ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 INDUSTRY DRIVEN & MANAGED GRAIN TRADING STANDARDS ~ TRADE RULES & CONTRACTS TRADE & MARKET ACCESS ~ TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT DISPUTE RESOLUTION ~ INDUSTRY STEWARDSHIP & CAPABILITY INDUSTRY DRIVEN SELF-REGULATORY FRAMEWORK GTA HAS CONTRACTS THAT TAKE AUSTRALIAN GRAIN TO DOMESTIC AND EXPORT MARKETS Contract Confirmation Grain Transport Storage and Handling Grain Transport (GTA No.3), Grower Contract Contract Agreement Contract & Free (GTA No.6) & Commodity on Rail Contract Vendor Declaration (GTA No.7) SUPPORTED BY: GTA TRADE RULES TRADE & MARKET ACCESS INITIATIVES DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES (ARBITRATION) NATIONAL WORKING PARTY ON GRAIN PROTECTION (NWPGP) GRAIN TRADING STANDARDS & AUSTRALIAN GRAIN STORAGE & PROTECTION CONFERENCE AUSTRALIAN GRAIN INDUSTRY CODE OF PRACTICE GTA TECHNICAL GUIDELINE DOCUMENTS INDUSTRY STEWARDSHIP & CAPABILITY ACROSS THE ENTIRE GTA HAS CONTRACTS THAT TAKE AUSTRALIAN GRAIN TO DOMESTIC AND EXPORT MARKETS Track Contract (GTA No.2) Voyage Charterparty – AusGrain 2015 Delivered Container Terminal (DCT) Cost Insurance Freight Contract (Containers) Contract (GTA No.4) (GTA No.5) Free on Board (FOB) Contract (GTA No.1) TRADE & MARKET ACCESS INITIATIVES AUSTRALIAN GRAINS INDUSTRY CONFERENCES (AUSTRALIA & ASIA) NATIONAL WORKING PARTY ON GRAIN PROTECTION (NWPGP) & AUSTRALIAN GRAIN STORAGE & PROTECTION CONFERENCE TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS INDUSTRY STEWARDSHIP & CAPABILITY SUPPLY CHAIN CONTRIBUTING VALUE TO THE GRAIN INDUSTRY SUPPLY CHAIN Australian Grain Industry Conferences GTA Trading Standards are aligned to GTA (AGIC) Asia – Thailand and China were standard form contracts and have conducted in 2018 to showcase the Australian widespread domestic & international recognition. grain industry. PUBLICATIONS: AGIC Asia Government and Policy è Visual Recognition Standards Guide – Roundtable events in China and Thailand GTA ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 a photographic and written national standard – Outreach programs targeted at Policy of all major grain defects iv Administrators, Agencies in destination countries to promote the facilitation of trade. è Weed Seed Identification Guide è Australian Grains Industry Code of Practice GTA Trading Standards developed by è Grains Transport Code of Practice the GTA Standards Committee, following è Technical Guideline Documents public consultation, conducted annually. è Trading Standards are developed with the Fact Sheets primary objective of reflecting customer requirements, taking into account regulatory requirements, capability of production and Industry Developed and Driven supply chain demands. Self‑Regulatory Framework: è Trading Standards è Standard Form Grain Contracts è Trade Rules Follow GTA on Twitter è Dispute Resolution and Arbitration @GrainTradeAus è Industry focused Training and Get LinkedIn with GTA Development Grain Trade Australia Australian Grains Industry Code of Practice (COP): è Grains industry Code of Practice GTA supports the work of the National Residue è All GTA Members must adhere to the COP Survey (NRS) – adherence to domestic and è Recognised by Industry and Governments export Maximum Residue Limits for chemicals. è Only major grain exporting country with an Industry accepted COP è Revised in 2017/18 SUBMISSIONS TO: è Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) – international food standards MEMBER: è Australian Pesticide & Veterinary è International Grain Trade Coalition Medicines Authority (APVMA) (IGTC) è Department of Agriculture & Water è DAWR – Grain & Plant Products Export Resources (DAWR) on phytosanitary and Industry Consultative Committee (GPPEICC) trade related matters, review of Export è National Measurement Institute (NMI) Legislation and Port Access Code Review – Grain Quality Measurement Committee è Department of Foreign Affairs and è ACCC Agricultural Consultative Committee Trade (DFAT) on WTO trade issues è Agricultural Biotechnology Council GTA ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 of Australia (ABCA) v è Office of Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) on regulatory policy review è Australian Grains Industry Discussion Group (AGIDG) è Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) on commodity pool è GIMAF Grains Forum regulations è DAWR Non-Tariff Measures Industry Working Group è Department of Transport and Infrastructure on Freight and Supply Chain Priorities INDUSTRY TRAINING: è National Measurement Institute (NMI) on proposed cost recovery guidelines è Australia’s firsttertiary qualification in Grain Management – GTA Diploma è Food Standards Australia and of Grain Management. The only grain New Zealand (FSANZ) Consultation specific, post-production accredited course in Australia è Western Australian Parliamentary Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation è Conducts the Grain Standards Course for economic loss to farmers in Western nationally to ensure national consistency in Australia caused by contamination by grain testing and sampling genetically modified material è Building Grain Industry’s skill set GRAIN TRADE AUSTRALIA KEY ATTRIBUTES Industry driven Self‑Regulatory Framework Available to all GTA is a member driven organisation whose core products GTA membership is open to any individual, company or and services provide industry with a Self-Regulatory organisation actively involved in the grain industry or in Framework to facilitate trade. the supply of services to the grain industry. Making it easier Strategic Direction Standardising Grain Trading Standards, Trade Rules and In July of each year, the GTA Board releases the GTA Contracts enables smooth facilitation of trade within Strategic Direction. This “road map” is prepared for the Australian grain industry, at the same time ensuring members and others with an interest in the Australian grain confidence in commercial dealings by providing legal rigor industry and details the short to medium term strategies and and a cost-effective Dispute Resolution Service. GTA’s longer term vision for the Australian grain supply chain. • An industry responsible for itself (industry Informing industry stewardship and management) – self-reliant, but GTA provides information to enable industry participants to achieves Government support where common good stay abreast of the latest trade tools through regular updates, outcomes are justified and necessary educational programs and representation in domestic and global industry/government circles. Critical Success Factors GTA communicates with its Members on important GTA related issues via GTA Member Updates and a monthly Grain GTA must deliver: GTA ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 Matters e-newsletter, as well as disseminating broader • Harmonised trading products and services – so trading risks market related matters via GTA Market Notifications. are lowered, capital is attracted, and transparency is enhanced vi All these communications are openly available and • A suite of tools to enable trade to occur efficiently retained on the GTA website (www.graintrade.org.au). and seamlessly – low economical cost transactions are critical to maintain global value chain competitiveness Industry Outcomes • Training & Development programs that enhance the skills of industry participants – GTA aims to deliver The goal of GTA is to create an operating environment for training programs that develop and enhance the capacity the commercial grain industry that is efficient, effective and of the Australian grains industry ‘soft commodities’ human transparent. These attributes provide the foundation for the resources with educational and relevant material to further Australian value chain and its members to participate in the enhance the knowledge of businesses growth of the global grains industry. • Knowledge sharing – communicating the grain industry The following reflect the industry outcomes that GTA delivers/ and GTA vision is critical to garnering the support required influences through its activities: for growth • A well informed industry – decisions based on sound • Funds and resources for GTA to deliver required data and research outcomes – growth in industry services and communication • A better skilled industry – operating at best practice activities by GTA must be met within the current budget and • Access to more effective tools and processes financial policies of GTA • More harmonious and co‑operative environment – • Partnerships/linkages with industry stakeholders – a common and clear commercial focus, balanced with Government and agencies, and international counterparts a wider community and environment responsibility – members alone cannot fund the entire service load. Partnering will be an important component of success • Enhanced innovation and leadership – where new ideas and challenges are welcomed, discussed openly, This Annual Report details the activities that GTA has pursued and advanced as appropriate to ensure that these industry outcomes are achieved. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT regulated market that delivers value along was highlighted to other agricultural the supply chain. industries as a model for them to consider adopting. GTA’s core mission is the facilitation of trade. This means, amongst other things, GTA’s products and services provide the movement of grain along the supply the grain industry with an industry chain on a commercial basis and the driven Self-Regulatory Framework. ability for industry participants to manage This benefits industry by providing and appropriately mitigate risk. base operating processes and procedures, flexibility and drives GTA’s Trade Rules, Trading Standards, efficiency across the supply
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