ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE NOTES The following list is for use in connection with the short-form citations in Notes to the Introduction (beginning at p. 148 below) and Notes to the Poems (beginning at p. 150 below). BL S. T. Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, 2 vols (London, 1817); ed. J. Shawcross, 2 vols (Oxford, 1907). EY The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth: The Early Years, 1787-1805, ed. Ernest de Selincourt (Oxford, 1935); 2nd edn rev. Chester L. Shaver (Oxford, 1967). See also LY and MY, below. HD William Wordsworth, Poems in Two Volumes, ed. Helen Darbishire (Oxford, 1914; 2nd edn, 1952). Hutchinson William Wordsworth, Poems in Two Volumes, ed. Thomas Hutchinson, 2 vols (London, 1897). IF Notes dictated by Wordsworth to Isabella Fenwick. JDW Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth, ed. Mary Moorman (Oxford, 1971) - notably the Alfoxden and Grasmere Journals. LSTC Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. E. L. Griggs, 6 vols (Oxford, 1956-71). LY I, II The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth: The Later Years, 1821-1834, ed. Ernest de Selincourt (Oxford, 1938-9); 2nd edn rev. Alan G. Hill (Oxford, 1978-9). See also EY above, and MY below. MS.L. Longman MS, British Library Add. MS. 47864. [Cf. A Description of the Wordsworth and Coleridge Manuscripts in the Possession of Mr T. Norton Longman, ed. W. Hale White (London, 1897).] MYI The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth: The Middle Years, Part I, 1806-1811, ed. Ernest de Selincourt (Oxford, 1936); 2nd edn rev. Mary Moorman (Oxford, 1969). MY II The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth: The Middle Years, Part II, 1812-1820, ed. Ernest de Selincourt (Oxford, 1937); 2nd edn rev. Mary Moorman and Alan G. Hill (Oxford, 1970). See also EY and LY, above. NBSTC The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. Kathleen Coburn, 3 vols (London, 1957- ). P2V William Wordsworth, Poems, in Two Volumes, Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme, 2 vols (London, 1807). 146 ABBREVIATIONS 147 Prelude William Wordsworth, The Prelude, ed. Ernest de Selincourt (Oxford, 1926); 2nd edn rev. Helen Darbishire (Oxford, 1959). Prose The Prose Works of William Wordsworth, ed. W. J. B. Owen and Jane W. Smyser, 3 vols (Oxford, 1974). PSTC The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. E. H. Coleridge, 2 vols (Oxford, 1912). PW The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, ed. Ernest de Selincourt and Helen Darbishire, 5 vols (Oxford, 1940-9; 2nd edn rev. issues, 1952-9). Recollections 'Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland' , in J oumals of Dorothy Wordsworth, ed. Ernest de Selincourt (London, 1941). Reed I Mark L. Reed, Wordsworth: The Chronology of the Early Years, 1770-1799 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967). Reed II Mark L. Reed, Wordsworth: The Chronology of the Middle Years, 1800-1815 (Cambridge, Mass., 1975). WW(1815) Poems, 2 vols (London, 1815). WW(1820) The Miscellaneous Poems, 4 vols (London, 1820). WW(1827) The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, 5 vols (London, 1827). WW(1836) The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, 6 vols (London, 1836--7). WW(1838) The Sonnets of William Wordsworth (London, 1838). WW(1842) Poems, Chiefly ofEarly and Late Years (London, 1842). WW(1843) The Poetical Works, 6 vols (London, 1843). WW(1845) The Poems of William Wordsworth (London, 1845). WW(1849) The Poems of William Wordsworth (London, 1849). NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION For fuller details of short-form citations used here, see the Abbreviations section, above. 1. MY I, 41. 2. MY I, 81. 3. EY,634. 4. EY, 459. 5. MY I, 89. 6. MY I, 95. 7. MY I, 96. 8. MS.L. 9. Preface to The Excursion (1814). 10. MYI, 64. 11. LSTC, II, 103 (14 October 1803). 12. Preface to The Excursion (1814). 13. MY I, 103. 14. MY I, 104. 15. MY I, 105. 16. MY I) 121. 17. EY,303-4. 18. MY I, 108. 19. MY I, 122. 20. MY I, 140. 21. MY I, 123. 22. British Library, Ashley Collection 2258. A cutting in this copy refers to the discovery of the volume by J. R. Tutin of Hull; see the Academy, no. 946, p. 424 (21 June 1890). 23. MY I, 147. 24. See Spenser, Virgil's Gnat, lines 9-11. 25. Recent scholars largely agree that Culex was not in fact written by Virgil but by a writer simulating VirgiIian authorship. 26. LY,1907. 27. Poems of Wordsworth (Macmillan, London, 1879). 28. EY, 503. 29. MY I, 86, 87. 30. MY I, 101. 31. MS version, PSTC. 32. Bk XIII, 431. 33. BL, ch. XXII, 129. 34. NBSTC, II, 3231. 35. New Letters of Robert Southey, ed. K. Curry, 2 vols (New York, 1965): vol. I, 448--9 - R. S. to J. Rickman (mid April 1807). 36. MY I, 137. 37. MY I, 183. 38. Letter to Rickman, op. cit. 39. MY I, 103. 40. MY I, 112-20. 41. MY I, 108. 42. MY I, 135. 43. MY I, 124. 44. MY I, 184. 45. E.g., Monthly Literary Advertiser (10 Feb.); Records ofLiterature (March). 46. A similar notice appeared in Literary Panorama, II, para. 653 (June 1807). 47. Longman Joint Commission and Divide Ledger, 1803-7. 48. In the Sun, the British Press, the Courier (28 April); in the Star (29 April); in the Daily Advertiser, Oracle and True Briton (1 May); in the Monthly Literary Advertiser (9 May). 49. See John Edwin Wells, 'Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads, 1820', in Philological Quarterly, XVII (1938), 398--402. 148 NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 149 50. MY I, 156--7. 51. W. J. B. Owen, 'Costs, Sales, and Profits of Longmans Editions of Wordsworth', in The Library, NS XII (1957), 94-6. 52. Preface, Poems of Wordsworth (London, 1879), p. v. 53. The Farington Diary, by Joseph Farington, R.A., ed. James Greig, 8 vols (London, 1922-8): vol. IV (13 May 1807), 135. 54. Monthly Literary Recreations, III (July 1807), 65-6. 55. Anon., in Critical Review, 3rd series XI (Aug. 1807),399-403. 56. Edinburgh Review, XI (Oct. 1807), 214-31. 57. The Simpliciad: A Satirico-Didactic Poem (London, 1808) - the reputed author Richard Mant (1776--1848). 58. MY 1,225. 59. MY I, 174. 60. MY I, 150. 61. The Farington Diary, op. cit.: vol. v (16 April 1808), 51. 62. MY II, 210. He was clearly gratified by the Grocer's opinion of his poems. 63. MY I, 150. 64. Preface, Poems of Wordsworth (London, 1879), p. vi. 65. See E. H. W. Meyerstein, 'Wordsworth's Ode', Times Literary Supplement (12 Oct. 1946), 500. 66. Reed II, Appendix VII, 687-99. 67. I am indebted to W. H. Kelliher for allowing me to see, before publication, an early draft of his introduction to The Manuscript of William Wordsworth's 'Poems, in Two Volumes' (1807), (British Library, London, 1984). 68. See also Thomas Hutchinson, 'On the Structure ofthe Sonnets of Wordsworth', Transactions of the Wordsworth Society, 2 (n.d.), 27-31. 69. In a letter to Francis Wrangham (4 Nov. 1807), Wordsworth requests that he take a pen and correct in his copy these and other 'gross blunders of the Press': MY I, 174-5. 70. See also HD, 345, where the Indexes are dated 1913. 71. PW, vol. II, 535 et seq. 72. MY I, 174. 73. Reed I, Reed II. NOTES TO THE POEMS For fuller details of short-form citations used here, see the Abbreviations section, above. The convention of the reversed square bracket - ] - is used to indicate both major variants between MS and printed texts, and also editorial rectification, in this edition of the poems, of printing and similar errors in P2V. VOL. I To the Daisy - 'In youth from rock to rock I went' (p. 7) Perhaps written between 16 April & July 1802. This Poem, and two others to the same Flower, which the Reader will find in the second Volume [ourpp.llO& 111 above], were written in the year 1802; which is mentioned, because in some of the ideas, though not in [the] manner in which those ideas are connected, and likewise even in some of the expressions, they bear a striking resemblance to a Poem (lately published) of Mr. Montgomery, entitled, a Field Flower. This being said, Mr. Montgomery will not think any apology due to him; I cannot however help addressing him in the words of the Father of English Poets. Though it happe me to rehersin - That ye han in your freshe songis saied, Forberith me, and beth not ill apaied, Sith that ye se I doe it in the honour Of Love, and eke in service of the Flour. [The Legende of Good Women, 78-82] P2V:WWn. 6 To gentle sympathies awake, MS.L. 45 brief] chance MS.L. 50 one] some MS.L. 59-60 Then, Daisy! do my spirits play; With chearful motion: MS.L. 62 The ground in modest thankfulness MS.L.; thankfulness,] thankfulness P2V 65-8 But more than all I number yet; 0 bounteous Flower! another debt; Which I to thee, wherever met,; Am daily owing; MS.L. 66 through,] throughP2V 77,80 'See, in Chaucer and the elder Poets, the honours formerly paid to this flower.' WW(1815) n. Louisa (p. 9) Written at Town-End by 9 Feb. 1802, perhaps between 23 & 27 Jan. 1802. Louisa has been variously associated with Dorothy Wordsworth, Mary Wordsworth & Joanna Hutchinson (Mary's younger sister). 150 NOTES TO THE POEMS VOL. I 151 Directions were given by Dorothy Wordsworth to the printer to include this poem towards the end of the second volume of the 1802 edition of Lyrical Ballads, but it was omitted.
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