March 29, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 6241 Paul W. Wade, Mayfield. OREGON are ordered by the Lord; and he delight­ Charles H. Seller, Mulvane. Mabel E. Pounds, Adrian. eth in His way. Earl D. Medlen, Rantoul. Max E. Gardner, Springfield. Myron L. Van Gundy, Reading. Lavonne H. Moe, Sweet Home. Eternal God, Who art ever near unto Robert A. Franken, Troy. Elizabeth A. Barber, Ukiah. us and never far away, Thou knowest KENTUCKY how much we need Thy wisdom and PENNSYLVANIA counsel for the solution of the many hard Bobbie T. Hunter, Providence. Ernest E. Roberts, Bechtelsville. James P. Edwards, Russellv1lle. Harry P. Snyder, Columbia. and difficult problems which must be our Doris K. Burns, Sanders. Paul B. Robinson, Concordville. chief and ceaseless concern. LOUISIANA Phares C. Cramer, Conestoga. We acknowledge that Thou hast given us a large and responsible share in de­ Roger Frere, Madisonv1lle. Arthur E. Smith, Crooked Creek. Henry L. Parham, Mangham. Abram B. Lauver, Dalmatia. termining our own life and the state of Raymond G. Mathews, Doylestown. society and hast evoked within us a sense MARYLAND Charles C. Kerlin, Falls. of discipline which makes for nobility Albert A. Ph1llips, Hampstead. Walter E. Lucas, Fleming. of character. Margaret A. Stotler, Hancock. Ruth L. Funk, Glenwillard. Grant that we may feel Thy presence Hilda B. Free, New Market. Harvey A. Baddorf, Halifax. Nicholas S. Price, Sparks. James J. Kelly, Herminie. within us, stirring our minds and hearts Thomas H. Wallace, Street. Charles L. Gilmore, Lahaska. with lofty visions and mighty hopes; Evelyn F. Lednum, Tilghm~. William E. Nolan, Lake Ariel. overruling our many blunders and guid­ MASSACHUSETTS Herbert A. Hall, Lakewood. ing our energies in the ways of the Lord. Warren B. Stapleton, Lewisburg. We thank Thee for the high and faith­ Frank Zalot, Jr., Hadley. Edward B. Henning, Mehoopany. ful efforts of our President, our Speaker, James I. Keyes, Sharon. Alice H. Bustin, Milan. · Lawrence B. Connelly, Sherborn. and the Members of the Congress to help Ernestine C. Buttorff, Millmont. all humanity achieve the life that has John J. Kelley, Jr., Truro. Althea M. Best, Neffs. MICHIGAN Raymond E. Hausman, New Tripoli. eternal worth and meaning. · Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. Robert L. Hunsberger, Bloomingdale. Norma A. Stoudt, Palm. Kenneth G. Kienitz, Ithaca. Ralph S. Meyer, Pocopson. George Novak, Sayre. James M. Stubbert, Mason. THE JOURNAL Theodore Russ, New Buffalo. Robert L. Clink, Snow Shoe. John L. May, Paris. Lloyd S. French, Starrucca. The Journal of the proceedings of George E. Smith, Sand Lake. Walter H. Hoffman, Strasburg. Friday, March 26, 1965, was read and Gerald A. Farnan, Shepherd. Everett A. Holmes, Thompson. approved. Donald F. Gillard, Spruce. Walter P. Quintin, Thornton. George P. Kraft, Washington Baro. MINNESOTA SOUTH CAROLIN A WATERSHED PROTECTION AND Hjalmar Hulin, Aitkin. Douglas E. McTeer, Early Branch. FLOOD PREVENTION ACT Michatel C. Rooney, Benson. Farrell E. Rodgers, New Ellenton. Marcellus J. Simonson, Wood Lake. John W. Rogers, Pelzer. The SPEAKER laid before the House MISSOURI Vertie Lee Salley, Salley. the following communication from the Emmet R. Carey, Brookfield. Milledge D. Penn, Ward. chairman of the Committee on Agricul­ Wilson S. Tally, Clinton. SOUTH DAKOTA ture; which was read and together with Robert F. Reddick, Crystal City. Leonard H. Nelson, Miller. the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee on Appropriations: Janet K. Lewis, Des Arc. TENNESSEE Edward C. Grimes, Gallatin. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Joe F . Corlew, Bruceton. COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, Martha F. Mead, Harrisburg. Avos B. Halsell, Moss. Thomas G. Williams, Lathrop. Washington, D.C., March 25, 1965. Robert W. Burford, Leeton. TEXAS Hon. JOHN. W. McCORMACK, V. Wayne Shroyer, Mercer. Sam A. Kelley, Alvarado. The Speaker, House of Representatives, Don 0. Baker, Newburg. Annie M. Whittley, Barksdale. Washington, D.C. Edwin Zajicek, Buckholts. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the pro­ William J. Blanton, Norwood. visions of section 2 of the Watershed Pro­ George T. Lipscomb, Wellsvme. Robert L. Baldridge, Jr., Clifton. Walter Kutzer, Comfort. tection and Flood Prevention Act, as NEBRASKA Evaline W. Bartlett, Glen Flora. amended, the Committee on Agriculture on Ella E. Jackson, Crookston. Leonard W. Pierce, Gordon. March 25, 1965, considered the work plans Robert D. Nealon, Wolbach. Katherine B. Carter, Hawley. transmitted to you by executive communica­ tion and referred to this committee, and NEW JERSEY Ramon G. Amaya, San Diego. 0. C. Sewell, Jr., Sulphur Springs. unanimously approved each of such plans. Jeanne L. Tamplin, Hewitt. Sammie 0. Smith, Telephone. The work plans involved are: Warren T. Moulton, Rahway. New Mexico: Executive communication VERMONT NEW YORK No. 2536, 88th Congress, Cass Draw water­ Francis H. Eddy, East Wall1ngford. shed. Philip J. Dittmeier, Manorvme. James D. O'Brien, Shelburne. Connecticut: Executive communication Francis P. Secor, Otego. VIRGINIA No. 2536, 88th Congress, Farm Brook water­ Louis P. Kriss, West Islip. Agnes M. Allen, Goshen. shed. NORTH CAROLINA Norman J. Hogge, Hayes. Wisconsin: Executive communication Howard Young, Bakersvme. Charles R. Jordan, Haymarket. No. 2536, 88th Congress, Plum Creek water­ Stuart M. Petke, West Point. shed. Paul E. Buck, Burnsville. Kansas: Executive communication No. Ann F. Watts, Germanton. WEST VIRGINIA 705, 89th Congress, Rock Creek watershed. Anne B. Collins, Laurel Springs. Charles G. Robison, Fairview. North Dakota: Executive communication Elma P. Drew, Magnolia. Glenn W. Hammer, Weston. No. 705, 89th Congress, Willow Creek-Park Mildred A. Crowder, Peachland. George A. Fahey, Wheeling. River watershed. James W. Jenkins, Pendleton. WISCONSIN Arkansas: Executive communication No. Sybil M. Biconish, White Oak. 705, 89th Congress, Big Slough watershed. Lawrence J. Vandehey, Aburndale. NORTH DAKOTA Nebraska: Executive communication No. Vernon A. Plamann, Greenville. 705, 89th Congress, Rock Creek watershed. Thelma A. Hovet, Buxton. Nebraska: Executive communication No• OHIO •• .... •• 705, 89th Congress, Spring Creek watershed. Miles S. Snyder, Jr., Brookfield. Utah: Executive communication No. 705, Thomas R. Armstrong, Mendon. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 89th Congress, Minersville watershed. Thelma M. Schneider, Middle Bass. West Virginia and Pennsylvania: Executive C. Thomas Sharp, Pleasant Plain. MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1965 communication No. 641, 88th Congress, Har­ Harold W. Kinney, Richmond. mon Creek watershed. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Vermont: Executive communication No. OKLAHOMA The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, 2427, 88th Congress, Jewell Brook watershed. Ruth M. Ph111ips, Gore. D.D., used these words of the psalmist: Sincerely yours, Beatrice H. Jones, Porter. Psalm 37: 23: The steps of a good man HAROLD D. COOLEY, Chairman. 6242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 29, 1965 SUBCOMMITTEE ON HOUSING, COM­ SUBCOMMITTEE ON IRRIGATION committee or any subcommittee or any MITTEE ON BANKING AND CUR­ AND RECLAMATION member of the committee or subcommittee designated by such chairman and may be RENCY Mr. ROGERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, served by any person designated by such Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, on behalf I ask unanimous consent that the Sub­ chairman, or member. of the gentleman from . Pennsylvania committee on Irrigation and Reclama­ Funds authorized are for expenses in­ tion of the Committee on Interior and curred in the committee's activities within [Mr. BARRETT], who I understand has the United States; and in compliance with cleared this matter with the gentleman Insular Affairs be permitted to sit this section 1754 of title 22, United States Code, from New Jersey [Mr. WIDNALLJ, I ask afternoon during general debate. or any other provision of law, local curren­ unanimous consent that the Subcommit­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to cies owned by the United States in foreign tee on Housing of the Committee on the request of the gentleman from countries shall be made available to the Com­ Banking and Currency may be permit­ Texas? mittee on Post Office and Civil Service for There was no objection. expenses of its members or other Members ted to sit during general debate for the or employees traveling abroad. remainder of the week. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to With the following committee amend­ COMMITTEE ON POST OFFICE AND ments: the request of the gentleman from Okla­ CIVIL SERVICE homa? On page 3, line 5, after the word "places" Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, reserving Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, insert the words "within the United States". the right to object, would the distin­ by direction of the Committee on Rules, On page 3, line 11, delete the words "or guished majority leader limit that to a I call up House Resolution 245 and ask any subcommittee". day-by-day request please. for its immediate consideration. On page 3, line 12, delete the words "or subcommittee". Mr. ALBERT. I will be glad to. The Clerk read the resolution, as On page 3, line 19, after the word "shall" Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw follows: insert the word "not". my reservation of objection. H. RES. 245 On page 3, line 11, after the word "chair­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Resolved, That, effective from January 3, man" insert "or, in his absence, the vice unanimous consent that the subcommit­ 1965, the Committee on Post Office and Civil chairman". tee may sit while the House is engaged Service, acting as a whole or by subcommit­ On page 3, line 13, after the word "chair­ tee, be authorized to conduct full and com­ man" insert "or, in his absence, the vice in general debate today. plete studies and investigations as reqUired chairman". The SPEAKER. Is there objection to in connection with all matters coming with­ On page 3, line 14, after the word "chair­ the request of the gentleman from Okla­ in the jurisdiction of the committee, in­ man" insert", or vice chairman,". homa? cluding, but not limited to the following There was no objection. matters: The SPEAKER. The gentleman from ( 1) The classification of all mail, postal Virginia EMr. SMITHJ is recognized for 1 rates, fees, and size and weight of all classes hour.
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