■ r- v;' •/... " flBCTEEIf .'V FRroAT, APRIL 16, ig j X' •X ^eat the Axis to the Punch, Buy^War Bonds in,^B ujmh! X Manchester Evening Herald “ 7 Rev. Barr, as^Mlclate min­ Major and Mrs. Alfrwl WalUfs, Luthar Leaguers of Emanuel Lutheran church will bowl at eight Ill I uter at the^nter Congregational who^re In charge of the Salvation X Average Bally Circalation : i , The Weather church, will X the guest, speaker ArnjyCorps in Springfield, itass., o’clock this evknlng at the West Forecaat et O. A WcatiMr Bureao^' a t the .4 o’clocSk l<entci» service will speak at'the 7:f0 Sunday eve­ Siden Recreation "Center. lA For tiw Montt of Marok, 1S4S C arl ning meetltig at the local citadel. m««t* Sunday afternooH^ at St. Mary’s Bpiatopal church. The sp«lsl y’riday seridces ' No important temp^iwture Con- at 10:30 k? m.,^:30-and-7;30'p. m., 8,105 30 a t changes 'toiMght. x Company N'b, 2 « Smith will be -conducted by Major and British- Member,^ of the Audit V / !' y Manchester ^ departa , . b*' Mrs. Marshall of the Hartford Bureau ^ Cl^inilatloaa ' ■ M « . I J j t ' ..... tlngutahed a grass Are In ^e rear heaclquarteri, • s, , \ American Club \ ■ - \ - ■A City ^A^Ulage € k o r W \ , X ^ Center street at^4;15 \- -------------X * r- TALL CEDARS r''a)fternoon. Mrs. Ralph Rockville is -chsi> X \' (POURTE^PAGES) PRICE THREBCENTS \ ' -— , 9 man pf a committee from the Sec­ (Clapii^ed AdverUaiBg oa i*ag« 19) MANCHE»TE^^^N., SATtlRD^Ti^PRIL 17, 1913 .1 1 ' ond '\C*rtngregBtlonat iVomen's )L.LXIL,N0.469 ^jor and 1 ^. N, J. Curtis? BINGO TONIGHT ague^rranging for's rummage \ hose 19-year-old‘son Carson, left '\- Hlg^ school In Janpary to Joiii the .skte Tuesday, April 20',v In the U. S.',Navy,'hnd the opportunity of store In the BissCU. huild- X- Wartime Ealter Orchid Orange Hall atten^g the christening of his North.M ain street?'- Mrs.' lorrdw ship, thCyU. S. 8. Hunter, yester­ Rockwell , and? 'nj^mbcrs of' the X' 20 R«|l Gamas AL day at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. com m ute^ will be at the stpre Major and Mrs. Curtis were.es­ from 1:30 ^ m . M oi^ay to receive avy to $8 • Game fo r 2 ^ corted all oveMhe destroyer which goods for thX,sale. Itsit is desired X ig h t, X' N that donafions^e called for, the is now ready f ^ naval service. 2 Free GamesI chairman may bVj’eached.^by tele­ ^ ■ ta ''- ■" Jarvis Brown, '^Vrinity College phoning 7573. T S f l^ b l ' G senior who was to ^ v c assi.sted / , with comet numbers at the Tal- Mr. and Mrs. HarpllkF. Bid ORANGE Sweepstake! cottvlUa CongregatlonaX church of South Coventry, Sunday morning is unabts, to do this town, who have been Spending X' X m Door Prize! O so. having fractured his lefbswrist the winter In .Sarasota, FHprlda HALL while playing baseball. \ ? are'expected home,Tor Kaste A- Out of A iriif X • ' ■ * British Infoti^try Seizes M^i^e Tlian 600 Attack It’s not merely the reflected glory of Easter JteorganizMion intb Sev­ j cheer. ..yoh’ll' radiftte Ih your own aura of iiiaints o f Convoy Oted Citizen Dies lannh^m , Ludwig* USEWIFE War Plants ’ en Fleets Strength­ Dominating.,, \ Height; (j ' brilliance in these smart ne-w^Easter fashions. ■Northeast from Vigorous French- Pa-' * haven ami Pilsen; 55 Their ^ attention-compelling powers are ^ewak; Possible Nip- Jobs Shown ens Possibility Rein­ Planes Missing forcements Destined trol Action iContL guaranteed-^they’ll attract Sdmi^g glances [mese May Have iBeen Raids; Losses Not from now until way “after seasoni’XSee our For MacArthur; Sena­ ues to Bear on West­ / serviceable selection of long \^arin^coats, Lble to Land Some To Sofdiers ern Flank of Enficla- Out of Proportion to tor George Urges Send­ suits, and pretty dresses. $uppUes and' Men Hur­ “ 7 ^ , Line; Eighth Damage Doue to 80 NonA^ommissioned ing All Planes Needed y o /n . ling Night' Vessels in ,rmy Engages Patrols. Important T argets./ To Banle Japanese. Jew Guinea Harbor. Brought to f \ Detroit as Guests of Allied Headquarters in London, April 17.—(iP)— Jashing^on, April 17.—(iP) North Africa* April 17.—(^> I^ore than'* 600 bombers DRESSES i 1 i e d Headquarters in United Auto Workers. eorganization of the Unit- astr^ia, , AjMil 17.—<^P)— J —British infantry of the tvrared ()ut in moonlight last Bu^\The Ffi^ods For emnwits ofa Japanese con- States Navy into seven First Army has rene Bight to strike heftyilyi at >y fled no^eastward from Detroit, April 17— It W fleets, with one assigned to pressure to the rugge ' ‘?abheiui> Ludwigshayen aad ewak, NevKGuinea, ^ today Tbess are the War Plants/Mr the Australian area^ guardingrhe gateway to FUsefiy-the latter in Ger- Soldier” today for 80 non-pdmmls- strengthened th e , possibility plain yM Tunis after sei mah-pccOpied Czechslovakia, it of'range foupengined sloned officers brought hers from today that strong reinforce­ "S A the/"aominating height ot the home of the Skoda Muni*- Hied bombers .^’^c h sank Camp Atterbury, ^dlana, as ments might be destined for tions works—ih what the Air TO 8,000-ton enremy ships, guesU gf the UnRed Automobile I^ b e l Ang north of Medje;'.- t o Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Kl'Bab, a communique from Ger. Ministry tdday calied-.’.’the biggest treed a 6,000-ton vesrol, to Workers (dO). X Meanwhile, a congressional con­ Begoggled Martha Huber of aevej^d wears an orchid for Eaa- night; operatlw this yeay.” Fifty*. The visitors^ e r t non-conw who tter, but sticks to her war job as wan to keep that parade of mun^, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s head-. Red Rati^<^oupon Items \ beached and rendered atlU an- troversy concerning Pacific and. quarters announced today. At tiie five planes are missing ly the Use ion her 8 ,000;t^n fhip uneeawoHhy^" served as guides for unloi\ officers tions rolling out toward the firln^X>e- ^ and shop committeemen who lived over-all Allied strategy was high- j same time the French to the raids, it was announced. The-Alr , •piterthe destructive poundUig lighted by a call from Senator south in the strategic Bou Arada Ministry’s description of the rgi<t ^ t the nine-8hlp\convoy start- as soldkm for three da:ys a t the ■7" No, Jpoffee Coupon * 'indlaniatrainlng center last month. George (D., Ga.), for ahlpment to | an<l Pont-Du-Fahs area, with vig­ Indicated that to surpassed the 1,- ^ ..an 1 0 .9 8 g at duak Thursday and ^te n d - Australia and China of "all the | orous patrol action, continued to 000-ton bomb assault#, on Lorient, X [TREET \X. /ci.37e Into yesterday's -. daylight, At4he Army camp the unionisU Delldoiia Meat for Sandwic I can. S Polnta. r / ' MW how the soldiers make use of additional planes needed for those bear on the western flank of Mar­ S t Nazaire and Eksseii in Febru­ N o .26N ( mra, I t . waa conaidered p<^ble •me equipment produced In the war ironts.”' shal Erwin RonuneTa Eitfldavtlle Death Takes ary a n d . March.- « JapaneM succeeded' in landing plants; «>hay they showed the sol­ No Further Official Oomnieat line while the BriUsh ElghJh . Lom Near 10 Fer O nt me BuppUes and men during t)*e / diers how thht equipment Is man­ There was no further official Army engaged outposts and pa­ Although the loe# of 55 bomb­ All Kinds of In All Sixes Hortael Tongi p a n 55 c • c ght they were in the hartor' at ufactured. \ __ trols in fronUl activity. ' ^ ers approached 10 per cent of 'the >wak. comment from the Navy on Sec­ A.L. Bro^vn Walter P. Rh^ther, UAW-CIO retary Knox’s disclosure yestel^ lio n s to No Advance Indicated raiding force, tbe authoritative Shoe it for Sandwichiea. l>i?oaBoe c a n .X PoIntB. Warship Get Away ^ , of Pack^es. day of the reorganization, but it The pressure by the' First view Was that the losses were noc\ (Conttnoed oa Two) I Among thp^ ships yVbicti got was promptly pointed Out else­ Army of Lieut. Gen. K. A. N. An­ At Midnight out of proportion to the damage r •were,'a light efulser, a de­ where . that there have been no derson against the relatively done to Important targets. A 15 S' oyer,] a giinboajy and two mer- x/ Mfixwell House, Chase & Sanborn, Sliced Liinch Tongu previous repofta of major use of in screen of high ground standiiig per cent loss has been commonly mttn^, last_s^ In the vicinl- Naval forces by MacArthur. ^ between It and the open country Prominent Business and legarded as too ‘'extravagant. If o t Manus.-ialknd. Russians Some ’ highly-placed observ^ to Tunis',' 30 miles extant, was sustained over a long period, for I Today's ndon''communique dis- the continuation of an offensive. Beech-Nut, Premier and Garden X stressed that the reorganlration French Comniih^ioner JjQ pii^gr H oU SC contimSied .with fierce determina­ Civic Leaiter Passes S-ouncc\an. t Poliita. ■ lai the tactics of bombers might be one "of convenience tion, but the communique did not Thirty-seven of the planes were '1. ngydowh to skip their bombs New Offensive Only,” Involving no - ^ p o r t a n t indicate any advance of the \Away at Hospital; His missing (rom the lolsen mission I xoiTAllah Coffee.
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