License renewal relief new priority on FCC agenda Cox makes First Amendment mark in Supreme Court IUAniiUI m BroadcastingThe newsweekly of broadcasting and allied arts MarlOOur 44th Year 1975 e eve James Caan playíng`arzan he funniest a óur-serïes crea e - or prime access! A major production of prime -time quality from "I've always been a film man. Even though I've done some things on tape that I've been proud of. "But then, you might ask, why am I doing an endorsement ad for film? Because film is film. And there are plenty of things you can do with film that you just can't do with tape. "If you've ever heard me spout off about directing, you know how I feel. I demand a lot. After all, as a director, I've got the tremendous responsibility of controlling how the whole thing hangs together. I'm given an idea that's been fought over and wounded and battered and bandaged and I help transfer it from paper to film. "Film's the operative word here. I get a kind of warmth from film. And feeling. And depth. From a technical standpoint, film has a wide latitude. A nuance of tone. It gives me a quality in range from high contrast to a rich pastel. "There'll always be an argument floating around the trade about the differences between tape and film. Sure, sometimes you should use tape. I do a lot of my film editing on tape, and it's great when you need something six days ago. But in my own mind I've settled the argument. When I have to have that certain feeling... that presence, I'll go with film any day. After all, all of my award- winning commercials have been done on film. `And there's something else. I use the best equipment and people to get the best results... and I always use Eastman film:' Bob Giraldi. Award -winning commercial director and partner in Ampersand Productions. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Atlanta: 404/351-6510/Chicago: 312/654 -5300/Dallas: 214/351 -3221 Hollywood: 213/464 -6131 /New York: 212/262- 7100/San Francisco: 415/776-6055/Washington, D.C.: 202/554 -9300. TI1 3TTION ON THE MOVE Ih THE NIIRKE1! ON THE MOVE! Tampa -St. Petersburg has moved to the 17th television market in the nation *, up from 20th position. And Tampa -St. Petersburg is the 3rd market in the Southeast, the 2nd in Florida and fast on the heels of 16th ranked Atlanta and 15th ranked Miami. We outdistance Indianapolis, Baltimore and Seattle - Tacoma. Put your advertising dollars to work on WTVT, the station that consistently delivers more audience, 9 a.m. to midnight**, than any other station in the Tampa -St. Petersburg market. Your Katz representative has details and current avails. 'Arbitron estimates of U.S. Television Households in Area of Dominant Influence as of January 1, 1975. "Arbitron and Nielsen, Feb. /March, May and Nov., 1974, Cume Households, average quarter -hour audiences. All estimates subject to source and method limitations. THE WKY TELEVISION SYSTEM, INC. WTVT, Tampa /St. Petersburg S-1VE. Ur WKY -TV & Radio, Oklahoma City A CALO,! KTVT, Dallas /Ft. Worth O KHTV, Houston A CBS AFFILIATE WVTV, Milwaukee KSTW -TV, Seattle /Tacoma KATZ TELEVISION KRKE Radio, Albuquerque ATLANTIC Broadcasting ii Mar 10 Vol. 88 No. 10 30 days away from submitting any names to President. Closed Circuit® Candidates are still being interviewed, most of them urged on White House by members of Congress. When that pro- Ford and NAB. President Ford is expected to be star at- cess is completed, surviving candidates must be subjected traction at National Association of Broadcasters conven- to Federal Bureau of Investigations background check. tion in Las Vegas next month. Although NAB officials OTP post has been vacant since Clay T. Whitehead left it were saying question of his appearance was still open, and in September. that luncheon speaker on Monday, April 7, had not been set, word from White House last week was that President Ladies' man. What may become annual Hall of Fame award American Women in Radio had accepted invitation to appear, and will speak at that will be presented for first time by luncheon. President Ford visit would make second year in and Television at 24th annual convention in Chicago next Leonard row that NAB convention featured presidential appearance. month. First recipient, it's understood, will be J. Then- President Nixon traveled to Houston last year to use Reinsch, retired president of Cox Broadcasting Co. and in- will be NAB convention audience as backdrop for what became cumbent chairman of Cox Cable Corp. Presentation con- final news conference of his Presidency. made at banquet on April 24, second day of five -day vention Plaza. Still under consideration at White House is invitation to at Continental President to National Cable Television Association attend Straightening things out. National Association of Broad- week of April 14, That one is convention in New Orleans, casters by -laws committee, charged with finding ways to mulled over at staff level; it has not yet been still being improve NAB structure, will spend its first meeting this put to President for his decision. week in Washington trying to map objectives. Donald Thurston, of WMNB -AM -FM North Adams, Mass., chair- Every time. Advertisers and agencies won't like it, but one man of the by -laws committee, said last week common proposal be in fall's to tossed hopper in next negotiations concern in comments he has been collecting from broad- with performer unions on commercials TV would scrap pres- casters who have been involved with previous reform ef- ent formula calling for payment to performer in spot TV for forts is that 48- member board is cumbersome. Some TV I3-week unlimited use of commercial. Sanford (Bud) Wolff, members point partisan finger at radio board, which is executive secretary of American Federation of Television twice size of TV board. and Radio Artists, which will negotiate jointly with Screen Committee will study alternatives to "stepping -stone pol- Actors Guild in talks with agencies is and advertisers, opting itics," term used by some to describe how board members for "pay- for -play" approach (payment for each showing), now climb to joint board chairmanship. Among suggestions: use commercial claiming advertiser now can time and time that joint board chair formally rotate between radio and 13 weeks without additional payment. again over TV representatives, that at -large radio seats be eliminated. Idea, Mr. Thurston said, is to make joint board more man- Peace mission. Top officials of National Association of ageable and to involve it more "meaningfully" af- Broadcasters and Association of Independent Television in daily fairs Stations held secret meeting in New York last week to ex- of NAB. Others members of by -laws committee: Ray plore chances of composing differences over television Johnson, KMED-TV Medford, Ore.; Wally Nelskog, KIXI- AM-FM Seattle, and George Brooks, KCUE-AM -FM Red code. In background is decision by NAB TV board to make Wing, Minn. code subscription mandatory for NAB members by April 1976. In foreground is probable adoption by NAB TV Going up. Best estimates around TV networks are that board next month of TV code board recommendation for 1975 -76 program production costs will be 10%12% higher 7 -9 p.m. family viewing period that independents say is than this year's in most cases, though some individual series aimed straight at their counterprograming. Biggest sticking may cost around 15% more. These estimates are based on point right now is on commercial time standards, which deals already negotiated with producers who had been de- are tougher for independents in NAB code than some inde- manding higher prices (Broadcasting, Feb. 17). Increased pendents say they can live with. No evidence of headway costs almost inevitably mean higher prices for advertisers, on time standardization last week. though network sources are more reluctant to discuss those Among those at last week's meeting: from NAB, Vin- prospects. Herb Schlosser, NBC president, talking with re- cent T. Wasilewski, president, Wilson Wearn (Multimedia porters in Washington last week, guessed prices would be stations). TV board chairman; from INTV: James Terrell up about 5%, assuming recession doesn't hit TV hard. (KTVT[TV] Fort Worth), chairman, and Herman Land, president, Also present: R. Kent Replogle, president of Held over. Central theme of Radio Advertising Bureau's Metromedia Television, which, with four independent V's, management conferences this year has proved so popular has said it would have to quit NAB if code subscription in these recessive times that extra conference has been were tied to NAB membership. scheduled. Theme as presented by consultant Jim Hooker is how to apply principles of motivation - particularly Still looking. White House seems to be getting bogged kind that increases productivity without increasing size of down in selecting new director of Office of Telecommuni- staff. Some 400 station executives, mostly station managers cations Policy. Although OTP sources say John Eger, act- and sales managers but with smattering of programing and ing director, has inside track and will be on top of list of engineering directors, have been through this year's six three candidates finally submitted to President Ford for scheduled two -day conferences. Seventh has been set for his consideration, word out of White House is that staff is April 17 -18 at Chicago. Broadcasting Is published 51 Mondays a year (combined issue at yearend) by Broadcasting Publications Inc., 1735 DeSeles Street, N.W., Washington, D.0 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington.
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