THE QUA,KER CHANEY! I VOL. XVI., NO. 12. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL, SALEM, OHIO, DECEMBER 20, 1935 PRICE 5 CENTS NATIVE IS Salem Cagers Down Lisbon JUNIOR F~TE H.P. HEYNE SPEAKER For Second Victory SUCCESS 'TALKS Dancing to and fro about both "The Social and Educational Life ' BY BOB WlllTEmLL for Salem and the quarter ended large and small Christmas trees Stressing the need fo,r greater of the People of India" was the Sports Editor with Sa.lem leading by a 9 to_ 7 beneath a blue and white decorated safety in the homes and on the subject of an interesting discourse count. ceiling repre(>ents a scene at the highway, Mr. H. B. Heyne, safety . by Dr. s. R. Dhalwani, native of Coach Herb Brown's Salem High As the secondi quarter opened annual Junior class party held last engineer of the State Industrial Pari, India, in a talk before the Quakers took a step toward the Shears sunk a gift shot but Ikirt Friday in the Salem High School Commission, addressed the student student b.ody, a week ago Tuesday. county title by defeating a fight- scored a fielder. PukaJski, who gym. All about the walls were pine ·body last Tuesday morning. He · Dr. Dhalwani, who has an estab­ in.g Lisbon High quintet 28-17 in showed promise of being another branches and across the back of told of the immense toll of deaths lished· residence in Cleveland, is a "ti ' 1 · d · th the orchestra shell was written an excI ng game P aye Hl e "Dead Eye" sunk a bucket but in the United' States caused by ac- graduate of Western ·Reserve Den­ Quakers' gym last Tuesday night. Frasco evened things up as he "Merry Xmas". cidents which are due to careless- tal University. A capacity crowdi witnessed the Preceding the dance there was a ness and misunderstanding. scored a two pointer. Delmar "G d M h" · h . h b t In an early part of his talk he e.ncounter. S h ff ran arc m w Ic a ou one "Safety", declared Mr. Heyne, is c a er made good a free throw hundred and forty juniors took told of the great chances for edu_­ The Brownmen showed improve- and Lisbon called time. ' part. At .the beginning of the a problem which we have to solve. cation here in America. Back in ment m. all departments of play We may solve it by applying past · Brooks dribbled in and scored for march a "Santa Claus" distributed India, the restrictive caste system and their tight defense limited the observations and experiences".· prevents modern educative methods. foe to six hard earned• field goals. Lisbon but Pukalski sunk another candy canes to he students. At the Accidents Take Toll There students. unable to combine Lis·' bon -i.-ew first blood when long shot. The. Quakers led 15-13 end of the march the piece, "Santa ui at ·half time. Claus is Coming to Town," was He continued with the statement work and study, it being a belief Brooks, fouled by Pukalski, sunk Quakers Rally sung. Following this the dance be- that 36,000 people·were killed in the that a student who· works his way the gift shot but Clay Raynes , gan. The music was furnished by United States last year in automo- through college loses the respect of came bl!-Ck to sink two free throws In the third canto (the Quakers Jack Bernhart and his orchestra. bile accidents.' Ninety-two per cent his classmates. to put Salem in the lead. staged a great rally that netted During the intermission a pro- of these dea th s were caused b y ve- Dr. Dhalwani explained the struc­ / them nine points while holding hicles driven by p~ople who had a Vanaman duplicated Raynes' feat, 'their opponents to one. gram was presented by pupils of year's experience. Most of them ture of the caste system, which however, and the . Quakers again the Bettie Lee School of Dance. , originated in 2000 B. C., but is now found themselves a point behind. Pukalski, running up under the The program follows: Joyce Wach- occurred on .days when the weather becoming more or less extinct. Shears, who played a bang-up basket, received a pass from smith, tap dance; Donna Jean was favorable. and .the pavements "In India," declared the doctor, game, banked one through the Lutsch and conve~d it into a . 'Cvoess,,,, 1er, song an d t ap; Elaine Mc- dry. Therefore, he pointed out, "eating is considered a formality." meshes but Brooks tossed one in score. Shears, fouled by Frasco, Gh•ee, aero b a t·IC nove ItY, Pat tie highway accidents are caused by He continued with the statement: over his head and Shears' efforts made the gift shot. Pukalski "scored P h'lI lips, song and tap; Eldon Gib- persons wpo have developed lax on another long_ shot but Korn sunk b t d w· .f d t and careless driving habits. "Indians, for the· most part, eat only Went for naugh.t. ons, ap ance; Im re S rader 1 with the right hand, viewing With a charI"ty throw· ·. · This· was all the and Pat Sharkey, team tap dance; .- "There are three essentI"als I·n distaste the manneT 'of eating as- it At this point of the game Brian scoring the county seat lads were Maxine Bradley, song and tap. Ac- driving an automobile," Mr. Heyne is practiced: in America." While' replaced Slagle. Raynes grabbed to do this period. , companists for the program were ·stated, "these are the following : a rebound from 0 telling of strange customs, he spoke . the backboard· and Shears tossed in two successive Mrs. Ray Kenneweg and Miss Bet- PI~ nty of common se·nse • two ey es of marriage in In<Ma and told , of tossed it in. He followed this up fielde~s and . the qua.rter closed tie Lee Kenneweg. After the pro- on the road, and above all, two the method of identifying a married with a successful foul shot. with no further scoring. Salem (Continued on Page 4) hands on the wheel." Ikirt scored a fielder for Lisbon 24, 'Lisbon 14, read the scoreboard Home Is Dangerous lady by a red spot she puts on her but Kenny Shears sunk a basket forehead. --------------- . at the end of this quarter. BAND SPONSORS That many accidents occur in In closing, he diemonstrated a DEBATE HOLD Korn was the first to score as the home was brought out by the turban and its construction, show­ the final quarter gp1J under way. DANCE TONITE speaker. Thirty-four thousand five ing ~me that were 10x2-0 inches. PRACTICE Pukalski sunk two long ones and hundred deaths resulted from home Vanaman tossed in a free throw to Tonight . the Salem High school accidents, most of which might A practice debate was held be­ conclude the scoring in this quar­ band will sponsor its third annual have been prevented by a little FROSH ELECT tween the two first teams in room ter. Every member of the· varsity bandJ dance in the gym. forethought. OFFICERS 309 a week ago . Wednesday. Mr. saw action in the final quarter. The spirit of Christmas will be Improper ·use of gasoline, kero­ Cope judged this debate and gave Led by , Bill Brooks the Salem prevalent with decorations emblem- sene and defective wiring ar·e re­ sponsible ·for many casualities in The freshmen held · their annual the decision to the negative squad. High reserves defeated the Lis­ atic of the Yuletide season. Mr. Guiler's first affirmative and bon reserves 23 to 17 in closely The band dance, which was begun the home. Also bathtubs ai:e a election of officers a week ago a source of danger. Thursday, naming John Evans, second negative teams visited Niles contested tilt. Pappas was the out­ three years ago, is now an annual last Monday for a non-decision pre­ Calls For Safety president; Bill Rogers, vice presi­ standing player on the Lisbon team. affair. liminary debate. dent, and Mary: Louise Emery, Proceeds fr~m this· important Mr, Heyne coneluded his address On Wednesday, two Niles teams In another game the Salem Alt- social affair ·will go toward the with this statement, "Approximate­ secretary-treasurer. returned the visit for a · similar de- house Studebakers defeated the band fund. ly 98 / per cent of all accidents in The class has made no plans for bate. Lisbon 'Hanna Arrows 56 to 29. A Music will be furnished by Ken the home and on the highways any activities other than the fresh- During · Christmas vacation, on number of ex-high star~ played oil Morris and his orchestra, a newly­ coulud be prevented by car~fulness man-sophomore· party in the spring. Dec. 27, Salem's first two teams both quintets. organized unit which is gainiz.ig and thoughtfulness. The lives and During the first semester the stu- will debate •between themselves. Paul Mc'Closkey, Zelle and' Culler led popularity in this vicinity. happiness of our lov·ed ones should dents have sold 2,000 football and Strader, former Salem High school the studebaker attack while Dancing will begin at 8 o'clock,' not be put in jeopardy by our neg­ basketball pencils, the proceeds student and now a member of Ohio Blackburn and Lisbon Hign's an¢ various committees nave been lect. ·Let us endeavor to make this going to the treasury. State university's debate squad, will 00ach, Phil Bickle, looked best for appointed to take charge of refresh- world a safer place to live." This is the fourth consecutive judge.
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