^^^^^^^^5* ^•O"^' ^\m*-t[f, Eagle Lake Headlight Thurs.. June 28,1979 PAGE 7 •* Square Dance Fever Hits eight grandekOdren, two surgery last week. PAGE 6 Eagle Lake H«Mll^t Thin^ JumSB. 1979 >>a>>aa>>»-» great grandchildren and one Mt. and Mrs. BooU lin.Jaek(llariDrn)I)t Raronts of Mrs. great, grant grandchild. Fifty County; 45 Complete Course Final RHes Quinney spent Saturday and nalaofEagfeLakekndll persons enjoyed the mooien- j^^K^iii^^^H Homemakers' YOU ARE INVITED Sunday in the hooie of Mr. Mary Hellrung of Coin Com«,f; Bradshaw Pass tous occaakm. Square dance fever haa hit TO ; and MrsL David Gohike and iotn th« fun Columbua July 4th celebra­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvill left bus raturnad from Qlpi RirRoy Bradley. Reflections Colorado County. FortjT five tion starting at 5 p.m. in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Monday for a week's visit in craft, Naw Maxiea June GueeU in the Charlie SOth WM. Anniv. dancers received certificates Veterans Community Center. TiseLastFri. j ^Y^km Hainee home over the par LaaVegaa. whara tbay atteodad i ALLNATIOrSDNY By Oonallo Pant«l after completing 20 weeks of They will also dance at the CATHOLIC CHURCH weekend were their grand­ Ilr.> and Mrs. Gerald Raymood Proman ScHooi County Extension Agent lessons given by Sonny Poole Frydek Church Feast on the children. Mr. and Mrs. Brsdahaw and children were Art for thraa waeks. from Bastrop. A square dance last Sunday in September. Mrs. Janee Mvphy, 1.. •. ..j^r^« club has been organized and Roy Tbe. pnoifaMrt raaeher Charles Haines, and Mr. and in Portland, Sunday and ANNML Those people completing Cheryl and David, left Tha daaaaa coiuiated will be dancing twice month'y tai thte um he wMayjmn. Mrs. Ronny Prince, all of Monday, to attend the Golden the course were Jerome and Tueeday after spending eev- portraitura, landacapii during the summer at th? peaaed vnj m tbe Eagle HOUSUMV Also Mrs. Kathy Wedding Anniversary of Mrs. WCJC Begins Eariy eral days with Mr. abd Mrs. Dorothy Wicke; Gene and Lake COOIBIUI^ Hoepital Brsdshaw's parents, Mr. and •tin life and drawiD|. Mentz Pariah Hall atarting at Ricky Heiaoid and other Young and daughter Becky, Virginia Herzik; Gene and BAZAAR 8 p.m. on the second and Uat WediMMiay. June SKh of San Antonio. Mrs. Clifton Harvill of Freer. M Registration tunnels in the following Joyce Markwood; Earl and relatives. The Murphys live fourth Thursday of each EAGIJ: LAKE. TEXAS at 8:10 io the evening of an The noon luncheon and Termites Threaten Kay Prey;' Karen and Bobbie in Uvalde. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Rebel locations: along masonry month. AtTheAirronditioiied apparent heart attadi. He afternoon party wu held in Elarly registration for the Brod; A. J. and.Bea Hill; Ray Mrs. Jerry Brocker of enjoyed fishing near Port VyuGraMlraraata foundatioo and basement entered the hoepital when he the home of a daughter, Mr- Fall Swnester at Wharton The "Mentz Mixers" as and Hazel Braden; Billy Joe COMMUNITY^^ENTER /oOff Braaoria is spending some O'Connor Thursday. Home Upkeep walls, along openings Jarod LaughUn of Bt V Vciiun they are called will have an beeame HI on Tueaday night, Reports trom the Sonntag and Mrs. Jimmy. Rettig, in County Junior College in and Doria Jane Neuendorff; time here visiting with her tCONTESTS where pipes enter walls, exhibition dance at the Junel9tk. family is that Mr*. Shelby Portland. All four of their Wharton began Monday, City ia viaitiiif hitgru Manuel and Gloria Spann; mother, Mrs. Ethel Potter, "rr/'f»t«lieF»<!'N * PRIZES Termites cause wood Funeral aenrkei were held children were preeent: June 2S and continues parenta. Dr. and Mrs. J •fol.*h and along the surface of Joe and Alma Behler; Leslie \ and also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simmons of Oklahoma ia now *EXHISir$ decay and damage that from the ehapel of the through August 10. Laughlin, Ihia watt metal pipes. and Vema Koehl; Tompo and Ladies Dress Sandals Lse Jackson and duktren. at home after a three-week threaten home upkeep. Mill-Bauer Funeral Home laat stay in the hoepital. Shelby Registration is by "Time 4) Examine all cracks Ruby Kuhn; Tony and i The Brockers will be leaving "Subterranean" or Friday. JUM 22nd at 2KX) wu injured when a horse fell a fun fountain that waa a gift Permit" which is jaiuad by in slabs and loose mortar Irrigation Water Shirley Hauerland; Larry and SDN..JDLY1 soon for Saudia. Arabia. pan. followed by interment in from Misty snd Chris. Registrar Emen Haby after "ground-nesting" ter- Peggy Walla; Richard and Mrs. Larry Pence, Mr*. on her breaking her pelvis in masonry walls. Check Barbecue Beef and Sausage the Lakeade Cemetery. The Guests (or the occasion receipt of all required student announced for studenu w inites are a' serious Suzy Moeckel; Butch and Kae Bemie Helge, Mrs. VemiU bone. all joints where wood AndADTheTriainiii«B Rev. Joe Andereon officiated were Heath Heinold, Angela data. This indudea a hav« not taken t coUa problem in Texas. Management Sodslak; Jack and Pauline^ AMtPlMMUM IkiMmladnlZSI.TS !)crv^llM.M.U2P.M attheeervieaa. Oopslauf and Mrs. Tad Wieee FeaetfclfotUBy Party esAunination which is meets with concrete or Jones;. Henry and Lonnie enjoynd hueh togsUier Fri­ Mehiar. Tamers Fuller, Mi­ completed admissioo applica­ Subterranean termites 28 through July Serving u pallbearer* Stephanie Kershner wu quired before admission masonry, at walls, slabs, Buhler; Sharon Kiel; Jeff Cufb SerWc* S^ntd RigM In Your Car.' day at The Farris 1912 in chael High, Heath Bebee. tion, high school tranacript WHARTON'S live in colonies in the were George Renfro of honored on the occasion of (or tranacript from another WCJC. piers. In Rice , Sebesta; Margie Sodalak; nMiTtGt-AMnMHiMli iMi mt Mmariim itmt n»)tm Eagle Lake. Misty Teach, Christopher COUPTHOUSE ground and require mois­ Houston, Harry Coriiaa of her (ourth birthday anniver Brocker, Shannon Teech and college). ACT or CEEB Test The dates are July 5) Inspect all wood and Dan Hill; fatsy Strauss; Mr. and Mrs. Tkad Mercer ture to survive. The IBytheSdfl Garwood. Ahria Kohletfel. sary on June 21st. At Scores. Social Security Num August 1 and Septeiiitier Steve Sebesta; Jeanette Amusements Of AD Kinds of Ganado enjoyed spending Larry Sweem; and special wood structures that are Conservation Service! James Gertson, Raymond L refreshment time, a cake, guests were grandparents. ber, completed health (orm All examinations are at 8 a.i worker termites attack Godwin and Daryl Hill. Throughout Tha Day Under Ougide Pawjon Sunday afternoon visiting near the ground. Pay In these days of fuel Kohleffel and Ralph Thomas designed in the form of a Novella and Bud Teach; and and immuniution (orm. in Room 102 of the J damp wood which is in Officers for the "Mentz Shoe Tree with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry done^ on his pUce northwest special attention to any shortages, and expensive of Cade Lake. Ragedy Ann doll, made by Peare Building Cost ii | contact with the ground. Mixers" are: president, Daryl Old-Fashioned AUCTION Uoyd. an aun^ and uncle, Judy and Additional in(onnation may of (^iumbus. that touch the house, Mrs. Clara May Nash Michele Tesch, wu served Checks should be made out utility costs, proper water Hill; vice-president, Henry Bring four family and Monds to a Good-Old 2»EMaii-Ei«leUlt» Jr. Botard. son of ^. and Oscar Tesch. The party wu be obtained by calling (713) r)oufflAs liilie is planning They may build ear­ played favorite hymiu on the with sandwiches, ehipe, pun ACT or if cash is paid, e: such ,as fences, wood management in rice produc­ Buhler; secretary-treasurer, Faaliionmi BBQ %nd a Qnat Tima! Mrs. L. A. Botard, is* in the hoeted by '^Stephanie's par 532 4500, extension 24 2S. lo construct a pond in the then tunnels from the organ prior to the aerviee. ch and ice cream. The amounts should be availak trellises, carports. Ex­ tion is important. Pumping Joyce Markwood. J Weimar hoepital foUowing ents. Tern and Randy A series of ACT Residual Menlz area. .^ ground up to the wood. Mr. Tise was bom October children enjoyed playing with pnor to the start of the test amine crawl spaces that costs over the last few years Anyone interested in Kershner on June 21st. Testing dales hu been George Miller is planning 11, IfVt in Robineooville. *^hey will sometimes provide moist conditions. have sky-rocketed to the square dancing may call ^'<i*i I .J lo shape and vegetate a pond completely eat away the point that each gallon of rice •S'.OO Acres Peter Piper near Waeo, the sen el Jease 6) Check windowsills, Daryl Hill at 732-5118 or Grace TowelL Mrs. Ed J. and Nettie Smith TIae: and spillway which is eroding. He inside of a piece of wood irrigation water has to be League 5-3-79 door threshold's, porches Joyce Markwood at 732-2792 Braden. Mrs. Mildred Mc before coming to Eagle Lake also plans lo construct a while leaving the outside utilized lo the fullest extent. or 234-3578 for more informa­ Gehee. Mrs. Ruby Braden Partition Deed, Mrs. F. pond. and the underside of in 19SS, the Tise hinOy lived surface intact. Even though many of the rice tion. Beginner lessons will and her granddaughter Mrs. R. Sherry McFarland Jr. m the Oakland eoosmunity. District cooperator Jerry stairs. Be on the lookout farmers in Colorado County begin in September. ~ to- Joseph W. Coddoa ^sistanee was given to Check For Termitei Susan Hadley, all of Eagle Zalopek of the Frelsburg for peeling and blistering use canal irrigation water for Lake; and Mrs.
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