Q I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INF ORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION SUBJECT: NATION OF ISLAM 4? 92 __ lm" Y >_ 7 ;_W_;_I *___'§__i 2 3 92 Z . I. X ographbeen has prepared 6/1°/69sacTHE mmI0. 55 CULT923 MUSLIMhISLRM Secon 0?a thetioned at mon --requestofour fieldSpecial Agentsoff nvestigatingthe Centralesearc Culth usuals security d andoube addedthis y especiallyprecautions. toAmeri anti library andafforded e t investigate.e we know,thoughw halmost this small,an is s nothinA known entbynow e inyes -~ and violentCult ab itk cer most a in tha icult ever to gso studyand can e Agent,who hasfoun veragatinge, youareCult, requests thiseveryo maeand newly Agentto assigned,do absorbTwocontents thearethis copies furnishedofmonogra being the Baltimore,Boston to areilwaukee,cage,Francisco,furnished beingOleyelatheNewaand Cincinnati,YorkDetroNnaven, Field NewtonIndianapolis,w WashMinneapolis,and Seattleces,, copy to d,Office,San Angeles each copOf Philadelphia, one tFivee toDiego es of Loo other offices. .-. .¢- -.,,., "-=-.1.". _'Z- V t . V~92."_ p ,- ,v I/li .» .. I ,m9;.|W:___... ~ , __,V' 4 ._ 7' » 92 , . *4; '.¢7_92»y92Q ->4;-,m .,'__'~ ._. "- " 5 92 1 $2--'~»__'--»-M - ~> _ O t.,> Girls CivilizationTraining. .GCT! . .24 L d.e0 Thellniversityollslam.............24 I I OO O OO O I I OI OI OO :6 3.2. NationalOicers....-..............27Local0iiicers...................'2'l C.D; Fina.ncialProgram...................29 I I I OO OI IO I I I I O OI O C I I O O -2.l. onuct'otMeetings.. Physicallkscription. .. 31 Enrolimentanditducation.. .. .31 c.General CivilizationClass, AlsoReferred as - 33 to92 1 1 34 '- ...86. L ifembershi 37 ...S7 BebeI1ious'1endencies_onventions . .. 58 *1.2. 0ppositiontoFedera1 Instancesoi Violence againstAuthority . Authority Police . .. .. .. .. .88 a. Violationsoi theSelective StatutesService. .. b. Disloyaltyand Disrespectior theUnited States I.J. Subvei-siveTendencies_'Potentia.lGovernment....................4lThreatthe. to .Internal . 8ecuritL . .. .. .. ... .. 4'!44 'X.Bé[iEfsoFthe'CIIDEOLOGYOFTEEMCI...................4BB.PIGCQCGBRECHCIes...-...-ea---....51_ on 0 . -. C. Comarison Certain oi ofTenets theOrthodox Religion _ of i amwf¬BTheUnort.BodoxYCl.............52EfBeli¬finI11£Fand'¬hePropEets..... ..52 . Racialatred Advocacyoi-Violence.AttitudePlacesoivlorship toward . .. .55 5'1 Prayer.......................58 CharityandFasting.................59I '1.809. ScienceanduathematicsFowmdnrmlbIOIOOOIIIIIOOOIIOQ62 Cleanliness....................5l. .. ..-.~.. ... .. ..84 - O '7 APPENDICES ' AWLICATIONQQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII REPLYIIIIIIIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PULES OF ISLAM - DEPARTMENT OF SUPREME WISDOM. .-3? I I I I I I I I I I IV". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 69 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '10 1§__ II I2 '14 8 7'1 81 82 SELECTIONS FROM A PUBLICATION WRITTEN BY PROPHET86 7 wQ DI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 89 ._.¢ .-. »..._ _ _'-.. ......--a..'.a..-_...-r..._..-.. _ . 92- . O Z3 I '1>'1u:rAcs Q D At therequest the of fieldoffices, thismonograph been has prepared, explainingthe origin,ideology workings andthe ofMuslim Cult 3 of Islam MCI!. ' _ . Inasmucha knowledge as of the orthodox religionof Islam is I T- considered essentialto anunderstanding med its of most deformed a s '. l I branches,a briefhistory the of Islamicreligion, outline an its of doctrines t : and a verybrief explanationof thedivisions the of Koran have beenincluded 0 92 in thefirst sectionof thismonograph. R The anglicizedforms namesof titlesand havebeen utilized; however,purposes for information, of first the reference to eachhas been P followed by the Arabic form. In viewof theextreme fanaticismprevalent throughoutthe MCI, ! and absolutethe of lacka doctrinal core, an attempt has beenmade the in second sectionof thismonograph set forthtogeneral patternsof belief 92 and behavior,compiled throughan over-all study the of varioustemples throughoutUnited the States.Although are there some-basic accepted rules throughoutCult, theappears it many thatthe of localleaders have adopted I I 92 "-*- _ =_.-...__,7._._.. - ---~ - L . G E u the privilegeof personal interpretation. ' In thethird section,anattempt been has madeto illustrate the chasm existingbetween orthodox the religionof Islamand unorthodoxthe I. MC The variousenrollment formsand data, considered pertinent ~ by the Cult,have been includedthe in Appendices. 'I'hein thisstudy material whichrelates to the historyofIslam 3 has beenobtained public from sourcesand documentedis such. as Allof 2 w the datarelative the to MCIhas beenobtained confidential from andsources is classied as confidential. This monographis intended toserve as an investigativeaid to _ fieldoffice agentsandfacilitate to handling the any of problems which may arise in the conductof suchinvestigations view In theof aberrantideology . and practicesof theMCI, is it necessaryto gointo detailandpresent all 2 9 of theinformation the inBureau's possessionis whichconsidered essential 5 0 to thesuccessful handlingof investigations regarding group this theand developmentinformants of amongits members. -: - 11 - .. ._»_. ~ r _ . __.92 _ V; SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS C A. Summgy AA I - This monographincludes a backgroundoi theorthodox religion -: of Islam,and theworkings andorganizational setupoi the Muslim Cultof I Islam. An effort hasbeen madein the last sectionto point out those tenets 2 i ci the orthodox religionthat havebeen adoptedas astructural part ofthe I Cult, and the eccentricalterations made in them. '5. » '92 i B. Conclusio ns 1. The MCI is a fanatic Negro organizationpurporting to be : motivated bythe religiousprinciples oi Islam, but actually dedicated theto propagationof hatred against thewhite i race. The services conducted throuiout the temples are bereft oi any semblanceto religious exercises. i 2. Organizationally, the MCIis a collection oi autonomous A temples boundby a tremulous personal relationshipbetween the headsoi the temples andthe headquartersoi the Cult in Chicago, Illinois. - 8. TheMCI, although an extremelyanti-American organization, is not at the present timeeither large enough or powerful enough toinflict anyserious damageto thiscountry; however, its membersare capableoi committingindividual actsoi violence. = 1 4. The aims andpurposes ofthe MCIare directedat the overthrow of our constitutional government,inasmuch asthe Cultmembers regard it as an instrument oithe whiterace; therefore, it is obvious that this group, as long as it retains the ideas now motivatingit, will remainan investigative problem.to the. FBI. ~ -111- '1 1* F I, . F. Q 92 I F .£* r 1. jun-2RELIGION xsmur or - v -.111 A. BriefHistory _ - I- 4- » "Read:In the name oi thy Lordwho createth," 1 said the ' u.. voice,,_ . ,,.Mohammed to Muhammad!,* whocould read. notAnd thus was . - born "TheSlave oi Allah," "TheProphet is1a'm'," oi man unitedwho the the wanderingtribesthe oi Arabiandesertenabled and to thememergeirom the darknessoi primitivism and savagery and build a civilization richin _ scienticand cultural achievement. wastwenty-fourth the It oi the night 'u 92 monthRamadan" at the whenangelGabriel the broughtiirst revelation ' to MohammedonMount Kira. "*For the restoi Mohammed's liie he continuedhavethese revelations, to which eventuallywere to compiled form the bibleoi Islam, knownas the Koran al-Qur'an!,"The Reading,"-- the Readingthe oimanwho knewnot howto read. 3 Born about5'10A. D. in Mecca, Arabia. _ - "The ninthmonththe oi yearduring which all Moslemsfast.falls It in ' diiierent seasonsbecause the ti lunarcalendar. "'Ain theArabian hill on desert whichMohammed the first receivedoi _ the revelations. C 92- - 1 ._ ~"-'~ .-__..~_ ;v- 0' 2 S - - 4 .v U For firstthe threeyearshis oi mi8si0n,M0hammed was - I considereda fanaticbypeople the llecca* ofand Hakka!, ofbecause this_ '0 éi he relegatedhis teachingsto familyhis intimate andLike friends. most-1 ll prophets,waswithout not hesave his honor country. inown At the end ofgs theyear, thirdreceived hecommand to "arisethe warn" andthereafter and Ts e 1 preachedpublic.620 A.in FromD.,1dohammeds at MeccawereJr affairs ina crisis. By publicstandards,mission considered his was a failure itl untilhe met a group oi menfrom Yathrih laterMedlnl!, called a city hp moretwo than hundredmiles who, away, recognizinghim as the awaited 92- 0 returnedtheirand tocity what told had theyand seen heard.This '3 i Prophet,wasonly thewhich place receptive provedhis teachings andto was it in _Q Yathrlbthe that futureof Islamlay. 3 ~ In Summerthe 622, A.D.toofavoid murdered, being .a Mohammed fledMecca fromthe during andnighthis made to way Yathrib. This the is 2 famous halt! hegiraMecca to from Yathrib,from the hloslem"counts which~ the years.It wasin Yathrib that Hohammedbuilt a theocrac state, and l I from thatYathrihhe ruled a rapidly growing The empire.prophet lonely5 I was nowthe armed conqueror! » . I The capitaloi Arabia iourteen centuriesago. "The moreiamillll formoi theword Muslim. - 2 - -.1.-__ 0'44» __,_ w J . ' O O Q . Mass conversionsarerarely made without bloodshed,and - 0 Islamno was exception. A seriesoisavage conagrations accompanied | therapid spread oi thenew religionoverthe sands oi Arabia.Perhaps ' . the mostsignicant these oi occurredbattles three between hundredof r Mohammed'sandthousand one menat a lieccansplace called TheBadr. victoryMohammed's of forceinterpreted was interiora divinesanction as of thenew faith.Previous this battle,Islamto wasa religion with a state; .s - after itthis became astate. But the tidesoi warwere always sonot »> favorableMohammed. to thanyear More a later,amid beating the oi I timbrels, Mohammedsarmycut wasribbons to the onplainsoi Ohodby hostile andtribes, savedonly complete irom annihilationby theexhaustion -- oi theenemy.
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