Catalog of Filipino Names No graphics, all data, one page! Katálogo ng mga Apelyidong Pilipino (Catalog of Filipino Names) © 1995-98 by Hector Santos All rights reserved. One of the more obvious marks left by Spanish rule in the Philippines is the prevalence of Hispanic surnames among Christianized Filipinos. Those who lived in remote areas and were not subjugated escaped this fate. Many people in the mountain areas of Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Palawan, and other places retained their way of life, their culture, and their way of naming themselves. Thus, a Yam-ay in Mindoro today does not have a name like Claudette Villanueva as would probably have been the case had she lived among the conquered people. Before the Spaniards arrived, a person's second (family, not middle) name was usually taken from one of his children. Thus, Timbô who had a son named Pitík was known as Timbô, amá ni Pitík. Compare this with the Western custom of sons taking their names from their fathers like Peter, son of John, or Peter Johnson. Sometimes, a physical feature was used to describe a person like Pitong Kirat for a certain Pito who only had one good eye. Many early Christianized Filipinos named themselves after the saints so much so that it caused consternation among the Spanish authorities. Apparently, Christianization worked much too well and there were soon too many Santoses, San Joses, San Antonios, and San Buenaventuras to suit those in power. They were forced to change their last names unless they could prove that their family had been using it for several generations. Another unacceptable custom was that siblings took on different last names like they had always done before the Spaniards came. All these "problems" resulted in a less efficient system of collecting taxes. And so, on November 21, 1849 Governor General Narciso Clavería ordered a systematic distribution of family names for the natives to use. The Catalogo Alfabetico de Apellidos was produced and approved names were assigned to families in all towns. Name distribution was so systematic that civil servants assigned family names in alphabetical order causing some small towns with only a few families to end up with all names starting with the same letter. (This interesting situation remained until fairly recent times when people became more mobile and started seeking mates from other towns.) One result of the Hispanization of Filipino names was the change in the way traditional names (placenames, too) were pronounced. Since Hispanic names were just sounds that didn't mean much, names like "Dimalantá" became "Dimalanta" (the accent shifting to the penultimate syllable) and "Julag-ay" became "Júlagay" (the accent shifting from the penultimate to the first and the glottal catch disappearing). This tended to hide the meanings of the names and made them more of an abstract entity just like Hispanic names. At the same time, the new pronunciation sounded more Hispanic and this step completed the transformation of some families, at least in their own minds, to an erzats class of pseudo-Spaniards. This list has brought about many interesting emails with more names and stories about their origins. Most were proud to have real Filipino names unlike the majority of us who have Hispanic surnames. However, one took exception to having his name, Agulto, listed as an indigenous Filipino name. He claimed he was a Filipino whose ancestors were Sheppardic Jews from Spain and he found it offensive for his name to be called truly Filipino. Of course, I immediately removed Agulto from this list. Below is a list of truly Filipino names that remained in use even after the Clavería edict. Abacan http://www.bibingka.com/names/ (1 af 42)14-06-2009 19:31:43 Catalog of Filipino Names AbadayAbalahin to disturb Tagalog Abao Abat Abay next to Ilocano Abaya Abayan stand next to Abayari Abeya BIBAK Abiad Abinsay Ilocano Abiog (abyog) swinging Tagalog Ablang Ablasa Ablog Ilocano Abog sudden Tagalog about to be born Tagalog Abuan Abucajo Abucay Abueg Abut (Abot) Abutin to reach Tagalog Abuyen Acas to gather Ilocano Acda author Aclan from Aklan Acob Acolola Acop BIBAK Acot Ilocano Acpal Acupan Adapon Aday Adlao day Boholano Adlawan daily Adoc Ilocano Afuyog BIBAK Agam Ilocano Agamata Ilocano Aganad to be careful Ilocano Agapito Agarpao Agas medicine Ilocano Agatep thatcher Ilocano Agati Agatol Agawin to snatch Tagalog Agbannaoag Agbay Agbayani to be heroic Ilocano Agbisit Agbulos to let go Ilocano Agbuya to watch Ilocano Agcamaran Agcambot Agcaoili to hold on to Ilocano Agdamag to ask for news Ilocano Agdeppa to spread one's hands Ilocano Agdinaoay Aggabao Ilocano Aglibut to roam around Ilocano Aglipay to play w/ lipay seeds Ilocano Agngarayngay Ilocano Agonoy Agpalo to strike Ilocano http://www.bibingka.com/names/ (2 af 42)14-06-2009 19:31:43 Catalog of Filipino Names Agpaoa Agpoon Agsalog Agsalon Agsalud* to salute Ilocano Agtaguem Agtarap Ilocano Agtutubo to grow robustly Ilocano Aguiling? Aguimbag get well Ilocano Aguimmatang buy Ilocano Agumabay Agumbay Waray Agunod Agup Akiaten (akyatin) to climb Tagalog Akut Alalay aid Alambat Alampay shawl Alanunay Ilocano Alao Alasaas Alay-ay Albalos Alcaparlas Alday Alderite Alibin Alicbusan Aligmayo BIBAK Alikpala Aliling Alimboyugen Alimurung Alindogan beauty Alingog Boholano Alinsangan hot weather Tagalog Alipio BIBAK Alitagtag Boholano Alnas Alon wave Tagalog Alonto Alpay Alujipan Alumisin Alunan to swamp Tagalog Alupay Amaba Amahit Amaming BIBAK Ambagan Ambat Ambayon Amboy Ambulo Amicay Amiling BIBAK Amit Ammog Amosin Cebuano Amoyo you know Ilocano Ampalayon Ampang Ampig? Ampil? http://www.bibingka.com/names/ (3 af 42)14-06-2009 19:31:43 Catalog of Filipino Names Ampon (Ampong) foster child Tagalog Ampongan Ilocano Amulong Amurao Ancaya Ancheta? Ilocano Andal Andaya Angara beautiful Angat Angobung Angus Aniag Aningalan Annala Antalan Anub Anyog Boholano Aoanan to deplete Ilocano Apan go Ilocano Apanapao Apanay Apayor Boholano Apdal Apelin Apigo Apili Aplaon Apoga Apoian place for burning Aporongao Ara-o Arauag Araw (Arao) sun Aro Aromin Arong Asoy Aswit Atabay wait Tagalog Atangan support Tagalog Atay liver Tagalog Ato Atok Ilocano Auza Awa mercy Tagalog Awitan singing Aya-ay Cebuano Ayran Ayuman Ayuyang gathering place Ilocano Ayuyao Bañaga foreigner Ba-ad Baal Babalato to share Tagalog Babao shallow Tagalog Babasa will read Tagalog Babaylan spiritist Visayan Babingao Bables Baboyan place for pigs Bacad Bacani Bacay Bacaycay http://www.bibingka.com/names/ (4 af 42)14-06-2009 19:31:43 Catalog of Filipino Names Baccay to guard Tagalog Baclao Baclayan Baclig Bacolor Bacotot Bactad Bacunawa dragon Badabgio Badar Baddas Badjao Cebuano Bael Baga lung Tagalog Bagadiong Bagain Bagala Bagalayos Bagaman perchance Bagang gums Bagaoisan to grow wings Tagalog Bagarinao Bagasao Ilocano Bagasbas blessing Tagalog Bagay object Bagayan make compatible Tagalog Bagnol Boholano Bagongarao Bagong-gahasa newly sharpened Tagalog Bagoyo Bagsic fierce Tagalog Bagsit Bagtas Bague Boholano? Baguio typhoon Ilocano Bahaghari rainbow Tagalog Bahande treasure, rich Boholano Bahena Baidingo Cebuano Baisac Baitan goodness Baje Bakaranis Balaba shawl Tagalog Balabagan Balabis Balaga Balagot a type of hat Tagalog Balagtas trail blaze Tagalog Balamut Balana Balandra obstruction Tagalog Balanga Balangatan Balangue Pangasinan, Ilocano Balani (Balane) magnetic stone Tagalog Balanon Balantakbo Balaoing Balason Balata Balatazo Balatbat Balatibat Balatico Balbiran http://www.bibingka.com/names/ (5 af 42)14-06-2009 19:31:43 Catalog of Filipino Names Balgos Baliad to arch oneself Cebuano Baliao Baligad Baliling Balimbin Balingit to shake Ilocano Balino Balioac Ilocano Balisacan Balita news Tagalog Balitaan share news Tagalog Balitactac Balondo Balot wrapped Tagalog Balubal cashew Tagalog Baluran Baluyut (Baluyot) woven rice container Tagalog Balweg Banaag glimpse Tagalog Banal Banaria Banasan Banasihan Tagalog Banaticla Banayat calm Tagalog Bancain to go by boat Tagalog Bancale? Bancod (Bancud) Tagalog Bandigas Bandol Bandong Bangachon BIBAK Bangad Bangayan Banghulot Bangit Bangwa BIBAK Baniaga (see Bañaga) Banico Banigo-os Baniqued Banlaygas Banta threat Tagalog Bantay sentry Tagalog Bantigui (Bantegui) Bantilan Banting (Banteng) clothesline Ilocano Bantoc strike on the head Tagalog Bantog (Bantug) famous Tagalog Banua Banzali? Baon provision Tagalog Baqui Baquiran forest Ilocano Baradi Barangan kind of fish Baraoidan Baratang Bareng maybe Ilocano Bariring Barlaan Barongan Barut Basa read, wet Tagalog Basi sugar cane wine Ilocano http://www.bibingka.com/names/ (6 af 42)14-06-2009 19:31:43 Catalog of Filipino Names Basibas Basig Basilides? Basingat BIBAK Basingit Baste Basubas Bataanon from Bataan Tagalog Batac my child Ilocano Batacan pull Tagalog Bataclan Batao type of bean Tagalog Batas law Batenga Bathan Bati greeting Batin Batingan Bato stone Tagalog Batoctoy Batong BIBAK Batongbacal metallic stone Tagalog Batongmalaque large stone Tagalog Batoon Battad Battong (Battung) Batucan hit on nape Batuyong Bauan Bawalan Baya Bayag long time Ilocano Bayani hero Tagalog Baybay coast Cebuano Bayla? Baylon Baylosis? Bayna string to hold cock Bayog Bayot Bayoy Boholano Bayquen Baysac Bayudan Bayuga Becbec Belano Beligan BIBAK Belite Benipayo Biabas guava(?) Boholano Biag life Ilocano Biagan lively; to enliven Ilocano Bigalbal Bigay Bicolano Bigayan act of giving Tagalog Biglang-awa quick care Tagalog Bihis clothed Tagalog Bilog round, small boat Tagalog, Ilocano Binaday Binaohan hit by coconut Tagalog Binaoro Cebuano
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