Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78151-0 - The Experience of Crusading, Volume Two: Defining the Crusader Kingdom Edited by Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips Index More information Index Abaqa, Ilkhan of Peria, 197, 198, 203 Alexandria ‘Abbasid Caliphate, 207, 210, 227 raids, 264 Abd al-Lat¯ıf al-Baghdadi, 222 siege, 102, 110 Abu¯ al-Faraj. See Bar Hebraeus trade, 234–5, 236, 238, 239 Abu¯ al-Fida,¯ 216, 217–18, 222, 226 Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor, 13 See Annales Muslemici link with La Charite-sur-Loire,´ 22–4 AbuS¯ aama,¯ 191–2, 219, 220, 222, 226 and Odo Arpin, 12, 13, 14–18, 25, 26–8 Academie´ des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 221, and religious houses, 26 226 Alexius II Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor, 98 Acciaiuoli banking house, 266 Alexius the Protosebastus, 98, 102, 106, 111 Achardus, Abbot of Templum Domini, 49, 51, Alfonso the Magnanimous, King of Aragon and 53–4 Naples, 276, 282, 283, 293–4, 296 Acre, 64, 67, 126, 130, 131, 132–3, 134, 264 Alice, Princess of Antioch artistic centre, 124–5 attempts to seize power, 29, 32–41, 43, 46 bishop, see Florence, James of Vitry character, 29 capital of Kingdom of Jerusalem, 161 impact, 46–7 capture (1291), 228, 248, 257, 264 marriage, 30–1 churches, 177 origins, 30 Genoese trade, 263 status, 31, 41–3 parishes, 170 Alvered of Milly, 62 tariffs, 238 Amalfi, 235, 253 trade with Constantinople, 251–2 Amalfitans, 233–4 Venetians in, 240–56 Amalric, King of Jerusalem, 51, 52, 61, 67 War of Saint Sabas, 240–3, 245–7 accession to throne, 71 Adalia, 194, 269 campaigns in Egypt, 61, 236 Adana, 47 charter, 60–1 ‘Adasiya, 169 reign, 72–5 al-Afdal, Sultan of Egypt, 234 treatment of vassals, 142, 151 agriculture, 267–8 Amalric, Lord of Tyre, 271 Ahamant, 68 Amari, Michele, 275, 279, 284 Aime´ of Monte Cassino, 234 Amman, 72 Ain Mousa, 68 Anatolia, 13–14 Albaro, Quilico de, 292 Anconitans, 266–7 Alberic, Bishop of Ostia, 48 Andrea Bonaiuti da Forenze, 84 Albert of Aachen, 12, 13, 14–18 Andrea Dolfin, 243–4, 245 Albert of Corsica, 79 Andrea Vassano, 248–9, 250 Albert of Vercelli, 132 Andreas of Bando, 272 Albertino de Plac¸a, 253–6 Andrew Bosatus, 272–3 Aleppo, 202, 204 Andronicus I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, Alexander III, Pope, 91, 94 105 Alexander IV, Pope, 241 Anna Comnena, 17 298 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78151-0 - The Experience of Crusading, Volume Two: Defining the Crusader Kingdom Edited by Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips Index More information Index 299 Annales Muslemici, 217, 219 Aye d’Avignon, 190–1 Ansaldo de Grimaldis, 272 Ayyubid dynasty, 226–7 Anselm de Parenti, 62 Azerbaijan, 211 Anselm of Bethlehem, Bishop, 49 Anselmo Guidonis, 272 Babilanus of Negrono, 271 Antioch, 105, 234 Baghdad, sack of, 202 Prince, see Bohemond I, Bohemond II, Baghras, 192, 194 Bohemond III, Raymond, Roger, Tancred See Gaston Princess, see Alice, Constance Baha’¯ al-D¯ın ibn Shaddad,¯ 218, 222, 226, 230 Patriarch, see Bernard, Ralph of Domfront Vita et res gestae sultani Saladini, 218, 219 Antonino Amico, 54–5 al-Ba’ina, 173 Antonio di Tacio Baisan, 168 Appiano family, 275, 276, 280–1 See Bethsan Appiano, Caterina d’, 293 Bait Jibrin, 169, 173 Appiano, Emanuele d’, 293 Bait Suriq, 172 Appiano, Gherardo d’, 275, 280–2 Balash, 202 Appiano, Jacopo II d’, 281 Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, 14, 20, 25, 36, 142, Appiano, Jacopo III d’, 284 171 Appiano, Jacopo IV d’, 280 Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, 29, 30, 32, 65, 172 Appiano, Paola Colonna d’, 281, 289 alliance with Chavli of Mosul, 35 Appiano, Rinaldo d’, 289 and daughter Alice of Antioch, 36 apricots, 233, 239 death, 37–9 Apulia, 258 policy in Antioch, 30–1 Ariosto, 223 Baldwin III, King of Jerusalem, 42, 50, 61, 66–8, Ariq Boke,¨ 201 71 aristocracy, 155 Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem, 94, 95, 96–7, Armenia, 253, 256, 271 106–7, 109 Armenians, 162, 163–4, 209–10 Baldwin of Ibelin, Lord of Ramla, 195 King, see Hehum I Balian of Ibelin, Lord of Beirut, 138 arms, 238 Balian, Lord of Ibelin, 138 Arnaldo da Saint-Avit, 242–3, 252 Banco di San Georgio, 276 Arnaldus Fornarius, 55, 56 banking houses, 258, 266 Arnau Dariu, 262 Banti, O., 278 Arnulf of Chocques, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 167 Banyas, 61, 68, 105, 174 art Bar Hebraeus, 199, 200, 201, 202–3, 205, 208, Byzantine, 128 222, 230 Byzantine influence, 133 Chronography, 205 crusader ateliers, 124 Historia compendia dynastarium, 135, 157, 217, crusader fresco paintings, 129 219 crusader icons, 125, 126 Specimen Historiae Arabum, 217 Freiburg Leaf. See Freiburg Leaf Bara, 172 Arzghan, 38 Barbary tax, 291 Ascalon, 64, 83, 173, 176, 177 Barber, Malcolm, 264 siege of, 61, 68, 71 Bardi banking house, 258, 266 al-Ashraf Khal¯ıl, Sultan, 228 Bardi, Bartolomeo, 294, 295 Assassins, 224 Barisan, Lord of Ibelin, 64, 67, 172 assises, 151 Barletta, 258 Atabaks, 229 Barone Manuel, 264 Atfih, 61 baronies, 64, 155 al-Atharib, 47 Barthel´ emy´ of Mur, 25–6 Atiyah, A. S., 226 Bartholomew of Caxina, 273 Augustinian order, 132–3 Bartholomew of Jacquinto, 258 Ayalon, David, 225 Bartolomeo Morosini, 243 Ayas, 253, 255–6 Baybars, Sultan of Egypt, 210 See Laiazzo Bayt ‘Ar¯ıf , 169 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78151-0 - The Experience of Crusading, Volume Two: Defining the Crusader Kingdom Edited by Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips Index More information 300 Index Beirut, 164, 173–4, 176, 177 Geniza, 233 Lords of, see Balian, John camlet, 259 Belengerius Goamir, 261 caravans, 69 Belengerius of Cardona, 261 Carbonari, 224 Benedetto of Mar, 269 Carlo the Pirate, 297 Benedict XI, Pope, 264 Carlyle, Thomas, 228 Benibrac, 195 carobs, 273 Benincasa, 79, 80–90 Cassina, Batista de, 292 Benjamin of Tudela, 175 Castiglione della Pescaia, 294 Berke, 210–11 Castrum Regis, 172 Bernard Augustino, 261 Catalans, 260, 268 Bernard Guglielmo, Count of Emprenza, 260–1 merchants, 236 Bernard Marchetus, 260–1 piracy, 282, 288, 293, 297 Bernard, Patriarch of Antioch, 34, 41, 43, 44 trade with Hospitallers, 260, 262–3 Bernardo Maragone, 80 trade with Templars, 260–2 Bernardus Bursarius, 183, 184, 186 cathedrals, 166, 167–8 Berry, 12, 25, 28 Caturegli, Canon Natale, 90–1 Berthereau, George Franc¸ois, 219–20, 221, 222 Cecilia of France, Countess of Tripoli, 31 Berthono of Sagona, 265–6 Cecilia of Le Bourcq, 31, 42 Bertrame d’Orlacho, 259 cereals, 258, 260, 266, 272 Bertrand of Blancfort, Templar Master, 72–4 Cesaretti, A., 277 Beteligene, 71 Chahin, Joseph, 219 Bethel, 171 Champagne, 111 Bethlehem, 82, 168, 173–6, 177 Charles II, King of Naples, 258 Bishops, see Anselm, Elias Chateaubriand, 222 Church of the Nativity, 167 Chavli of Mosul, 35 Bethsan, 64 cheese, 272, 283 See Baisan Cheveneux, Dom Antoine, 220 Beugnot, A., 135, 152 Chinggis Khan, 204, 206–7, 208, 210, 212 Bilbais, 73, 74 chivalry biographies, 226–7, 228 and crusades, 223–4 bishops, 167–8 literature, 190 Bohemond I, Prince of Antioch, 32 Saladin, 228–9 Bohemond II, Prince of Antioch, 17, 24, Choziba, 173 27–8 Christian communities death, 29, 31–2 archaeology, 164–5 marriage, 30–1 categories, 161–4 Bohemond III, Prince of Antioch, 103 distribution, 173 Boniface VIII, Pope, 264 Chronicle of Ernoul, 109, 111, 189, 193, 194 Bossuet, 215 churches Bougie, 282 categories, 167 Bourges, 21 distribution, 165, 166, 173–7 Brindisi, 258 monastic churches, 171, 172 Brunetto Latini, 142 parish churches, 170–2 Brunschvig, R., 279, 286, 293 parish churches held by religious orders, Bukhara, 13, 205 171 Buriano, 291 structures, 168 Bursuq of Hamadan, 35 urban, 176, 177 Byzantium Cicero, Clemente, 289 Emperors, see Alexius I, Alexius II, Cicero, Simone, 290 Andronicus I, John II, Manuel I Cilicia, 31 Cistercians, 73 Caesarea, 14, 64, 170, 174, 177 Clement V, Pope, 197, 264, 268 Cahen, Claude, 229 Clermont, Council of, 235 Cairo, 17 clogs, 255 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78151-0 - The Experience of Crusading, Volume Two: Defining the Crusader Kingdom Edited by Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips Index More information Index 301 cloth, 238, 271, 272, 273, 283 Datini archive, 283, 292 Coffinus family, 273 David II, King of Georgia, 195 See George; Marinus; Perocius; Thomas David of Ashby, 197, 198, 200 Colbert, 214, 221 Dayr Dakariyd, 169 Cologne, 127–8 de la Brocquiere,` Bertrandon, 226 Conrad the Constable, 16, 17, 18 Demus, O., 115, 122, 128, 129, 132–3 Conrad of Montferrat, 81 Devise des chemins de Babiloine, 226 Constable, Giles, 229 al-Dhahab¯ı, 222 Constance, Princess of Antioch, 32–3, 36, 39, d’Herbelot, Barthel´ emy´ , 215–16, 221 44–5 Biblioth`eque orientale, 215–16, 218, Constantine, 282 219 Constantinople Doilus, Hospitaller brother, 258 1182 massacre of Latins, 106, 251 Dominicans, 197, 208 Byzantine reconquest, 251 Doquz Khat¯ un,¯ 198–9, 200, 202, 207 pillage, 237 Dozy, Rheinhart, 225 trade, 234–5 Druze, 161, 224 trade with Acre, 251–2 Du Cange, Charles, 215 Copts, 164 Dun, lordship of, 12, 21 Corday, Charlotte, 220 Durandus Carpentarius, 56 Coreb, 71 dye, 259 Cormery, monastery of, 25 Dyrrachium, 27–8 corn, 260, 272 coronations, 155 Edbury, Peter, 111, 229 Corsi, Pier Domenico, 277 Edessa, 61, 66, 72 Corsica, 276, 281, 288, 293 Edgington, Susan, 229 Cosmo of Lezia, 267 Edom, 174 cotton, 238, 259, 260, 265, 267, 270, 273 Edward Zaccaria, 265 court procedures, 148–52 Egypt, 15, 72–3, 74–5, 221, 235 crusaders Baldwin IV’s expedition, 95 first crusaders, 26 Fatimids, 15, 16 ideology, 195 trading, 17, 80 crusades Elba, 275, 276, 280 and chivalry, 223–4 Genoese attempts to control, 281–2 costs, 11–12 iron, 277, 283, 292–3,
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