•;• • • ^». 1 ^IV ‘ -, ____ , rr‘ -,...|. p:^■ 1^ ^^1 'Tl^"T' ■ r4 w ':* "W MkeriptioBi 4a M Fctnunr H is. H r1i»«o Fekruiy l ItlS. If yovaant ■Up i«ad« Febraary 19 yoar paper «!■ be dHeentiBBed aaietia paia ia aavaaaa before that Um^ aelBeaipIc VOLUME XXX—NO. 24 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON—JANUARY 9, 1919 kit^.csnts a sinbli copy $1.50 PER YEAR MABBIED I NEW CITY RULING WORTH READING I Carl M. Hammond of St. Johns, R. The new city commission has in-1 “Remember the commandment, O., and Miss Qertrude L. Taylor of structed the city manager to discon- . “Thou Shalt not swear” when you EPIDEMIC OF FIRE Merle Beach were united in marriage { tinue the practice, formerly carried 1 FORMED PRESIDENT go to pay your winter taxes Yes SUFFERS LOSS OF on the morning of New Years Day at out by the city, of hauling ashes, gar- they are high, but Just think of the the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. E. _ bage and other debris from private many people in Prance and Belgium A. Armstrong. They were attended by I residences and business places. This I who would be glad to pay taxes, had SIRIKESST. JOHNS Francis Cutler of Lansing and Miss; HERO, RETURNS ruling will take effect immediately. the Huns left any of their property LEG IHGCIDENT Lucile Savagoet of Merle Beach. ----------- on which to pay taxes. DEPAUTMF.NT .VAKKS THKKi: KI'ISH O‘“1? and place were | „ekb KRT ESTES LED .MEN GOOD RO ADS. WAS CHIEF EXECUTIVE FOB SPLINTERED BONE NECE88I* married Miss Cecil M. Barnes and William Bryant, Secretary of the Some people think eggs are high IX HVK DAYS Christopher Me Ginnis, both of Dewitt INTD NO MANS LAND Michigan State Good Roads Associa ­ SEVEN YE ARS at 60 cents per doz. But dear read ­ TATES AMPUTATION. where they will make their home. tion, will be in St. Johns Tuesday, er you must understand as long as Jan. 14 at 1:00 p. m. to give an ad- labor Is high products will remain ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT ^ dress before the board of supervisors high. One egg is the product of a 7254 MILL BURNS. HOSPITAL DAMAGED Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hicks recently WAS VICTIM OF A GAS AHACK on federal aid money as applying to ROOSEVELT TAKEN, END ABRUPT day ’s labor for 1 hen—6c per day is ED IS STRUCK BY TRAIH announced the engagement of their Clinton county. He is desirous of hav­ cheap for labor. -—Grand Ledge Times daughter, B. Louise HlCks to Ensign ing the matter of re>.jmiDg to the WENT THROUGH HARD FIGHTING MEMORIAL SERYICEH HELD AT IS INJURED ON TUESDAY. EMPLOYED AT HAYES WHEEL COl. AGGREGATE OF TOTAL LOSS Carl Bonbrlght of Flint at a tea re­ county road system submitted to the cently given to a number of the girl WITHOUT A WOUND voters of the county at the April elec­ HOME AND ABROAD Alfred Brooks, 36 years old, a bind ­ WHEN INJURED. OVER «2n.0tMi friends of Miss Hicks. She leaves tion. er at the Hayes Motor Truck Wheel this week to finish her course at Co. was seriously injured on Tuesday, Smith college from where she will be about 12:30 when a hanger broke let­ Caught between Barrages; With six Funeral .Services Held .Wednesday Recovers Rapidly; WTII Probably Re* Owner Thinks That The Mill W hh Set: graduated in June. WALTER BURK DIES. ting a counter shaft drop on his head. companioBs kept alive on hard Fred C., Burk received a telegram At Oyster Bay; Hundreds Tele­ The shaft cut his face and make a ceive Compensation Says Attor ­ Rnilding all .Ablaze Mhen NOW IS THE TIME. Monday evening that bis brother. slight scalp wound also injuring bis Uck, beef, water and nerre graph Sympathy. ney Kelly S. Heart DIseotered Edward Marshall, the newspaper Walter of New London, Ohio was left elbow. He was taken to the St< man, who lost his foot in an accident seriously HI with influenza and Tues­ Johns Hospital where he was given MondAy, will appreciate It, ir'his pa­ day morning a telegram came stating medical aid. He is now at his home trons will pay their back accounts The following extract «lllng-iof the that he' was dead. Mr. Burk left Theodore .Roosevelt, president of the doing as well as could be expected.* While crossing a side-track in tlsg Making the third blaze in five days promptly at Hunts Drug Store, or to thrilling heroism •. f one of our local Tuesday afternoon to attend the fu­ United States for seven ybars, died at --- ■ •4’ fr yarfds of the Hayes Motor Truck the St. Johns City Mill was entirely his daughters when they call. A com ­ boys while serving with the 47th infan ­ neral. Mr. Burk is well-known here his home at Sagamore Hill, Oyster RESIGNED POSITION Wheel Co, Monday noon, EM MarshaB, destroyed by a fire of unknown origin plete list has been left at the Drug try in Prance, was written by a New having been a visitor at the home of Bay, at 4:15 o ’clock Monday, Jan. 6th. 'paries Rose local agent for the an employe, was knocked down *»m early this morning. The loss is esti­ Store. There are several hundred ac­ York Correspondent and appeared in his brother, Fred C. Burk many times. Two simple funeral services were Micmlgan Railway for a year, has re­ run over by a Grand Trunk freigtt mated at 918>000 and is only partly counts and you can help Mr. Marshall the Free Press. held, one at Sagamore Hill at 12:45 p. signed and will accept a position with train, suffering the loss of his riglk covered by insurance. During the now when he needs it, by attending NEW YORK—Corporal Herbert Es­ m. Wednesday and the other on the the Rock Island Southern Railway at foot. He was taken to the St. Johns past two years the mill has lieen oper ­ to this yourseU, without waiting to tes of St. Johns Mich., who has Just same day at Christ’s churCh, Oyster Mathersvllle, III. His resignation took Hospital where a badly splintereA ated by Harmon and Foltz. be called on. returned from overseas is the hero of FORMER EOITOR OF THE ST. JOHNS' Bay. The colonel was burled In effect Jan. 2nd. bone necessitated the amputation ot The fire was discovered at 12:15 a thrilling war story. Young ’s Memorial cemetery. Crowds his leg Just below the knee. The pa* this morning and the alarm was im­ One night late in July 1918, NEWS DIES IN e YORK CITY of statesmen, government officials, tient suffered no other injury from mediately sent in by night-watchman i young Estes led a squad of . auto ­ soldiers «nd (friends thronged the the accident and is recovering rap* .Alward. The building was ail ablaze { matic riflemen known as the “Sui­ hoine of the great American to wijL- Idly. from the Inside when first discovered, i cide gang ” out onto a Chateau LEFT HERE ABOUT TWENTY ness the last rites. Mr. Marshall, who is well-known ia The fire department arrived in short | TDIANGLE.TRIIGK Thierry battlefield and before he YEARS AGO Hundreds of telegrams expressing this city as a newspaper agent for tha order but the building was doomed, i could get back to his lines Ameri­ sympathy have been received daily at past ten years, gives the followlnR By the use of three lines of hose the , cans and Germans sent up a bar­ the Roosevelt home from persons of version of the accident: fire was kept confined to the building ; rages, Estes and six companions dug Funeral services will be held this all political and religious faiths “I had Just‘Punched in for work which burned like tinder. By use of { MANAGER GALLED! and three nights. afternoon (January 9th. 1919) at the throughout the coi^ntry. Memorial ISM LIFTED shortly after 12:16 and was leaving chemicals the flames on the roofs of i ------ I Caught in between these two bar­ home of Mrs. Abbie Corbin for her services have been taking place in the main factory bnilding to pila other buildings nearby were put out { FRED VON THURN SUCCUMBS TO! rages, Estes nad six companions dug son Hollis Corbin who died in New hundreds of cities, both here and UHURUH SERVICES HELD SUN­ billets in the yards near the tracks. before they could gain headway. The | holes in the ground and kept alive York City, January 3rd. of Bright’s I abroad. I neither eaw nor heard the train as high wind which was blowing from , PNEUMONIA. ! on a small package of hard tack, a can disease. j President Wilson signed a procla- DAY; SCHOOLS RE-OPEX. I crossed the side-track. It was a the west carried the sparks and burn- i of corned beef, a canteen of water Hollis Corbin was born In St. Johns ' mation closing government offices at switch engine with several freight ing brands considerable distances but : and nerve. Dec. 13th, 1872 and received his edu ­ i home and abroad and ordered the cars and there was no breaksman on due to the efforts of tlie firemen no | During the three days and nights cation here in the public schools. At [ American flag to be half-masted the end car to give warning. Tha other fires resulted. WAS HELD IN HIGHEST ESTEEM Estes and his comrades were oug one time he was editor of the St. i wherever it floats.
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