WORTHAM & BURGATE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Wortham & Burgate Parish Council at Burgate Hall on Tuesday October 24th 2017 at 7.30pm Councillors (Cllrs) present: S Rash ( Chair) J Bradley (Vice Chair) M Odams, C Williams, D Ling, C Grocott,M Breen, B Cole In Attendance: Netty Verkroost (Clerk) , Cllr Kearsley and 1 member of the public 1. To consider accepting apologies for absence – Cllr lloyd- work commitments, Cllrs Piper and Wright family commitments 2. To approve the minutes of the previous parish council meeting/s PC Meeting Sept 2017 – Approved 3. To record declarations of Interest from members in any item to be Discussed - Cllr Rash re payment of invoice for R H Rash & Son 4. To consider dispensations from members in any item to be discussed – None 5. To adjourn the meeting to allow public participation – 7.32pm 5.1To receive reports from District & County Councillors 5.1.1 Cllr Fleming report contained the following items: No report 5.1.2 Cllr Kearsley report contained the following items : MSDC will move to Endeavor House, Ipswich in the next two weeks and the Needham Market & Hadleigh Offices will close. 2 New Public Access Points will be opened in Stowmarket . Stowmarket (54 Ipswich Street, IP14 1AD) or Sudbury (Town Hall, Old Market Place, CO10 1TL) Tel 0300 1234 0000 6. To re-convene the meeting- 7.46pm 7. To receive the Chairman’s report- There will a public meeting on November 2nd at Wortham Village Hall regarding the provision of Fibre Optic Broadband. 8. To receive the Clerk’s report & o/s actions from last meeting: (For information only) The clerk has renewed the free membership af Community Action Suffolk. The clerk is now the registered contact with Rural Payments and bank accounts changed. Suffolk Highways and Cllr Fleming have been contacted regarding the signage on the A143 and clerk waiting for a response. The Wortham Bowls Club have a new secretary and the Clerk to provide Web Training. A Data Protection Officer to be appointed and Cllrs Cole & Bradley to attend an information meeting regarding this on Nov 20th 2017 Clerk confirmed all further information required by the BDO regarding the audit. 1201 Chair, Wortham & Burgate Parish Council ……………APPROVED 5th Dec 2017 Stephen Rash………………………………………... WORTHAM & BURGATE PARISH COUNCIL 9. To consider, agree and/or note new planning applications: 9.1 To receive an update on removal of existing garage at South View, Furze Way Burgate - Confirmation was sent to Suffolk Legal by the PC that the large area of gravel, edging and lighting has not been removed and it’s construction is more permanent than the owner had suggested.. 9.2 To receive an update on planning issues at Oak Tree Farm, Great Green, Burgate - Injunction application by MSDC Enforcement Team in progress. 9.3 To receive an update DC/17/04141 - Walnut Tree Farmhouse, Long Green,Wortham, Listed Building Consent for a single storey extension - Permission Granted 9.4 New Listed Building Application DC/17/05169 - Dashes Farm repairs to existing building. - No Comment 10. To receive an update on the purchase of common land and track from Mr Holt Wilson - The purchase is progressing with the solicitors 11. To discuss and agree on the ordering of 2 x Poppy Wreaths and the donation to be made to the Royal British Legion.- It was agreed to order 2 Poppy Wreaths from the RBL and a donation of £50 to be made 12. To discuss the attendance of councillors for the laying of Poppy Wreaths - Cllr Rash to attend the Wortham Service and Cllr Williams to attend the Burgate Service 13. To discuss the Neighbourhood Plan Public Event - It was agreed that instead of producing a Neighbourhood Plan the PC would review the existing Village Design Statement. A working group to carry out the review. 14. To receive a report from the BDO regarding the External Audit of PC Accounts for 2016/17 - all issues from the BDO were reported to the PC and is was agreed that no action required to be taken. 15. To receive and discuss items from Committees / Working Groups 15.1 Playing Field Committee (PFC) - It was unanimously agreed that Ferrets and nets should be used to control the rabbits on the playing fields. It was also unanimously agreed to accept the kind offer from Mr Dick Ling, Wortham to pay the £40 fee for this service. 15.2 Commons Committee - None 15.3 Finance Representative - None 15.4 Employment Committee - Cllr Bradley to confirm whether holiday pay is due to part time employees of the PC 16. 16.1 Accounts Balances as at 17/10/2017 16.1.1 Current Account £9421.30 16.1.2 Reserve Account £22229.79 16.1.3 Commons Account £3987.41 1202 Chair, Wortham & Burgate Parish Council ……………APPROVED 5th Dec 2017 Stephen Rash………………………………………... WORTHAM & BURGATE PARISH COUNCIL 16.2 Account payments 16.2.1 Netty Verkroost Salary Oct £366.34 16.2.2 Netty Verkroost Expenses Sept £115.94 16.2.3 Niki Hinton Salary Oct £82.86 16.2.4 Niki Hinton Salary Nov £82.86 16.2.5 Netty Verkroost Salary Nov £366.34 16.2.6 Netty Verkroost Expenses Oct £84.96 16.2.7 BDO External Audit £240.00 16.2.8 Safe & Sound Moles August £48.00 16.2.9 Anglian Chemicals Pavilion Sundries £20.02 16.2.10 R.H.Rash & Son Grass cutting £960.00 To consider any additional payments prior to meeting. 16.2.11 Safe & Sound Moles October £48.00 All payments agreed to be by Councillors. 7 in favour and 1 abstention 16.3 Account Receipts Cllr Kearsley Donation towards VAS £1000.00 MSDC Precept £8000.00 UK Power Networks Wayleaves £238.49 Additional Receipts WLTC Electricity Reimbursed £194.70 17. To receive and discuss items / reports from Committees, Groups and Councillors: 17.1 VHMC – None 17.2 Rights of Way – None 17.3 Councillors: Joint Local Plan - a reply to Joint Local Plan to be made by a working group. 18. Correspondence received – Information from BSEVC regarding community transport. Information received from Unit Twenty One regarding Free Art Workshops 19. To receive items for the next agenda- To co opt new councillor. Confirm dates & Venues for Meeting in 2018. Draft Budget and Precept. Graveyard Payments Purchase of Common Land & tracks 20. Date & time of next meeting – December 5th 2017 at 7.30pm in Wortham Village Hall Meeting Close 1203 Chair , Wortham & Burgate Parish Council ……………APPROVED 5th Dec 2017 Stephen Rash………………………………………... .
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