editorial+news.qxd 18/02/2008 17:21 Page 2 Ten more years of CPAP: tribulations and trials A.K. Simonds In 1997, 16 years after SULLIVAN'S original countries, and more widely [3]. Lack of aware- j publication [1] on the application of contin- ness of the problem and poor education also uous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in obstruc- play a part. Chief Editor, Breathe tive sleep apnoea, a report [2] in the British To pile on the irony, the majority of CPAP pro- Royal Brompton Hospital Medical Journal from the National Health vision has always been based on the presence of Sydney Street Service Centre for Reviews Dissemination troublesome sleepiness, not on cardiovascular London, SW3 6NP (University of York, UK) argued the following: outcome considerations. Respiratory physicians UK • Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is were castigated for not working harder at Fax: 44 2073518911 claimed to be an important cause of encouraging weight loss in patients before start- E-mail: premature death and disability. ing CPAP [2], yet even a 6-month delay in pro- [email protected] • There is increasing pressure to provide viding CPAP deprives individuals with severe sleep services for the treatment of OSA of a significant improvement in sleepiness Competing interests patients with sleep apnoea. and quality of life [4]. Cognitive and health costs A.K. Simonds has received • Epidemiological evidence suggests that did not differ between a group provided with research grants from ResMed, sleep apnoea causes daytime sleepiness CPAP immediately compared with those in Breas Medical and Respironics. and possibly vehicle accidents. whom polysomnography diagnosis was delayed • Evidence of a causal association between by 6 months, in a French randomised trial [4], Provenance Commissioned editorial, peer- sleep apnoea and other adverse health although the authors reported that incremental reviewed. outcomes is weak. cost-effectiveness may also improve in those • There is a paucity of robust evidence for treated immediately. the clinical and cost-effectiveness of CPAP in So what have we learned over the past the treatment of most patients with decade? First, early debate on the effectiveness sleep apnoea. of CPAP at controlling sleepiness in moderate The authors concluded that "the relevance of and severe OSA has been settled by a series of sleep apnoea to public health has been exag- randomised trials [5, 6], some of which were gerated". already in train in the mid-1990s; furthermore, Several consequences flowed from this CPAP leads to an improvement in health-related report. It was used by some healthcare providers quality of life. Two large US longitudinal studies, to curtail sleep services and made it impossible the Wisconsin Sleep cohort and the Sleep Heart in some regions in the UK to provide CPAP Health Study, have produced important preva- therapy. In countries where health technology lence and associated outcome data. In the reviews came to the opposite conclusion (e.g. Wisconsin cohort, there was an association Australia), there was no such impact on the between untreated OSA and new-onset hyper- development of sleep services. Trends in provi- tension, even in individuals with mild OSA. In sion of sleep studies and CPAP for OSA across the Sleep Heart Health cohort, there was an Europe in the past decade are difficult to discern increased risk of insulin resistance even after con- accurately and are affected by healthcare fund- trolling for body mass index and visceral obesity. ing systems, but where there is comprehensive The latter study has also shown an association data capture (e.g. in France) rapid and consistent between OSA, stroke and myocardial infarction. growth in CPAP provision has been seen from Plainly, a causative role for OSA cannot be 1992 to the present. Subsequent surveys have inferred from cross-sectional, non-interventional shown large disparities in CPAP provision within studies and interpretation is always confounded 202 Breathe | March 2008 | Volume 4 | No 3 editorial+news.qxd 18/02/2008 17:21 Page 3 Ten more years of CPAP: tribulations and trials by the fact that obesity is a risk factor not only for OSA but also for cardiovascular disease. To clarify matters, in the past year three European publications have summarised the current state of play – Professor W. McNicholas and colleagues [7] from the European Scientific and Technical research COST action on obstruc- tive sleep apnoea syndrome have provided an analysis of sleep apnoea as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease; and the European Respiratory Review on Respiratory Somnology [8] has provided an international update for clinicians across the whole field of res- piratory sleep disorders. In addition, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK has just produced a Health Technology Appraisal of CPAP in obstructive sleep apnoea–hyponoea syndrome in the form unclear. How often should CPAP users be seen? of a systematic review and economic analysis Figure 1 Can telephone consultations and smart-card CPAP therapy. [9]. This is due to be published at the end of downloads substitute satisfactorily for clinic vis- March 2008, but a representative Final its? The importance of these pragmatic simplifi- Appraisal Determination is available on the cations to care have not been lost on the US sys- NICE website (www.nice.org.uk). tem, where the Centers for Medicare and The NICE report confirms unequivocally that: Medicaid have recently begun to consider • CPAP is effective treatment for OSA expanding provision of CPAP to patients diag- compared with conservative/usual care nosed by unattended home monitoring. Which in populations with moderate-to-severe brings us to the impact of manufacturers. Credit daytime sleepiness and that there may be is due as huge strides have been made by man- benefits when the disease is mild; and ufacturers in improving equipment portability • the incremental cost per quality adjusted and mask design, while smart-card downloads life year (QALY) gained of CPAP is and compliance reports have helped us under- <€28,000 and there was a high stand how patients use (or fail to comply with) probability of CPAP being more therapy. On the other hand, autotitrating CPAP cost-effective than dental devices and devices have been promoted strongly despite the conservative management for a cost- fact that there is little evidence to suggest that effectiveness threshold of €28,000 per they are superior to fixed-level CPAP other than QALY gained. for particular subgroups, and it is difficult for the clinician to understand the intricacies of the What remains underlying algorithms. There may, however, be a It should be noted that the NICE health tech- role for these devices in first-line ambulatory nology appraisal considered only the health con- management of cases with a high probability sequences of road traffic accidents and did not of CPAP, when compared to polysomnography take into account full costs to society. Dental and manual titration of CPAP in the sleep devices were considered to be a treatment laboratory [10]. option in moderate disease, but the difficulty for And while we are in murky waters, what practitioners in interpreting this advice is that a physician does not sit in the clinic and see variety of devices was used. These devices have patients with significant co-pathology that is evolved and will continue to develop over time, likely to impact on decision-making? These cases making it problematic to predict efficacy on an are unlikely to appear in meta-analyses, e.g. the individual basis. Similarly, although the process chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient of delivery of care should not be confused with with baseline hypoxaemia and OSA; the elderly the efficacy of the therapy itself, in practice, care patient with recent transient ischaemic attacks, pathways matter as these inevitably contribute poor memory and mild OSA; or the obese female to overall health costs. Ideal follow-up of the patient with mild obstructive hypoventilation increasing numbers of patients on CPAP is who is due to undergo hip replacement. At best, Breathe | March 2008 | Volume 4 | No 3 203 editorial+news.qxd 18/02/2008 17:22 Page 4 Ten more years of CPAP: Tribulations and trials when considering treatment one juggles the utilisation in this group. evidence available, the best interests of the There are important question marks over the patient and the cost and the risk of not treating. impact of sleep apnoea, and the effects of CPAP, Such subtleties may be lost on health care plan- in the elderly. Sleep-disordered breathing ners. appears more common in older individuals, but what are the cognitive effects, and are these Something lost and something reversible with CPAP? Similarly, in children, the gained long-term consequences of sleep-disordered Paradoxically, over the long term the York review breathing are not clear. As MCNICHOLAS et al. [7] [2] cited at the beginning of this article has point out, the prevalence of obesity, metabolic acted as a stimulus to high-quality research and syndrome and type 2 diabetes in children is ris- respiratory support (CPAP and noninvasive venti- ing and this may be a productive group to inves- lation) is now one of the most evidence-based tigate as confounders associated with OSA in areas of respiratory medicine. adults may be absent. So, what are the current research priorities? Finally, sleep-disordered breathing, predomi- The report from the European COST action [7] nantly central in nature, has been shown to outlines possible trials in three areas: cellular occur in >50% of patients with mild-to-moderate and molecular; animal studies; and human heart failure [12, 13]. While the evidence for cohort studies. For the latter, large studies with treating OSA in heart failure patients is relatively carefully defined cohorts are required to explore secure [14], the CANPAP study of CPAP in heart- the interactions of OSA, diabetes and hyperlipi- failure patients with central sleep apnoea did daemia in the genesis of cardiovascular disease.
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