44.80 MDN.) Berlin: trated. £2 10s.) London: Methuen. 1965. Volk und Gesundheit. 1965. Advances in Parasitology. Vol. 3. Edited by The Anatomy of the Laboratory Mouse. By Ben Dawes. (Pp. 315 + xviii; illustrated. 75s.) Leber- und Gallenwegserkrankungen. By Dr. Margaret J. Cook. (125 plates +index. 35s.) London: Academic Press. 1965. W. Bruhl. (Pp. 247+viii; illustrated. DM. 9.) and New York: Academic Press. 1965. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme. 1966. London Psychiatric Hospital Care. A Symposium. Pharmakologie. Kurzes Lehrbuch. By Pro- Edited by Hugh Freeman, M.A., B.M., B.Ch., Taschenbuch der Modernen Arzneibehandlung. fessor G. Kuschinsky and Professor H. Ldll- D.P.M. (Pp. 301+x. 50s.) London: Baillifre, By Gustav Kuschinsky. (Pp. 664+xx. DM. 24.) mann. (Pp. 345+viii. DM. 33.) Stuttgart: Tindall & Cassell. 1965. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme. 1966. Thieme. 1966. Georg Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory. -By Sybil Post-operative Cardiac Care. By M. V. Braim- Murder Followed by Suicide. An Inquiry B. G. Eysenck. (Manual; pp. 16. 3s. Marking bridge, M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S., and P. E. Ghadiali, Carried Out for the Institute of Criminology, Template 3s. Questionnaire 7d. 30s. 2d. per M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S. (Pp. 150+vi; illustrated. Cambridge. By Dr. D. J. West. (Pp. 181+vii. 100.) London: University of London Press. 30s.) Oxford: Blackwell. 1965. 1965. 1965. 35s.) London: Heinemann. Laboratory Experience in Psychology. A First Lehrbuch der Kinderheilkunde. Edited by History of the Trustees of the Hunterian Term's Work. By B. Babington Smith, O.B.E., Professor W. Keller and Professor A. Wiskott. Collection. By Sir Victor Negus, Hon. D.Sc. M.A. (Pp. 240+xxiv. 25s.) Oxford, London, (Pp. 1,142 +xix; illustrated. DM. 84.) Stutt- (Man.), M.S.(Lond.), F.R.C.S.(Eng.), Hon. Edinburgh, New York, Paris, and Frankfurt: gart: Georg Thieme. 1966. F.R.C.S.(Edin.), F.R.C.S.(I.). (Pp. 132+viii; Pergamon. 1965. illustrated. 30s.) Edinburgh and London: Zystenzephalie (Blasenhirn). By Dr. Rosemarie E. & S. Livingstone. 1966. Head and Neck. Clinical Surgery 9. Edited by Dietze and Professor Hubert K. Urban. (Pp. Charles Rob, M.C., M.Chir., F.R.C.S., and 139; illustrated. £4 13s. 2d.) Leipzig: Georg Psychoanalytic Avenues to Art. By Robert Rodney Smith, M.S., F.R.C.S. (Pp. 216+ix; Thieme. 1965. Waelder. (Pp. 122; illustrated. 25s.) London: illustrated. £4 10s.) London: Butterworth. Hogarth. 1965. 1965. Spinal Injuries. Proceedings of Symposium, Edinburgh 1963. Edited by Philip Harris, Pathology of the Connective Tissue Diseases. Public Health and Social Services. 6th edition. F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.C.P.Ed., F.R.C.S.Glasg. (Pp. By D. L. Gardner, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P.(Ed.), By L. Farrer-Brown, C.B.E., LL.D., D.Sc.(Econ.), 168 +viii; illustrated. 32s. 6d.) Edinburgh: M.C.Path. (Pp. 456+x; illustrated. £5 5s.) and Michael D. Warren, M.D., D.P.H., D.I.H. Royal College of Surgeons. 1965. London: Edward Arnold. 1965. (Pp. 166. l5s.) London: Edward Arnold. 1965. JULY-DEC., 1965 INDEX BRO-CHA 7 BROCKINGTON, C. F.: Public Health in the Nineteenth BUSH, M. F. H.: Epidemic " collapse," 1001(C) Cannulae: Deseret Angiocath disposable plastic Century, 747 BUSSEY, A. L.: The A.R.M. decision, 358(C) cannula, weakness in design of, 235(C) BROCKLEHURST, R. J., 1379 - Payment by patient, 940(C), 1000(C) CAPENER, N.: Book reviews, 694, 1231, 1298 Broiler, chicken-, factories. See Chicken-broiler - and CLEMENTS, A.: Increasing work load, 112(C) - Collaborating disciplines, 590(C) factories BUTLER, N. R., and others: Persistence of rubella anti- - John Haddy James, Waterloo surgeon, 995, 1125(C) BROMLEY, L. L., and others: Early repair of traumatic body with and without embryopathy: follow-up - Spencer Wells, Victorian surgeon, 1178 rupture of the thoracic aorta, 17(0) study of children exposed to maternal rubella, CAPES, M.: Psychiatric treatment of adolescents, Brompton Hospital, London: Paediatric unit, 489 1027(0), 1014(L), 1247(C) 1548(C) Bromsulphthalein, systemic reaction to (T. W. Astin), BUXTON, St. J. D.: Roehampton 1915-1965: 1238 Cape Town University: Bronte-Stewart Research Prize, 408, 595(C), 1433(C) BYARS, L. T. See ANDERSON, R., 1535 657 Bronchiectasis, saccular, with amyloid disease (Clinico- Byssinosis and flax workers, 1130 Capitation fee. See under Remuneration: General pathological conference), 352 BYWATERS, E. G. L.: Bullous lesions in acute bar- practitioners - surgical treatment of (J. Borrie and I. Lichter), biturate intoxication, 106(C) CAPPER, W. M., and others: Trasylol and acute pan- 908(0) - Rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis in children, creatitis, 1184(C) Bronchiolitis and pneumonia in childhood, aetiology 233(C) Carbenoxolone sodium (Biogastrone) for gastric ulcera- and management of (F.
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